87,457 research outputs found

    Proposta de Relocalização da Ponte D. Maria Pia

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    artigo sobre proposta de relocalização da Ponte D. Maria Pia no Portoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The talar morphology of a hypochondroplasic dwarf: A case study from the Italian Late Antique period

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    open20siThis project aims to test whether geometric morphometric (GM) and trabecular analyses may be useful tools in identifying talar characteristics related to hypochondroplasia. We quantified the external and internal talar morphology of an hypochondroplasic dwarf (T17) from Modena (northern Italy) dated to the 6th century AD. External talar morphology of T17 was compared with a broad sample of modern human tali (n = 159) using GM methods. Additionally, a subsample of these tali (n = 41) was used to investigate whole talar trabecular changes in T17. Our results show that GM and trabecular analyses identify a combination of traits linked to the dwarfing disorder of hypochondroplasia. These traits include decreased scaled talar dimensions compared to normal-sized individuals, presence of an accessory antero-lateral talar facet, high bone volume fraction and high anisotropy values throughout the entire talus. In our case study, hypochondroplasia does not appear to substantially modify external talar morphology probably due to the fast growth of the talus. We suggest that small talar dimensions are associated with hypochondroplasia. An antero-lateral talar facet may result from the talus and calcaneus coalition (i.e., talocalcaneal abnormal bridging) possibly related to an everted foot posture that was limited by overgrowth of the fibula. We suggest that high talar trabecular density and strut orientation provide insights into pathological development of the trabecular plates in T17. Finally, our study suggests that high talar trabecular density and strut orientation, and small talar dimensions, may be added as possible concomitant talar hallmarks for hypochondroplasia.embargoed_20221231Sorrentino, Rita; Carlson, Kristian J.; Figus, Carla; Pietrobelli, Annalisa; Stephens, Nicholas B.; DeMars, Lily J. D.; Saers, Jaap P. P.; Armando, Jessica; Bettuzzi, Matteo; Guarnieri, Tiziana; Oxilia, Gregorio; Vazzana, Antonino; Parr, William; Turley, Kevin; Morigi, Maria Pia; Stock, Jay T.; Ryan, Timothy M.; Benazzi, Stefano; Marchi, Damiano; Belcastro, Maria GiovannaSorrentino, Rita; Carlson, Kristian J.; Figus, Carla; Pietrobelli, Annalisa; Stephens, Nicholas B.; DeMars, Lily J. D.; Saers, Jaap P. P.; Armando, Jessica; Bettuzzi, Matteo; Guarnieri, Tiziana; Oxilia, Gregorio; Vazzana, Antonino; Parr, William; Turley, Kevin; Morigi, Maria Pia; Stock, Jay T.; Ryan, Timothy M.; Benazzi, Stefano; Marchi, Damiano; Belcastro, Maria Giovann

    The Assistance to Underprivileged Children in 19th Century Alto Minho: The case of the D. Maria Pia de Ponte de Lima

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    The present work analyzes the evolution of child care in Portugal, with a particular focus on the period of the constitutional monarchy, taking as a case of study the Asylum for the helpless Childhood Maria Pia of Ponte de Lima, a village of Alto Minho, located in north of Portugal. We propose to further examine the statutory provisions, operating conditions and the everyday life of these organizations, taking into account, among other things, to the financial and educational aspects.O presente trabalho visa analisar a evolução da assistência à infância em Portugal, com particular incidência no período da monarquia constitucional, tomando como caso de estudo o Asilo de Infância Desvalida D. Maria Pia de Ponte de Lima, uma vila do Alto Minho, situada no norte de Portugal. Propomo-nos ainda estudar as disposições estatutárias, as condições de funcionamento e o quotidiano destas organizações, atendendo, entre outros aspetos, às vertentes financeira e educacional

    A assistência à infância desvalida no Alto Minho oitocentista o caso do asilo de infância desvalida D. Maria Pia de Ponte de Lima

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    O presente trabalho visa analisar a evolução da assistência à infância em Portugal, com particular incidência no período da monarquia constitucional, tomando como caso de estudo o Asilo de Infância Desvalida D. Maria Pia de Ponte de Lima, uma vila do Alto Minho, situada no norte de Portugal. Propomo-nos ainda estudar as disposições estatutárias, as condições de funcionamento e o quotidiano destas organizações, atendendo, entre outros aspetos, às vertentes financeira e educacional.The present work analyzes the evolution of child care in Portugal, with a particular focus on the period of the constitutional monarchy, taking as a case of study the Asylum for the helpless Childhood Maria Pia of Ponte de Lima, a village of Alto Minho, located in north of Portugal. We propose to further examine the statutory provisions, operating conditions and the everyday life of these organizations, taking into account, among other things, to the financial and educational aspects

