6 research outputs found

    18-30-vuotiaiden asiakkaiden käsityksiä Reisjärven Osuuspankin pankkipalveluista

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    Opinnäytetyö käsittelee Reisjärven Osuuspankin markkinointia. Työssä tehtiin pankille mielipidekysely palveluista ja sen tuloksista tehtiin yhteenveto pankin oman markkinoinnin suuntaamiseen. Mielipidekysely keskittyy 18–30-vuotiaisiin. Toimintaympäristönä pankilla on Reisjärvi, Kinnula ja Haapajärvi. Kohderyhmän valintaan vaikutti halu tavoittaa 18–30-vuotiaat pankin asiakkaat ja selvittää heidän toiveitaan ja kiinnostustaan pankkipalvelujen sisällöstä. Mielipidekyselyn tarkoitus oli tuoda vastauksia siihen, kuinka kiinnostavina ja tarpeellisina kohderyhmä pitää pankin tarjoamia palveluja. Teoriaosuus koostui asiakaskeskeisyyteen, markkinointiin ja palveluihin liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta ja pankin omasta materiaalista. Teoreettinen viitekehys kuvaa keskeisten käsitteiden liittymistä toisiinsa ja niiden vaikutussuhteista. Empiirinen tutkimus suoritettiin Internet-kyselynä ja kyselylomake oli esillä pankin Internet-pankissa. Kohderyhmän selvittämiseen käytettiin pankin omaa asiakasrekisteriä. Vastauksia haluttiin saada 150 kappaletta ja niitä tuli 72 kappaletta. Mielipidekysely onnistui hyvin. Vastauksista saatiin kattava kuva kohderyhmän mielipiteistä, kiinnostuksesta ja toiveista. Kyselyn tulokset toivat vastauksia tutkimusongelmaan ja se palveli hyvin tarkoitustaan.This thesis treats the marketing of Reisjärven Osuuspankki. The work includes a poll on the bank’s services and a direction for marketing was formed from its results. The poll focused on 18- to 30-year-old customers. The operational environment for the bank is Reisjärvi, Kinnula and Haapajärvi. The reason for selecting the target group was a need to reach 18- to 30-year-old customers and find out their wishes and needs for bank services. The poll was meant to give answers to how interesting and useful the target group thinks these services are. The theory part was based on customer orientation, marketing and service literature and the own material of Reisjärven Osuuspankki. The theoretic frame of reference shows how the central concepts are linked together. The theory part includes also a description of Reisjärven Osuuspankki and its co-workers, products and operation. The empirical study was made using an Internet query, and the questionnaire was available in the Internet service of the bank. Information on the target group was found by using bank’s own customer register. Total of 150 questionnaires were sent and 72 of them were returned. Results of the questionnaire were good. Answers gave good description of customers’ wants and needs. Their opinions were also shown very well in answers. Results brought answer to research problems and it served its purpose very well


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    Conversion from gray scale or color document image into binary image is the main step in most of optical character recognition (OCR) systems and document analysis. After digitization, document images often suffer from poor contrast, noise, non-uniform lighting, and shadow. Also when a page of a book is digitized using a scanner or a camera, a border noise, which is an unwanted text coming from the adjacent page, may appear. The skew arises in the document due to incorrect placement or due to shifting of the object when the scanner lid is being closed. These problems may result in undesired results in OCR and document analysis. Document image cleanup is an active subject in image processing, which addresses these problems. In this thesis, we developed techniques of cleaning up and enhancing document images that suffer from problems resulting from the digitization process

    Document Image Binarization Using Retinex and Global Thresholding

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    Document images are usually degraded in the course of photocopying, faxing, printing, or scanning. Degradation problems seems negligible to human eyes but can be responsible for an abrupt decline in accuracy by the current generation of optical character recognition (OCR) systems. In this paper we present binarization method based on retinex theory followed by a global threshold. High quality results in terms of visual criteria and OCR performance is produced compared to the previous works

    An Efficient Method for Document Correction Based on Checkerboard Calibration Pattern

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    Portable digital devices such as PDAs and camera phones are the easiest and most widely used methods to preserve and collect information. Capturing a document image using this method always has warping issues, especially when capturing pages from a book and rolled-up documents. In this article, we propose an effective method to correct the warping of the captured document image. The proposed method uses a checkerboard calibration pattern to calculate the world and image points. A radial distortion algorithm is used to handle the warping problem based on the computed image and world points. The proposed method obtained an error rate of 3% using a document de-warping dataset (CBDAR 2007). The proposed method achieved a high level of quality compared with other previous methods. Our method fixes the problem of warping in document images acquired with different levels of complexity, such as poor lighting, low quality, and different layouts

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes