281 research outputs found

    Mind the Gap: The Use of Artistic Methods in Anthropological Research. A Critical Reading of Marcus

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    U radu se razmatra kritika nedostatne uporabe umjetničkih metoda u antropološkim istraživanjima Georga Marcusa (Calzadilla i Marcus 2006). Marcus tvrdi da vizualni eksperimenti, zbog svoje estetske dimenzije, nisu korišteni u antropologiji. Međutim, nedostatak uporabe audio-vizualnih medija ne implicira da ih antropolozi uopće nisu koristili. Isto kao i Marcus, neki drugi antropolozi naglašavaju važnost suradnje s umjetnicima. Također, ti društveni znanstvenici misle da takva vrsta kooperacije treba postati dio mainstreama socio-kulturne antropologije. U radu se skreće pozornost na nekoliko suvremenih antropoloških radova koji primjenjuju umjetničke metode, kao što su radovi Sare Pink, Anne Grimshaw i Amande Ravetz, Roane Heller, Ane Alfons i João Ramos Manuela i Howarda Morphyija. Također, u radu se daje kratak povijesni pregled uporabe vizualnih metoda, prije svega fotografije i kamere u antropološkim istraživanjima u Americi i zapadnoj Europi. Svi spomenuti primjeri imaju za cilj pokazati da, iako uporaba vizualnog materijala i vizualnih eksperimenata ne predstavlja dio vladajućeg tijeka socio-kulturne antropologije, nasuprot Marcusovom mišljenju, oni postaju sve više prihvaćeni unutar discipline. U skladu s tim, antropolozi su svjesni prednosti interdisciplinarnih pristupa i projekata suradnje s umjetnicima.This paper presents an overview of several artistic approaches used within anthropological research in order to question a claim made by George Marcus. Marcus stated that visual experiments, due to their aesthetic elements, were not used in anthropology. In a collaborative work with the artist, scenographer and artist of the theatre, Fernando Calzadilla, Marcus remarked that, although anthropology after the 1980s lost its firm scientific ground, anthropologists did not use possible artistic tools (such as visual experiments) for its plausible and legitimate completion. This paper aims to critically discuss his claims through an analysis of several anthropological interdisciplinary works, looking at how anthropologists combine their methods of research with artistic techniques

    Europeanisation of Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century : аnthropological analysis of socio-cultural changes during Eurointegrations

