14 research outputs found

    Estudo comparativo de fórmulas empregadas no cálculo de doses medicamentosas infantis

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the utilization of Clark's, Salisbury and Penna's rules and the Body Surface Area (BSA) formula for calculation of pediatric drug dosage, as well as their reliability and viability in the clinical use. These rules are frequently cited in the literature, but much controversy still exists with regards to their use. The pediatric drug dosage was calculated by utilization of the aforementioned rules and using the drugs Paracetamol, Dipyrone, Diclofenac Potassium, Nimesulide, Amoxicillin and Erythromycin, widely employed in Pediatric Dentistry. Weight and body surface areas were considered of children with ages between 1 and 12 years old as well as the dosage for the adult. The pediatric dosages achieved were compared to the predetermined dosages in mg kg-1 herein-named standard dosages. The results were submitted to the parametric test ANOVA and to the Tukey test (pO presente estudo foi realizado com a finalidade de avaliar as fórmulas de Clark, Salisbury, Área da Superfície Corpórea (ASC) e Penna, quanto a sua confiabilidade e viabilidade de uso clínico para o cálculo de doses medicamentosas infantis, uma vez que tais fórmulas são freqüentemente citadas na literatura, mas muita controvérsia ainda existe com relação ao seu uso. As doses infantis foram calculadas utilizando as fórmulas descritas e os medicamentos Paracetamol, Dipirona, Diclofenaco de Potássio, Nimesulida, Amoxicilina e Eritromicina, largamente usados na clínica odontopediátrica. Foram considerados parâmetros como o peso e área da superfície corpórea de crianças com idades entre 1 e 12 anos e a dose para o adulto. As doses obtidas foram comparadas às doses em mg/kg consideradas como padrão de referência para os medicamentos. Os resultados foram submetidos ao teste paramétrico ANOVA e de Tukey (

    Bilateral Tapia syndrome after maxillomandibular advancement surgery

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    Hypoglossal and recurrent laryngeal nerve lesions in their unilateral or bilateral extracranial pathways cause a motor deficit in the tongue with transient, partial or total loss of speech, which may be associated with mild or severe dysphagia, characterizing Tapia’s syndrome. This unusual condition is usually related to airway manipulation during the anesthetic-surgical procedure, and few cases in the literature are correlated with maxillofacial surgery, which explains, in part, the lack of knowledge of this complication by a significant number of professionals. We describe a case report of bilateral Tapia syndrome established after a procedure for maxillomandibular advancement. This is a 55-year-old male patient diagnosed with retrognathism and retromaxilism. The patient underwent maxillomandibular advancement with nasotracheal intubation. He evolved with bilateral Tapia syndrome, recovering from the signs and symptoms of this complication, being reoperated on to correct aesthetic results obtained in the first intervention, which were below acceptable, not evolving after this second surgery with the syndrome. We conclude that preventive measures must be taken, such as avoiding sudden movements in the head region and prolonged hyperextension of the neck during surgery, minimizing trauma to the tracheal tube on the tissues that cover the hypoglossal and recurrent laryngeal nerves.Hypoglossal and recurrent laryngeal nerve lesions in their unilateral or bilateral extracranial pathways cause a motor deficit in the tongue with transient, partial or total loss of speech, which may be associated with mild or severe dysphagia, characterizing Tapia’s syndrome. This unusual condition is usually related to airway manipulation during the anesthetic-surgical procedure, and few cases in the literature are correlated with maxillofacial surgery, which explains, in part, the lack of knowledge of this complication by a significant number of professionals. We describe a case report of bilateral Tapia syndrome established after a procedure for maxillomandibular advancement. This is a 55-year-old male patient diagnosed with retrognathism and retromaxilism. The patient underwent maxillomandibular advancement with nasotracheal intubation. He evolved with bilateral Tapia syndrome, recovering from the signs and symptoms of this complication, being reoperated on to correct aesthetic results obtained in the first intervention, which were below acceptable, not evolving after this second surgery with the syndrome. We conclude that preventive measures must be taken, such as avoiding sudden movements in the head region and prolonged hyperextension of the neck during surgery, minimizing trauma to the tracheal tube on the tissues that cover the hypoglossal and recurrent laryngeal nerves

    Extraoral surgical access for removal of intraparotid giant sialolith in young patient. A case report

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    AbstractSialolithiasis is one of the most common diseases of salivary glands. Sialoliths mainly develop in the submandibular gland with few cases described in the parotid and sublingual glands. They are more common in adults between the third and fourth decades of life, and can affect the elderly and rarely children and adolescents. In most cases, they are located in the ducts, but parenchymal location is unusual. Clinical signs of sialolithiasis are well known; however, they may appear in atypical sites, making it difficult to locate and diagnose them precisely. In these cases, the use of complementary imaging examinations, such as computerized tomography, is critical to delimit the lesion and determine the treatment plan. Therefore, the description of this clinical case of a parotid sialolith, with atypical location, in a 17-year-old patient, that was surgically removed by extraoral access after determining its correct location by using computerized tomography imaging is relevant and important

    Cistadenocarcinoma papilar mucinoso: tumor maligno raro em glândula salivar menor

