36 research outputs found

    The Spiral Economy: a Socially Progressive Circular Economy Model?

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    The Circular Economy (CE) is a well-established sustainability framework within the industry and business contexts, with strong advocates such as the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. It is designed to be restorative and regenerative, and through a continuous cycle aims to keep products, components, and materials at their highest utility and value at all times. It focuses on preserving and enhancing natural capital, optimising resource yields, and minimising system risks by managing finite stocks and renewable flows. The CE principles align strongly with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) framework, which is a relevant lens for further understanding how industry can strategically address environmental and social issues. However, while the CE framework claims to account for the three inter-related and co-evolutionary sustainability dimensions of social, economic and environmental it is challenged for its overt emphasis on the latter two aspects with less done to achieve social value and benefits for those involved in creating and managing the restorative and regenerative cycles. This chapter aims to address this key gap by critically reviewing relevant literature and arguing for a more socially integrated and progressive CE. It develops and presents an original conceptual framework called the Spiral Economy (SE)

    Organização didático-metodológica das aulas de Anatomia e Fisiologia Humana: comportamento e percepção dos estudantes

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    O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa quantitativa, do tipo pesquisa-ação, cujo objetivo foi analisar o comportamento e a percepção dos estudantes sobre a organização didático-metodológica, através dos momentos didático-problematizadores, implementada em três aulas da Disciplina de Anatomia e Fisiologia Humana de um Curso Técnico em Enfermagem da cidade de Santa Maria, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram planejadas pelas pesquisadoras três aulas sobre os temas: sistema endócrino, tegumentar e nervoso, tendo por base a organização didático-metodológica através dos momentos didático-problematizadores. As aulas foram implementadas numa turma do Módulo I, do Curso Técnico em Enfermagem, constituída por oito estudantes. Para a coleta dos dados foram utilizados diário de bordo para registro dos comportamentos dos estudantes observados em cada aula e questionário com perguntas fechadas e abertas para identificar a percepção e sugestões dos estudantes acerca da organização didático-metodológica através dos momentos didático-problematizadores. Dentre os principais resultados, destaca-se a percepção da maioria dos estudantes que considerou boa e/ou muito boa a organização didático-metodológica utilizada, assim como os seus momentos constituintes (desafio inicial, melhor solução escolar no momento, desafio mais amplo e tarefa extraclasse). Sendo que alguns estudantes ainda apresentam comportamento passivo diante do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, concluindo-se que ainda existe uma necessidade de mudanças culturais neste contexto pesquisado, partindo especialmente das ações docentes

    Ergonomic work analysis application in a small shoe business

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    This paper aims to presentthe results after conducting an Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA) in a smallbusiness located in Porto Alegre. The ergonomic intervention was performed basedon Guérin et al. (2001) and aimed to analyze the process organization and thelayout of the shoemaker workstations to provide improvements to these areas.The starting point was the account of the small shoe business owner’s need hadto hire one more shoemaker without increasing the company physical space. The EWAwas used focusing the work organization, how the flow of information ran fromthe entry of an order to the final stage of the product repairing. Thediagnosis showed the company main problems were related to the shop assistantsdependence on the shoemakers to provide budget information and delivery time tocustomers and the layout organization. Among the results, a temporal analysisof two company recurrent tasks was performed in order to ascertain possiblelosses related to the displacement and the search for material. A new layoutscheme was also proposed, aiming to organize the work stations, making easierthe stock, tools and equipment removal, providing a free space to make possiblethe hiring of the new shoemakers within the current company boundaries

    Factors Related to Sports Participation in Brazil: An Analysis Based on the 2015 National Household Survey

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    The academic interest in analyzing the correlates of sports participation in several countries has increased recently. Nevertheless, in developing countries, which do not monitor sportive data, this type of investigation is still scarce. This study aims to analyze socioeconomic, motivational, and supportive factors related to sports participation in Brazil. Data from the 2015 National Household Survey-Supplementary Questionnaire of Sports and Physical Activities are examined. In the survey, 71,142 individuals older than 15 years were interviewed (mean age 43.12 years; 53.83% women and 46.17% men). Logistic regression is used for analyzing the data. Results demonstrate a low participation in sports (23.38%). Sports participation declines with increasing age (2% less per year), increases with higher educational level (graduated 5.9 times more), and males prevail in the sporting context (2.3 times more). The main obstacle to women's participation is the lack of sports facilities, and for men the lack of time and health problems. Men practice sports mainly due to socialization, fun, and competition, and women due to medical recommendation. Soccer was the most practiced sport (28.1%), predominating among men. Public policies on sports promotion for fun and socialization may increase male participation, and investments in sports facilities may increase female participation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Muleta modular: da identificação das oportunidades ao protótipo / Modular crutch: from the identification of opportunities to the prototype

