47 research outputs found

    Early maternal deprivation induces gender-dependent changes on the expression of hippocampal CB(1) and CB(2) cannabinoid receptors of neonatal rats.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/13858Early maternal deprivation (MD) in rats (24 h, postnatal day 9–10) is a model for neurodevelopmental stress. There are some data proving that MD affects the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in a gender-dependent manner, and that these changes may account for the proposed schizophrenia-like phenotype of MD rats. The impact of MD on cannabinoid receptor distribution in the hippocampus is unknown. The aim of this study is to evaluate the expression of CB1 and CB2 receptors in diverse relevant subregions (DG, CA1, and CA3) of the hippocampus in 13-day-old rats by immunohistochemistry and densitometry. MD induced a significant decrease in CB1 immunoreactivity (more marked in males than in females), which was mainly associated with fibers in the strata pyramidale and radiatum of CA1 and in the strata oriens, pyramidale, and radiatum of CA3. In contrast, MD males and females showed a significant increase in CB2 immunoreactivity in the three hippocampal areas analyzed that was detected in neuropil and puncta in the stratum oriens of CA1 and CA3, and in the polymorphic cell layer of the dentate gyrus. A marked sex dimorphism was observed in CA3, with females exhibiting higher CB1 immunoreactivity than males, and in dentate gyrus, with females exhibiting lower CB2 immunoreactivity than males. These results point to a clear association between developmental stress and dysregulation of the ECS. The present MD procedure may provide an interesting experimental model to further address the role of the ECS in neurodevelopmental mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Consejería de Salud. Grant Number: PI-0220 Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa. Grant Number: P05-CV1-1038 (Junta de Andalucía) Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Grant Numbers: 2006/142, FIS 07/1226 Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Grant Number: SAF2006-07523 Red de trastornos adictivos. Grant Number: RD06/0001 Plan Nacional sobre Droga

    Pilares provisionales prototipados como alternativa a los pilares provisionales de poliéter éter-cetona

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    Una etapa muy importante en el proceso de rehabilitación oral de los pacientes con implantes dentales es la provisionalización, la cual da una idea de la futura restauración y permite la creación del perfil de emergencia de la encía, pero también da al paciente la oportunidad de tener una solución estética y funcional hasta el final cuando se fabrican las prótesis definitivas. Para soportar la restauración provisional, se utilizan pilares provisionales; estos pueden ser metálicos o poliméricos. Actualmente, la mayoría de las empresas productoras de implantes suministran pilares provisionales de Poliéter éter-cetona (PEEK), un material estético con buenas propiedades mecánicas, pero con escasa adherencia al polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Considerando que el PMMA es el material más utilizado para la fabricación de coronas provisionales, pero su adherencia con los pilares actuales no es la mejor, se han realizado diferentes investigaciones para mejorar esta unión. Este trabajo propone el uso de pilares provisionales fabricados mediante impresión 3D a partir de una resina de fotopolimerización, que ya ha tenido otras aplicaciones en el campo dental. Las propiedades mecánicas de los pilares de PEEK prefabricados se compararon con los pilares obtenidos por impresión 3D, encontrándose que, en las pruebas de comprensión, los pilares de PEEK se comportaron mejor con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa; no se encontraron diferencias significativas en las pruebas de flexión; mientras que en las pruebas de adherencia los pilares de resina tuvieron un mejor comportamiento, siendo la diferencia estadísticamente significativa

    Changes in cannabinoid receptors, aquaporin 4 and vimentin expression after traumatic brain injury in adolescent male mice. Association with edema and neurological deficit.

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) incidence rises during adolescence because during this critical neurodevelopmental period some risky behaviors increase. The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), blood brain barrier proteins (AQP4) and astrogliosis markers (vimentin) to neurological deficit and brain edema formation in a TBI weight drop model in adolescent male mice. These molecules were selected since they are known to change shortly after lesion. Here we extended their study in three different timepoints after TBI, including short (24h), early mid-term (72h) and late mid-term (two weeks). Our results showed that TBI induced an increase in brain edema up to 72 h after lesion that was directly associated with neurological deficit. Neurological deficit appeared 24 h after TBI and was completely recovered two weeks after trauma. CB1 receptor expression decreased after TBI and was negatively correlated with edema formation and behavioral impairments. CB2 receptor increased after injury and was associated with high neurological deficit whereas no correlation with edema was found. AQP4 increased after TBI and was positively correlated with edema and neurological impairments as occurred with vimentin expression in the same manner. The results suggest that CB1 and CB2 differ in the mechanisms to resolve TBI and also that some of their neuroprotective effects related to the control of reactive astrogliosis may be due to the regulation of AQP4 expression on the end-feet of astrocytes

    Elaboración y caracterización biomecánica de pilares provisionales anatómicos mediante un tipo de prototipeado con ácido poliláctico.

