56 research outputs found

    Traditional Medicinal Plants Used by the Community of Sri Wangi Village, Kapuas Hulu Regency

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    Kapuas Hulu Regency is a Conservation District because most of its area is protected forest (National Parks and Protected Forests). The existence of people who are close to the forest makes them often interact with plants, one of which is with medicinal plants. This study aimed to analyze the types of medicinal plants used by the community of Sri Wangi Village, Boyan Tanjung District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. This study uses a survey method with data collection techniques by snowball sampling. The data collected is the types of medicinal plants used, the medicinal plants' efficacy, the parts used, processing methods, and administration methods. The results showed that the number of medicinal plants used by the community was 34 species and distributed to 19 families. The highest use is found in the leaves (30%), processed by boiling (43.59%) and used by drinking (43.59%). The data on the types of medicinal plants used by the people of Sri Wangi Village can add to the repertoire of knowledge of medicinal plants in West Kalimantan

    KOMPOSISI KIMIA BATANG PANDAN MENGKUANG (Pandanus atrocarpus Griff) SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU ALTERNATIF PULP (Chemical Composition of Mengkuang Pandanus (Pandanus Artocarpus Griff) As Pulp Alternative Raw Material)

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    A fundamental study was carried out to explore the properties of pandan mengkuang stem (Pandanus atrocarpus Griff). In this study chemical compound was investigated, with regards to pulp and paper production. Completely randomized design was used and as a factor was plant age. The result showed that the level of plant age, had significantly affected to the content of holocellulose, ?-cellulose, pentosan and 1% NaOH solubility. The percentage of extractive content, lignin, holocellulose, ?-cellulose, pentosan, ash content and 1% NaOH solubility were 2.83% ~ 3.71 %; 23.08% ~ 23.88%; 66.8% ~ 68.21%; 38.08% ~ 39.06%; 20.68% ~ 21.14%; 2.7% ~ 3.18%; 24.47% ~ 27.19% respectively. The overall results showed that pandan mengkuang has a promising potential to be used in pulp and paper production. Keyword : chemical properties, pandan mengkuang, Pandanus atrocarpus, pulp, nonwood

    The Utilization of Medicinal Plants to Cure Gastrointestinal Disorders by The Dayak Muara Tribe in Kuala Dua Village, Sanggau Regency

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    People use medicinal plants to treat various diseases, one of which is gastric disorders. The study aims to analyze the use of medicinal plants to overcome gastric disorders by the Dayak Muara tribe in Kuala Dua Village, Sanggau Regency. The sampling method was purposive sampling, with the number of respondents was 10% of the total number of households in Kuala Dua Village (91 respondents). The information regarding the medicinal plants used by the Dayak Muara tribe to overcome gastric disorders such as diarrhea, intestinal worms, nausea and vomiting, constipation, gastric, flatulence, and stomachache was collected. Furthermore, data obtained analyzed for the use-value (UV), informant consensus factor (ICF), and fidelity level (FL). The Dayak Muara tribe in Kuala Dua village, Kembayan District, has used 17 species of medicinal plants to overcome gastric disorders. Curcuma longa is the plant with a high use value or UV (0.96), followed by Psidium guajava (0.89) and Zingiber officinale (0.45). The highest value of informant consensus factor or ICF includes the diseases category of diarrhea (0.98), gastric, stomachache, nausea, and vomiting, each of which has an ICF value (0.96), constipation (0.94), intestinal worms and flatulence (0.88). The plants with the highest fidelity level (FL) are Allium sativum, Cymbopogon citratus and Centella asiatica for gastric (100), Areca catechu for constipation (100), Moringa oleifera, and Theobroma cacao (100) for stomachache


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    The abundant biodiversity in the Tawang Panyai Indigenous Forest area has a variety of tree species including timber producers, fruit-producing trees, rattan, bamboo and medicinal plants that are used by communities around indigenous forests. The aims of this study were to documented the use and knowledge of medicinal plants by people around the Tawang Panyai Indigenous Forest in Tapang Semadak Village, Sekadau Hilir District, Sekadau District. The method used in this study was survey method with data collection techniques, namely Purposive sampling conducted semi-structured interview techniques using questionnaires and field observations. The results of the study in Tapang Semadak Village, Sekadau Hilir Subdistrict, Sekadau District, towards 248 respondents obtained by respondents who used medicinal plants were women. Most of the respondents worked as farmers due their education level are still very low, so the majority chose to garden and cultivate. Adults and elderly respondent are more have knowledge of medicinal plants than others. The majority of the religious community is Catholic with Dayak tribe De'sa. The results of the study in the field found 52 types of medicinal plants grouped into 33 families. The plant of family that is widely used is zingiberaceae, based on the most widely used habitus level which is 17 species (32.08%), based on the form of the herb that is widely used is a single herb which is 49 species (92%), based on plant the most widely used drug is leaves, which are 31 species (58.49), based on the method of medicinal plants the most widely used is boiled, namely 27 species (49.06%), based on the method of use that is widely used is by drinking that is 29 species (54.72%), based on the type of disease that is widely used is internal disease, which is 32 species (62.26), based on plants that are found mostly in the traditional forest of Tawang Panyai and home gardens.Keywords:  Medicinal Plants, Tawang Panyai Customary Forest, Utilizatio

