381 research outputs found

    Traitement du cancer par transfert adoptif de lymphocytes T dirigés contre un antigÚne mineur d'histocompatibilité

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Pig welfare : the animal point of view, biological and behavioural approaches

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    Welfare refers to the subjective psychological state of an individual regarding his internal and external environment. Since we are not yet able to read directly animal emotions and feelings, we have no other option than to infer them from the analysis of objective signs, particularly physiological and behavioural, based on the psychobiology of emotion, stress and adaptation. The activation of neuroendocrine stress systems (adrenocortical axis and sympathetic nervous system) provides numerous markers to study biological responses to environmental factors. However, their interpretation in terms of welfare must take into account the important role of these systems in the body’s general physiology. Behavioural criteria are also used (analysis of time budget and space use, abnormal behaviours, expression of social links, preference tests), and interpreted in the context of applied ethology.Le bien-ĂȘtre fait rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  l'Ă©tat psychologique subjectif de l'individu par rapport Ă  son environnement interne et externe. Puisque nous ne sommes pas encore capables de lire directement les sensations et les Ă©motions de l'animal, nous en sommes rĂ©duits Ă  les infĂ©rer de l'analyse de leurs manifestations objectives, en particulier physiologiques et comportementales, qui ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es dans le contexte de la psychobiologie des Ă©motions, du stress et de l'adaptation. L'activation des systĂšmes neuroendocriniens de rĂ©ponse au stress (axe corticotrope et systĂšme nerveux sympathique) fournissent de nombreux marqueurs pour l'Ă©tude des rĂ©ponses biologiques aux facteurs d'environnement. Cependant leur interprĂ©tation en termes de bien-ĂȘtre devra prendre en considĂ©ration le rĂŽle de ces systĂšmes dans la physiologie gĂ©nĂ©rale de l'organisme. On utilisera aussi des critĂšres comportementaux (analyse du budget-temps et de l'utilisation de l'espace, comportements anormaux, expression des liens sociaux, tests de prĂ©fĂ©rences) qu'il faudra analyser dans le contexte des acquis de l'Ă©thologie appliquĂ©e

    Nanonization of megestrol acetate by laser fragmentation in aqueous milieu

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    Faculté de PharmacieNanonization is a simple and effective method to improve dissolution rate and oral bioavailability of drugs with poor water solubility. There is growing interest to downscale the nanocrystal production to enable early preclinical evaluation of new drug candidates when compound availability is scarce. The purpose of the present study was to investigate laser fragmentation to form nanosuspensions in aqueous solution of the insoluble model drug megestrol acetate (MA) using very little quantities of the drug. Laser fragmentation was obtained by focusing a femtosecond (fs) or nanosecond (ns) laser radiation on a magnetically stirred MA suspension in water or aqueous solution of a stabilizing agent. The size distribution and physicochemical properties of the drug nanoparticles were characterized, and the in vitro dissolution and in vivo oral pharmacokinetics of a laser fragmented formulation were evaluated. A MA nanosuspension was also prepared by media milling for comparison purpose. For both laser radiations, smaller particles were obtained as the laser power was increased, but at a cost of higher degradation. Significant nanonization was achieved after a 30-min fs laser treatment at 250 mW and a 1-h ns laser treatment at 2500 mW. The degradation induced by the laser process of the drug was primarily oxidative in nature. The crystal phase of the drug was maintained, although partial loss of crystallinity was observed. The in vitro dissolution rate and in vivo bioavailability of the laser fragmented formulation were similar to those obtained with the nanosuspension prepared by media milling, and significantly improved compared to the coarse drug powder. It follows that this laser nanonization method has potential to be used for the preclinical evaluation of new drug candidates.IRSC - CRNS

    Animal welfare, a driving force to change pig production systems?

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    Animal welfare requirements are expected to affect the future development of pig production systems in France. Rules and regulations play a major role in this evolution. This could be in favour of larger farms, better able to sustain their economic burden. The development of alternative production systems should also be in favour of improved animal welfare. However, French consumer demand for this type of production remains very low due to higher prices. On the other hand, simultaneous improvement of animal performance and welfare provides an interesting approach, as the price increase due to the welfare-related cost may be at least partly offset by enhanced animal performance.La prise en compte du bien-ĂȘtre animal devrait jouer un rĂŽle important dans l'Ă©volution des systĂšmes de production porcine en France. La rĂ©glementation y contribue de maniĂšre prĂ©pondĂ©rante. Elle pourrait favoriser le dĂ©veloppement de structures de plus grande taille, mieux armĂ©es pour faire face Ă  ses consĂ©quences Ă©conomiques. Les Ă©levages labellisĂ©s incluent dans leurs cahiers des charges le respect du bien-ĂȘtre des animaux. De ce fait leur dĂ©veloppement contribue Ă  celui du respect du bien-ĂȘtre animal. Cependant, la demande des consommateurs pour ce type de productions reste jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent trĂšs limitĂ©e en raison de leurs prix plus Ă©levĂ©s. L'amĂ©lioration conjointe du bien-ĂȘtre et des performances constitue une approche intĂ©ressante, dans la mesure oĂč l'augmentation des coĂ»ts liĂ©s au bien-ĂȘtre peut ĂȘtre, tout au moins en partie, compensĂ©e par l'accroissement des performances zootechniques

