310 research outputs found
Monetary circulation in the mining area Territoria metallorum – case study of the Timacum Minus site
Timacum Minus continued as an administrative center of the Territoria metallorum mining area from the middle of the 2nd century until its destruction around the middle of the 5th century. Ever since its foundation at the end of the 1st century an urban settlement had developed around the military fort. The numismatic finds from Timacum Minus fall into two categories: coins from a stratigraphic context and stray finds. By comparing the two categories we propose to test the relevance of stray coin finds analysis when made on its own, the value of stray coins as a sample, and the difference in the circulation of the two categories of finds. The end goal is to determine the influence of socio-economic circumstances on the monetary circulation in this specifically organized area, given the multiple roles of the military stationed in mining areas, who both defended and administered the Territoria metallorum
Turizam je neizostavan segment razvoja gospodarstva. Naročito u današnje vrijeme krize. Konkretno, u Republici Hrvatskoj sve češće u informativnim emisijama mogu se čuti informacije da se od vogodišnje turističke sezone mnogo očekuje ne bi li se prihodima od turizma spasio državni proračun. Ne treba biti prevelik stručnjak, a da se prolazeći jadranskom obalom ne primijeti koliko je turizam kao gospodarsko-kulturna grana napredovao. U prethodnim razdobljima, ono što bi turist dobio je prekrasno more, smještaj, dobra, ali
tradicionalna hrana. I to bi otprilike bilo uglavnom sve. Danas, pored nadaleko očuvanoga mora i prirode, prilagođavajući se potrebi i važnosti brzoga tempa razvoja gospodarstva gostima se nude raznolike usluge
Coins of an early Christian sacral complex on the Via Militaris (route Remesiana – Turres)
Throughout the year of 2017, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Nis has
conducted rescue researches on the route of the Nis-Pirot highway, in the region of the
village Stanicenje (Municipality of Pirot), at the locality Gradiste – Podgradje. The locality is
situated in the narrow river plateau of the Nisava River and creates an entirety with a bigger
settlement and its belonging fortification of unknown antique name (Latina?), on the route of
the Roman road between Remesiana and Turres.
The researches have discovered different construction remains (Roman bath, early-Christian
sacral complex), which belong to the period between the second half of the III until the
second hald of the VI century. The most significant discovered object is the larger early
Christian basilica. The construction of the existing highway has destrayed the whole northern
half of this basilica.
In the south-western part of basilica, there was a crypt, in which the sceleton remains of 11
individuals of male gender were secundarily buried. In the western side of the complex, there
was an additionally-constructed rectangular annex which had the function of the main
entrance, with monumental stairs.
Within the variety of archelogical findings, particularly interesting are numerous numismatic
findings. The 168 coins found here, mostly belong to the period when the early Christian
complex was in use. A detailed analysis of money circulation will have the purpose of
defining a more precise chronology of this archeological site, in particular the periods when
this sacral complex was in use and the circumstances in which it was abandone
Exploring the impact of marketing strategies on building trust in the online shopping
Ovaj rad bavi se marketinškim strategijama koje za cilj imaju
izgradnju poverenja kupaca u onlajn okruženju. Kako bi se postiglo
razumevanje okolnosti koje uticu na ove strategije, analizirani su postojeci
koncepti i literatura u oblasti onlajn trgovine, poverenja kupaca, sa
posebnim osvrtom na faktore koji uticu na poverenje u onlajn okruženju.
Istraživanjem faktora poverenja, izdvojeni su faktori za koje je statisticka
analiza potvrdila da imaju uticaj na izgradnju poverenja onlajn kupaca. Na
osnovu ovih faktora i postojecih teorijskih koncepata, kreiran je okvir
izgradnje poverenja kupaca u onlajn okruženju. Ovaj okvir pored opštih
smernica formulisanih u vidu marketinških strategija, sadrži i preporuke za
implementaciju ovih strategija u praksi. Doprinos disertacije ogleda se u
nekoliko kljucnih oblasti: (1) izvršena je sistematizacija literature u oblasti
poverenja uopšteno, modela na koje se izgradnja poverenja oslanja i
poverenja u onlajn okruženju; (2) dat je sveobuhvatni prikaz stanja prakse
u svetu i u zemlji, koji omogucava precizan uvid u oblast onlajn trgovine;
(3) kreiran je konceptualni okvir poverenja, kojim je poverenje rašclanjeno
u konceptualne celine uz njihov detaljan opis. Ovaj konceptualni okvir
obezbeduje temeljan uvid u pojam onlajn poverenja i predstavlja osnovu za
dalje formulisanje strategija, aktivnosti i instrumenata za izgradnju onlajn
poverenja, ali može poslužiti i kao model za analizu slicnih koncepata, kao
što su lojalnost ili zadovoljstvo; (4) identifikovani su faktori koji uticu na
poverenje kupaca u onlajn okruženju i predstavljeni na sistematizovan i
logican nacin, što cini osnovne smernice za aktivnosti kompanija koje žele
da unaprede poverenje onlajn kupaca (5) predstavljen je teorijski okvir
kreiranja strategija u onlajn okruženju, koji predstavlja obuhvatan vodic i
cija mogucnost primene je znatno šira u odnosu na predmet disertacije.
