65 research outputs found

    Síntesis de análogos de ibogaína y su evaluación como promotores de la expresión del factor neurotrófico GDNF

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    La adicción es un desorden neurobiológico en el que el uso repetido de sustancias de abuso corrompe los circuitos neuronales normales de recompensa y de conductas adaptativas, provocando cambios neuroplásticos en dicho circuito. Esta enfermedad crónica tiene graves y duraderas consecuencias para la salud del individuo y la sociedad.[1] El tratamiento farmacológico actual para la adicción a drogas de abuso está enfocado principalmente a disminuir los severos síntomas desarrollados durante la abstinencia o incluso a evitar la recaída. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no existen estrategias exitosas que logren revertir los cambios neurobiológicos implicados en el consumo crónico de una sustancia. En este sentido, sería deseable contar con fármacos que promuevan la generación de neuroplasticidad orientados a restablecer los circuitos neuronales a un estado de no-adicció

    Interaction of Eu-isotopes with saponite as a component of the engineered barrier

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    Bentonite is accepted as the best clay material in the engineered barrier of deep geological repositories (DGRs) for radioactive waste disposal. In recent years, the interactions between a wide range of rare-earth (REE) cations and smectites have been studied. A combined study of stable europium and radioactive isotopes is reported here. Saponite was subjected to hydrothermal reactions with stable and radioactive (152Eu) europium ions under subcritical conditions. The structural changes of saponite were evaluated by XRD and SEM. The effect of temperature and reaction time on the changes was quantified by measuring 152Eu through gamma spectrometry. The reaction between europium and saponite was a first-order reaction. The presence of Eu in the precipitate in an amount much higher than the cation exchange capacity of saponite confirmed participation of chemical reactions or surface adsorption in the europium immobilization, even at temperatures as low as 150°C. The reaction rate constant indicated that an 8- to 9-month period was needed for the completion, without significant changes, of the europium/saponite chemical reaction under the subcritical conditions of 200°C and 350°C.Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino 300/PC08/3-01.1Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica CTQ2010-1487

    Dentistry share a dream

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    Introducción: El proyecto Odontología se va de boca, se viene desarrollando desde hace varios años, alcanzando en la actualidad la cuarta parte de su ejecución. El mismo inició como un programa radial, transmitido en vivo por radio Universidad. Dada la situación epidemiológica que se atravesó en el último tiempo, se reanudaron las transmisiones del programa, que paso de emitirse por radio, a transmitirse en vivos de Facebook. En ese proceso, se comunicó con nosotros una Asociación civil, llamada “Compartiendo un sueño”. Objetivo general: Brindar a las personas concurrentes a la ONG "Compartiendo un sueño" y a sus familias, las herramientas necesarias para la prevención de enfermedades orales.Introduction: The Dentistry project is going from mouth to mouth, it has been developing for several years, currently reaching a quarter of its execution. It began as a radio program, broadcast live on Radio Universidad. Given the epidemiological situation that has been going through in recent times, the broadcasts of the program were resumed, which went from being broadcast on the radio to being broadcast live on Facebook. In this process, a civil association, called "Sharing a dream" contacted us. General objective: Provide people attending the NGO "Sharing a dream" and their families, the necessary tools for the prevention of oral diseases.Facultad de Odontologí

    A review of arduino and salesforce for data collection and storage designed for microclimate monitoring

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    This paper discusses the creation of a prototype station for monitoring microclimate and other variables such as carbon dioxide air concentration level and globe temperature through components that gather, process and store data from low-cost sensors. Its general purpose is to provide data on climate and other more granular features, such as microclimate. The specific objective was to seek solutions for the issue of securely storing microclimate data collected by the prototype using an Arduino open-source hardware board. The proposal to use Salesforce's PaaS computational cloud for data storage allows for the existence, with the current state of technology, of several tools capable of assisting both in collecting data as well as in securely storing them for later analysis. The study and the creation of such a prototype station for monitoring microclimate and other variables were carried out in the city of Campinas/SP. In the end, it was concluded that the station was efficient due to the accuracy of the data obtained by most sensors interfaced with Arduino and recorded on Salesforce's platform with the use of the NodeMCU Wi-Fi module. Some objectives were not met as one of the sensors was faulty and the integration between Arduino and NodeMCU could not be completed due to time constraints