    La relation des porcs aux humains en Ă©levage : bases biologiques et impact des pratiques

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    SynthĂšse.The relationship between pigs and humans is at the heart of animal husbandry and is one of the pillars of the animal welfare issue. Indeed, humans, through their behaviour and their choices of practices, housing conditions and herd management, influence the mental state of their animals. This article aims to review the work in the field of pig farming. We first describe the impact of farming practices and management systems on the relationship between pigs and humans. Experiments have shown that many practices cause pain, anxiety and subsequent reactions of fear in piglets towards humans, even unknown ones. Other practices can be stressful (sorting) or positive (feeding) for animals. “Relational” practices, in the sense of practices aimed at developing a close relationship, reduce fear. We then describe impacts of categories of human interactions (auditory, visual, tactile) on pig behaviour. Human presence, at a rate of a few minutes per day, is sufficient to get a piglet used to humans. Talking to animals is essential, and has an impact even in utero. Piglets appreciate soft tactile contacts, caresses and scratches. Human presence, combined with positive interactions, thus gains a positive value, which creates a climate of trust and stimulates positive emotions that will improve animal welfare. Finally, we discuss the importance of considering pig behaviour to create a good relationship in pig farming and to train and give advice to farmers. Stimulating a good relationship (fearless and confident) will not only promote the welfare of pigs but also secure the work of farmers and improve their job satisfaction.La relation entre les porcs et les humains est au centre de l’élevage et est aujourd’hui un des piliers de la question du bien-ĂȘtre animal. En effet, l’humain, par son comportement et par ses choix de pratiques, de conditions de logement et de gestion du troupeau va influencer l’état mental de ses animaux. Cette synthĂšse se propose de faire le bilan des travaux sur la relation humain-animal dans le domaine de l’élevage porcin. Nous dĂ©crivons tout d’abord l’impact des pratiques et des modes d’élevage sur la relation Ă  l’humain. Des expĂ©rimentations ont montrĂ© que certaines pratiques sont source de douleur et d’angoisse pour les porcelets, et provoquent des rĂ©actions ultĂ©rieures de peur vis-Ă -vis des humains, mĂȘme inconnus. D’autres pratiques peuvent ĂȘtre stressantes (tri) ou positives (alimentation) pour les animaux. Des pratiques dites relationnelles, au sens de pratiques ayant pour but de dĂ©velopper une relation de proximitĂ©, vont diminuer la peur des humains et favoriser une relation de confiance. Nous dĂ©crivons ensuite l’impact des diffĂ©rentes catĂ©gories d’interactions humaines (auditives, visuelles, tactiles) sur le comportement des porcs. La prĂ©sence humaine suffit Ă  habituer un porcelet aux humains, Ă  raison de quelques minutes par jour. Parler aux animaux est primordial, et a un impact mĂȘme in utero. Les porcelets apprĂ©cient les contacts tactiles doux, caresses ou grattages. L’humain, associĂ© Ă  des interactions positives, va ainsi prendre une valeur positive, ce qui permettra d’instaurer un climat de confiance et pourra susciter des Ă©motions positives favorables au bien-ĂȘtre animal. Finalement, nous discutons de l’importance de prendre en compte le comportement des porcs pour crĂ©er une bonne relation en Ă©levage, et de la prise en compte de l’impact de la relation dans la formation et le conseil aux Ă©leveurs. Favoriser une bonne relation (sans peur et en confiance) sera bĂ©nĂ©fique non seulement pour le bien-ĂȘtre des porcs, mais aussi pour la sĂ©curitĂ© et la satisfaction au travail des Ă©leveurs

    Les impacts des changements climatiques sur la santĂ© au QuĂ©bec : l’exemple de l’Estrie

