64 research outputs found

    Status and function of vitamin D and C-alpha epimer of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in mothers with and without preeclampsia and their infants.

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    Vitamin D je od izuzetne važnosti u trudnoći pre svega za normalan rast kostiju i za celokupan razvoj bebe. Pokazano je međutim da 40-80 % trudnica ima nizak nivo (< 20 ng/ml) 25-hidroksivitamina D (25(OH)D) u serumu kao i da nizak nivo vitamina D u trudnoći povećava rizik za pojavu preeklampsije (PE) i prevremenih porođaja. U Srbiji, gde hrana nije obogaćena vitaminom D, stopa preeklampsije je veća u zimskom periodu. Odgovor na suplemenatciju vitaminom D dodatno se usložnjava prisustvom C-3α- epimera 25(OH)D3 (3-epi-25(OH)D3), čiji udeo u ukupnom nivou 25(OH)D u krvi može biti i do 60 % kod beba, a do 17 % kod odraslih. Prisustvo 3-epi-25(OH)D3 u krvi pupčane vrpce ukazuje da postoji prenos sa majke na novorođenče. Međutim, i dalje je nepoznato koja je uloga povišenog nivoa 3-epi-25(OH)D3 kod novorođenčadi, kako se nivo menja tokom prvih nedelja života novorođenčadi kao i kakav efekat 3-epi-25(OH)D3 ima na rast kostiju beba rođenih iz fizioloških trudnoća u odnosu na trudnoće sa komplikacijama kao što je preeklampsija. Stoga su ciljevi ove teze: 1) validacija upitnika o učestalosti konzumiranja namirnica (WRH-FFQ) koji bi omogućio procenu unosa vitamina D kod mladih žena u reproduktivnom dobu u Srbiji; 2) sagledavanje povezanosti niskog unosa i statusa vitamina D sa pojavom preeklampsije, kao i određivanje udela 3-epi-25(OH)D3 u ukupnom sadržaju 25(OH)D3 u odnosu na zdravstvene ishode majki i novorođenčadi; 3) određivanje nivoa 3-epi-25(OH)D3 tokom prvih nedelja života novorođenčadi i sagledavanje njegovog efekta na rast kostiju beba rođenih iz fizioloških trudnoća u odnosu na trudnoće sa komplikacijama kao što je preeklampsija; i 4) ispitivanje biološkog odgovora kostiju na izloženost endogenom i egzogenom izvoru 3-epi-25(OH)D3 na animalnom modelu. Studija validacije upitnika WRH-FFQ za procenu unosa vitamina D kod mladih žena u reproduktivnom dobu u Srbiji izvedena je od novembra do aprila, kada je smanjeno UVB zračenje. Upitnik WRH-FFQ adekvatno su popunile 422 žene od kojih su nasumično odabrane 44 žene uključene u dalji proces validacije, koji je obuhvatao tri vremenski odvojena popunjavanja anketa dvadesetčetvoročasovne ishrane (24h-AI), antropometrijsko merenje i uzorkovanje krvi...Vitamin D exposure during pregnancy is important for skeletal growth and development in the offspring. However, 40-80% of expecting mothers have low (< 20 ng/ml) serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level . A recent meta-analysis demonstrated that low vitamin D status in pregnancy increases the risk of preeclampsia (PE) and preterm birth. In Serbia where there is no mandatory vitamin D food fortification policy, rates of PE are higher in winter. Response to vitamin D supplementation is complicated by the presence of C-3α epimer of 25(OH)D3 (3-epi-25(OH)D3) representing up to 60% of total 25(OH)D in infants and 17% in adults, raising questions regarding its biological derivation and function. The presence of cord 3-epi-25(OH)D3 suggests maternal-fetal transfer. However, it is still unknown whether 3-epi-25(OH)D3 increases in the first few weeks after birth and how it effects bone mineral accretion in infants of healthy and complicated pregnancies. Therefore, sequential objectives of this thesis are to: 1) validate a food frequency questionnaire (WRH-FFQ) for assessing vitamin D intake in young women of reproductive age in Serbia; 2) determine if low vitamin D intake and status is associated with PE in Serbia; and describe the proportion of total 25(OH)D in the 3-epi-25(OH)D3 form in relation to maternal and neonatal outcomes; 3) establish if 3-epi-25(OH)D3 in preterm and term infants of mothers with and without PE is predictive of bone mass at term age using a nested case vs. control design; and 4) test the biological response of bone to endogenous and exogenous 3-epi-25(OH)D3 in an animal model. The Women and Reproductive Health FFQ (WRH-FFQ) was completed by 422 women. A cross-sectional study, was conducted from November to April when UVB in Serbia is minimal. On a representative sub-sample (n=44) three 24 hour dietary recalls and anthropometric parameters were collected. Fasting blood samples for vitamin D biomarkers analyses were available for 23 women..

