21 research outputs found

    Study of the mechanisms involved in the physiopathology induced by Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus

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    Le virus de la fièvre hémorragique de Crimée-Congo (VFHCC) est un Nairovirus appartenant à la famille des Bunyaviridae, responsable d’une maladie hémorragique sévère chez l’Homme, associée à des symptômes non spécifiques et à une forte mortalité. La transmission se fait par morsure de tique ou par contact direct avec des fluides corporels contaminés. N’ayant ni vaccin ni traitement spécifique, un apport de connaissances sur les interactions cellulaires VFHCC-hôte ainsi que sur les mécanismes développés en réponse à l’infection est nécessaire.Nous avons tout d’abord étudié le potentiel antiviral de molécules sur la réplication du VFHCC. La chloroquine et la chlorpromazine ont été identifiées et inhibent efficacement la réplication virale avec une protection induite chez la souris contre l’infection, en particulier en combinaison avec la ribavirine.De nombreux virus sont connus pour être ciblés par, ou pour détourner la voie de l’autophagie. Nous avons regardé si l’infection par le VFHCC était associée à une modulation de l’autophagie et si la réplication virale était impactée par l’activité autophagique. L’étude de cellules hépatocytaires et épithéliales a montré une mobilisation massive du LC3, principal marqueur des vésicules autophagiques, par le VHFCC. Celle-ci reflète une induction du flux autophagique d’un nouveau type, n’impliquant pas les voies classiques de recrutement du LC3. La réplication virale n’est pas directement modulée par cette autophagie atypique mais des effets indirects sont à étudier. La plupart de ces observations ont été montrées pour le Nairovirus Dugbe avec cependant une cinétique différente.Le dernier axe étudié porte sur l’analyse de l’impact des IFITMs, facteurs de restriction virale connu pour interférer avec les processus de fusion membranaire, sur la réplication du virus Dugbe. L’étude a révélé une inhibition de la réplication virale par certains IFITMs.Des études supplémentaires portant sur l’interaction virus-cellule hôte et les mécanismes moléculaires associés sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre la physiopathologie induite par le VFHCC et mettre au point de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques.Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) belongs to Nairovirus genus and to Bunyaviridae family. It is responsible for a severe hemorrhagic disease in humans, associated with non-specific symptoms and high lethality. Transmission is made by tick’s bite or by direct contact with contaminated body fluids. Since no vaccines or treatments are available, there is a need to accumulate knowledge on all aspects of CCHFV-host cell interaction as well as on response mechanisms that are taking place during infection.We first investigated pharmacological ways to interfere with CCHFV replication. Chloroquine and chlorpromazine (known modulators of some viral infections) were efficiently inhibiting viral replication and induce a protection in mice against CCHFV infection, particularly in the presence of ribavirin. Since several viruses are targeted by, or take advantage of, the autophagy response of infected cells, we explored whether CCHFV infection was associated with modulation of autophagy and whether virus replication was impacted by the autophagic activity of infected cells. By using hepatocytes and epithelial cells, we found that CCHFV induced a massive mobilization of the major marker of autophagic vesicles LC3. This mobilization reflected an induced autophagy flux and was of a novel type since known pathways of LC3 recruitment were not involved. The replication of CCHFV was indeed not directly modulated by this atypical form of autophagy but indirect effects remain to be studied. Most of these observations were found to be valid for the related, Dugbe virus (DUGV) with however, a distinct kinetic.Finally, we analyzed whether DUGV was sensitive to the IFITMs, restriction factors that can interfere with membrane fusion processes. Studies revealed that DUGV replication could be inhibited by some IFITMs. Additional studies on virus host-cell interactions and their associated molecular mechanisms should help to better understand the physiopathology induced by CCHFV and to devise therapeutic strategies

    The Relationship between DUGBE Virus Infection and Autophagy in Epithelial Cells

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    International audienceDugbe orthonairovirus (DUGV) is a tick-borne arbovirus within the order Bunyavirales. Although displaying mild pathogenic potential, DUGV is genetically related to the Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), another orthonairovirus that causes severe liver dysfunction and hemorrhagic fever with a high mortality rate in humans. As we previously observed that CCHFV infection could massively recruit and lipidate MAP1LC3 (LC3), a core factor involved in the autophagic degradation of cytosolic components, we asked whether DUGV infection also substantially impacts the autophagy machinery in epithelial cells. We observed that DUGV infection does impose LC3 lipidation in cultured hepatocytes. DUGV infection also caused an upregulation of the MAP1LC3 and SQSTM1/p62 transcript levels, which were, however, more moderate than those seen during CCHFV infection. In contrast, unlike during CCHFV infection, the modulation of core autophagy factors could influence both LC3 lipidation and viral particle production: the silencing of ATG5 and/or ATG7 diminished the induction of LC3 lipidation and slightly upregulated the level of infectious DUGV particle production. Overall, the results are compatible with the notion that in epithelial cells infected with DUGV in vitro, the autophagy machinery may be recruited to exert a certain level of restriction on viral replication. Thus, the relationship between DUGV infection and autophagy in epithelial cells appears to present both similarities and distinctions with that seen during CCHFV infection