    Gubernamentalidad sanitaria poscovid: Tecnologías para el control, monitoreo y vigilancia de la salud en el municipio de José C. Paz

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha causado una disrupción global en la sociedad y particularmente en sus sistemas de atención médica. A raíz de esto, el uso de la tecnología se aceleró a un ritmo vertiginoso. Las tecnologías sanitarias (TS) se expresan en un conjunto bastante heterogéneo de dispositivos que abarcan desde apps, líneas telefónicas, consultas por videoconferencias, chatbots, recetas electrónicas, resultados de exámenes a través de la red, entre otros. En el campo de la salud, las TS se habían empezado a implementar mundialmente, pero la rápida propagación del SARS-COV-2 ha proporcionado la oportunidad para adoptar plenamente su uso como políticas públicas en el diagnóstico, seguimiento, prevención, cuidado y vigilancia de la salud. En Argentina la pandemia de COVID-19 generó un nuevo portafolio de políticas públicas intersectoriales e interjurisdiccionales modificando las estrategias gubernamentales de todo el país durante el 2020 y el 2021. Las soluciones para administrar la pandemia instalaron a la salud como bien público prioritario e impulsó la reorganización de la gestión de los recursos públicos y privados para la atención sanitaria, independiente de la propia organización y fragmentación característicos de nuestro sistema sanitario. Particularmente, la provincia de Buenos Aires desplegó un conjunto de tecnologías sanitarias (TS) para coordinar la gestión integral del sistema de salud e impulsar una nueva gobernabilidad en ese campo. Las TS ayudaron a construir mecanismos de coordinación y cooperación intersectorial e interjurisdiccional que facilitaron la prevención, el cuidado y el seguimiento de la salud de millones de ciudadanos bonaerenses. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una evaluación del proceso de implementación de las TS, particularmente de la línea telefónica 148, tomando la información cuantitativa georreferenciada y disponible del Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, particularmente del Municipio de José C. Paz, durante los años 2020 y 2021.Fil: Belardo, Marcela Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz. Instituto de Estudios Sociales En Contextos de Desigualdades.; ArgentinaFil: Manteca Acosta, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbrán"; ArgentinaFil: Saux, Maria Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Rivero, Rocío. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbrán"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Soratti, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Marsico, Franco Leonel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, Maria Noelia. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Pazos, Jonhatan. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; Argentin

    Gubernamentalidad sanitaria poscovid: Tecnologías para el control, monitoreo y vigilancia de la salud en el municipio de José C. Paz

