37 research outputs found

    Mirror image phosphoinositides regulate autophagy.

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    Autophagosome formation is stimulated by canonical VPS34-dependent formation of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PI(3)P], which recruits effectors such as WIPI2. However, non-canonical VPS34-independent autophagy has also been proposed. We recently described that PI(5)P regulates autophagosome biogenesis, recruits WIPI2, and rescues autophagy in VPS34-inactivated cells. These alternative autophagy-initiating pathways reveal new druggable targets for treating neurodegeneration and cancer.We are grateful for funding from a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship (DCR) (095317/Z/11/Z), a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (100140/Z/12/Z), The NIHR Biomedical Research Centre in Dementia at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and an MRC Confidence in Concepts grant (DCR) for funding.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23723556.2015.101997

    Mean reticolocyte hemoglobin content index plays a key role to identify children who are carriers of β –thalassemia

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    Reticulocyte (r) and red blood cell (RBC) indices provide reliable parameters for screening and monitoring iron deficiency anemia (IDA) patients and β-thalassemia trait (BTT) carriers. The aim of this study is to identify a simple method for use to distinguish β-thalassemia trait carriers from IDA and to evaluate the correlation between BTT genetic mutation and MCV values and new discrimination index for the detection of β-thalassemia trait (DI-BTT). We analyzed CHr, MCHCr, MCVr, RBC, mean cellular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and mean cellular volume (MCV) indices among a pediatric population of IDA patients (n=90), βthalassemia trait carriers (n=72) and normal controls (NC) (n=131). Furthermore, to distinguish IDA patients from β-thalassemia trait carriers we evaluated clinical utility of new DI for the detection BTTcarriers, using the following polynomial: (RBC × MCHC × 50/MCV)/CHr. We found that CHr, MCVr and DI-BTT mean values were significantly different between βthalassemia trait carriers and IDA patients. CHr, MCVr and DI-BTT plotting curves showed exclusive distribution in β-thalassemia trait carriers. Moreover, DI-BTT was very accurate in differentiating β-thalassemia trait carriers from IDA patients. All BTT patients showed a heterozygous mutation of the β-globin gene including CD39, IVS1.110, IVS1.6 and IVS2.745, IVS2.1 and IVS1.1. The highest MCV values were displayed by those carrying the IVS1.6 mutation. Conclusions: The simultaneous measurement and plotting of CHr and MCVr indices, as well as the DI-BTT allow to distinguish β-thalassemia carriers from IDA patients

    PI(5)P regulates autophagosome biogenesis.

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    Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI(3)P), the product of class III PI3K VPS34, recruits specific autophagic effectors, like WIPI2, during the initial steps of autophagosome biogenesis and thereby regulates canonical autophagy. However, mammalian cells can produce autophagosomes through enigmatic noncanonical VPS34-independent pathways. Here we show that PI(5)P can regulate autophagy via PI(3)P effectors and thereby identify a mechanistic explanation for forms of noncanonical autophagy. PI(5)P synthesis by the phosphatidylinositol 5-kinase PIKfyve was required for autophagosome biogenesis, and it increased levels of PI(5)P, stimulated autophagy, and reduced the levels of autophagic substrates. Inactivation of VPS34 impaired recruitment of WIPI2 and DFCP1 to autophagic precursors, reduced ATG5-ATG12 conjugation, and compromised autophagosome formation. However, these phenotypes were rescued by PI(5)P in VPS34-inactivated cells. These findings provide a mechanistic framework for alternative VPS34-independent autophagy-initiating pathways, like glucose starvation, and unravel a cytoplasmic function for PI(5)P, which previously has been linked predominantly to nuclear roles.We are grateful for funding from a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellowship (095317/Z/11/Z to D.C.R.), a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (100140/Z/ 12/Z), the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre in Dementia at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, an MRC Confidence in Concepts grant (D.C.R.), and a FEBS Long- Term Fellowship (A.A.).This article was originally published in Molecular Cell (M Vicinanza, VI Korolchuk, A Ashkenazi, C Puri, FM Menzies, JH Clarke, DC Rubinsztein, Molecular Cell 2015, 57, 219-234

    Il settore dell'open source: strategie, minacce, opportunita' nel mercato italiano

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    Cap.1 - Introduzione al mondo open source\ud Un po' di storia. Il movimento free software. Il modello Open Source. Tutela giuridica del software. Le licenze commerciali e le licenze open source.\ud Cap.2 - Il business dell'open source.\ud Premessa. Il mercato dell'OS. La metodologia utilizzata. Engineering sul mercato. Le funzioni d'uso. I principali prodotti open source. I clienti: la pubblica amministrazione. \ud Cap.3 - Il mostro modello di business\ud Scelta del modello di riferimento. Analisi della concorrenza allargat

