198 research outputs found

    Gerenciamento e liderança: análise do conhecimento dos enfermeiros gerentes

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    Nurses have assumed management positions in many health institutions. To properly accomplish the demands of this role, it is important that they be competent in both management and leadership. For appropriate performance, knowledge of management and supervision styles is a priority. Therefore, the goal of this investigation is to identify the nurse manager's knowledge regarding management and leadership. A structured questionnaire containing twenty-seven questions was applied to twelve Brazilian nurse managers of primary care center called "Family Basic Health Units". Data analysis suggested that the nurse manager lower knowledge in management and leadership is related to visionary leadership, management and leadership conceptual differences, leader's behavior, and situational leadership. And, nurse manager greater knowledge is related to power; team work, and coherence between values and attitudes.Los enfermeros han asumido cargos gerenciales en diversas instituciones de salud. Para que ejerzan su cargo de forma adecuada, deben desarrollar competencias de gestión y liderazgo. Eso requiere conocimiento. La finalidad de esta investigación fue identificar el conocimiento de los enfermeros/gerentes sobre gestión y liderazgo. Aplicamos un cuestionario estructurado con veintisiete cuestiones a doce enfermeros/gerentes de las Unidades Básicas de Salud y de Unidades de Salud de la Familia. El análisis de los datos mostró que los enfermeros/gerentes poseían menos conocimientos respecto a liderazgo visionario; diferencias conceptuales de gestión y liderazgo; comportamiento del líder y liderazgo situacional. Los mayores conocimientos estaban relacionados con el poder; trabajo en equipo y coherencia entre valores y actitudes.Os enfermeiros têm assumido cargos gerenciais em diversas instituições de saúde. Para que exerçam o cargo de forma adequada é necessário que desenvolvam competências de gerenciamento e liderança. Para o desenvolvimento destas competências é preciso conhecimento. O propósito desta investigação foi identificar os conhecimentos dos enfermeiros/gerentes acerca de gerenciamento e liderança. Aplicamos um questionário estruturado contendo vinte e sete questões a doze enfermeiros gerentes de Unidades Básicas de Saúde e de Unidades de Saúde da Família. Pudemos constatar, pela análise dos dados, que as questões que apresentaram mais erros estão relacionadas aos conhecimentos acerca de: Liderança Visionária; diferenças conceituais de gerenciamento e liderança; comportamento do líder e Liderança Situacional. As questões que os enfermeiros mais acertaram são relativas aos conhecimentos sobre poder; trabalho em equipe e coerência entre valores e atitudes

    Líderes da enfermagem brasileira: sua visão sobre a temática da liderança e sua percepção a respeito da relação liderança & enfermagem

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    Fourteen Brazilian nurses singled out for their leadership skills were asked about their view on leadership issues and about their perceptions of the relationship between nursing and leadership. The analysis of the data provided by the professionals showed that the interviewed leaders had a clear-cut view of these issues and of their important role in the nursing profession. They understood leadership as a group process through which people or behaviors are influenced. Such a process is carried out aiming to reach a goal. They also realized a close relationship between leadership and nursing.Con los objetivos de conocer la visión de enfermeros -- líderes sobre la temática del liderazgo y sus percepciones a cerca de la relación entre liderazgo y enfermería, fueron entrevistados catorce enfermeros que se destacan en el liderazgo de la enfermería brasileña. Del análisis de los datos obtenidos con los sujetos, se puede observar que los líderes investigados tienen una visión clara de la temática y de su importancia para la profesión, es decir, comprenden el liderazgo como un proceso de influencia de personas o comportamientos unido a un proceso grupal, buscando un objetivo. Se percibe también una estricta unión entre liderazgo y enfermería.Com os objetivos de conhecer a visão de enfermeiros- líderes sobre a temática da liderança e suas percepções acerca da relação entre liderança e enfermagem, foram entrevistados quatorze enfermeiros que se destacam na liderança da enfermagem brasileira. Da análise dos dados emitidos pelos sujeitos, pode-se observar que os líderes pesquisados têm uma visão clara da temática e de sua importância para a profissão, ou seja, entendem a liderança como um processo de influência de pessoas ou comportamentos ligada a um processo grupal, visando um objetivo a ser atingido. Percebem, também, uma relação estreita entre a liderança e a enfermagem