    Utilization of Medicinal Plants: Case Study in Kelayam Sub-village Manua Sadap Village Kapuas Hulu Regency

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    Most of the people in the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap village, come from the dayak Iban tribe. Their lives are close to the forest, and they still hold on to their cultural customs are undoubtedly interesting for research, primarily how they use the plants in the forest as part of their traditional medicine. This study aims to record and analyze the medicinal plants used by the people of the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap village, Kapuas Hulu Regency. We conducted this research using a survey method with a sampling technique, and the respondents were selected with a snowball sampling. The results showed that the people of the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap village used 21 medicinal plants for various treatments such as to treat wounds, skin diseases, muscle pain, hypertension, cholesterol, stomach pain, and to treat toothache. There are 17 families of medicinal plants used by the community, and the most dominant is from the Rubiaceae family. The highest utilization of plant parts is leaves (67%) by boiling (31%) and pounding (30%) and the use of plants by drunk and patched, each of which has the same value (32%). The data on medicinal plants in the Kelayam sub-village, Manua Sadap Village, adds to the wealth of knowledge of traditional medicinal plants in Kapuas Hulu Regency, especially in the Iban Dayak comunity

    Family medicinal plants (toga) in Tanap village Sanggau regency and their utilization by the Dayak Muara ethnic for the treatment of digestive system disorders

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    Medicinal plants are used for various kinds of health care, one of which is to treat problems in the digestive system. This research aimed to analyze the utilization of family medicinal plants (TOGA) by the ethnic of Dayak Muara in Tanap village in handling digestive system disorders. This study was conducted by survey method with a purposive sampling technique. This research was initiated by conducting interviews with the people of Tanap village who came from the Dayak Muara, then continued with identifying the medicinal plants mentioned. The data obtained were then analyzed with an ethnobotanical index in the form of Use Value (UV), Informant Consensus Factor (ICF), and Fidelity Level (FL). The Dayak Muara ethnic in Tanap Village uses 22 species of TOGA to handle digestive system disorders. The highest families used were Zingiberaceae and Amaryllidaceae. The dominant plant parts used, processing method, administration method, and remedies form for the handling of digestive system disorders are leaves (36%), boiled processing (43%), drinking (44%), and single herb form (67%). Plants with high use value (UV=1) are jambu biji (Psidium guajava) and kunyit (Curcuma longa). The digestive system disorder categories with the highest ICF included sprue (1), nausea and vomiting (0.98), intestinal worms, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation (0.97). Plant that had the highest FL value (100%) included cocor bebek (Bryophyllum pinnatum), patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli), and putri malu (Mimosa pudica) for the treatment of toothache. Entawak (Artocarpus anisophyllus) for stomachache, pinang (Areca catechu) for constipation, lidah buaya (Aloe vera) for hemorrhoids, and sawo (Manilkara zapota) for stomachache

    UJI IN VITRO DAYA RACUN DAUN RENGAS (Gluta renghas Linn) DAN MANGGA KWENI (Mangifera odorata Griff) TERHADAP SERANGAN JAMUR PELAPUK KAYU (Schizopyllum commune Fries)

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    Wood is an organic material that is easily affected by various factors of wood destruction, one of them is wood decay fungal Schizopyllum commune Fries. To overcome the attack of this fungal, it is needs preventive efforts such as using natural materials that are efficacious as anti-fungal. In this study, testing was conducted to analyze the toxic power of methanol extract from the leaves of Anacardiace family plant, namely Gluta renghas and Mangifera ordorata. This study used RAL factorial with 2 factors (type of leaves extract and concentration levels). The methods used were moisture content measurement of those leaves powder, extraction stage with methanol solvent, yield percentage measurement, and anti fungal assays. The results showed that there was no interaction between type of leaves extract and concentrations levels, but concentration levels showed significant effect to the antifungal activity. The optimum concentration of the extracts in inhibited the growth of decay fungal S. commune was 3 %. Keywords: in vitro assay, anti fungal, Gluta renghas, Mangifera ordorata rengas, Schizopyllum commune AbstrakKayu merupakan bahan organic yang mudah terserang berbagai faktor perusak kayu diantaranya adalah jamur pelapuk Schizopyllum commune Fries, untuk megatasi serangan jamur ini perlukan usaha pencegahan seperti menggunakan bahan alam yang berkhaasiat sebagai anti jamur. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penggujian untuk mengganalisadaya racun ekstrak methanol dari daun tanaman family Anacardiace yaitu G. renghas dan M. ordorata. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) factorial dengan 2 faktor (jenis ekstrak dan tingkat konsentrasi). Metode yang digunakan adalah pengukuran kadar air serbuk, ekstraksi dengan menggunakan pelarut methanol, penentuan rendemen dan pengujian anti jamur. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara factor jenis ekstrak dan tingkat konsentrasi, sedangkan factor tingkat konsentrasi mempengaruhi aktivitas anti jamur. Konsentrasi terbaik dari kedua ekstrak dalam menghambat jamur pelapuk S. commune adalah 3 %. Abstrak ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan spasi tunggal, mempergunakan huruf Kata kunci: uji in vitro, anti jamur, Gluta renghas, Mangifera ordorata rengas, Schizopyllum commun