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha causado una disrupción global en la sociedad y particularmente en sus sistemas de atención médica. A raíz de esto, el uso de la tecnología se aceleró a un ritmo vertiginoso. Las tecnologías sanitarias (TS) se expresan en un conjunto bastante heterogéneo de dispositivos que abarcan desde apps, líneas telefónicas, consultas por videoconferencias, chatbots, recetas electrónicas, resultados de exámenes a través de la red, entre otros. En el campo de la salud, las TS se habían empezado a implementar mundialmente, pero la rápida propagación del SARS-COV-2 ha proporcionado la oportunidad para adoptar plenamente su uso como políticas públicas en el diagnóstico, seguimiento, prevención, cuidado y vigilancia de la salud. En Argentina la pandemia de COVID-19 generó un nuevo portafolio de políticas públicas intersectoriales e interjurisdiccionales modificando las estrategias gubernamentales de todo el país durante el 2020 y el 2021. Las soluciones para administrar la pandemia instalaron a la salud como bien público prioritario e impulsó la reorganización de la gestión de los recursos públicos y privados para la atención sanitaria, independiente de la propia organización y fragmentación característicos de nuestro sistema sanitario. Particularmente, la provincia de Buenos Aires desplegó un conjunto de tecnologías sanitarias (TS) para coordinar la gestión integral del sistema de salud e impulsar una nueva gobernabilidad en ese campo. Las TS ayudaron a construir mecanismos de coordinación y cooperación intersectorial e interjurisdiccional que facilitaron la prevención, el cuidado y el seguimiento de la salud de millones de ciudadanos bonaerenses. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una evaluación del proceso de implementación de las TS, particularmente de la línea telefónica 148, tomando la información cuantitativa georreferenciada y disponible del Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, particularmente del Municipio de José C. Paz, durante los años 2020 y 2021.Fil: Belardo, Marcela Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz. Instituto de Estudios Sociales En Contextos de Desigualdades.; ArgentinaFil: Manteca Acosta, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbrán"; ArgentinaFil: Saux, Maria Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Rivero, Rocío. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación. Administración Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbrán"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Soratti, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Marsico, Franco Leonel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, Maria Noelia. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; ArgentinaFil: Pazos, Jonhatan. Universidad Nacional de Jose Clemente Paz; Argentin

    Ibogaine Administration Modifies GDNF and BDNF Expression in Brain Regions Involved in Mesocorticolimbic and Nigral Dopaminergic Circuits

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    Ibogaine is an atypical psychedelic alkaloid, which has been subject of research due to its reported ability to attenuate drug-seeking behavior. Recent work has suggested that ibogaine effects on alcohol self-administration in rats are related to the release of Glial cell Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA), a mesencephalic region which hosts the soma of dopaminergic neurons. Although previous reports have shown ibogaine’s ability to induce GDNF expression in rat midbrain, there are no studies addressing its effect on the expression of GDNF and other neurotrophic factors (NFs) such as Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) or Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in distinct brain regions containing dopaminergic neurons. In this work, we examined the effect of ibogaine acute administration on the expression of these NFs in the VTA, Prefrontal Cortex (PFC), Nucleus Accumbens (NAcc) and the Substantia Nigra (SN). Rats were i.p. treated with ibogaine 20 mg/kg (I20), 40 mg/kg (I40) or vehicle, and NFs expression was analyzed after 3 and 24 h. At 24 h an increase of the expression of the NFs transcripts was observed in a site and dose dependent manner. Only for I40, GDNF was selectively upregulated in the VTA and SN. Both doses elicited a large increase in the expression of BDNF transcripts in the NAcc, SN and PFC, while in the VTA a significant effect was found only for I40. Finally, NGF mRNA was upregulated in all regions after I40, while I20 showed a selective upregulation in PFC and VTA. Regarding protein levels, an increase of GDNF was observed in the VTA only for I40 but no significant increase for BDNF was found in all the studied areas. Interestingly, an increase of proBDNF was detected in the NAcc for both doses. These results show for the first time a selective increase of GDNF specifically in the VTA for I40 but not for I20 after 24 h of administration, which agrees with the effective dose found in previous self-administration studies in rodents. Further research is needed to understand the contribution of these changes to ibogaine’s ability to attenuate drug-seeking behavior

    Evolutionary Rate Covariation Identifies New Members of a Protein Network Required for Drosophila melanogaster Female Post-Mating Responses