    Farmaceutsko-tehnološki aspekti terapijskih sistema za hormonsku kontracepciju

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    The use of therapeutic systems for hormonal contraception (TSHC) represents an important alternative approach for prevention of unintended pregnancies in comparison to oral hormonal contraceptives, whereby the risk of gastrointestinal adverse effects eliminates, the reduction of the therapeutic dose, the frequency of application and the undesired side effects enable and the adherence increases. So far, the marketed therapeutic systems are designed as transdermal patches, subdermal (subcutaneous) implants, vaginal rings, and intrauterine systems (IUS) for progestin-only hormonal contraception (by progesterone, levonorgestrel, etonogestrel, nestorone), or for combined hormonal contraception (ethinyl estradiol + norelgestormin, gestodene + ethinyl estradiol, etonogestrel + ethinyl estradiol, levonorgestrel + ethinyl estradiol, ethinyl estradiol + nestorone, nestorone + estradiol). The article describes the common characteristics of the different types of TSHC as well as specificity in terms of their design, composition and application. The main mechanisms for achieving controlled sustained release of the hormones and the efficiency of the delivery of the active substances in various TSHC are described. The main current approaches to design therapeutic system of this type in order to simplify their application, improve tolerability, acceptability and therapeutic efficiency are presented. The possibility of using novel Multipurpose Prevention Technologies in the development of the therapeutic systems for conception and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is described.Upotreba terapijskih sistema za hormonsku kontracepciju (TSHK) predstavlja značajan alternativni vid sprečavanja neplanirane trudnoće u odnosu na primenu hormonskih kontraceptiva per os, pri čemu se otklanja rizik od gastrointestinalnih neželjenih reakcija, omogućava smanjenje terapijske doze, učestalosti primene i sistemskih neželjenih dejstava i povećava nivo adherence. Do sada su razvijeni terapijski sistemi tipa transdermalnih flastera, subdermalnih (supkutanih) implanata, vaginalnih prstenova i intrauternih terapijskih (dostavnih) sistema (IUS) za hormonsku kontracepciju progestinima (progesteron, levonorgestrel, etonogestrel, nestoron) ili kombinacijama progestina i estrogena (norelgestormin + etinilestradiol, gestoden + etinilestradiol, etonogestrel + etinilestradiol, levonorgestrel + etinilestradiol, nestoron + etinilestradiol, nestoron + estradiol). U radu su prikazane glavne karakteristike navedenih tipova TSHK, kao i specifičnosti farmaceutskih proizvoda ove vrste u pogledu sastava i primene. Opisani su glavni mehanizmi za postizanje kontrolisanog produženog oslobađanja hormona i efikasnost za isporuku aktivnih supstanci kod različitih TSHK. Predstavljeni su najznačajniji savremeni pristupi u dizajnu terapijskih sistema ove vrste sa ciljem da se pojednostavi njihova primena, poboljša podnošljivost, prihvatljivost i terapijska efikasnost, a ukazano je i na mogućnost korišćenja novih tehnologija u razvoju terapijskih sistema za višenamensku prevenciju začeća i infekcije virusom humane imunodeficijencije (human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)

