810 research outputs found

    Studi Komparatif Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah Organik Dan Petani Padi Sawah Non-Organik

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    Increasing food needs strongly encourages farmers to increase productivity and develop food diversity. Farmers conduct production intensification, but they do not realize that the unbalanced use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides give a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, the organic farming system is the solution. The emergence of the organic farming product was assumed to be good for both the health and the environment. There are some considerations that the community reluctant to buy the organic product. One of the reasons is the higher purchasing price of the organic product compared to the inorganic farming product. The purpose of this research was to know the cost of the cultivation and income received from organic rice farming and inorganic rice farming in Detubapa, Wolofeo village, Detusoko district. The results of the research show that the average cost of farming in organic rice farming less than inorganic rice farming. On the other hand, the income of farmers organic rice farming greater than inorganic rice farming. Meningkatnya kebutuhan pangan sangat mendorong insan pertanian untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman serta mengembangkan keanekaragaman bahan pangan. Petani melakukan berbagai cara untuk mengembangkannya. Namun, mereka tidak menyadari bahwa penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida anorganik yang tidak tepat akan mengakibatkan perubahan keseimbangan sehingga berdampak negatif bagi petani dan lingkungan. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut petani berusaha mencari teknik bertanam secara aman dan baik untuk lingkungan sehingga muncul sistem pertanian organik. Munculnya berbagai produk pertanian organik yang di anggap baik untuk kesehatan dan lingkungan, ternyata tidak membuat semua orang beralih ke produk tersebut. Terdapat beberapa pertimbangan yang menyebabkan masyarakat enggan untuk membeli produk organik. Salah satunya adalah faktor harga beli produk organik relatif lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan produk non organik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui biaya usahatani serta pendapatan yang di terima usahatani padi sawah organik dan padi sawah non organik di Dusun Detubapa Desa Wolofeo Kec Detusoko. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa rata-rata biaya usahatani yang di keluarkan petani padi sawah organik lebih kecil dibandingkan petani padi sawah non organik. Selan itu, pendapatan yang diperoleh petani padi sawah organik lebih besar daripada pendapatan yang diterima petani padi non organik

    Thin film of copper hexacyanoferrate dispersed on the surface of a conducting carbon ceramic material, SiO2/ZrO2/C-graphite: characteristics and electrochemical studies

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    SiO2/ZrO2/C-graphite materials (SZC) were prepared by the sol-gel method presenting two compositions and designated as: (a) SZC30 (SiO2= 50%, ZrO2= 20%, C= 30%) and (b) SZC20 (SiO2 =60%, ZrO2= 20%, C= 20%) in wt.%. The material structure was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrical conductivities obtained for the pressed disks of these materials were 4 and 18 S cm-1 for SZC20 and SZC30, and the specific surface areas (determined by the BET method) of the carbon ceramic composites were 45 and 12 m² g-1, respectively. A copper hexacyanoferrate thin film was grown in situ on the material surface containing 30 wt.% C (SZC30). The thickness of the film was estimated as 110 nm. The midpoint potential for the redox process was dependent on the KCl supporting electrolyte concentrations in the range between 0.1 and 1.0 mol L-1 and the charge transfer resistance determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy experiment was 23.8 ohm cm².O material SiO2/ZrO2/C-graphite (SZC) foi preparado pelo método sol-gel apresentando duas composições, designadas por: (a) SZC30 (SiO2= 50%, ZrO2= 20%, C= 30%) e (b) SZC20 (SiO2 =60%, ZrO2= 20%, C= 20%) em % m. A estrutura do material foi investigada por difração de raios X (XRD), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão de alta resolução (HR-TEM) e espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raios X (XPS). A condutividade elétrica dos discos prensados destes materiais foi 4 e 18 S cm-1 para SZC20 e SZC30, e a área superficial específica (determinado pelo método BET) dos compósitos carbono cerâmico foi 45 e 12 m² g-1, respectivamente. Um filme fino de hexacianoferrato(II) de cobre foi formado in situ na superfície do material contendo 30 % (em massa) de grafite (SZC30). A espessura do filme foi estimada como sendo 110 nm. O potencial médio para o processo redox foi dependente da concentração de eletrólito suporte na faixa de 0,1 a 1,0 mol L-1 de KCl e a resistência de transferência de carga, determinada por espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIS), foi de 23,8 ohm cm².16051611Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Efek Dosis Dan Frekuensi Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) Terhadap Produktivitas Bayam Merah

