905 research outputs found

    Le matériel céramique de Burdj Baqirha

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    remis en 1999 pour publication dans : O. Callot, P.-L. Gatier, Sanctuaires romains de la Syrie du Nord, tome II.Rapport sur l'étude de plusieurs lots de céramique provenant de la fouille du temple de Burj Baqirah (Massif calcaire de Syrie du Nord) effectuée en 1996 et 1997. Le matériel le plus ancien est de la fin de l'époque hellénistique (IIe s. av. J.-C.), dans le secteur de l'autel. Le temple, construit à l'époque romaine a été transformé en habitat à la fin de l'époque byzantine (VIe s.), et occupé jusqu'à l'époque omeyyade (VIIe-VIIIe s.). Quelques fragments d'époque ayyoubide (XIIe-XIIIe s.) témoignent du passage de quelques nomades à cette époque

    Remarques sur la céramique de Srir

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    remis en 1998 pour publication dans : O. Callot, P.-L. Gatier, Sanctuaires romains de la Syrie du Nord, tome I, Sheikh Barakat et SrirRapport sur l'étude de plusieurs lots de céramique provenant de la fouille du temple de Srir (Massif calcaire de Syrie du Nord). Le matériel le plus ancien est d'époque romaine (Ier s. ap.). Sont également représentée la fin de l'époque byzantine (VIe s.), l'époque omeyyade (VIIe-VIIIe s.) et l'époque abbasside (IXe s.


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    La partie médiévale de Tilbeshar a fait l'objet de plusieurs campagnes de travaux (de 1996 à 1998), dans le cadre de la mission archéologique dirigée par Christine Kepinski (CNRS, UMR 7041, Nanterre), qui étudie l'occupation du site à l'âge du bronze. Les premiers résultats ont confirmé l'importance du site à l'époque des Croisades et sous les Ayyoubides.Ce projet a été rédigé pour la demande de crédits 2007 au MAE

    Assessing Investment in Precision Farming for Reducing Pesticide Use in French Viticulture

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    The paper develops a mathematical programming model for assessing the impact of Environmental Policy instruments on French winegrowing farm’s adoption of pesticides-saving technologies. We model choices with regards to investment in precision farming and plant protection practices, in a multi-periodic framework with sequential decision, integrating uncertainty on fungal disease pressure and imperfect information on equipment performance. We focus on recursive models maximizing a Utility function. These models are applied on a representative sample of 534 winegrowers from the French Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). As expected, both ecotaxes and green subsidies make precision farming equipment more profitable, but the investment rate remains however low and concentrated on basic systems. One explanation is grower’s financial constraint in a context of market crisis and farm indebtedness. Shortcomings and further development of the models are discussed.Discrete Stochastic Programming, Precision Farming, Viticulture, Pesticides, Environmental Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management,

    Remarques sur la céramique de Qalota

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    remis en 1998 pour publication dans : O. Callot, P.-L. Gatier, Sanctuaires romains de la Syrie du Nord, tome I, Sheikh Barakat et SrirRapport sur l'étude de plusieurs lots de céramique provenant de la fouille du temple de Qal‘at Qalota (Massif calcaire de Syrie du Nord). Le matériel le plus ancien est d'époque romaine (Ier - IIIe s. ap.). Est également représentée la fin de l'époque byzantine (VIe s. - VIIe s.), moment durant lequel le temple est transformé en église

    'Might is Right': A study of the Cape Town/Crozets elephant seal oil trade (1832-1869)

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    This thesis is the study of Cape involvement in the elephant seal oil trade on the Prince Edward Islands and Crozet Islands between the years 1832-1869

    Island bodies: registers of race and 'Englishness' on Tristan da Cunha c.1811 - c.1940