    Mikroemulzioni sistemi - osobine i primena kao nosača lekovitih supstanci

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    During the last three decades there were intensive investigations on potential application of microemulsion colloidal vehicles in drug delivery. Researchers had put the greatest effort in investigation of oral, dermal/transdermal, ocular and parenteral delivery of drugs from microemulsions. Numerous applications of these systems lie in their unique properties: termodinamical stability, heterogenous microstructure with dynamic character, ultralow surface tension, large interface area and significant capacity for solubilisation of hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. In general, the observations obtained within numerous studies, pointed out the efficacy of O/W, W/O and bicontinuous microemulsions, as well as Self-Microemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SMEDDS), to improve bioavailability of drugs with low solubility and/or low permeability. Therefore, microemulsions are current reaction media for synthesis of nanoparticulate carriers of drugs (Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN), polymeric nanoparticles) as well as for nanoingenireeng of poorly soluble drugs.Tokom poslednjih trideset godina intenzivno se istražuju mogućnosti za primenu koloidnih vehikuluma tipa mikroemulzija za isporuku lekovitih supstanci na odgovarajuće mesto u organizmu. Najveći napori uloženi su na polju istraživanja peroralne, dermalne/transdermalne, okularne i parenteralne isporuke lekova iz mikroemulzija. Raznovrsna primena ovih sistema zasniva se na njihovim jedinstvenim karakteristikama: termodinamička stabilnost, dinamički karakter i heterogenost mikrostrukture, izuzetno (ultra) nizak međupovršinski napon, velika međupovršina i značajan kapacitet za solubilizaciju/rastvaranje hidrosolubilnih i liposolubilnih lekovitih supstanci. Generalizovana zapažanja u sprovedenim istraživanjima ukazuju na efikasnost mikroemulzija tipa ulje u vodi (U/V), voda u ulju (V/U) i bikontinuiranih mikroemulzija, kao i samo-mikroemulgujućih sistema za isporuku lekova (eng. Self- Microemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems - SMEDDS), u smislu poboljšavanja biološke raspoloživosti slabo rastvorljivih i/ili slabo permeabilnih lekova. Osim toga, mikroemulzije se upotrebljavaju kao reakcioni medijumi za dobijanje nanočestičnih nosača za lekovite supstance tipa čvrstih lipidnih nanočestica (eng. Solid Lipid Nanoparticles - SLN) i polimernih nanočestica, kao i za nanoinžinjering slabo rastvorljivih lekovitih supstanci

    Formulacija i karakterizacija samo-mikroemulgujućih nosača lekovitih supstanci na bazi biokompatibilnih nejonskih surfaktanata

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    Development of self-dispersing drug delivery systems (SMEDDS) is a modern strategy for oral delivery improvement of poorly soluble drugs. Self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems (SMEDDS) are isotropic mixtures of oils and hydrophilic surfactants, which form oil-in-water (o/w) microemulsions by dilution in aqueous media (e.g., gastrointestinal fluids). Formulation of SMEDDS carriers requires consideration of a large number of formulation parameters and their influences on process of self-microemulsifying and releasing of drug. The aim of this work was formulation and characterization of SMEDDS for oral administration of ibuprofen. In the experimental work, two series of potential SMEDDS were prepared (M1-M10), using surfactant (Labrasol®, Gattefosse), cosurfactant (PEG­40 hydrogenated castor (Cremophor® RH40), and oil (medium chain triglycerides (Crodamol® GTCC) and olive oil (Cropur® Olive)), at surfactant-to-cosurfactant mass ratios (Km) 9:1, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7, and 1:9, and 10 or 20% of the oil phase. Ibuprofen was dissolved in formulations in concentration of 10%. Characterization of the investigated formulations included evaluation of physical stability, self-microemulsification ability in 0.1 M HCl (pH 1.2) and phosphate buffer pH 7.2 (USP) and in vitro drug release. Formation of o/w microemulsions with the average droplet size (Z-ave) up to 100 nm, was observed in dispersions of formulations prepared with 10 mass% of medium chain triglycerides, within the entire investigated range of the Km values (M1-M5). These formulations were selected as SMEDDS. Results of characterization pointed out the importance of the type and concentration of the oil as well as the Km value for the self-microemulsing ability, as well as drug release kinetics from the investigated SMEDDS. Ibuprofen release was in accordance with the request of USP 30-NF 25 (at least 80% after 60 min) from the formulations M1 (Km 9:1) and M5 (Km 1:9). Furthermore, the ibuprofen release was completed after 10 min from formulation M1, while the release from the carrier M5 (~30%) as well as from the commercial tablets Brufen® (~55%) and soft capsules Rapidol® (~65%), examined under the same conditions, was significantly slower. The present study revealed that the formulation M1 represents a potential SMEDDS which efficiently dissolves ibuprofen in acidic media, with potential to minimize the side effects, while on introduction into alkaline intestinal environment, the drug may rapidly release from the carrier and undergo absorption.Razvoj samo-mikroemulgujućih nosača je značajna savremena strategija za unapređenje peroralne primene teško rastvorljivih aktivnih supstanci. Cilj rada bio je formulacija i karakterizacija samo-mikroemulgujućih nosača na bazi smeše biokompatibilnih nejonskih surfaktanata (PEG-8 kaprilno/kaprinski gliceridi (Labrasol®) i PEG-40 hidrogenizovano ricinusovo ulje (Cremophor® RH40)) za peroralnu primenu ibuprofena i in vitro karakterizacija njihove fizičke stabilnosti i veličine kapi nakon dispergovanja u vodenim medijumima različite pH vrednosti i in vitro profila oslobađanja lekovite supstance iz nosača. Rezultati karakterizacije ukazali su na značaj vrste i koncentracije ulja i masenog odnosa upotrebljenih surfaktanata za sposobnost samo-mikroemulgovanja, kapacitet za solubilizaciju ibuprofena i njegovu brzinu oslobađanja iz nosača