    The Utilization of Home Yard Medicinal Plants by Traditional Healers (Battra) in Pentek Village, Sadaniang District of Mempawah Regency

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    Currently, people still choose traditional medicine as one of the options to maintain their health. This conventional medicine uses ingredients from wild plants taken from the forest or plants grown in the home yard. Although the forest provides various medicinal plants, many are currently cultivated in the yard for easy access when needed. This study aims to analyze medicinal plants in the home yard used by Battra in Pentek Village, Sadaniang District, Mempawah Regency. This study used a survey method by conducting interviews with all Battra in Pentek Village. We then analyzed plant species, habitus and parts of plants used, processing methods, usage methods, and state of concoction. The results showed that Battra in Pentek Village used 37 medicinal plants in their home yards, with the most widely used plant family being Zingiberaceae (5 species). The most frequently used plant habitus was herb (56.76%), and the most commonly used plant part was leaves (28.81%). The processing method used was boiling (37.14%), and the usage method was drinking (39%)—the form of concoction used as a mixture (70.27%)


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    The Zingiberaceae family is one of the plant families most widely used by the community, both for cooking spices and traditional medicine. Many plants belonging to the Zingiberaceae family have not yet been identified. This research aims to explore and document plant species belonging to the zingiberaceae family in the Baning Sintang natural tourism park area. Data collection was carried out using an exploration method with 5 paths. We found 8 species of plants from the Zingiberaceae family with a total of 41 individuals. These plants belong to 5 genera. The most frequently found genus was Etlingera with 3 species (37.5%) and 29 individuals (70.73%). The most common species was Etlingera coccinea which was found in all observation routes. From the research results, it is proven that the Baning natural tourist park in the city of Sintang has the potential for a diversity of plant species from the Zingiberaceae family.Keywords: Eksplorasi, Jalur, Sintang, Taman Wisata Alam Baning, Zingiberaceae.AbstrakFamili Zingiberaceae merupakan salah satu famili tumbuhan yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat, baik untuk bumbu masakan maupun pengobatan tradisional. Tumbuhan anggota famili Zingiberaceae masih banyak yang belum teridentifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari dan mendokumentasikan jenis tumbuhan yang termasuk kedalam family zingiberaceae yang ada di kawasan wisata alam Baning Sintang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ekplorasi dengan 5 jalur. Ditemukan 8 jenis tumbuhan dari famili Zingiberaceae dengan jumlah individu 41. Tumbuhan tersebut yang termasuk kedalam 5 genus. Genus yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Etlingera dengan jumlah jenis 3 (37,5%) dan individu 29 (70,73%). Jenis yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Etlingera coccinea yang ditemukan pada semua jalur pengamatan. Dari hasil penelitian dibuktikan bahwa Taman wisata alam Baning kota Sintang memiliki potensi keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan dari famili Zingiberaceae.Kata kunci: Eksplorasi, Jalur, Sintang, Taman Wisata Alam Baning, Zingiberaceae


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    Plants producing forest fruits is one of the natural resources that has an important role of forest communities the suply, including the kind of fruit that has been used by people around the forest for food and other necessities . This study aims is to determine the diversity of fruits -producing trees that can be consumed by the forest around the District Nature Forest Kantuk Sub District Sepauk District Sintang . The method used is the method of combination of method and line method checkered path. 4 lines of observation , length 500 m , width of lanes and 20 x 20 m , 200 m spacing between lines . Observation plots measuring 10 x 10 m for poles and 20 x 20 m for tree level . The results found that the overall number of poles 57 vegetation types and levels of 58 types of trees . Fruit -producing trees for poles 21 forest types and levels of 19 species of trees The highest of Important Value Index (IVI) of overall vegetation at level poles and tree is derived from Purang (Macaraga sp) and Perepat (Sonneratia alba JB Sn) respectively are 28.7218%; 45.8161%. While the highest of Important Value Indeks (IVI) for Fruits producing free at poles and tree is derived from Tengkawang (Shorea sp) that are 69.5018; 100.9681%. and for fruit tree in poles and tree level are 0.8987 and 0.8464. Keywords : Trees , Fruits , Natural Forests , Important Value Index, species diversit