    Function and dysfunction of the PI system in membrane trafficking

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    The phosphoinositides (PIs) function as efficient and finely tuned switches that control the assembly–disassembly cycles of complex molecular machineries with key roles in membrane trafficking. This important role of the PIs is mainly due to their versatile nature, which is in turn determined by their fast metabolic interconversions. PIs can be tightly regulated both spatially and temporally through the many PI kinases (PIKs) and phosphatases that are distributed throughout the different intracellular compartments. In spite of the enormous progress made in the past 20 years towards the definition of the molecular details of PI–protein interactions and of the regulatory mechanisms of the individual PIKs and phosphatases, important issues concerning the general principles of the organisation of the PI system and the coordination of the different PI-metabolising enzymes remain to be addressed. The answers should come from applying a systems biology approach to the study of the PI system, through the integration of analyses of the protein interaction data of the PI enzymes and the PI targets with those of the ‘phenomes' of the genetic diseases that involve these PI-metabolising enzymes

    The RAB11A-Positive Compartment Is a Primary Platform for Autophagosome Assembly Mediated by WIPI2 Recognition of PI3P-RAB11A.

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    Autophagy is a critical pathway that degrades intracytoplasmic contents by engulfing them in double-membraned autophagosomes that are conjugated with LC3 family members. These membranes are specified by phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P), which recruits WIPI2, which, in turn, recruits ATG16L1 to specify the sites of LC3-conjugation. Conventionally, phosphatidylinositides act in concert with other proteins in targeting effectors to specific membranes. Here we describe that WIPI2 localizes to autophagic precursor membranes by binding RAB11A, a protein that specifies recycling endosomes, and that PI3P is formed on RAB11A-positive membranes upon starvation. Loss of RAB11A impairs the recruitment and assembly of the autophagic machinery. RAB11A-positive membranes are a primary direct platform for canonical autophagosome formation that enables autophagy of the transferrin receptor and damaged mitochondria. While this compartment may receive membrane inputs from other sources to enable autophagosome biogenesis, RAB11A-positive membranes appear to be a compartment from which autophagosomes evolve

    Polyglutamine tracts regulate beclin 1-dependent autophagy

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    Nine neurodegenerative diseases are caused by expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts in different proteins, such as huntingtin in Huntington's disease and ataxin 3 in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3). Age at onset of disease decreases with increasing polyglutamine length in these proteins and the normal length also varies. PolyQ expansions drive pathogenesis in these diseases, as isolated polyQ tracts are toxic, and an N-terminal huntingtin fragment comprising exon 1, which occurs in vivo\textit{in vivo} as a result of alternative splicing, causes toxicity. Although such mutant proteins are prone to aggregation, toxicity is also associated with soluble forms of the proteins. The function of the polyQ tracts in many normal cytoplasmic proteins is unclear. One such protein is the deubiquitinating enzyme ataxin 3 (refs 7, 8), which is widely expressed in the brain. Here we show that the polyQ domain enables wild-type ataxin 3 to interact with beclin 1, a key initiator of autophagy. This interaction allows the deubiquitinase activity of ataxin 3 to protect beclin 1 from proteasome-mediated degradation and thereby enables autophagy. Starvation-induced autophagy, which is regulated by beclin 1, was particularly inhibited in ataxin-3-depleted human cell lines and mouse primary neurons, and in vivo\textit{in vivo} in mice. This activity of ataxin 3 and its polyQ-mediated interaction with beclin 1 was competed for by other soluble proteins with polyQ tracts in a length-dependent fashion. This competition resulted in impairment of starvation-induced autophagy in cells expressing mutant huntingtin exon 1, and this impairment was recapitulated in the brains of a mouse model of Huntington's disease and in cells from patients. A similar phenomenon was also seen with other polyQ disease proteins, including mutant ataxin 3 itself. Our data thus describe a specific function for a wild-type polyQ tract that is abrogated by a competing longer polyQ mutation in a disease protein, and identify a deleterious function of such mutations distinct from their propensity to aggregate.We thank the Wellcome Trust (Principal Research Fellowship to D.C.R. (095317/Z/11/Z), Wellcome Trust Strategic Grant to Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (100140/Z/12/Z)), National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust and Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS Long-Term Fellowship to A.A.) for funding; R. Antrobus for mass spectrometry analysis; S. Luo for truncated HTT constructs; M. Jimenez-Sanchez and C. Karabiyik for assistance with the primary mouse cell cultures; and J. Lim and Z. Ignatova for reagents