    Savremeni farmaceutski oblici analgetika

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    Among novel pharmaceutical dosage forms of analgesics, whose number and diversity are continuously increasing over the past two decades, of particular importance are transdermal opioid analgesics (fentanyl, buprenorphine) for the treatment of chronic pain, fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal drug delivery system for suppression of acute postoperative pain, as well as compressed lozenges, buccal tablets and film, sublingual tablets and nasal sprays for fentanyl treatment of breakthrough cancer pain. To improve the efficacy of the migraine pain treatment, compared to the solid dosage forms (tablets) of tryptans, pharmaceutical preparations of sumatriptan (solution for subcutaneous injection, nasal spray and nasal powder) and zolmitriptan (orodispersible tablet) are developed and marketed for migraine pain treatment. The benefits of these pharmaceutical preparations are minimal invasiveness and suitability to meet the individual therapeutic needs of patients, including the pediatric population, in terms of onset and duration of action and delivered dose of the drug. In the last few years, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have warned of fatal errors during use or abuse of fentanyl transdermal patches and have indicated the importance educating health workers and patients about potential risks. Also, novel pharmaceutical forms of fentanyl for treatment of acute pain can be prescribed and used exclusively within the framework of the FDA REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) program aimed to provide greater benefits from potential risks. There are still no precise attitudes about the importance of recently approved pharmaceutical products of analgesics, and clinical assessments of their relative efficacy and tolerance at the site of application are also needed.Među savremenim farmaceutskim oblicima analgetika, čiji se broj i raznovrsnost kontinuirano povećavaju tokom poslednje dve decenije, od posebnog značaja su transdermalni flasteri opioidnih analgetika (fentanil, buprenorfin) za terapiju hroničnog bola, jontoforetski transdermalni terapijski sistem fentanila za suzbijanje akutnog postoperativnog bola, kao i komprimovana lozenga, bukalna tableta i film, sublingvalna tableta i sprejevi za nos za tretman probojnog kancerskog bola fentanilom. U cilju poboljšanja efikasnosti terapije migrenoznog bola, u odnosu na čvrste farmaceutske oblike (tableta) triptana, za tretman migrenoznog bola razvijeni su i komercijalizovani farmaceutski preparati sumatriptana u obliku rastvora za supkutanu injekciju, spreja za nos i praška za nos, kao i zolmitriptan orodisperzibilna tableta i sprej za nos. Prednosti ovih farmaceutskih preparata su minimalna invazivnost i mogućnost prilagođavanja individualnim terapijskim potrebama pacijenata, u pogledu početka i dužine trajanja dejstva i isporučene doze aktivne supstance. U poslednjih nekoliko godina Evropska agencija za lekove (European Medicines Agency, EMA) i Agencija za hranu i lekove SAD (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) upozorile su na fatalne greške pri upotrebi i zloupotrebi transdermalnih flastera fentanila i ukazale na značaj edukacije zdravstvenih radnika i pacijenata o potencijalnim rizicima. Takođe, savremeni farmaceutski oblici fentanila za terapiju akutnog bola mogu se propisivati i upotrebljavati isključivo u okviru FDA programa za procenu rizika i strategije ograničavanja (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy, REMS) čiji je cilj obezbeđenje veće koristi od potencijalnih rizika. Još uvek nisu formirani precizni stavovi o značaju skoro odobrenih farmaceutskih proizvoda analgetika, a neophodne su i kliničke procene njihove relativne efikasnosti i podnošljivosti na mestu primene

    Application of aromatic plant extract apples in nutrition chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)