    RSV Infection in Human Macrophages Promotes CXCL10/IP-10 Expression during Bacterial Co-Infection

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a major etiologic agent of acute lower respiratory infection constitutes the most important cause of death in young children worldwide. Viral/bacterial mixed infections are related to severity of respiratory inflammatory diseases, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We have previously investigated the intracellular mechanisms that mediate the immune response in the context of influenza virus/Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sp) co-infection using a model of human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). Here, we set up and characterized a similar model of MDMs to investigate different scenarios of RSV infection and co-infection with Sp. Our results suggest that Sp contributes to a faster and possibly higher level of CXCL10/IP-10 expression induced by RSV infection in human MDMs

    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus replication imposes hyper-lipidation of MAP1LC3 in epithelial cells.

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    International audienceCrimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is a virus that causes severe liver dysfunctions and hemorrhagic fever, with high mortality rate. Here, we show that CCHFV infection caused a massive lipidation of LC3 in hepatocytes. This lipidation was not dependent on ATG5, ATG7 or BECN1, and no signs for recruitment of the alternative ATG12-ATG3 pathway for lipidation was found. Both virus replication and protein synthesis were required for the lipidation of LC3. Despite an augmented transcription of SQSTM1, the amount of proteins did not show a massive and sustained increase in infected cells, indicating that degradation of SQSTM1 by macroautophagy/autophagy was still occurring. The genetic alteration of autophagy did not influence the production of CCHFV particles demonstrating that autophagy was not required for CCHFV replication. Thus, the results indicate that CCHFV multiplication imposes an overtly elevated level of LC3 mobilization that involves a possibly novel type of non-canonical lipidation

    Interference with the production of infectious viral particles and bimodal inhibition of replication are broadly conserved antiviral properties of IFITMs.

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    IFITMs are broad antiviral factors that block incoming virions in endosomal vesicles, protecting target cells from infection. In the case of HIV-1, we and others reported the existence of an additional antiviral mechanism through which IFITMs lead to the production of virions of reduced infectivity. However, whether this second mechanism of inhibition is unique to HIV or extends to other viruses is currently unknown. To address this question, we have analyzed the susceptibility of a broad spectrum of viruses to the negative imprinting of the virion particles infectivity by IFITMs. The results we have gathered indicate that this second antiviral property of IFITMs extends well beyond HIV and we were able to identify viruses susceptible to the three IFITMs altogether (HIV-1, SIV, MLV, MPMV, VSV, MeV, EBOV, WNV), as well as viruses that displayed a member-specific susceptibility (EBV, DUGV), or were resistant to all IFITMs (HCV, RVFV, MOPV, AAV). The swapping of genetic elements between resistant and susceptible viruses allowed us to point to specificities in the viral mode of assembly, rather than glycoproteins as dominant factors of susceptibility. However, we also show that, contrarily to X4-, R5-tropic HIV-1 envelopes confer resistance against IFITM3, suggesting that viral receptors add an additional layer of complexity in the IFITMs-HIV interplay. Lastly, we show that the overall antiviral effects ascribed to IFITMs during spreading infections, are the result of a bimodal inhibition in which IFITMs act both by protecting target cells from incoming viruses and in driving the production of virions of reduced infectivity. Overall, our study reports for the first time that the negative imprinting of the virion particles infectivity is a conserved antiviral property of IFITMs and establishes IFITMs as a paradigm of restriction factor capable of interfering with two distinct phases of a virus life cycle

    Natural History of <i>Sudan ebolavirus</i> to Support Medical Countermeasure Development

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    Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV) is one of four members of the Ebolavirus genus known to cause Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in humans, which is characterized by hemorrhagic fever and a high case fatality rate. While licensed therapeutics and vaccines are available in limited number to treat infections of Zaire ebolavirus, there are currently no effective licensed vaccines or therapeutics for SUDV. A well-characterized animal model of this disease is needed for the further development and testing of vaccines and therapeutics. In this study, twelve cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) were challenged intramuscularly with 1000 PFUs of SUDV and were followed under continuous telemetric surveillance. Clinical observations, body weights, temperature, viremia, hematology, clinical chemistry, and coagulation were analyzed at timepoints throughout the study. Death from SUDV disease occurred between five and ten days after challenge at the point that each animal met the criteria for euthanasia. All animals were observed to exhibit clinical signs and lesions similar to those observed in human cases which included: viremia, fever, dehydration, reduced physical activity, macular skin rash, systemic inflammation, coagulopathy, lymphoid depletion, renal tubular necrosis, hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis. The results from this study will facilitate the future preclinical development and evaluation of vaccines and therapeutics for SUDV