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    У раду се, из антрополошке перспективе, анализира европеизација Србије у светлу евроинтеграцијских промена с почетка XXI века. Иако се под европеизацијом, у јавном и академском дискурсу, углавном подразумева институционално, политичко, економско и правно усаглашавање са тековинама Европске уније, предмет истраживања је европеизација, као скуп социо-културних промена које се сматрају „европским“, односно које се сагледавају као последица евроинтеграција Републике Србије. Циљ истраживања је разумевање самопоимања европеизације и насталих промена на нивоу свакодневног живота у Србији. Рад је теоријско-квалитативна студија, а с обзиром на мали број антрополошких истраживања на ову тему, може представљати основу за будућа истраживања. У складу с тим је коришћена бројна литература из области етнологије и антропологијe, социологије, историје и европских и политиколошких студија и методе квалитативног истраживања као што је (неструктурисани и полуструктурисани) интервју. На питање, на који начин се промене које се повезују са европеизацијом прихватају и тумаче, одговарам на примерима пет студија случаја: 1) Истражујући како јавне политике утичу на формирање социо-културне реалности у области здравства, у раду се закључује да се у овом домену, на теоријском нивоу, европеизација скоро поистовећује са евроинтеграцијама, тачније са имплементацијом правно-нормативних стандарда. На примеру медијског дискурса о чувању матичних ћелија се показује да ЕУ нема велики значај осим као „такмичар“ са којим идемо у корак или смо, чак, испред њега; 2) Користећи методе интервјуа међу православним Србима, показано је да се евроинтеграције и европеизација Србије не сагледавају нужно као процеси који ће угрозити православни живот појединаца и ослабити утицај Српске православне цркве већ се виде углавном као процеси који неће имати утицај на домен вере или као процеси који могу позитивно да утичу организацију и функционисање Цркве у Србији; 3) Испитујући исламски режим исхране на примеру увођења и примене халал стандарда у Србији и бавећи се српским али и европским „Другим“ у тези је показано како су српски халал стандарди европски бренд који се извози у „типично“ исламске земље. Тиме се потврђује постојање исламске Европе и европског ислама; 4) Ставови из српске дијаспоре о евроинтеграцијама Србије говоре да Србији недостаје институционална, бирократска и законска организованост што, за једне, долази као последица уласка у ЕУ а за друге је предуслов уласка ЕУ; 5) У јавном еврофобичном дискурсу Европска унија се може сагледавати као „насилник“ који намеће своју вољу Србији, односно „жртви“. Са друге стране, с обзиром на добровољни пристанак грађана и владе Србије на евроинтеграције и коришћење претприступних фоднова ЕУ који служе побољшању политичког, економског и законодавног стања у Србији, евроинтеграције треба схватити као процес ка демократскијем и стабилнијем друштву. Бавећи се нивоом самопоимања европеизације међу Србима, а с обзиром на важност усклађивања домена, као што су миграције и здравство у процесу текућих евроинтеграција, теза може да користи политичким стратезима и креаторима савремене српске политике у датим областима, али и СПЦ званичницима и истраживачима европеизације и евроинтеграција. Такође, с обзиром на континуирано опадање евроентузијазма међу грађанима Србије у последње време, теза нуди неке одговоре на евроскептична питања.In this paper is analyzed Europeanization of Serbia in the light of Euro-integration changes at the beginning of the 21st century. In public and academic discourse, Europeanization is mainly understood as institutional, political, economic and legal adjustment to the EU policies. However, the subject of this research is Europeanization seen as a set of socio-cultural changes which are considered to be “European”, in other words, which are seen as a consequence of Euro-integration of the Republic of Serbia. This research aims to understand self-perception of Europeanization and changes in everyday life in Serbia. The thesis is theoretical-qualitative study and due to small number of anthropological researches on this topic, it can be useful for future researches. The thesis draws on a wide range of sources from ethnology and sociocultural anthropology, sociology, history and European and political studies and methods of quantitative researches: semi-structured and unstructured interview. How are the changes, related to Europeanization, implemented and adopted? How are they interpreted? These questions are answered in five case studies: 1) In the domain of socio-cultural construction of health system, at the theoretical level, Europeanization is usually equalized with Euro-integration, or with implementation of legal-normative standards. The example of stem cells banking promotion in media discourse shows that the EU does not have great impact. It is seen only through comparison with Serbian medical and genetic achievements; 2) According to interviews among Orthodox Serbs, Euro-integrations and Europeanization of Serbia are not seen only as processs which will jeopardize religious life of an individual and weaken the influence of Serbian Orthodox Church. They are mainly seen as processes which will not have any impact on faith or as processes which can contribute positively to organizating and functioning of the Church in Serbia; 3) Using the example of adoption of halal standards in Serbia and dealing with Islam as Serbian and European “Other”, in thesis is shown that Serbian halal standards are seen as European brand exported to the Muslim countries. This idea acknowledges the existence of Islamic Europe and European Islam which is usually neglected in official EU documents; 4) The attitude among Serbian Diaspora members 9 on Euro-integration of Serbia stresses that Serbia lacks institutional, bureaucratic and legal organization. For some interlocutors (from Ljubljana and Vienna) these changes will be changed during Euro-integration and, for the other group, these changes are prerogative for the entrance; 5) In public Euro-phobic discourse, the EU can be seen as a “perpetrator” which imposes his will to Serbia, or the “victim”. However, Eurointegrations are voluntary choice of Serbian government and its people. This process and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance and other EU funds serve for improving political, economic and legal condition in Serbia. Thus, Euro-integrations have to be seen as a process toward more democratic and more stabile society. In respect to the important issue of migration and health system harmonization, this thesis can be useful to political actors and creators of contemporary Serbian politics in these and other areas and furthermore, to the Serbian Orthodox Church officials and explorers of Euro-integrations and Europeanization. Due to lately continual decline of Euro-enthusiasm among Serbian citizens, the thesis offers some answers to Euro-skeptic questions

    Mind the Gap: The Use of Artistic Methods in Anthropological Research. A Critical Reading of Marcus

