315 research outputs found

    Science Communication as a Collective Intelligence Endeavour: A Manifesto and Examples for Implementation

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    Effective science communication is challenging when scientific messages are informed by a continually updating evidence base and must often compete against misinformation. We argue for the need for a new programme of science communication as collective intelligence—a collaborative approach, supported by technology. This would have four key advantages over the typical model where scientists communicate as individuals: scientific messages would be informed by (1) a wider base of aggregated knowledge, (2) contributions from a diverse scientific community, (3) participatory input from stakeholders, and (4) better responsiveness to ongoing changes in the state of knowledge

    Man vs machine – Detecting deception in online reviews

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    This study focused on three main research objectives: analyzing the methods used to identify deceptive online consumer reviews, evaluating insights provided by multi-method automated approaches based on individual and aggregated review data, and formulating a review interpretation framework for identifying deception. The theoretical framework is based on two critical deception-related models, information manipulation theory and self-presentation theory. The findings confirm the interchangeable characteristics of the various automated text analysis methods in drawing insights about review characteristics and underline their significant complementary aspects. An integrative multi-method model that approaches the data at the individual and aggregate level provides more complex insights regarding the quantity and quality of review information, sentiment, cues about its relevance and contextual information, perceptual aspects, and cognitive material

    Salesperson attributes that influence consumer perceptions of sales interactions

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    Purpose This paper aims to examine how modern, digital era customers in a business-to-consumer (B2C) setting prioritize salesperson-customer orientation attributes when evaluating their expectations regarding interactions with salespeople, as well as their impact on positive and negative word-of-mouth. In addition, the research further investigates which negative salesperson attributes have an impact on overall customer experience and satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach Role theory and expectancy-disconfirmation theory form the theoretical foundation for two mixed-method studies. Study 1 is an exploratory content analysis of online consumer reviews and social media word-of-mouth related to consumer experiences with salespeople. Study 2 is a three-round Delphi study investigating which salesperson orientation attributes are most important to the customer in B2C interactions. Findings The results uncover which salesperson customer orientation attributes are essential for modern consumers and how they differ as a function of context (retail, direct-selling and follow-up) and how they contribute to the generation of digital word-of-mouth. Originality/value This paper expands B2C sales interaction literature by exploring the need for differing sales attributes based on the differential function of the shopping environment

    Transports and Consumers’ Ecological Behaviour

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    Transports certainly have positive economic and social effects. However, transports in general, and motor transports in particular play a significant role in environmental pollution, with a negative impact on the quality of life. In this article, we make a diagnosis on the contribution of transports to environmental pollution, especially through CO2 and green house gases emissions, on international and national levels, highlighting trends in transports evolution. Based on an ample research the article presents policies (commandand- control and incentive-based policies, physical, soft or knowledge policies etc.) meant to diminish the negative impact of auto transports on the quality of life. The last part of the article investigates, based on the direct market research, the current and future behaviours of transport services consumers in Bucharest, the way transport services are perceived, as well as the way different modalities of protection against the pollution caused by transport are assessed. Market research has generally revealed a pro-environmental behaviour, most of the subjects investigated agreeing with the measures focused on reducing pollution caused by transports. However, the survey results have shown that factors related to the environment and its protection are not very important when deciding to purchase a car.transport services, environmental pollution, consumer behaviour, survey

    Activitatea de marketing in contextul noilor tendinte de pe piata asigurarilor

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    Asigurarile au capatat statutul de produse adresate unor nevoi primare, iar catastrofele din ultima vreme au aratat ca sunt indispensabile pentru mentinerea unui nivel ridicat al securitatii sociale, pentru protectia sanatatii si vietii persoanei, pentru protectia avutului acesteia. Principalele tendinte de pe piata mondiala a asigurarilor sunt globalizarea pietelor, tendintele de consolidare si de convergenta, precum si aparitia unor canale moderne de distributie. Tendintele actuale de pe piata mondiala a asigurarilor fac ca o alternativa viabila la marketingul global sa fie marketingul multicultural, deoarece activitatea de marketing in asigurari trebuie sa tina seama de caracteristicile particulare ale modului de perceptie, de atitudinea si comportamentul specific al consumatorilor din arii culturale diferite.globalizarea pietelor, tendinte pe piata asigurarilor, marketing in asigurari, marketing global, marketing multicultural, market globalization, trends on the insurance market, insurance marketing, global marketing, multicultural marketing

    Qualitative Marketing Research: The State of Journal Publications

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    Qualitative methods in marketing have become essential not only for their classical advantage in consumer behavior, but also for their benefits in dealing with big data and data Qualitative methods in marketing have become essential not only for their classical advantage in consumer behavior, but also for their benefits in dealing with big data and data mining. Research from International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that when it comes to online data, unstructured content accounts for 90% of all digital information. Under these circumstances, this study provides a literature review and analysis on the role and relation of qualitative methods with quantitative methods in marketing research. The paper analyzes research articles that include qualitative studies in the top marketing journals during the last decade and focuses on their topic, domain, methods used and whether they used any triangulation with quantitative methods. Starting from this analysis, the study provides recommendations that can help better integrate qualitative methods in marketing research, academics and practice.mining. Research from International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that when it comes to online data, unstructured content accounts for 90% of all digital information. Under these circumstances, this study provides a literature review and analysis on the role and relation of qualitative methods with quantitative methods in marketing research. The paper analyzes research articles that include qualitative studies in the top marketing journals during the last decade and focuses on their topic, domain, methods used and whether they used any triangulation with quantitative methods. Starting from this analysis, the study provides recommendations that can help better integrate qualitative methods in marketing research, academics and practice