    Hemostasis defects underlying the hemorrhagic syndrome caused by Mammarenaviruses in a cynomolgus macaque model

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    Viral hemorrhagic fevers (HF) are a group of acute febrile diseases with high mortality rates. While hemostatic dysfunction appears to be a major determinant of the severity of the disease, it is still unclear what pathogenic mechanisms lead to it. In clinical studies, arenaviruses such as Lassa, Machupo and Guanarito viruses caused HF that vary in symptoms and biological alterations. In this study we aimed to characterize the hemostatic dysfunction induced by arenaviral HF to determine its implication in the severity of the disease and to elucidate the origin of this syndrome. We found that lethal infection with Machupo, Guanarito and Lassa viruses is associated with cutaneo-mucosal, cerebral, digestive and pulmonary hemorrhages. The affected animals developed a severe alteration of the coagulation system, which was concomitant with acute hepatitis, minor deficit of hepatic factor synthesis, presence of a plasmatic inhibitor of coagulation and dysfunction of the fibrinolytic system. Despite signs of increased vascular permeability, endothelial cell infection was not a determinant factor of the hemorrhagic syndrome. There were also alterations of the primary hemostasis during lethal infection, with moderate to severe thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction. Finally, we show that lethal infection is accompanied by a reduced hematopoietic potential of the bone marrow. This study provides an unprecedented characterization of the hemostasis defects induced by several highly pathogenic Arenaviruses

    A MOPEVAC multivalent vaccine induces sterile protection against New World arenaviruses in non-human primates

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    International audiencePathogenic New World arenaviruses (NWAs) cause haemorrhagic fevers and can have high mortality rates, as shown in outbreaks in South America. Neutralizing antibodies (Abs) are critical for protection from NWAs. Having shown that the MOPEVAC vaccine, based on a hyperattenuated arenavirus, induces neutralizing Abs against Lassa fever, we hypothesized that expression of NWA glycoproteins in this platform might protect against NWAs. Cynomolgus monkeys immunized with MOPEVACMAC, targeting Machupo virus, prevented the lethality of this virus and induced partially NWA cross-reactive neutralizing Abs. We then developed the pentavalent MOPEVACNEW vaccine, expressing glycoproteins from all pathogenic South American NWAs. Immunization of cynomolgus monkeys with MOPEVACNEW induced neutralizing Abs against five NWAs, strong innate followed by adaptive immune responses as detected by transcriptomics and provided sterile protection against Machupo virus and the genetically distant Guanarito virus. MOPEVACNEW may thus be efficient to protect against existing and potentially emerging NWAs

    A MOPEVAC multivalent vaccine induces sterile protection against New World arenaviruses in non-human primates

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    International audiencePathogenic New World arenaviruses (NWAs) cause haemorrhagic fevers and can have high mortality rates, as shown in outbreaks in South America. Neutralizing antibodies (Abs) are critical for protection from NWAs. Having shown that the MOPEVAC vaccine, based on a hyperattenuated arenavirus, induces neutralizing Abs against Lassa fever, we hypothesized that expression of NWA glycoproteins in this platform might protect against NWAs. Cynomolgus monkeys immunized with MOPEVACMAC, targeting Machupo virus, prevented the lethality of this virus and induced partially NWA cross-reactive neutralizing Abs. We then developed the pentavalent MOPEVACNEW vaccine, expressing glycoproteins from all pathogenic South American NWAs. Immunization of cynomolgus monkeys with MOPEVACNEW induced neutralizing Abs against five NWAs, strong innate followed by adaptive immune responses as detected by transcriptomics and provided sterile protection against Machupo virus and the genetically distant Guanarito virus. MOPEVACNEW may thus be efficient to protect against existing and potentially emerging NWAs

    A vaccine targeting antigen-presenting cells through CD40 induces protective immunity against Nipah disease

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    International audienceNipah virus (NiV) has been recently ranked by the World Health Organization as being among the top eight emerging pathogens likely to cause major epidemics, whereas no therapeutics or vaccines have yet been approved. We report a method to deliver immunogenic epitopes from NiV through the targeting of the CD40 receptor of antigen-presenting cells by fusing a selected humanized anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody to the Nipah glycoprotein with conserved NiV fusion and nucleocapsid peptides. In the African green monkey model, CD40.NiV induces specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG as well as cross-neutralizing responses against circulating NiV strains and Hendra virus and T cell responses. Challenge experiments using a NiV-B strain demonstrate the high protective efficacy of the vaccine, with all vaccinated animals surviving and showing no significant clinical signs or virus replication, suggesting that the CD40.NiV vaccine conferred sterilizing immunity. Overall, results obtained with the CD40.NiV vaccine are highly promising in terms of the breadth and efficacy against NiV