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    L’Organisation mondiale de la SantĂ© (OMS) soutient que les changements climatiques reprĂ©sentent la plus grande menace pour la santĂ© dans le monde au 21e siĂšcle. Ceux-ci influencent nĂ©gativement plusieurs dĂ©terminants sociaux et environnementaux de la santĂ© comme l’accessibilitĂ© Ă  la nourriture et la qualitĂ© de cette derniĂšre, l’eau et l’air. Blessures, impacts psychosociaux, aggravation de maladies respiratoires, malnutrition, maladies infectieuses, dĂ©cĂšs : les consĂ©quences sanitaires sont susceptibles d’affecter les populations sur tous les continents. Le Canada se rĂ©chauffe deux fois plus rapidement que la moyenne mondiale en raison de sa proximitĂ© au pĂŽle Arctique, oĂč le rĂ©chauffement est accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© comparativement Ă  l’équateur (Bush et Lemmen, 2019). Ainsi, le QuĂ©bec n’est certainement pas Ă  l’abri des changements climatiques. Dans le Sud de la province, les tempĂ©ratures moyennes observĂ©es ont augmentĂ© de plus d’un degrĂ© depuis 1970 et des rĂ©percussions se font dĂ©jĂ  sentir dans notre environnement. Ce rĂ©chauffement, accompagnĂ© d’une plus grande variabilitĂ© du climat (augmentation du risque d’orages, de tempĂȘtes et d’extrĂȘmes hydromĂ©tĂ©orologiques en gĂ©nĂ©ral), reprĂ©sente un dĂ©fi grandissant pour les professionnel.le.s de la santĂ©. Dans la rĂ©gion de l’Estrie, les professionnel.le.s de santĂ© publique ont effectuĂ© une analyse qui leur ont permis d’identifier quatre principaux problĂšmes environnementaux associĂ©s aux changements climatiques, soit : les vagues de chaleur; les inondations; les tiques Ă  pattes noires; le pollen de l’herbe Ă  poux. Ces problĂšmes ont des impacts importants sur la santĂ©, c’est-Ă -dire potentiellement graves ou qui touchent un grand nombre de personnes. Le stress et les pertes (humaines et matĂ©rielles) engendrĂ©es par ces diffĂ©rents problĂšmes environnementaux peuvent aussi reprĂ©senter une source majeure de problĂšmes psychologiques significatifs pouvant persister dans le temps. De plus, ces impacts sont variables selon les diffĂ©rents contextes sociaux des individus et des communautĂ©s, gĂ©nĂ©rant des inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales de santĂ©

    Identification of a novel PPARÎČ/ÎŽ/miR-21-3p axis in UV-induced skin inflammation.

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    Although excessive exposure to UV is widely recognized as a major factor leading to skin perturbations and cancer, the complex mechanisms underlying inflammatory skin disorders resulting from UV exposure remain incompletely characterized. The nuclear hormone receptor PPARÎČ/ÎŽ is known to control mouse cutaneous repair and UV-induced skin cancer development. Here, we describe a novel PPARÎČ/ÎŽ-dependent molecular cascade involving TGFÎČ1 and miR-21-3p, which is activated in the epidermis in response to UV exposure. We establish that the passenger miRNA miR-21-3p, that we identify as a novel UV-induced miRNA in the epidermis, plays a pro-inflammatory function in keratinocytes and that its high level of expression in human skin is associated with psoriasis and squamous cell carcinomas. Finally, we provide evidence that inhibition of miR-21-3p reduces UV-induced cutaneous inflammation in ex vivo human skin biopsies, thereby underlining the clinical relevance of miRNA-based topical therapies for cutaneous disorders

    High prevalence of PRPH2 in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa in France and characterization of biochemical and clinical features.

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    International audiencePURPOSE:To assess the prevalence of PRPH2 in autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP), to report six novel mutations, to characterize the biochemical features of a recurrent novel mutation and to study the clinical features of adRP patients.DESIGN:Retrospective clinical and molecular genetic study.METHODS:Clinical investigations included visual field testing, fundus examination, high-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus autofluorescence imaging and electroretinogram (ERG) recording. PRPH2 was screened by Sanger sequencing in a cohort of 310 French families with adRP. Peripherin-2 protein was produced in yeast and analyzed by Western blot.RESULTS:We identified 15 mutations, including 6 novel and 9 previously reported changes in 32 families, accounting for a prevalence of 10.3% in this adRP population. We showed that a new recurrent p.Leu254Gln mutation leads to protein aggregation, suggesting abnormal folding. The clinical severity of the disease in examined patients was moderate with 78% of the eyes having 1 to 0.5 of visual acuity and 52% of the eyes retaining more than 50% of the visual field. Some patients characteristically showed vitelliform deposits or macular involvement. In some families, pericentral RP or macular dystrophy were found in family members while widespread RP was present in other members of the same families.CONCLUSIONS:The mutations in PRPH2 account for 10.3% of adRP in the French population, which is higher than previously reported (0-8%) This makes PRPH2 the second most frequent adRP gene after RHO in our series. PRPH2 mutations cause highly variable phenotypes and moderate forms of adRP, including mild cases which could be underdiagnosed