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    The nutritional content of red spinach encourages high demand and consumption of this plant. The relatively easy cultivation of this plant is the main attraction for farmers. One form of innovation empowered by farmers to increase the productivity of red spinach is fertilizing. Fertilizing that is environmentally friendly is certainly the choice of farmers during the cultivation process, PGPR or what is known as Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria has been widely applied as a trigger for root growth thereby increasing the value of plant weight. The purpose of this study was to find the dosage and frequency of application of PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) liquid organic fertilizer on the productivity of red spinach. This study utilized a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors. The first factor is the dose (D) consisting of 3 levels including D1: 25 g/plant, D2: 50 g / plant, D3: 75 g / plant, while the second factor is the frequency (F), namely F1: 7 days, F2: 14 days, and F3: 21 days with 3 repetitions. Data were analyzed by a further test with Least Significant Difference (LSD) 5% and the following results showed no positive response to plant growth parameters (height and number of plant leaves) but positive responses were shown in wet and dry weight parameters, D3F3 treatment showed wet weight and the highest dry, namely 54.69 grams and 5.74 grams. Kandungan gizi bayam merah yang tinggi mendorong daya konsumsi masyarakat yang cukup tinggi. Pembudidayaan tanaman yang tergolong mudah menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para petani. Salah satu bentuk inovasi yang didaya gunakan petani untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas bayam merah yaitu pemupukan. Pemupukan yang ramah lingkungan tentunya menjadi pilihan petani selama proses pembudidayaan. PGPR atau yang dikenal dengan Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria telah banyak diaplikasikan sebagai pemicu pertumbuhan akar sehingga meningkatkan nilai bobot tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menemukan dosis serta frekuensi aplikasi pupuk organik cair PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) terhadap produktivitas bayam merah. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu dosis (D) terdiri dari 3 taraf diantaranya D1: 25 gr/tanaman, D2: 50 gr/tanaman, D3: 75 gr/tanaman, sedangkan faktor kedua yaitu frekuensi (F), yaitu F1: 7 hari, F2: 14 hari, dan F3: 21 hari dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Data dianalisis dengan uji lanjutan Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) 5% dan didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut, tidak terjadi respon positif pada parameter pertumbuhan tanaman (tinggi dan jumlah daun tanaman) tetapi respon positif ditunjukkan pada parameter berat basah dan kering, perlakuan D3F3 menunjukkan bobot basah dan kering tertinggi yaitu 54.69 gr dan 5,74 gr

    Bayesian approach and Naturalness in MSSM analyses for the LHC

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    The start of LHC has motivated an effort to determine the relative probability of the different regions of the MSSM parameter space, taking into account the present, theoretical and experimental, wisdom about the model. Since the present experimental data are not powerful enough to select a small region of the MSSM parameter space, the choice of a judicious prior probability for the parameters becomes most relevant. Previous studies have proposed theoretical priors that incorporate some (conventional) measure of the fine-tuning, to penalize unnatural possibilities. However, we show that such penalization arises from the Bayesian analysis itself (with no ad hoc assumptions), upon the marginalization of the mu-parameter. Furthermore the resulting effective prior contains precisely the Barbieri-Giudice measure, which is very satisfactory. On the other hand we carry on a rigorous treatment of the Yukawa couplings, showing in particular that the usual practice of taking the Yukawas "as required", approximately corresponds to taking logarithmically flat priors in the Yukawa couplings. Finally, we use an efficient set of variables to scan the MSSM parameter space, trading in particular B by tan beta, giving the effective prior in the new parameters. Beside the numerical results, we give accurate analytic expressions for the effective priors in all cases. Whatever experimental information one may use in the future, it is to be weighted by the Bayesian factors worked out here.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, 3 figure

