201 research outputs found

    Crustal structure of the Azores Archipelago from Rayleigh wave ellipticity data

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    Determining the crustal structure of ocean island volcanoes is important to understand the formation and tectonic evolution of the oceanic lithosphere and tectonic swells in marine settings, and to assess seismic hazard in the islands. The Azores Archipelago is located near a triple junction system and is possibly under the influence of a mantle plume, being at the locus of a wide range of geodynamic processes. However, its crustal structure is still poorly constrained and debated due to the limited seismic coverage of the region and the peculiar linear geometry of the islands. To address these limitations, in this study we invert teleseismic Rayleigh wave ellipticity measurements for 1-D shear wave speed (VS) crustal models of the Azores Archipelago. Moreover, we test the reliability of these new models by using them in independent moment tensor inversions of local seismic data and demonstrate that our models improve the waveform fit compared to previous models. We find that data from the westernmost seismic stations used in this study require a shallower Moho depth (∼10 km) than data from stations in the eastern part of the archipelago (∼13–16 km). This apparent increase in the Moho depth with increasing distance from the mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR) is expected. However, the rate at which Moho deepens away from the MAR is greater than that predicted from a half-space cooling model, suggesting that local tectonic perturbations have modified crustal structure. The 1-D VS models obtained beneath the westernmost seismic stations also show higher wave speeds than for the easternmost stations, which correlates well with the ages of the islands except Santa Maria Island. We interpret the relatively low VS profile found beneath Santa Maria Island as resulting from underplating, which agrees with previous geological studies of the island. Compared to a recent receiver function study of the region, the shallow structure (top ∼2 km) in our models shows lower shear wave speed, which may have important implications for future hazard studies of the region. More generally, the new seismic crustal models we present in this study will be useful to better understand the tectonics, seismicity, moment tensors and strong ground motions in the region

    Broadrange Single Shot Electron Spectrometer

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    Irradiation-induced Ag nanocluster nucleation in silicate glasses: analogy with photography

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    The synthesis of Ag nanoclusters in sodalime silicate glasses and silica was studied by optical absorption (OA) and electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments under both low (gamma-ray) and high (MeV ion) deposited energy density irradiation conditions. Both types of irradiation create electrons and holes whose density and thermal evolution - notably via their interaction with defects - are shown to determine the clustering and growth rates of Ag nanocrystals. We thus establish the influence of redox interactions of defects and silver (poly)ions. The mechanisms are similar to the latent image formation in photography: irradiation-induced photoelectrons are trapped within the glass matrix, notably on dissolved noble metal ions and defects, which are thus neutralized (reverse oxidation reactions are also shown to exist). Annealing promotes metal atom diffusion, which in turn leads to cluster nuclei formation. The cluster density depends not only on the irradiation fluence, but also - and primarily - on the density of deposited energy and the redox properties of the glass. Ion irradiation (i.e., large deposited energy density) is far more effective in cluster formation, despite its lower neutralization efficiency (from Ag+ to Ag0) as compared to gamma photon irradiation.Comment: 48 pages, 18 figures, revised version publ. in Phys. Rev. B, pdf fil

    The investigation of acute optic neuritis: a review and proposed protocol

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    Optic neuritis is an inflammatory optic neuropathy that affects many patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) at some point during their disease course. Differentiation of acute episodes of MS-associated optic neuritis from other autoimmune and inflammatory optic neuropathies is vital for treatment choice and further patient management, but is not always straightforward. Over the past decade, a number of new imaging, laboratory and electrophysiological techniques have entered the clinical arena. To date, however, no consensus guidelines have been devised to specify how and when these techniques can be most rationally applied for the diagnostic work-up of patients with acute optic neuritis. In this article, we review the literature and attempt to formulate a consensus for the investigation of patients with acute optic neuritis, both in standard care and in research with relevance to clinical treatment trials

    Disruption of the leptomeningeal blood barrier in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe leptomeningeal blood-barrier impairment reflected by MRI gadolinium-enhanced lesions in patients with aquaporin-4 immunoglobulin G (AQP4-IgG)-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD). METHODS: A retrospective case series of 11 AQP4-IgG-positive NMOSD patients with leptomeningeal enhancement (LME) were collected from 5 centers. External neuroradiologists, blinded to the clinical details, evaluated MRIs. RESULTS: LME was demonstrated on postcontrast T1-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images as a sign of leptomeningeal blood-barrier disruption and transient leakage of contrast agent into the subarachnoid space in 11 patients, 6 in the brain and 6 in the spinal cord. The patterns of LME were linear or extensive and were accompanied by periependymal enhancement in 5 cases and intraparenchymal enhancement in all cases. The location of LME in the spinal cord was adjacent to intraparenchymal contrast enhancement with involvement of a median number of 12 (range 5-17) vertebral segments. At the time of LME on MRI, all patients had a clinical attack such as encephalopathy (36%) and/or myelopathy (70%) with median interval between symptom onset and LME of 12 days (range 2-30). LME occurred in association with an initial area postrema attack (44%), signs of systemic infection (33%), or AQP4-IgG in CSF (22%) followed by clinical progression. LME was found at initial clinical presentation in 5 cases and at clinical relapses leading to a diagnosis of NMOSD in 6 cases. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that altered leptomeningeal blood barrier may be accompanied by intraparenchymal blood-brain barrier breakdown in patients with AQP4-IgG-positive NMOSD during relapses

    Low energy electron spectrometer construction

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    Update on biomarkers in neuromyelitis optica

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) (and NMO spectrum disorder) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the CNS primarily affecting spinal cord and optic nerves. Reliable and sensitive biomarkers for onset, relapse, and progression in NMO are urgently needed because of the heterogeneous clinical presentation, severity of neurologic disability following relapses, and variability of therapeutic response. Detecting aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibodies (AQP4-IgG or NMO-IgG) in serum supports the diagnosis of seropositive NMO. However, whether AQP4-IgG levels correlate with disease activity, severity, response to therapy, or long-term outcomes is unclear. Moreover, biomarkers for patients with seronegative NMO have yet to be defined and validated. Collaborative international studies hold great promise for establishing and validating biomarkers that are useful in therapeutic trials and clinical management. In this review, we discuss known and potential biomarkers for NMO

    Transient electrochemistry: beyond simply temporal resolution:

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    Some physicochem. intrigues for which transient electrochem. was necessary to solve the problem are summarized in this feature article. First, we highlight the main constraints to be aware of to access to low time scales, and particularly focus on the effects of stray capacitances. Then, the electron transfer rate const. measured for redox mols. in a self-assembled monolayer configuration is compared to the conductance measured through the same systems, but at the single mol. level. This evidences strong conformational changes when mols. are trapped in the nanogap created between both electrodes. We also report about dendrimers, for which a short electrochem. perturbation induces creation of a diffusion layer within the mol., allowing the electron hopping rate to be measured and analyzed in terms of mol. motions of the redox centers. Finally, we show that transient electrochem. provides also useful information when coupled to other methodologies. For example, when an ultrasonic field drives very fast movements of a bubble situated above the electrode surface, the motion can be dectected indirectly through a modification of the diffusion flux. Another field concerns pulse radiolysis, and we describe how the reactivity (at the electrode or within the soln.) of radicals created by a radiolytic pulse can be quantified, widening the possibilities of electrochem. to operate in biol. media
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