    La gerencia aclarada en el trabajo del enfermero

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    Informed management presupposes that all individuals will prioritize a taming and determined conduct in detriment of a passive one. It also presupposes deep concern about issues related to the human species, ethical problems, the relationship with nature and, finally, about men's future. In this way, the authors, based on the assumptions underlying the Policies of Informed Management proposed by Maslow, aim at focusing on this type of management in nurses' work. They believe that, by means of such reflection, nurses will be able to incorporate new values which are more harmonized with human nature.La gerencia aclarada presupone que todo individuo de prioridad a una conducta fuerte y determinada, en detrimento de una conducta pasiva. Presupone también una profunda preocupación con las cuestiones de la especie humana, los problemas éticos, la relación con la naturaleza, en fin, con el futuro del hombre. De esta forma, las autoras, basadas en los presupuestos subyacentes a la política de gerencia aclarada de Maslow(1), tienen el objetivo de centralizar este tipo de gerencia en el trabajo del enfermero. Creen que, a través de ésta reflexión los enfermeros podrán incorporar en su práctica nuevos valores, más sintonizados con la naturaleza humana.A gerência esclarecida pressupõe que todo indivíduo priorize uma conduta desbravadora e determinada, em detrimento de uma conduta passiva. Pressupõe também profunda preocupação com as questões da espécie humana, os problemas éticos, o relacionamento com a natureza, enfim, com o futuro do homem. Desta forma as autoras, fundamentadas nos pressupostos subjacentes à Política de Gerenciamento Esclarecido, de Maslow(1), têm o objetivo de focalizar este tipo de gerência no trabalho do enfermeiro. Acreditam que através desta reflexão os enfermeiros poderão incorporar em sua prática novos valores, mais sintonizados com a natureza humana

    Morbidade e sobrevida em AIDS avançada no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Opportunistic diseases (OD) are the most common cause of death in AIDS patients. To access the incidence of OD and survival in advanced immunodeficiency, we included 79 patients with AIDS treated at Hospital Evandro Chagas (FIOCRUZ) from September 1997 to December 1999 with at least one CD4 countAs doenças oportunistas (DO) são a causa mais comum de morte em pacientes com AIDS. Para acessar a incidência de DO e a sobrevida na imunodeficiência avançada, foram incluídos 79 pacientes com AIDS tratados no Hospital Evandro Chagas (FIOCRUZ) no período de Setembro de 1997 a Dezembro de 1999, com ao menos uma contagem de células CD

    Influence Of Different Dentin Substrate (caries-affected, Caries-infected, Sound) On Long-term ?tbs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the μTBS in different dentin substrates and water-storage periods. Twenty-four dentin blocks obtained from sound third molars were randomly divided into 3 groups: Sound dentin (Sd), Caries-affected dentin (Ca) and Caries-infected dentin (Ci). Dentin blocks from Ca and Ci groups were subjected to artificial caries development (S. mutans biofilm). The softest carious tissue was removed using spherical drills under visual inspection with Caries Detector solution (Ca group). It was considered as Ci (softer and deeply red stained dentin) and Ca (harder and slightly red stained dentin). The Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive system was applied and Z350 composite blocks were built in all groups. Teeth were stored in deionized water for 24 h at 37 ºC and sectioned into beams (1.0 mm2 section area). The beams from each tooth were randomly divided into three storages periods: 24 h, 6 months or 1 year. Specimens were submitted to µTBS using EZ test machine at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Failure mode was examined by SEM. Data from µTBS were submitted to split plot two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD tests (a=0.05). The µTBS (MPa) of Sd (41.2) was significantly higher than Ca (32.4) and Ci (27.2), regardless of storage. Ca and Ci after 6 months and 1 year, presented similar µTBS. Mixed and adhesive failures predominated in all groups. The highest µTBS values (48.1±9.1) were found for Sd at 24 h storage. Storage of specimens decreased the µTBS values for all conditions.281162

    Efeito da contaminação salivar e do tempo de recondicionamento ácido na resistência da união ao cisalhamento de um selante de fóssulas e fissuras

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    O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tempo de contaminação salivar (TCS) e de recondicionamento ácido (TRA) na resistência da união ao cisalhamento (RC) do selante Fluroshield. Foram selecionados 45 terceiros molares. Os dentes foram seccionados no sentido mésio-distal e suas superfícies foram lixadas até a obtenção de uma área plana em esmalte. Em seguida, as amostras foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em 9 grupos (n=10), em função do TCS e TRA (segundos), respectivamente: G1 - controle; G2 - 30 e 0; G3 - 60 e 0; G4 - 30 e 2; G5 - 30 e 5; G6 - 30 e 15; G7 - 60 e 2; G8 - 60 e 5; G9 - 60 e 15. Em seguida, foi realizada a aplicação do selante de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Os corpos-de-prova obtidos foram armazenados em água destilada a 37ºC por 72 horas, e então submetidos ao ensaio de cisalhamento à velocidade de 0,5mm/min. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA), e indicaram que não houve diferença estatística significativa (p>;0,05) entre todos os grupos. Observou-se que: 1 - quanto maior o TCS, menores os valores de RC (MPa); 2- quanto maior o TRA, maior o valor de RC (MPa). Pôde-se concluir que houve uma tendência para o menor TCS (30s) e os maiores TRA (5 e 15s) em retornar aos valores de RC do grupo controle.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of saliva contamination (SCT) and re-etching time (RET) on the shear bond strength (SBS) of the Fluroshield sealant. Forty-five extracted third molars were sectioned and flattened until reach an enamel surface area. Then, all samples were etched for 30 sec with 35% phosphoric acid and then they were distributed into 9 groups (n=10) according to SCT and RET (seconds), respectively: G1- control (no SCT and no RET); G2- 30s and 0s; G3- 60s and 0s; G4-30s and 2s; G5- 30s and 5s; G6- 30s and 15s; G7-60s and 2s; G8- 60s and 5s; G9- 60s and 15s. The sealant was applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. The samples were stored in distilled water at 37ºC for 72h and subjected to the SBS test. The results indicated that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p>;0.05). However, it could be noticed that: 1- the longer the SCT, the lower the SBS values; 2 - the longer the RET, the higher the SBS values. It could be concluded that there was a tendency to the shortest SCT (30s) associated to the longest RET (5 and 15s) to reach similar SBS values for the control group