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    In this paper we studied the effect of apple aroma as a food additive in a concentration of 0.04% on performance and reduction of fur chewing and basic production parameters. During the experimental period (30 days), the experimental group of chinchillas that was fed with the pellet mixture with the addition of the aroma showed a statistically significant decrease in fur chewing (p<0.01) in comparison with the control group. Also, only 5% of the animals in the experimental group chewed fur out of the total number in that group (20 chinchillas), whereas the percentage of fur chewing with the control group with the same number of animals was 30%. The positive effects of aroma addition were noted for other examined factors as well, since the experimental group of chinchillas showed a bigger increase in body mass (1.36%), better growth (21.18%), increased food consumption (0.48%) and better conversion (17.13%) in comparison with the control group that was not fed with the aromatic additive

    Causes and consequences of the pension system reforms in Serbia

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    The state pension systems of most countries in the world have been facing the problem of difficult financing due to the mismatch in the inflow of funds deriving from the contribution of employees and the outflow of funds from the payment of pensions to pension beneficiaries. The main causes of poor functioning of the current financing system are mostly demographic. In order to overcome problems in the financing of pension systems, most countries have implemented pension reforms based on parametric changes in state pension insurance and on the introduction of compulsory or voluntary pension insurance policies. Certain legal changes were made in Serbia regarding the age limit necessary to be eligible for old-age and disability pensions, tightening the conditions for obtaining the right to a pension, calculating pensions, and other. Also, more than a decade ago, voluntary pension funds appeared in Serbia, which have so far achieved positive business results. Serbia is still in an unfavourable situation regarding the financing of the state pension fund, whose deficits are financed by subsidies from the budget. In the future, it is necessary to devote more attention to structural measures, such as more effective employment policies, birth-rate policies, and more. Also, it is necessary to constantly improve measures and instruments for combating the grey economy

    Karakteristike i mogućnosti primene sprejeva za kožu u dermalnoj i transdermalnoj isporuci lekova

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    Liquid spray preparations for cutaneous administration are solutions, suspensions or emulsions that use compressed or converted gas to a liquid state, to disperse the active substance in the form of aerosols or they are propellant-free (not pressurized) pumps and can also disperse the active substance in the form of aerosols. The paper presents data from professional regulations and relevant literature related to dosage forms, characteristics and composition of cutaneous sprays, and on inner packaging (containers and pump/valve systems and sprays), which is their main specificity. They are most commonly formulated as cutaneous spray, solution, for local administration of antimicrobials, or for regional delivery of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and transdermal delivery of hormones. In the development of transdermal sprays, great attention is paid to strategies for improving the drug delivery and therapeutic efficacy (e.g., by using permeation enhancers, colloidal carriers). Equally important is design of inner packaging that should ensure preservation of drug quality, but also precise and reproductive dosing according to the individual therapeutic needs of patients, which, with simple application, good tolerance and satisfactory aesthetic properties, is a significant advantage of cutaneous sprays compared to other liquid and semisolid preparations for cutaneous administration as well as transdermal patches.Tečni sprej preparati (sprejevi) za kožu su rastvori, suspenzije ili emulzije koji koriste snagu komprimovanog ili gasa prevedenog u tečno stanje, za raspršivanje aktivne supstance u vidu aerosola ili su to preparati sa pumpom koji ne sadrže propelent (nisu pod pritiskom) i takođe mogu raspršiti aktivnu supstancu u obliku aerosola. U radu su navedeni podaci iz stručnih propisa i relevantne stručne literature koji se odnose na farmaceutske oblike, karakteristike i sastav sprejeva za kožu, i na unutrašnje pakovanje (kontejneri i sistemi pumpi/ventila i raspršivača), koje predstavlja glavnu specifičnost ovih preparata. Najčešće se formulišu u obliku sprejeva za kožu, rastvora, za lokalnu primenu atimikrobnih supstanci ili za regionalnu isporuku nesteroidnih antiiflamatornih lekova (NSAIL) i transdermalnu isporuku hormona. U razvoju transdermalnih sprejeva za kožu velika pažnja se pridaje strategijama za unapređenje isporuke lekovitih supstanci i njihove terapijske efikasnosti (npr. korišćenjem permeacionih inhensera, koloidnih nosača). Podjednako značajan je i dizajn unutrašnjeg pakovanja koje treba da obezbedi očuvanje kvaliteta leka, ali i precizno i reproduktivno doziranje u skladu sa individualnim terapijskim potrebama pacijenata, što je uz jednostavnu primenu, dobru podnošljivost i zadovoljavajuća estetska svojstva, značajna prednost sprejeva za kožu u poređenju sa ostalim tečnim i polučvrstim preparatima za primenu na koži i transdermalnim flasterima