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    U radu se razmatra kritika nedostatne uporabe umjetničkih metoda u antropološkim istraživanjima Georga Marcusa (Calzadilla i Marcus 2006). Marcus tvrdi da vizualni eksperimenti, zbog svoje estetske dimenzije, nisu korišteni u antropologiji. Međutim, nedostatak uporabe audio-vizualnih medija ne implicira da ih antropolozi uopće nisu koristili. Isto kao i Marcus, neki drugi antropolozi naglašavaju važnost suradnje s umjetnicima. Također, ti društveni znanstvenici misle da takva vrsta kooperacije treba postati dio mainstreama socio-kulturne antropologije. U radu se skreće pozornost na nekoliko suvremenih antropoloških radova koji primjenjuju umjetničke metode, kao što su radovi Sare Pink, Anne Grimshaw i Amande Ravetz, Roane Heller, Ane Alfons i João Ramos Manuela i Howarda Morphyija. Također, u radu se daje kratak povijesni pregled uporabe vizualnih metoda, prije svega fotografije i kamere u antropološkim istraživanjima u Americi i zapadnoj Europi. Svi spomenuti primjeri imaju za cilj pokazati da, iako uporaba vizualnog materijala i vizualnih eksperimenata ne predstavlja dio vladajućeg tijeka socio-kulturne antropologije, nasuprot Marcusovom mišljenju, oni postaju sve više prihvaćeni unutar discipline. U skladu s tim, antropolozi su svjesni prednosti interdisciplinarnih pristupa i projekata suradnje s umjetnicima.This paper presents an overview of several artistic approaches used within anthropological research in order to question a claim made by George Marcus. Marcus stated that visual experiments, due to their aesthetic elements, were not used in anthropology. In a collaborative work with the artist, scenographer and artist of the theatre, Fernando Calzadilla, Marcus remarked that, although anthropology after the 1980s lost its firm scientific ground, anthropologists did not use possible artistic tools (such as visual experiments) for its plausible and legitimate completion. This paper aims to critically discuss his claims through an analysis of several anthropological interdisciplinary works, looking at how anthropologists combine their methods of research with artistic techniques

    Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review

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    Today, there is almost no activity that is in no way related to the use of computer technology. The application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) opens up new possibilities, potentials, and challenges in educational practice. With the help of artificial intelligence, which simulates human intelligence in making conclusions or predictions, computer systems can provide personalized guidance, support, or feedback to students and teachers in the educational process. The paper aims to identify the impact of artificial intelligence on the educational process, present some of the applications of AI in education, and highlight the perceived benefits of the application.Publishe

    Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education

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    Technological advances have enabled the sustainability and desirability of augmented and virtual reality in many domains. When it comes to their application in education, it should be noted that they provide new models of learning that better meet the needs of modern society. The paper presents an overview of previous research on augmented and virtual reality in education. By reviewing and analyzing related works, relevant results were obtained on the application, benefits, and impact of augmented and virtual reality on the educational process. The paper aims to examine the importance of introducing augmented and virtual reality in education based on the analysis of the results of previous research and to present the reasons for the justification of their application, which will become a reality shortly.Publishe

    Economic aspect of solar thermal collectors integration into facade of multifamily housing

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    The subject of this research is the Life cycle costs analysis of the building in order to evaluate the economic efficiency and cost-effectiveness of investments in various variants of application of active solar systems in aim to achieve the reduction of energy consumption and environmental pollution. Different variants of solar thermal collector’s application to the existing prefabricated residential building in the settlement Konjarnik in Belgrade, Serbia, are considered from the economic point of view. Cost-effectiveness and feasibility of various scenarios of energy optimization achieved by application of solar thermal collectors into the building envelope are evaluated on the basis of final energy consumption (within the EU-ISO standards). The methodological approach involves the analysis of the costs of energy consumption for water heating, financial analysis of costs and savings over the life cycle of the existing building in case of solar thermal collectors’ application to the building envelope as well as a comparative analysis of achieved results. Criteria for the economic analysis include the amount of investment, energy costs and life cycle costs of the building. According to the adopted criteria, the most suitable models are selected. This methodological approach is generally applicable in the analysis of investments in improvement of building energy performances, while possible technical solutions and the resulting economic benefits must be carefully considered

