6,812 research outputs found

    Dirichlet's and Thomson's principles for non-selfadjoint elliptic operators with application to non-reversible metastable diffusion processes

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    We present two variational formulae for the capacity in the context of non-selfadjoint elliptic operators. The minimizers of these variational problems are expressed as solutions of boundary-value elliptic equations. We use these principles to provide a sharp estimate for the transition times between two different wells for non-reversible diffusion processes. This estimate permits to describe the metastable behavior of the system

    Un approccio ludico alla comunicazione delle identitĂ  locali

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    Si propone in questo articolo un percorso di analisi e ricerca che ha portato a progettare un urban game che vuole essere un approccio ludico alla comunicazione del territorio milanese, che stimoli ad una scoperta degli spazi urbani effettuata in modo esperienziale e focalizzata sia su nuovi modelli di interazione sociali sia culturali. Giuc[MI] è il prodotto di una tesi di laurea magistrale in Design della Comunicazione, che è nato quindi all’interno del Politecnico di Milano, come diretta conseguenza di uno studio di analisi sul tema del Game Design e del desiderio di sviluppare nuove interazioni socio-culturali capaci di valorizzare il territorio e incrementare la percezione che si ha del luogo. Lo scenario di studio è la città di Milano, ed in particolare i quartieri che la costituiscono, ed è analizzato ponendo particolare attenzione alle caratteristiche che rendono ciascun luogo unico e originale. Il progetto indaga gli ambiti del turismo, della città e del gioco, utilizzandoli come chiavi di lettura trasversale per la comunicazione territoriale, e si pone come finalità il creare un’esperienza densa di significato; Giuc[MI] porta infatti in a un’esperienza di gioco da svolgersi nel contesto urbano, dedicata sia al cittadino sia al turista curioso di esplorare la città in modo profondo e non convenzionale, desideroso di osservarla con occhi diversi, allontanandosi dagli usuali ed inflazionati percorsi. L’obiettivo è di comunicare il territorio ponendone in risalto valori e caratteristiche, immergendosi in un’esperienza di scoperta delle identità locali che trasmettono ampiamente la tradizione milanese e la storia della produzione locale, oltre ad esprimere il genius loci e l'unicità del luogo. Giuc[MI] può essere considerato un ibrido tra una caccia al tesoro ed un pervasive game, che sfrutta paradigmi della realtà aumentata ancora poco diffusi, in quanto è utilizzata in un modo non convenzionale e soprattutto poco invasivo. Si tratta di un sistema composto da tre elementi: il contesto urbano, che è direttamente coinvolto in qualità di elemento attivo, le persone e il sistema di gioco stesso; questi tre elementi interagiscono tra di loro. Lo scopo di chi gioca è visitare il maggior numero di quartieri possibili e, esplorando questi luoghi intrisi di storia e tradizione, cercare e conquistare le botteghe artigiane segnalate sulle mappe di gioco, al fine di guadagnare punti; l’ambiente urbano scelto come contesto è caratterizzato dalla presenza di concentrazioni artigiane che permettono l’individuazione di micro-aree con un’estensione tale da essere percorse nella propria totalità a piedi. Giocare nella città è per il giocatore un’opportunità di sviluppare una vera e propria relazione sia con chi vive il luogo, sia con il contesto stesso, considerando il gioco un’interessante strumento che stimoli ad una scoperta attiva della città, trasmettendo l’importanza di luoghi altrimenti sconosciuti e nascosti, in quanto lontani dagli usuali percorsi turistici. Infatti, giocando, vengono raggiunti due importanti obiettivi: da un lato avviene la comunicazione della città per mezzo delle sue identità locali; dall’altro vediamo una vera e propria conquista dello spazio urbano, che porta il giocatore a riconquistare un rapporto diretto con gli spazi. Dato lo scenario, il termine Serendipity risulta essere un filo conduttore per il progetto, in quanto proprio l’entrare in contatto con l’atmosfera e l’essenza stessa della città porta il giocatore a comprenderne lo spirito ed il valore. In particolare, il visitare un luogo in un atteggiamento serendipitoso rafforza il senso di scoperta creativa in un’area urbana caratterizzata da una molteplicità di significati e storie

    Translating data into narratives. Designing semantic interpretations for reflexive policy practices

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    Today more than ever, it is evident the role that data can play when designing policies. Not only can understandable data orient better strategies, but they can also enable reflexive practices within Public Administrations, giving directions for knowledge management and smarter governance. However, multiple gaps concur to affect data understanding and interpretation, hindering their subsequent translation into policy-valuable information. To tackle challenges related to data interpretation and usage, the article (i) illustrates a narrative approach for building profiles of cities as narrative feedback from sets of data and (ii) investigates their potential as a (self-)evaluation and a decision-making support device. The feedback structure relies on the conceptual model built for the DIGISER Project, which investigated multidimensional digital transition processes across European cities. Dynamic feedback retrieves data from the project dataset, translating them into discursive form. The effectiveness of the approach and its device is validated through a qualitative enquiry on a textual excerpt provided to three different departments of one of the cities that participated in the survey. The study corroborates that designing narrative feedback as semantic interpretations can trigger understanding, (self-)reflection and support policy change, informing policy formulation and facilitating cross-silo interactions across administrative units engaged in digital transformation processes