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    Seminal fluid proteins transferred from males to females during copulation are required for full fertility and can exert dramatic effects on female physiology and behavior. In Drosophila melanogaster, the seminal protein sex peptide (SP) affects mated females by increasing egg production and decreasing receptivity to courtship. These behavioral changes persist for several days because SP binds to sperm that are stored in the female. SP is then gradually released, allowing it to interact with its female-expressed receptor. The binding of SP to sperm requires five additional seminal proteins, which act together in a network. Hundreds of uncharacterized male and female proteins have been identified in this species, but individually screening each protein for network function would present a logistical challenge. To prioritize the screening of these proteins for involvement in the SP network, we used a comparative genomic method to identify candidate proteins whose evolutionary rates across the Drosophila phylogeny co-vary with those of the SP network proteins. Subsequent functional testing of 18 co-varying candidates by RNA interference identified three male seminal proteins and three female reproductive tract proteins that are each required for the long-term persistence of SP responses in females. Molecular genetic analysis showed the three new male proteins are required for the transfer of other network proteins to females and for SP to become bound to sperm that are stored in mated females. The three female proteins, in contrast, act downstream of SP binding and sperm storage. These findings expand the number of seminal proteins required for SP's actions in the female and show that multiple female proteins are necessary for the SP response. Furthermore, our functional analyses demonstrate that evolutionary rate covariation is a valuable predictive tool for identifying candidate members of interacting protein networks. © 2014 Findlay et al

    Measurement of the (eta c)(1S) production cross-section in proton-proton collisions via the decay (eta c)(1S) -> p(p)over-bar