Ovaj okvir moguce je primeniti u procesu kreiranja strategija koje se
odnose na ostale aspekte onlajn trgovine, zatim kod strategija vezanih za
onlajn obrazovanje, onlajn bankarstvo i brojne druge koncepte; (6) kreiran
je okvir izgradnje poverenja, koji ukljucuje strategije i konkretne aktivnosti
implementacije, cija primena u praksi obezbeduje izgradnju poverenja
onlajn kupaca, kao i smanjenje percipiranog rizika, povecanje percipirane
korisnosti i lakoce korišcenja veb sajta prodavnice.This paper deals with marketing strategies aimed at building
customers’ trust in an online environment. In order to understand the
circumstances that influence these strategies, the existing concepts and
literature in the field of online commerce and customers’ trust, have been
analyzed, with a special emphasis on the factors that influence trust in an
online environment. By researching trust factors, factors confirmed to have
influence on online customers’ trust have been singled out. Based on these
factors and on the existing theoretical concepts, the framework for building
customers’ trust in an online environment has been created. This
framework, besides the theoretical guidelines formulated in the form of
marketing strategies, provides detailed recommendations for the
implementation of these strategies in practice. The contribution of the
dissertation is reflected in several key areas: (1) systematization of literature
has been done in the area of trust in general, the models in building trust
and trust in an online environment; (2) a comprehensive overview of the
state of practice in the world and the country, which allows precise insight
into the field of online commerce; (3) a conceptual framework of trust has
been created, dividing trust into conceptual units with their detailed
description. This conceptual framework provides fundamental insight into
the concept of online trust and the basis for further formulation of
strategies, activities and tools for building online trust, but can also serve as
a model for an analysis of similar concepts, such as loyalty and satisfaction;
(4) the factors affecting the trust of the customers in an online environment
have been identified and presented in a systematic and logical manner,
which creates the basic guidelines for the activities of companies that want
to improve the confidence of online shoppers (5) a theoretical framework
for creating strategies in an online environment has been presented, as a
comprehensive guide with a wider possibility for application than the
subject of the dissertation. This framework is applicable to the formulation
of strategies related to other aspects of online commerce, as well as with the
strategies related to online education, online banking and many other
concepts, (6) a framework for building trust which involves strategies and
concrete activities of implementation, the application of which in practice
enables building online consumers’ trust, reducing the perceived risk, the
increase in the perceived usefulness and ease of use of the website store is
Croatian Diplomacy Assisted Position of the Tourism Product
Turizam je neizostavan segment razvoja gospodarstva. Naročito u današnje vrijeme krize. Konkretno, u Republici Hrvatskoj sve češće u informativnim emisijama mogu se čuti informacije da se od ovogodišnje turističke sezone mnogo očekuje ne bi li se prihodima od turizma spasio državni proračun. Predmet istraživanja, u ovome radu, stoga, bit će turizam i iz njega pozicija turističkog proizvoda
Republike Hrvatske. S tim u vezi cilj istraživanja bit će; utvrditi, eventualne negativne razloge pozicije turističkog proizvoda.
Slijedom postavljenog cilja zadaća u radu bit će istražiti i analizirati jesu li diplomati upoznati s “Glavnim planom i strategijom razvoja turizma Republike Hrvatske do 2020.god.” Diplomacija bi temeljem našega provedenog istraživanja, između ostalih čimbenika, trebala biti važni čimbenik koji bi olakšavao odabir stranim gostima za ljetovanje na hrvatskim destinacijama. Osnovna hipoteza u radu je značajna potreba postojanja to većeg angažmana diplomacije na promidžbi prednosti vlastite zemlje u odnosu na ostale.Tourism is an indispensable segment of economic development, especially in nowadays time of crisis. More precisely, Croatian media have been broadcasting with increasing frequency great expectations
from the coming travel and tourism high season, which is expected to provide enough income to save the state budget.