    Obeležavanje galenskih i magistralnih lekova - nacionalni i međunarodni propisi i praksa

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    The pharmaceutical industry has provided drug production of uniform quality, safety and efficacy, and the same is necessary for the preparation of stock preparations and extemporaneous drugs. Therefore, this type of pharmaceutical activity follow relevant legislation and harmonize by applying the relevant standards. In Serbia, production and trade of stock preparations and extemporaneous drugs takes place in accordance with the Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti (Sl. glas. RS 107/2005, 72/2009, 88/2010, 99/2010, and 57/2011), Zakon o lekovima i medicinskim sredstvima Republike Srbije (Sl. glas. RS 30/20120, and 107/2012) and the rulebooks adopted in accordance with these regulations. Labelling of stock preparations in Serbia is regulated by two sets of the rulebooks, but there are no regulations for the labeling of extemporaneous drugs. In the US, labeling of extemporaneous drugs is regulated through Pharmacopoeia, state/federal laws, guides to good practice in the development of extemporaneous drugs. This field is regulated similarly in the EU - through legislation, Pharmacopoeia Supplements, corresponding guidelines and Resolution CMResAP EU (2011)1. Drug labelling is essential for patient safety. Drug signature enables his identification and indicates the way of his administration by the patient. Proper labelling of extemporaneous drugs is especially important for the acceptance of the drug by the patient and can have a significant impact on its safe use and adherence.Izrada galenskih i magistralnih lekova, kao jednog vida farmaceutske delatnosti, delimično je regulisana zakonskim/podzakonskim propisima i odgovarajućim standardima. U Republici Srbiji izrada i promet galenskih lekova odvija se u skladu sa Zakonom o zdravstvenoj zaštiti (Sl. glas. RS 107/2005, 72/2009, 88/2010, 99/2010 i 57/2011), Zakonom o lekovima i medicinskim sredstvima Republike Srbije (Sl. glas. RS 30/20120 i 107/2012) i pravilnicima koji su usvojeni u skladu sa ovim propisima, dok se pitanje izrade magistralnih lekova tek spominje samo u nekim članovima zakona. Obeležavanje galenskih lekova u Srbiji je regulisano odgovarajućim pravilnicima, što nije slučaj sa obeležavanjem magistralnih lekova. U SAD je obeležavanje magistralnih lekova definisano u određenim poglavljima/monografijama USP, državnih/saveznih zakona, vodiča za dobru praksu u izradi magistralnih lekova, a na sličan način je regulisano i u zemljama EU - zakonskim propisima, dodacima farmakopeja, odgovarajućim vodičima, kao i Rezolucijom CM/ResAP(2011)1. Obeležavanje lekova je suštinsko za bezbednost pacijenta. Signatura na leku omogućava njegovu identifikaciju i ukazuje pacijentu na koji način da taj lek koristi i koliki je njegov rok upotrebe. Pravilno obeležavanje magistralnih lekova je naročito važno za prihvatanje preparata od strane pacijenta i može imati značajan uticaj na njihovu bezbednu primenu i adherencu. Predlog za obeležavanje magistralnih lekova treba da potekne iz Farmaceutske komore Srbije i bude upućen Republičkoj stručnoj komisiji za farmaciju koja bi ga razmotrila i prosledila Ministarstvu zdravlja Republike Srbije

    Are egg classes enough, or do we need an egg quality index?

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    This research on eggs from one of the largest producers on the Serbian market shows variations in the most important internal and external quality characteristics in relation to freshness (expressed in Haugh Units (HUs)) and weight class (S, M, L, XL). In parallel, sensory evaluation was conducted (for the two most common culinary methods of preparation) in order to determine whether consumers notice differences in quality when consuming scrambled eggs and how panellists perceive boiled eggs. Knowing that HUs are a scientific-based quality dimension, as opposed to weight classes that are consumer-based and associated with size of eggs, the authors have introduced a new total quality index elevating the perspective of HUs. © 2022 Meat Technology. All rights reserved