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    Consta como preceito constitucional das Universidades a indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. No entanto, é notória a diferença de investimento e status que existe em relação a cada uma dessas faculdades. Considerando a Extensão um pilar chave ao relacionar a Universidade com outras camadas da sociedade, o presente artigo se propõe a resgatar um pouco da história da Extensão Universitária como uma maneira de buscar compreender a situação atual do fazer extensionista em plena comemoração do centenário da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ. Portanto, objetiva-se pensar também novas-velhas possibilidades para a Extensão. Para tal, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura e discussão de cunho epistêmico sobre o assunto em questão

    Identification of anaerobic threshold using heart rate response during dynamic exercise

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    The objective of the present study was to characterize the heart rate (HR) patterns of healthy males using the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model over a power range assumed to correspond to the anaerobic threshold (AT) during discontinuous dynamic exercise tests (DDET). Nine young (22.3 ± 1.57 years) and 9 middle-aged (MA) volunteers (43.2 ± 3.53 years) performed three DDET on a cycle ergometer. Protocol I: DDET in steps with progressive power increases of 10 W; protocol II: DDET using the same power values as protocol 1, but applied randomly; protocol III: continuous dynamic exercise protocol with ventilatory and metabolic measurements (10 W/min ramp power), for the measurement of ventilatory AT. HR was recorded and stored beat-to-beat during DDET, and analyzed using the ARIMA (protocols I and II). The DDET experiments showed that the median physical exercise workloads at which AT occurred were similar for protocols I and II, i.e., AT occurred between 75 W (116 bpm) and 85 W (116 bpm) for the young group and between 60 W (96 bpm) and 75 W (107 bpm) for group MA in protocols I and II, respectively; in two MA volunteers the ventilatory AT occurred at 90 W (108 bpm) and 95 W (111 bpm). This corresponded to the same power values of the positive trend in HR responses. The change in HR response using ARIMA models at submaximal dynamic exercise powers proved to be a promising approach for detecting AT in normal volunteers

    Lack of Correlation between Periodontitis and Renal Dysfunction in Systemically Healthy Patients

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess a suggested association between periodontitis and renal insufficiency by assaying kidney disease markers. Methods: Variables used to diagnose periodontitis were: (i) probing pocket depth (PPD), (ii) attachment loss (AL), (iii) bleeding on probing (BOP), (iv) plaque index (PI) and (v) extent and severity index. Blood and urine were collected from 60 apparently healthy non-smokers (men and women), consisting of a test group of 30 subjects with periodontitis (age 46±6 yrs) and a control group of 30 healthy subjects (age 43±5 yrs). Kidney function markers (urea, creatinine, uric acid and albumin contents) were measured in the serum and urine. Also, the glomerular filtration rate was estimated from creatinine clearance, from the abbreviated Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula and from the albumin: creatinine ratio in a 24-h sample of urine. Results: It was found that the control group had a greater mean number of teeth than the test group and that the two groups also differed in PPD, AL, BOP and PI, all these variables being higher in the test group (P=0.006). For the extent and severity index of both PPD and AL, the test group had much higher medians of both extent and severity than the control group (P=0.001). With regard to kidney function, none of the markers revealed a significant difference between the control and test groups and all measured values fell within the reference intervals. Conclusions: It is proposed that severe periodontitis is not associated with any alteration in kidney function

    A new post-metallocene-ti catalyst with maltolate bidentade ligand: an investigation in heterogeneous polymerization reactions in different mesoporous supports

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    A new titanium catalyst easily synthesized from ethylmaltol bidentate chelator ligand was studied in homogeneous and heterogeneous ethylene polymerization. The dichlorobis(3-hydroxy-2-ethyl-4-pyrone)titanium(IV) complex was characterized by 1H and 13C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), UV-Vis and elemental analysis. Theoretical study by density functional theory (DFT) showed that the complex chlorines exhibit cis configuration, which is important for the activity in olefin polymerization. The complex was supported by two methods, direct impregnation or methylaluminoxane (MAO) pre-treatment, in five mesoporous supports: MCM-41 (micro and nano), SBA-15 and also the corresponding modified Al species. All the catalytic systems were active in ethylene polymerization and the catalytic activity was strongly influenced by the method of immobilization of the catalyst and the type of support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio