25 research outputs found

    Multiple Metastases of a Transmissible Venereal Tumor in a Dog

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    Background: Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a common contagious neoplasm in dogs that spreads through coitus. Extra-genital presentations of this tumor are frequent and usually develop through implantation of neoplastic cells on exposed mucosae. TVT metastasis is rare, and when it happens it’s usually affecting regional lymph nodes and adjacent cutaneous tissue.Case: A female mixed breed dog, with estimated age of 7 to 11-month-old, was rescued from the streets and taken to a veterinary clinic in the city of Porto Alegre, RS. The animal had multiple nodules on its body, vulva, ocular mucosa, and gingiva, along with signs of malnutrition and apathy. Cytological examination of the nodules and vulva was done and yielded a cytologic picture compatible with TVT.  Weakly treatment with 0.3 mg/m² vincristine sulphate was used until clinical cure was noted. Approximately two weeks after clinical cure, the dog showed a blue colored eye and was referred for ophthalmological, where it was diagnosed with vision loss due to glaucoma secondary to a neoplasm. The eye was then removed and sent for histopathological evaluation. Histopathology of the eye was compatible with TVT diagnosis. One month after enucleation the animal display dispenia, pain, aggressiveness and epistaxis. The animal was euthanized and submitted for post-mortem evaluation. At necropsy there was a well-defined grayish-white, nodule near the thalamus. Similar nodules were also found on the lung, and anterior chamber of the eye. Histologically, all the nodules were compatible with TVT. Immunohistochemical examination was done, with the neoplastic cells being positive for vimentin and negative for cytokeratin, CD79a, CD3 and CD117. Based on the post-mortem examination and clinical history, diagnosis of TVT was given.Discussion: The clinical manifestation of the tumor in the genitalia presented by the animal is characteristic of TVT, but the extragenital presentation is less common. Although extragenital manifestations are well reported, most are due to auto-implantation (contact with the dog’s own genitalia) or hetero-implantation (contact with the genitalia of another dog). Metastases originating from the genitalia are markedly less common (5% of cases), and when they occur, they usually affect regional lymph nodes due to lymphatic communication. However, they can also occur in other organs, such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, tonsils, skin and subcutaneous tissue, bone, CNS, mesentery, and eyes. In this case, it is difficult to determine if the ocular tumor reported was due to metastasis or implantation by direct eye contact with TVT cells, since the animal lived on the street, and it was not possible to establish a more accurate history. The dog in this study was treated with vincristine sulfate; however, the treatment was stopped after one month, when no signs of the tumor were observed. Treatment with vincristine is the method of choice for TVT, since it is highly effective. However, rare cases of recurrence after treatment may occur. In addition, this drug does not cross the blood-brain barrier, and this may have favored the rapid reappearance of the tumor after treatment. The metastases from TVT to the CNS are extremely rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature. However, the possibility of metastases in animals with neurological and historical signs of TVT should be considered in the diagnosis. This case draws attention to the occurrence of TVT in the CNS of dogs with ocular TVT

    Cirurgia Ortognática em paciente com fissura labiopalatina: Relato de caso

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    Introdução: A Fissura Labiopalatina (FLP) é a malformação facial congênita mais comum, ela pode ser uni ou bilateral e decorre da falta de coalescência entre os processos palatinos e pterigopalatinos no período entre a quarta e nona semanas de vida intrauterina. Essa malformação causa alterações dentárias, esqueléticas, nutricionais e psicológicas, que interferem diretamente no desenvolvimento da fala, fonação, deglutição e estética. Ainda que se obtenha sucesso na queiloplastia e enxertia para recobrimento da fenda palatina, o paciente com FLP normalmente atinge a fase adulta com severos problemas de má oclusão. Nestes casos o tratamento ortodôntico isolado não é suficiente para correção do problema e a cirurgia ortognática é associada ao tratamento a fim de se obter uma oclusão estável, restabelecendo padrões funcionais e harmonia facial. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso clínico de uma paciente adulta, portadora de FLP unilateral transforame completa acompanhada pela equipe de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial (CTBMF) UFBA-OSID, no Centrinho do Hospital Santo Antônio, Obras sociais Irmã Dulce desde outubro de 1999. Relato de caso: Paciente do gênero feminino, submeteu-se a queiloplastia, enxerto autógeno de crista ilíaca em região de palato, e cirurgia ortognática, recebendo alta do Centrinho completamente reabilitada.  Conclusão: O acompanhamento precoce destes pacientes por uma equipe coesa e interdisciplinar é fundamental para o sucesso do tratamento e inserção social, as etapas de tratamento e as técnicas empregadas no Centrinho tem apresentado bons resultados quanto ao reestabelecimento estético e funcional dos pacientes portadores de FLP

    Emergency embolization after resection of a laryngeal Schwannoma

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    Schwannoma is a rare cause of benign tumors of the larynx. The first-choice treatment is surgical resection. The objective of this paper is to report on a rare case of a young female patient who suffered severe intraoperative hemorrhaging during surgical resection of a laryngeal Schwannoma and needed emergency embolization

    Emergency embolization after resection of a laryngeal Schwannoma

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    Schwannoma is a rare cause of benign tumors of the larynx. The first-choice treatment is surgical resection. The objective of this paper is to report on a rare case of a young female patient who suffered severe intraoperative hemorrhaging during surgical resection of a laryngeal Schwannoma and needed emergency embolization