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    Tristan da Cunha, a small island in the South Atlantic, is perhaps best known today as the remotest inhabited island in the world. Historical scholarship relating to the island has either focused on its supposed insularity, or has completely elided it in the broader thematic and theoretical studies that often dominate scholarship of the Atlantic world. By placing Tristan da Cunha and metropolitan Britain together within the same analytic field and using an interdisciplinary approach, this work traces metropolitan representations of the island from c.1811-c.1940. Part One traces the ways in which Tristan da Cunha was drawn into the European geographic imagination as well as the economic networks and channels of global circulation during the era of mercantile capitalism. This process saw the island framed as a Romantic English rural idyll displaced into the South Atlantic, and resulted in a metonymic linkage being created between the island body and the bodies that inhabited it. The shift from mercantile capitalism to industrial capitalism and the rise of modernity in the metropole led to (re)negotiations regarding who formed part of the social body of the metropole and Part Two traces the impact of this shift on the island body(ies) of Tristan da Cunha. The (re)negotiation and (re)constitution of the island body(ies) as a result of new metropolitan optics and debates regarding race, degeneration, social belonging, and bourgeois norms resulted in the increasing nativisation and concurrent racialisation of the islanders in metropolitan representations. The island bodies became both coloniser and colonised, Briton and nativised other, Anglo-Saxon and racialised other. These discourses - the island as Romantic English rural idyll, or as isolated, degenerating and inhabited by nativised others - would coexist from the turn of the nineteenth century. They sometimes cut across one another, at other times they reinforced one another, only to diverge and then cut across one another once again. This work unpacks the polyphonic and often contradictory registers of race and Englishness in these metropolitan representations. At the same time it unsettles and attempts to reconstitute the dominant lenses through which the island has previously been analysed

    L'élevage dans la steppe à l'époque byzantine : indices archéologiques

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    International audienceA great number of Byzantine sites have been discovered during a survey of the marginal dry areas of Central Syria. The number of the sites and the excellent preservation of their architectural remains show a ranked network of settlements dating to the 5th-6th centuries.Grâce à une prospection conduite sur les marges arides de la steppe de Syrie centrale, un grand nombre de sites byzantins a été découvert. La quantité et le très bon état de conservation des vestiges ont permis de mettre en évidence un réseau hiérarchisé d'agglomérations des Ve - VIe siècles. Il révèle que dans cet environnement hostile, les potentialités de chaque micro-région ont été prises en compte dans le choix du type de mise en valeur et d'implantation : sédentaire, semi-sédentaire ou nomade. Les exemples décrits dans cet article ont fourni des indices d'une occupation en rapport avec l'élevage et permettent de définir certaines des caractéristiques de cette activité en milieu aride à l'époque byzantine

    Ontology-Mediated Queries for NOSQL Databases

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    This paper is an extended abstract of the paper with the same title presented at AAAI 2016.International audienceOntology-Based Data Access has been studied so far for relational structures and deployed on top of relational databases. This paradigm enables a uniform access to heterogeneous data sources, also coping with incomplete information. Whether OBDA is suitable also for non-relational structures, like those shared by increasingly popular NOSQL languages, is still an open question. In this paper, we study the problem of answering ontology-mediated queries on top of key-value stores. We formalize the data model and core queries of these systems, and introduce a rule language to express lightweight ontologies on top of data. We study the decidability and data complexity of query answering in this setting

    Cartes auto-organisées pour l'analyse exploratoire de données et la visualisation

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    Article de synthèse sur les applications de l'algorithme de Kohonen pour la visualisation et l'analyse de donnéesThis paper shows how to use the Kohonen algorithm to represent multidimensional data, by exploiting the self-organizing property. It is possible to get such maps as well for quantitative variables as for qualitative ones, or for a mixing of both. The contents of the paper come from various works by SAMOS-MATISSE members, in particular by E. de Bodt, B. Girard, P. Letrémy, S. Ibbou, P. Rousset. Most of the examples have been studied with the computation routines written by Patrick Letrémy, with the language IML-SAS, which are available on the WEB page http://samos.univ-paris1.fr