    Using the European Model of Total Quality Management to assess the Performance of Organizations. Case Study on Educational Services

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    Improving quality represents for all organizations and especially for those in services one of the most important strategies for enhancing performance and competitiveness. In the current social and economic context, the evaluation of the performance of organizations must be approached holistically. Performance means a special result, obtained in a certain field, which expresses the quality of the adjustment of the organization to the conditions in the environment. Currently, it is necessary to rethink the whole approach to the ways of evaluating performance. The continuous quest for meeting and even surpassing clients’ expectations, the involvement of all employees in the organization and the permanent improvement of quality represent important dimensions of Total Quality Management (TQM). As any strategy, TQM comprises a series of activities which lead to meeting all the quality objectives, by optimum use of available resources and of the strengths of the organization. The European model of excellence (the EFQM model established by the European Foundation for Quality Management) provides a set of criteria which can be applied to any enterprise and subsidiary so as to assess performance obtained through TQM. The EFQM model represents a non-prescriptive framework which recognizes the existence of numerous different approaches allowing organizations to obtain sustainable excellence. This framework contains basic concepts specific to The European Quality Award (EQA). Our study presents the use of the European model of TQM as a reference point for management and of the improvement of the quality of services rendered by educational organizations, giving practical applicability and utility to the theoretical concepts presented. It proves that by applying the European model of excellence to assess the performance of educational organizations, a real diagnosis can be performed, which contributes to the elaboration of strategies for improving the quality of training and educational services, adapted to the realities of each school.educational services; improving the quality of services; total quality management; assessing performance; the general strategic chart

    Different School – A Different Kind of School

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    AbstractThrough this study we propose to estimate the impact of formative and educational program “Different School” program initiated by MECTS school year 2011-2012.Designed for every school training according to the needs and interests of learners, this program lies in the involvement of all preschool children, pupils and teachers and school extracurricular activities through which are build and develop skills, abilities and skills of beneficiaries direct educational system, ensuring also optimal articulation between formal and non-formal educational contexts

    From the Economic Growth to the Sustainable Development, the Role of Services in the Development Process

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    Economic growth is an increase of the results of an economic system in a particular time and space. Economic results are synthetically described by GNP or real GDP adjusted with the deflator on the whole or per capita. Sustainable development is the kind of development that satisfies the present generations’ needs without affecting those of the generations to come. Sustainable development is an evolving concept that comprises all aspects of human activity. The methodology and indicators used to measure economic development have changed with the different approaches of the concept. The main indicators used are: Economic Growth Rate, Purchasing Power Parity, Human Development Index, and Human Poverty Index. In the context of profound changes in contemporary economy - theories and models of economic development must be adjusted to the new realities. More and more specialists find services the main incentive for economic growth.Economic Growth; Sustainable Development; Economic Growth Rate; Human Development Index; Human Poverty Index.

    L'image de la prison dans la littérature française et québécoise du 20e siÚcle

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    Cette thĂšse se consacre Ă  l’analyse de l’image de la prison dans la littĂ©rature française et quĂ©bĂ©coise du 20e siĂšcle et du dĂ©but du 21e siĂšcle. Elle examine un corpus vaste et variĂ© constituĂ© d’ouvrages de fiction et de tĂ©moignage traitant de la prison et de l’expĂ©rience carcĂ©rale Ă©crits entre 1910 et 2010. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de dĂ©finir la conceptualisation et les reprĂ©sentations littĂ©raires de la prison et de l’enfermement dans la pĂ©riode analysĂ©e. Elle essaie de montrer que l’expĂ©rience carcĂ©rale suscite un type particulier de rĂ©flexion qui s’exprime par l’intermĂ©diaire d’un genre littĂ©raire mixte, oĂč l’autobiographie et la fiction s’entrecroisent. L’analyse se situe dans la perspective des Ă©tudes littĂ©raires et culturelles. La mĂ©thodologie rĂ©unit plusieurs approches : les thĂ©ories sur le genre littĂ©raire des ouvrages carcĂ©raux (Andrew Sobanet), les thĂ©ories sur le tĂ©moignage et sur la mĂ©moire (Paul RicƓur et GisĂšle Mathieu-Castellani), les thĂ©ories sur l’espace et le temps (Gaston Bachelard, Maurice Blanchot, Georges MatorĂ© et Pierre Bourdieu), et l’approche historique et sociologique (Michel Foucault, Gilles Chantraine, Marion Vacheret et Guy Lemire, Jacques Laplante). L’originalitĂ© de cette thĂšse rĂ©side dans l’image d’ensemble qu’elle cherche Ă  fournir de la reprĂ©sentation de la prison de 1910 Ă  2010. La spĂ©cificitĂ© des Ă©crits de prison sera cernĂ©e Ă  partir d’un corpus complexe et d’une sĂ©rie de questions bien dĂ©limitĂ©es : la maniĂšre dont les rĂ©formes du systĂšme pĂ©nitentiaire sont reflĂ©tĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature carcĂ©rale, la spĂ©cificitĂ© du tĂ©moignage comme genre littĂ©raire issu de cette expĂ©rience d’enfermement dans les prisons françaises et canadiennes du 20e siĂšcle et les stratĂ©gies fictionnelles de la littĂ©rature sur la prison.1 yea