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    The production of the ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) state in proton-proton collisions is probed via its decay to the ppˉp \bar{p} final state with the LHCb detector, in the rapidity range 6.5 GeV/c. The cross-section for prompt production of ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) mesons relative to the prompt J/ψJ/\psi cross-section is measured, for the first time, to be σηc(1S)/σJ/ψ=1.74±0.29±0.28±0.18B\sigma_{\eta_c (1S)}/\sigma_{J/\psi} = 1.74 \pm 0.29 \pm 0.28 \pm 0.18 _{B} at a centre-of-mass energy s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.7 fb1^{-1}, and σηc(1S)/σJ/ψ=1.60±0.29±0.25±0.17B\sigma_{\eta_c (1S)}/\sigma_{J/\psi} = 1.60 \pm 0.29 \pm 0.25 \pm 0.17 _{B} at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV using 2.0 fb1^{-1}. The uncertainties quoted are, in order, statistical, systematic, and that on the ratio of branching fractions of the ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) and J/ψJ/\psi decays to the ppˉp \bar{p} final state. In addition, the inclusive branching fraction of bb-hadron decays into ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) mesons is measured, for the first time, to be B(bηcX)=(4.88±0.64±0.25±0.67B)×103B ( b \rightarrow \eta_c X ) = (4.88 \pm 0.64 \pm 0.25 \pm 0.67 _{B}) \times 10^{-3}, where the third uncertainty includes also the uncertainty on the J/ψJ/\psi inclusive branching fraction from bb-hadron decays. The difference between the J/ψJ/\psi and ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) meson masses is determined to be 114.7±1.5±0.1114.7 \pm 1.5 \pm 0.1 MeV/c2^2.The production of the ηc(1S)\eta _c (1S) state in proton-proton collisions is probed via its decay to the ppp\overline{p} final state with the LHCb detector, in the rapidity range 2.06.5GeV/c2.0 6.5 \mathrm{{\,GeV/}{ c}} . The cross-section for prompt production of ηc(1S)\eta _c (1S) mesons relative to the prompt J/ψ{{ J}}/{\psi } cross-section is measured, for the first time, to be σηc(1S)/σJ/ψ=1.74±0.29±0.28±0.18B\sigma _{\eta _c (1S)}/\sigma _{{{{ J}}/{\psi }}} = 1.74\, \pm \,0.29\, \pm \, 0.28\, \pm \,0.18 _{{\mathcal{B}}} at a centre-of-mass energy s=7 TeV{\sqrt{s}} = 7 {~\mathrm{TeV}} using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.7 fb1^{-1} , and σηc(1S)/σJ/ψ=1.60±0.29±0.25±0.17B\sigma _{\eta _c (1S)}/\sigma _{{{{ J}}/{\psi }}} = 1.60 \pm 0.29 \pm 0.25 \pm 0.17 _{{\mathcal{B}}} at s=8 TeV{\sqrt{s}} = 8 {~\mathrm{TeV}} using 2.0 fb1^{-1} . The uncertainties quoted are, in order, statistical, systematic, and that on the ratio of branching fractions of the ηc(1S)\eta _c (1S) and J/ψ{{ J}}/{\psi } decays to the ppp\overline{p} final state. In addition, the inclusive branching fraction of b{b} -hadron decays into ηc(1S)\eta _c (1S) mesons is measured, for the first time, to be B(bηcX)=(4.88±0.64±0.29±0.67B)×103{\mathcal{B}}( b {\rightarrow } \eta _c X ) = (4.88\, \pm \,0.64\, \pm \,0.29\, \pm \, 0.67 _{{\mathcal{B}}}) \times 10^{-3} , where the third uncertainty includes also the uncertainty on the J/ψ{{ J}}/{\psi } inclusive branching fraction from b{b} -hadron decays. The difference between the J/ψ{{ J}}/{\psi } and ηc(1S)\eta _c (1S) meson masses is determined to be 114.7±1.5±0.1MeV ⁣/c2114.7 \pm 1.5 \pm 0.1 {\mathrm {\,MeV\!/}c^2} .The production of the ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) state in proton-proton collisions is probed via its decay to the ppˉp \bar{p} final state with the LHCb detector, in the rapidity range 6.5 GeV/c. The cross-section for prompt production of ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) mesons relative to the prompt J/ψJ/\psi cross-section is measured, for the first time, to be σηc(1S)/σJ/ψ=1.74±0.29±0.28±0.18B\sigma_{\eta_c (1S)}/\sigma_{J/\psi} = 1.74 \pm 0.29 \pm 0.28 \pm 0.18 _{B} at a centre-of-mass energy s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.7 fb1^{-1}, and σηc(1S)/σJ/ψ=1.60±0.29±0.25±0.17B\sigma_{\eta_c (1S)}/\sigma_{J/\psi} = 1.60 \pm 0.29 \pm 0.25 \pm 0.17 _{B} at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV using 2.0 fb1^{-1}. The uncertainties quoted are, in order, statistical, systematic, and that on the ratio of branching fractions of the ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) and J/ψJ/\psi decays to the ppˉp \bar{p} final state. In addition, the inclusive branching fraction of bb-hadron decays into ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) mesons is measured, for the first time, to be B(bηcX)=(4.88±0.64±0.29±0.67B)×103B ( b \rightarrow \eta_c X ) = (4.88 \pm 0.64 \pm 0.29 \pm 0.67 _{B}) \times 10^{-3}, where the third uncertainty includes also the uncertainty on the J/ψJ/\psi inclusive branching fraction from bb-hadron decays. The difference between the J/ψJ/\psi and ηc(1S)\eta_c (1S) meson masses is determined to be 114.7±1.5±0.1114.7 \pm 1.5 \pm 0.1 MeV/c2^2

    Search for CP violation using T-odd correlations in D-0 -> K+K-pi(+)pi(-) decays

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    A search for CPCP violation using TT-odd correlations is performed using the four-body D0K+Kπ+πD^0 \to K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^- decay, selected from semileptonic BB decays. The data sample corresponds to integrated luminosities of 1.0fb11.0\,\text{fb}^{-1} and 2.0fb12.0\,\text{fb}^{-1} recorded at the centre-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, respectively. The CPCP-violating asymmetry aCPT-odda_{CP}^{T\text{-odd}} is measured to be (0.18±0.29(stat)±0.04(syst))%(0.18\pm 0.29\text{(stat)}\pm 0.04\text{(syst)})\%. Searches for CPCP violation in different regions of phase space of the four-body decay, and as a function of the D0D^0 decay time, are also presented. No significant deviation from the CPCP conservation hypothesis is found