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    El manejo de pacientes parcialmente edéntulos con implantes dentales es una opción ideal actualmente, pero está restringida debido a su alto costo. Para realizar una restauración definitiva se necesita de varios aditamentos, uno de ellos son los pilares provisionales, existen en el mercado varias casas comerciales que los ofrecen de diferentes materiales, pero todos con un elevado costo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar y caracterizar pilares provisionales anatómicos fabricados en impresión 3D con ácido poliláctico y resina fotopolimerizable. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñaron pilares anatómicos temporales y se obtuvieron por impresión 3D en PLA y Resina fotopolimerica, estos fueron sometidos a pruebas de biocompatibilidad, caracterización biomecánica y pruebas de adhesión

    Sex-dependent psychoneuroendocrine effects of THC and MDMA in an animal model of adolescent drug consumption

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    Ecstasy is a drug that is usually consumed by young people at the weekends and frequently, in combination with cannabis. In the present study we have investigated the long-term effects of administering increasing doses of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC; 2.5, 5, 10 mg/kg; i.p.] from postnatal day (pnd) 28 to 45, alone and/or in conjunction with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine [MDMA; two daily doses of 10 mg/kg every 5 days; s.c.] from pnd 30 to 45, in both male and female Wistar rats. When tested one day after the end of the pharmacological treatment (pnd 46), MDMA administration induced a reduction in directed exploration in the holeboard test and an increase in open-arm exploration in an elevated plus maze. In the long-term, cognitive functions in the novel object test were seen to be disrupted by THC administration to female but not male rats. In the prepulse inhibition test, MDMA-treated animals showed a decrease in prepulse inhibition at the most intense prepulse studied (80 dB), whereas in combination with THC it induced a similar decrease at 75 dB. THC decreased hippocampal Arc expression in both sexes, while in the frontal cortex this reduction was only evident in females. MDMA induced a reduction in ERK1/2 immunoreactivity in the frontal cortex of male but not female animals, and THC decreased prepro-orexin mRNA levels in the hypothalamus of males, although this effect was prevented when the animals also received MDMA. The results presented indicate that adolescent exposure to THC and/or MDMA induces long-term, sex-dependent psychophysiological alterations and they reveal functional interactions between the two drugs.Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Redes temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en salud (ISCIII y FEDER): Red de trastornos adictivos RD06/0001/1013,RD2012/0028/0021 and RD06/001/001; GRUPOS UCM-BSCH (GRUPO UCM 951579); Plan Nacional sobre Drogas en la convocatoria de Orden SAS/1250/2009. ALB has a FPU predoctoral grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Maternal deprivation is associated with sex-dependent alterations in nociceptive behavior and neuroinflammatory mediators in the rat following peripheral nerve injury

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    Early-life stress is associated with an increased risk of developing affective disorders and chronic pain conditions. This study examined the effect of maternal deprivation (MD) on nociceptive responding prior to and following peripheral nerve injury (L5-L6 spinal nerve ligation [SNLD. Because neuroimmune signaling plays an important role in pain and affective disorders, associated alterations in glial and cytokine expression were assessed in key brain regions associated with emotional and nociceptive responding, the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. MD female, but not male, rats exhibited thermal hypoalgesia and mechanical allodynia compared with control (non-MD) counterparts. SNL resulted in mechanical and cold allodynia in MD and control rats of both sexes. However, MD females exhibited enhanced SNL-induced allodynic responding compared with non-MD counterparts. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) expression was reduced in the prefrontal cortex of MD-SNL males when compared with non-SNL counterparts. Glial fibrillary acidic protein and IL-1 beta expression in the hippocampus of MD-SNL males was increased compared with non-MD controls. MD-SNL females exhibited reduced tumor necrosis factor alpha in the prefrontal cortex with a concomitant increase in IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha expression in the hippocampus, compared with either MD or SNL alone. In conclusion, MD female, but not male, rats exhibit enhanced nociceptive responding following peripheral nerve injury, effects that may relate to the distinct neuroinflammatory profile observed in female versus male rats.Perspective: This study demonstrates that females rats exposed to early-life stress exhibit enhanced neuropathic pain responding, effects that are associated with alterations in neuroinflammatory mediators. Increased understanding of the interactions among early-life stress, gender, and pain may lead to the identification of novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of chronic pain disorders. (C) 2013 by the American Pain Societ

    Effects of TBI on CB1 mRNA and protein levels.

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    <p>A) CB1 mRNA levels. B) Analysis of correlation between brain edema and CB1 mRNA levels. C) CB1 mRNA levels in animals classified according to neurological score. D) CB1 protein levels. E) Analysis of correlation between brain edema and CB1 protein levels. F) CB1 protein levels in animals classified according to neurological score. Data are mean±SEM. * p< 0.05 versus naïve group of same time.</p