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    O estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma solução para melhorias em muletas, entendendo e considerando as reais necessidades dos usuários por meio de uma metodologia eficaz de desenvolvimento de produto: o Design Thinking. Com a aplicação de ferramentas propostas por Kumar (2013), que enfatizam a percepção e a análise das necessidades dos usuários até a construção de um protótipo, foi possível criar um produto mínimo viável de um novo conceito de Muleta Modular, dividida em quatro módulos customizáveis, de acordo com as necessidades de cada usuário. Também foram desenvolvidos acessórios que atendem necessidades práticas. Como forma de validação, o projeto foi apresentado para diferentes usuários de muletas, a uma empresa de produtos ortopédicos e a avaliadores de um programa de empreendedorismo (incluindo universidade e empresa). A Muleta Modular desenvolvida apresenta uma grande contribuição para o conforto físico e emocional das pessoas, podendo reduzir a incidência de lesões causadas pelo uso deste tipo de tecnologia assistiva, resolvendo problemas do cotidiano e, principalmente, colaborando para a redução do estigma social existente em torno da deficiência

    Mortality risk factors in micro and small businesses : systematic literature review and research agenda

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    Most micro and small businesses (MSEs) are limited in organizational structure, financial resources, technology, and management strategies. Due to these limitations, there are many risks involved in this sector. Understanding the aspects that contribute to the risk of mortality among MSEs is important to guide entrepreneurs in the development of strategic actions and to assist governments in the elaboration of policies that support the creation of new ventures. For this, it is important to know the key factors that contribute to the risk of business mortality. Thus, the following research questions emerge: What is the state of the art on the subject of business mortality in MSE? What are the factors that contribute to the risk of mortality in MSE? What is the relationship between the factors that contribute to the risk of mortality in MSE? The objective of this research was to analyze what the risk factors are for MSE mortality and how they are related to each other. From a systematic literature review, the state of the art on the topic of business mortality in MSEs was evidenced and its risk factors were identified. One hundred and six articles, published from January 2000 to February 2021, were analyzed. The results showed 36 mortality risk factors and highlighted the risks associated with innovative processes, business management, and the characteristics of the entrepreneur. This study contributes to a theoretical framework on corporate mortality and provides an agenda for future research, showing gaps to be explored. In terms of managerial implications, we suggest that entrepreneurs prioritize training initiatives, investing in education, that MSEs participate in cooperation networks to establish partnerships between stakeholders, and that they invest in technological tools to make companies more competitive in the market

    Modular crutch : from the identification of opportunities to the prototype

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    O estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma solução para melhorias em muletas, entendendo e considerando as reais necessidades dos usuários por meio de uma metodologia eficaz de desenvolvimento de produto: o Design Thinking. Com a aplicação de ferramentas propostas por Kumar (2013), que enfatizam a percepção e a análise das necessidades dos usuários até a construção de um protótipo, foi possível criar um produto mínimo viável de um novo conceito de Muleta Modular, dividida em quatro módulos customizáveis, de acordo com as necessidades de cada usuário. Também foram desenvolvidos acessórios que atendem necessidades práticas. Como forma de validação, o projeto foi apresentado para diferentes usuários de muletas, a uma empresa de produtos ortopédicos e a avaliadores de um programa de empreendedorismo (incluindo universidade e empresa). A Muleta Modular desenvolvida apresenta uma grande contribuição para o conforto físico e emocional das pessoas, podendo reduzir a incidência de lesões causadas pelo uso deste tipo de tecnologia assistiva, resolvendo problemas do cotidiano e, principalmente, colaborando para a redução do estigma social existente em torno da deficiência.The study aims to present a solution for improvements in crutches, understanding and considering the real needs of users through an effective methodology of product development: Design Thinking. With the application of tools proposed by Kumar (2013), which emphasize the perception and analysis of users' needs and the construction of a prototype, it was possible to create a viable minimum product of a new Modular Crutch concept, divided into four customizable modules , according to the needs of each user. Accessories have also been developed to meet practical needs. As a form of validation, the project was presented to different users of crutches, a company of orthopedic products and evaluators of an entrepreneurship program (including university and company). Modular Muleta developed has a great contribution to the physical and emotional comfort of people, and can reduce the incidence of injuries caused by the use of this type of assistive technology, solving daily problems and, mainly, collaborating to reduce the existing social stigma around of disability