    Conditions of labour migrants in the Republic of Serbia: Preliminary perspective

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    Problemi stranih radnih migranata ne zauzimaju značajno mesto u politici Vlade Republike Srbije. Politika Vlade je pre svega usmerena ka problemima dijaspore i srpskih radnih migranata u inostranstvu. Što se tiče nacionalne politike prema strancima, ona se s jedne strane bavi suzbijanjem ilegalnih imigranata, a s druge strane inkluzijom i readmisijom srpskih izbeglica. Međutim, u Srbiji je neophodan razvoj migratornih politika budući da one čine deo nacionalne strategije evrointegracija. Stoga smatramo da je izuzetno važno da se privuče pažnja i na ovaj aspekt problema migracija, odnosno na problem stranih radnih migranata u Srbiji. U ovom tekstu nastojale smo da damo osnovni pregled procedura, zakona i migratornih strategija koje postoje unutar nacionalne politike, ističući nedovoljnost i manjkavost u tretiranju pitanja stranih radnih migranata.Issue of foreign labour migrants in Serbia does not occupy very prominent place in Serbian governmental policies. These policies are mainly focused towards Serbian Diaspora and Serbian labour migrants working abroad. Conversely, national policies on foreigners in Serbia are mostly concentrated on suppression of illegal immigrants and inclusion and readmission of Serbian refugees. The development of Serbian migratory policies represents part of national Euro-integration strategy. Therefore we find relevant to draw attentions to this topic. In this paper we outline basic national legislation procedures, laws and migratory strategies and give review of basic national and other bodies. Furthermore, we focus on gaps in processing problems of labour migrants in Serbia

    Errata Corrige: Stress-Induced Phosphorylation of C-Jun-N-Terminal Kinases and Nuclear Translocation of Hsp70 in the Wistar Rat Hippocampus (Vol 61, Pg 1, 2009)

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    In the paper entitled: Adžić, M., Đorđević, A., Krstić-Demonacos, M., & Radojčić, M. B. (2009). Stress-induced phosphorylation of c-Jun-N-terminal kinases and nuclear translocation of Hsp70 in the Wistar rat hippocampus. Archives of Biological Sciences, 61(1), 1-8. Fig. 1, on page 4, section b, should read "Nucleus" instead of "Cytoplasm

    Economic aspect of solar thermal collectors integration into facade of multifamily residential building

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    The subject of this research is the Life cycle costs analysis of the building in order to assess the economic efficiency and cost‐effectiveness of investments in various variants of application of active solar systems in aim to achieve a reduction of energy consumption and environmental pollution. Different variants of solar thermal collector’s application to the existing prefabricated residential building in the settlement Konjarnik in Belgrade, Serbia, are considered from the economic point of view. Cost‐effectiveness and feasibility of various scenarios of energy optimization achieved by application of solar thermal collectors into the building envelope are evaluated on the basis of final energy consumption (within the EU‐ISO standards). The methodological approach involves the analysis of the costs of energy consumption for sanitary hot water preparation, financial analysis of costs and cost savings throughout the lifecycle of the existing building in case of application of solar thermal collectors’ on the building envelope, as well as a comparative analysis of obtained results. Criteria for the economic analysis include the amount of investment, energy costs and life‐cycle costs of the building. According to the adopted criteria, the most suitable models are selected. This methodological approach is generally applicable in the analysis of investments in improvement of building energy performances, while possible technical solutions and the resulting economic benefits must be carefully considered

    Stress effects on the phosphorylation of c-jun-nterminal kinases and on nuclear translocation of hsp70 in rat hippocampus

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    Glucocorticoids have diverse effects in cellular processes in hippocampus (HIPPO) under stress. Beside genomic pathways, their effects are also mediated by direct activation of subfamily of mitogen-activated protein kinases termed, c-Jun-Nterminal kinases (JNKs). We analysed the phosphorylation status of cytoplasmic and nuclear JNK isoforms, and expression of its inhibitor Hsp70 protein in HIPPO of rats exposed to diverse types of stress. Activity of JNK1 in cytoplasm and nucleus was decreased in all types of stress, while the activity of cytoplasmic JNK2/3 was markedly higher in acute stress, and unaltered or lowered in chronic and combined stress. Hsp70 was significantly decreased in cytoplasm and increased in nucleus under all stress conditions indicating its cytoplasmic-nuclear translocation.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200