This paper will therefore deal with the travel and tourism industry and the position of the Croatian tourism product. In this connection, the aim of the research will be to identify any adverse reasons
affecting the position of the tourism product. In line with this aim, our task will be to investigate and analyze whether our diplomacy has been familiar with the Strategy and Master plan of Croatian tourism till 2020. Based on our research, our diplomacy should be, among other factors, an important factor in making it easier for foreign visitors to select Croatian destinations for their summer holidays. The main hypothesis of this paper is therefore a significant need for much stronger engagement of our diplomacy in the promotion of the many advantages their own country offers in relation to others
Informiranje i komunikacija, put k uspjehu
U konkurentskom svijetu marketing i dobra informiranost potrošača što podrazumijeva i njihovu zaštitu, predstavlja bitan element za uspjeh svake organizacije. Poduzeća sve više dolaze do zaključka kako se konkurentska prednost ostvaruje uviđanjem mogućnosti vlastitih zaposlenika, njihovom edukacijom i njihovim uključivanjem u proces marketinga. Uviđa se važnost informiranosti potrošača o pravu pristupa osnovnoj robi i uslugama (dostupnost najnužnijih proizvoda i usluga: hrane odjeće i obuće, stambenog prostora, zdravstvene zaštite, obrazovanja i higijene). Pravo na obrazovanje o pitanjima potrošača, odnosno stjecanje znanja i sposobnosti potrebnih za pravilan i pouzdan izbor proizvoda i usluga, uz svijest o odgovornosti i osnovnim pravilima potrošača i načinima kako se ista mogu ostvarivati, osnovni su uvjeti zaštite potrošača
Monetary circulation of late antique Naissus
The subject of the paper is the analysis of the monetary movements of late antique Naissus. The research is limited to the period from the end of the 3rd to the middle of the 5th century. The numismatic material comes from 13 locations, from the sites: Mediana, King Milan Square and Liberation Square, Niš fortress and Gradsko Polje, Jagodin Mala necropolis, Gorča, Ambasador, Obrenovićeva Street, and Vuk Karadžić elementary school. The mentioned localities are positioned both in the urban city centre and on its outskirts. Also, the context of the found coinage is different and diverse, coming from the city necropolis, hoards, the fortress, a residential villa, etc. Such a rich sample provides a detailed and comprehensive insight into the monetary movements of late antique Naissus and a good sample for comparison with sites in neighbouring provinces (Dacia Ripensis and Moesia Prima)
Comparative assessment of erythrocyte sphingolipid levels as potential cardiovascular health markers in women from Libya and Serbia: a small-scale study
Aim: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) represent the major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide including Libya, where they account for 43% of all deaths. Sphingolipids are involved in the pathology of numerous diseases including cardiovascular diseases and are proposed as potential biomarkers of cardiovascular health that could be more effective compared to traditional clinical biomarkers. The aim of this study was to determine the sphingolipid content in the erythrocyte membrane of Libyan migrant and Serbian resident women. In addition, to examine if sphingolipid levels could be used as a novel indicator of cardiovascular risk, we evaluated possible correlations with some well-established biomarkers of cardiovascular health. Materials and Methods: A total of 13 Libyan and 15 Serbian healthy women participated in the study. The high-performance version thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) using the image analysis tool JustTLC was applied for quantification of erythrocytes’ sphingolipids. Results: Lower mean values of erythrocytes’ sphingolipids and cholesterol concentrations were found in the group of Libyan emigrants compared to Serbian resident women. Besides, in this group of apparently healthy women (n = 28), the sphingolipid content of erythrocytes was inversely related to the Omega-3 index (r =-0.492, p = 0.008) and directly linked to vitamin D status (r = 0.433, p = 0.021) and membrane cholesterol levels (r = 0.474, p = 0.011). Conclusion: The erythrocytes’ sphingolipid levels should be measured/assessed as an additional biomarker of CV health, by applying a simple and routine method. Still, further investigation in a larger population-specific context is warranted
This paper will present a comparison of ACI marina Opatija and ACI marina Split. The characteristics of both marinas as well as their services will be researched. Indicators will show the number of berths, vessel calls, average capacity utilisation, revenues and expenditures. SWOT analysis of both marinas will be drafted; defining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Suggestion for improvements wills be provided, which may be applicable to other Croatian marinas and marinas of countries that share similar characteristics
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