    Character-driven Narrative Engine. Storytelling System for building interactive narrative experiences

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    This paper discusses a design methodology for developing interactive storytelling projects based on character-driven stories. Shaped as a three-year research through design, it was applied in the educational context of Politecnico di Milano, School of Design, from 2015 to 2017. To open up the issue of the degree of interactiveness and agency that different media allow toward the story, we merged knowledge from cultural, media and game studies. Aiming at building brave, fresh interactive narratives for contemporary media (analogue, digital or hybrid), each year we experimented the implications of initiating the design activity from a different starting point: 1) archetypal characters, 2) thick and compelling storyworlds, and 3) real testimonies shaped as short stories and fragments of memories. We discuss the different tools and methods employed, and the reasons why behind their evolution through time. Then, we conclude with a critical analysis of the results obtained, looking at the consequences and potentialities of how this narrative process has been applied to the game design field

    Hybrid board game: Possibilities and implications from an interaction design perspective

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    In a context of continuous miniaturization and technological advancement, the combination of digital and analog media is becoming an element of increasing importance. The so called “IoT revolution” represents one of the major technological breakthroughs of our times that re-framed the way we interact with our surroundings, now becoming data-rich and sensor-infused environments. The boardgames field, however, appears untouched by this revolution, even though an object- based system such as a tabletop offers an interesting scenario for smart interactions. The research in the field and the development of a prototype lead to a series of ground rules, best practices and problematics related to operations of hybridisation of digital means in an analog play experience

    Advancements in Design Research. 11 PhD Theses on Design as we do in Polimi

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    The book is part of a series that, since 2017, documents the production of the Politecnico di Milano Design Programme, presenting a summary of the doctoral theses defended each year. In the variety of the researched topics (Design Education; Collaborative Processes; Cultural and Creative Companies; Technology for Social Change), a common trait can be found in the continuous need of updated ways of addressing complex problems. It is such need that drives the evolving boundaries of design research forward, not just within our Doctoral Programme, but within all the national and international Doctoral Programmes in Design we are acquainted with

    Pengaruh Stres Kerjad Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Puri Saron Madangan Hotel di Kabupaten Gianyar

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah : untuk mengetahui pengaruh stress kerja dan lingkungan kerja fisik secara parsial dan simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pa Puri Saron Madangan Hotel di Kabupaten Gianyar. Responden dalam hal ini sebanyak 35 orang. Responden dalam hal ini adalah karyawan pada Puri Saron Madangan Hotel di Kabupaten Gianyar. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan cara observasi, wawancara,  dan Study dukumentasi: Regresi Linear berganda, determinasi, dan analisis statistik, uji t (t-test) dan analisis statistic uji F (F-test) merupakan teknik analisis yang dipergunakan . berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh hasil stress kerja dan lingkungan kerja fisiksecara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Stress kerja dan lingkungan kerja fisik secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Koefisien determinasi menunjukkan kontribusi/sumbangan stress kerja dan lingkungan kerja fisik terhadap kinerja adalah 87,40%sedangkan sisanya 12,60% dipengaruhi factor lain yang tidak dibahas

    Design for Narrative Change. A pedagogical model for Interactive Digital Narratives

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    Narratives mirror shared interpretations of the world. Still, dominant narratives prevail, pushing non-hegemonic narratives in the corner. A change in the creation, interaction and distribution of narratives can support the design of counter-narratives able to feed social change. Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN) can be considered an emerging experimental context in which designers, researchers and practitioners from various domains operate to develop story-based content addressing relevant social or societal issues. The IDN social constructivist role in encouraging or influencing individuals and collectivities towards social change is a relevant design issue especially from an educational perspective. Specifically, it features methodologies and praxis not yet systematised, in need of exploration and formalisation. Recognising the contribution of an approach combining transdisciplinary methods and tools, the article presents a pedagogical model for designing IDNs as complex interactive systems able to impact culture and society based on empirical study from a design course in the higher education context. Composed of theoretical and operational frameworks, the pedagogical model orients the multilayered design process for building engaging, interactive narrative artefacts systematising and operationalising knowledge from the domains of Communication for Social Change, storytelling and IDN in an iterative design process

    A framework for P2P application development

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    Although Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing has become increasingly popular over recent years, there still exist only a very small number of application domains that have exploited it on a large scale. This can be attributed to a number of reasons including the rapid evolution of P2P technologies, coupled with their often-complex nature. This paper describes an implemented abstraction framework that seeks to aid developers in building P2P applications. A selection of example P2P applications that have been developed using this framework are also presented
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