    The use of the mHealth program Smarter Pregnancy in preconception care: Rationale, study design and data collection of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle contribute to the worldwide rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases. This also accounts for the reproductive population, in which unhealthy behavior affects fertility and pregnancy outcome. Maternal smoking, alcohol consumption and inadequate folic acid supplement use are strongly associated with fetal complications as small for gestational age, premature birth and congenital malformations. In the Netherlands 83% of the perinatal mortality rate is due to these complications and is relatively high compared to other European countries. In order to reduce this prevalence rate, preconception care should be focused on the promotion of health of prospective parents by identification and intervention on modifiable nutrition and lifestyle risk factors. We developed the personal mHealth program 'Smarter Pregnancy' (Dutch version available on: https://www.slimmerzwanger.nl) to provide individual coaching and information to improve nutrition and lifestyle during the preconception period in order to improve health of the reproductive population and subsequent generations. Methods: Women between 18 and 45 years of age, and trying to conceive are eligible for inclusion in a randomized controlled trial. Participants are allocated either to a general population cohort or a subfertile (IVF/ICSI) population cohort. The intervention group receives personal online coaching based on the identified nutrition and lifestyle risk factors at baseline. Coaching comprises recipes, incentives, additional questions including feedback and text and e-mail messages, with a maximum of three per week. The control group only receives one recipe per week to maintain adherence to the program and prevent drop out. Screening questionnaires are send in both groups at 6, 12, 18, and 24 weeks of the program to monitor the change in the identified risk factors. Discussion: We expect to demonstrate that the mHealth program 'Smarter Pregnancy' can effectively improve nutrition and lifestyle in couples contemplating pregnancy. By the identification and improvement of modifiable nutrition and lifestyle risk factors on a large scale, both reproductive and pregnancy outcomes can be improved and subsequent perinatal morbidity and mortality rates are expected to be reduced. The current use and rapid development of mHealth applications offers new opportunities to reach and educate large populations, which can facilitate the implementation of preconception care. Trial registration: Dutch trial register: NTR4150. (Registered 19th August 2013

    Maternal Lifestyle Impairs Embryonic Growth

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    Previously, embryonic growth has been assumed to be uniform, but in recent years, it has become more clear that genetic and environmental factors may influence the intrauterine environment and therefore embryonic growth trajectories as well as pregnancy course and outcome. The objective of this study was to investigate associations between modifiable maternal nutrition and lifestyle factors during the periconception period and embryonic growth. We established a prospective cohort including 342 women less than 13 weeks pregnant. At enrollment, women filled out a questionnaire regarding demographic and medical data and a validated food frequency questionnaire. Participants received multiple 3-dimensional ultrasound examinations up until the 12th week of pregnancy, and crown–rump length (CRL) and embryonic volume (EV) were measured offline using V-Scope Virtual Reality software (version 1.0.0) in a Barco I-Space. Associations between maternal periconception vegetable and fruit intake, folic acid supplement use, smoking, and alcohol consumption and embryonic growth measurements were assessed by linear mixed models adjusted for potential confounders. No or postconception initiation of folic acid supplement use was significantly associated with a 0.76 mm (−7.8%) and 1.63 mm (−3.7%) smaller CRL and a 0.01 cm3 (−19.5%) and 0.86 cm3 (−12.2%) smaller EV at 7+0 and 11+0 weeks of gestation, respectively. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and inadequate fruit and vegetable intake showed weaker associations with embryonic growth parameters. These results emphasize the influence of periconceptional maternal folic acid supplement use on embryonic growth. Results regarding maternal nutrition and lifestyle factors also suggest an association with embryonic growth, but this has to be confirmed in a larger study

    Mitochondrial Fatty Acid β-Oxidation Disorders: From Disease to Lipidomic Studies—A Critical Review