    A iluminação no Chalet do Estoril ao tempo da rainha D. Maria Pia: The lighting in the Estoril Chalet at the time of Queen D. Maria Pia

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    Resumo No ano de 2018 publicamos a primeira obra dedicada à iluminação da Casa Real, onde disponibilizamos documentação referente às obras, à encomenda de projetos de arquitetura e à aquisição de luminária pela rainha D. Maria Pia para o seu Chalet do Estoril. Nesse mesmo ano tivemos acesso ao interior do edifício onde verificamos a possível colocação das peças para iluminação. Suposição corroborada pelo cotejamento com o Inventário do Real Chalet Estoril, que nos permitiu entender como estas peças foram criteriosamente escolhidas para uma determinada decoração. São estas novas reflexões e a realização de duas plantas dos pisos principais, ao tempo da monarquia, que aqui damos a conhecer. Palavras-chave: Família Real Portuguesa, Arquitetura de veraneio, Artes Decorativas, Atelier, Luz Abstract In 2018, we published the first work concerning the Portuguese Royal Court lighting. Where we gathered information regarding Queen Maria Pia order of ironstone works, architectural projects and the purchase of lighting fixtures for her Chalet of Estoril. During that same year, we had access to the interior of the building and realized how those lighting fixtures might have been placed. This assumption was confirmed when we collated the Inventário do Real Chalet Estoril (Royal Chalet Estoril Inventory). Which, allowed us to understand how those pieces were carefully chosen for a specific decoration. What we present here is these new considerations and the creation of the two main floor plans at the time of the monarchy. Key words: Portuguese Royal Family, Seaside Architecture, Decorative Arts, Studio, Ligh

    Covariant version of the Stinespring type theorem for Hilbert C*-modules

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    We prove a covariant version of the Stinespring theorem for Hilbert C*-modules.Comment: It is introduced a natural definition for a covariant representation of a dynamical system on Hilbert C*- module

    On frames in Hilbert modules over pro-C*-algebras

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    We introduce the concept of frame of multipliers in Hilbert modules over pro-C*-algebras and show that many properties of frames in Hilbert C*-modules are valid for frames of multipliers in Hilbert modules over pro-C*-algebras.Comment: 15 page

    Rewriting portuguese women’s history at international expositions (1889-1908)

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    This article aims to understand how the changing nature of industrial schooling contributed to the erasure of women’s participation. Industrial schooling, manual work and the politics of exposition were increasingly conceived as male, despite the Portuguese tradition of female artisanal production. With the promotion of technological modernization, at the turn of the nineteenth century, women’s artisanal or mechanical productions were no longer considered “industrial;” henceforth they ceased to be recognized as a professional activity and were mistakenly categorized as homework. Marques Leitão and António Arroio appear as key players in this process through their efforts to redesign industrial schooling with a representation of industry that was more limited than before. In the process they repositioned women’s work firmly within the home, introducing a vision of feminine domesticity which had not held sway in Portugal until then. In the first three decades of the twentieth century, both men consolidated their vision of industrial schooling through written reports and studies that synthesized the legal and pedagogical changes that they defended. These documents, written by “experts” in the field, served as precious primary sources. Reality is the product of what is said and what is left unsaid. In this case, the material traces left by the industry of women lace workers in expositions offers a suggestive way to rewrite this history.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Helioseismology: a fantastic tool to probe the interior of the Sun

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    Helioseismology, the study of global solar oscillations, has proved to be an extremely powerful tool for the investigation of the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun. Studies of time changes in frequency observations of solar oscillations from helioseismology experiments on Earth and in space have shown, for example, that the Sun's shape varies over solar cycle timescales. In particular, far-reaching inferences about the Sun have been obtained by applying inversion techniques to observations of frequencies of oscillations. The results, so far, have shown that the solar structure is remarkably close to the predictions of the standard solar model and, recently, that the near-surface region can be probed with sufficiently high spatial resolution as to allow investigations of the equation of state and of the solar envelope helium abundance. The same helioseismic inversion methods can be applied to the rotational frequency splittings to deduce with high accuracy the internal rotation velocity of the Sun, as function of radius and latitude. This also allows us to study some global astrophysical properties of the Sun, such as the angular momentum, the grativational quadrupole moment and the effect of distortion induced on the surface (oblateness). The helioseismic approach and what we have learnt from it during the last decades about the interior of the Sun are reviewed here.Comment: 36 page