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    Clinical case description of a papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, extremely rare malignant tumor in the salivary gland and difficult to diagnose, in geriatric patient. Patient with 86 years old was referred for treatment with nodular lesion on the inner side of left lower lip extending to the bucal mucosa, without any clinical appearances of malignancy. The lesion was asymptomatic, had flabby consistency and slow growth. Despite the favorable clinical features, after surgical removal, was diagnosed as papillary mucinous papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Nonetheless, the cellular atypia found was considered to be mild and immunohistochemical evaluation the reaction to Ki-67 was low, indicating a low rate of proliferation of the tumor. Medical evaluation confirmed the absence of systemic disorders or distant metastases. Although it is a malignant lesion, due to low degree of proliferation of lesion and the careful follow-up carried out, there was a favorable evolution after conservative treatment in a follow-up period of 11 years and six months.Descrição do caso clínico de um cistadenocarcinoma papilar mucinoso, tumor maligno extremamente raro em glândula salivar e de difícil diagnóstico, em um paciente geriátrico. Paciente com 86 anos foi encaminhado para tratamento com lesão nodular na parte interna do lábio inferior do lado esquerdo estendendo-se para a mucosa jugal sem qualquer aspecto clínico de malignidade. A lesão era assintomática, apresentava consistência flácida e crescimento lento. Apesar das características clínicas favoráveis, após a remoção cirúrgica, o diagnóstico foi de cistadenocarcinoma papilar mucinoso. Entretanto, a atipia celular encontrada foi considerada leve e a reação imunohistoquímica para o Ki67 baixa, indicando uma baixa taxa de proliferação do tumor. A avaliação médica confirmou a ausência de transtornos sistêmicos e de metástases a distância. Apesar de se tratar de uma lesão maligna, devido ao baixo grau de proliferação do tumor e o acompanhamento cuidadosos realizado houve uma evolução favorável após o tratamento conservador após um período de acompanhamento de 11 anos e 6 meses.64220721

    Cistadenocarcinoma Papilar Mucinoso: Tumor Maligno Raro Em Glândula Salivar Menor

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    Clinical case description of a papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, extremely rare malignant tumor in the salivary gland and difficult to diagnose, in geriatric patient. Patient with 86 years old was referred for treatment with nodular lesion on the inner side of left lower lip extending to the bucal mucosa, without any clinical appearances of malignancy. The lesion was asymptomatic, had flabby consistency and slow growth. Despite the favorable clinical features, after surgical removal, was diagnosed as papillary mucinous papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Nonetheless, the cellular atypia found was considered to be mild and immunohistochemical evaluation the reaction to Ki-67 was low, indicating a low rate of proliferation of the tumor. Medical evaluation confirmed the absence of systemic disorders or distant metastases. Although it is a malignant lesion, due to low degree of proliferation of lesion and the careful follow-up carried out, there was a favorable evolution after conservative treatment in a follow-up period of 11 years and six months.64220721

    Leis penais especiais comentadas

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 343.232(81)(094) Coment. L532pe- Coordenado por: Rogério Sanches Cunha, Ronaldo Batista Pinto e Renee do Ó Souza

    Comparative study of rules employed for calculation of pediatric drug dosage

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the utilization of Clark's, Salisbury and Penna's rules and the Body Surface Area (BSA) formula for calculation of pediatric drug dosage, as well as their reliability and viability in the clinical use. These rules are frequently cited in the literature, but much controversy still exists with regards to their use. The pediatric drug dosage was calculated by utilization of the aforementioned rules and using the drugs Paracetamol, Dipyrone, Diclofenac Potassium, Nimesulide, Amoxicillin and Erythromycin, widely employed in Pediatric Dentistry. Weight and body surface areas were considered of children with ages between 1 and 12 years old as well as the dosage for the adult. The pediatric dosages achieved were compared to the predetermined dosages in mg kg-1 herein-named standard dosages. The results were submitted to the parametric test ANOVA and to the Tukey test (p<0,05). The antibiotics and Diclofenac provides acceptable utilization of the rules in pediatric dentistry, however for the Dipyrone, the dosages obtained by the rules suggest their clinical ineffectiveness. For the Paracetamol, the Penna's rule and the BSA formula should not be clinically employed, especially for children between 1 and 5 years old, once such dosages were much close to the hepatotoxic dosage of the drug. It can be concluded that the use of the rules for safe calculation of the pediatric drug dosage is possible and it depends on the used drug and age group

    Ozônioterapia no controle da infecção em cirurgia oral

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    The objective of the literature review showing their main biological properties involved in the tissue repair process and its therapeutic potential in the prevention , control and treatment of infection in oral surgeries . To carry out this study , a search of the PubMed database . 13 articles that met the inclusion criteria were found . Antimicrobial properties , antiálgicas , anti-inflammatory , imunu - stimulants , oxygenation and neoangiogenesis were attributed to ozone in several studies . And indications such as the treatment of alveolitis , osteomyelitis , osteonecrosis , wound healing in skin and mucosa and antisepsis been suggested. However , many of its effects have not been well understood. The doses and concentrations for their use are not standardized . Studies to establish doses and periods of administration are still needed for increasingly traumatic and biologically effective therapies are found to practice dentistry .O objetivo do estudo de revisão da literatura mostrando suas principais propriedades biológicas envolvidas no processo de reparação tecidual, e seu potencial terapêutico na prevenção, controle e tratamento de infecção em cirurgias orais. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, uma busca na base de dados PubMed. Foram encontrados 13 artigos que se enquadravam nos critérios de inclusão. Propriedades antimicrobianas, antiálgicas, antiinflamatórias, imunuestimulantes, de oxigenação e neoangiogênese foram atribuídas ao ozônio em diversos estudos. E indicações como o tratamento da alveolite, osteomielite, osteonecrose, cura de feridas em mucosa e em pele e antissepsia foram sugeridas. No entanto, muitos de seus efeitos ainda não foram bem esclarecidos. As doses e concentrações para seu uso não são padronizadas. Estudos para o estabelecimento de doses e períodos de administração ainda são necessários para que terapias cada vez mais atraumáticas e biologicamente eficazes sejam encontradas para a prática odontológica