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    ReviewThis article belongs to the Special Issue Lipid Metabolism in Pathology and Health.Fatty acid oxidation disorders (FAODs) are inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) caused by defects in the fatty acid (FA) mitochondrial β-oxidation. The most common FAODs are characterized by the accumulation of medium-chain FAs and long-chain (3-hydroxy) FAs (and their carnitine derivatives), respectively. These deregulations are associated with lipotoxicity which affects several organs and potentially leads to life-threatening complications and comorbidities. Changes in the lipidome have been associated with several diseases, including some IEMs. In FAODs, the alteration of acylcarnitines (CARs) and FA profiles have been reported in patients and animal models, but changes in polar and neutral lipid profile are still scarcely studied. In this review, we present the main findings on FA and CAR profile changes associated with FAOD pathogenesis, their correlation with oxidative damage, and the consequent disturbance of mitochondrial homeostasis. Moreover, alterations in polar and neutral lipid classes and lipid species identified so far and their possible role in FAODs are discussed. We highlight the need of mass-spectrometry-based lipidomic studies to understand (epi)lipidome remodelling in FAODs, thus allowing to elucidate the pathophysiology and the identification of possible biomarkers for disease prognosis and an evaluation of therapeutic efficacy.This research was funded by FCT/MEC (PIDDAC) for their financial support to LAQVREQUIMTE (UIDB/50006/2020), CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020 + UIDB/50017/2020 + LA/P/0094/2020), and the RNEM-Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125), financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds and, where applicable, co-financed by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020. Ana Moreira thanks the research contract under the research unit LAQV-REQUIMTE. Inês M. S. Guerra (2021.04754.BD) and Helena B. Ferreira (2020.04611.BD) are grateful to FCT for the PhD grants. Tânia Melo thanks the Junior Researcher contract in the scope of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2020 (CEECIND/01578/2020). The authors are thankful to the COST Action EpiLipidNET, CA19105-Pan-European Network in Lipidomics, and EpiLipidomics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Mobile App Lifestyle Intervention to Improve Healthy Nutrition in Women Before and During Early Pregnancy

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    BACKGROUND: Unhealthy nutrition contributes to the worldwide rising prevalence of noncommunicable diseases. As most adverse reproductive outcomes originate during the periconception period, effective interventions targeting this period are needed. Therefore, we developed the lifestyle intervention Smarter Pregnancy to empower women to adapt a healthy diet prior to conception and during early pregnancy and performed a randomized controlled trial. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this trial were to investigate compliance and effectiveness in women using the Smarter Pregnancy program. METHODS: Women aged between 18 and 45 years who were contemplating pregnancy or <13 weeks pregnant and their male partners living in the urban area of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, were eligible for participation. After baseline screening, the intervention group received personal online coaching based on identified inadequate intakes of vegetables, fruits, and folic acid supplements. The sum of these risk factors was used as a dietary risk score (DRS), ranging from 0 (healthy) to 9 (unhealthy). The control group did not receive coaching. We applied an intention-to-treat principle and used a multivariable linear regression model to evaluate the change in DRS after 24 weeks. Compliance was defined as the percentage of women who completed the screening questionnaire at 24 weeks. RESULTS: Of women recruited, 81.2% (177/218) completed the program (intervention: 91/218, 83.5%; control: 86/218, 78.9%; P=.95). After 24 weeks, the reduction in DRS of women in the intervention group was significantly larger than in the control group (β=.75, 95% CI 0.18-1.34). This reduction was mainly due to increased vegetable intake (β=.55, 95% CI 0.25-0.86). CONCLUSIONS: The high compliance and the larger improvements in nutritional behaviors, especially vegetable intake, in women in the intervention group emphasizes the effectiveness of empowering women by using the lifestyle change intervention Smarter Pregnancy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Netherlands Trial Register: NL3927; https://www.trialregister.nl/trial/3927. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): RR2-10.1186/s12884-017-1228-5
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