20 research outputs found

    Intertextuality and literary reading: a cognitive poetic approach

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    The goal of this thesis is to propose a cognitive approach to intertextuality. Intertextuality has attracted the attention of a number of literary scholars interested in discussing the interrelations between literary texts without, however, focusing on how readers create these connections. On the other hand, despite its reader-oriented approach, cognitive poetics has largely neglected the concept. This project employs recent developments in the field of cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology and proposes a multi-layered approach to intertextuality in the light of the principles of cognitive poetics. The main part of the thesis draws on the cognitive notion of frames defined as online processing domains. I propose that readers create intertextual links by combining their background knowledge with textual elements in intertextual frames. Three types of frames are identified: semantic, topical and stylistic. The term 'semantic frame' refers to the more impressionistic links that emerge from the identification of a single lexical item, while the term 'topical frame' refers to more complex constructions built by readers through the identification of multiple textual elements. The term 'stylistic frame' refers to links based on quotation identification or genre similarities. A variety of literary texts will be discussed in order to illustrate how these frames may be created. The final part of the thesis is dedicated to the investigation of the relationship between intertextuality and the emotional engagement of readers with literary texts reflecting recent directions in cognitive poetics. This is accompanied with a mixed methods study designed to present empirical data on how readers construct intertextual links and on the effects these have on the reading experience. The overall aim of this project is to provide the foundations and the theoretical point-of-entry for further related research

    Η ιστορική πορεία της εξέλιξης της έννοιας του ορίου

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    Στην εργασία αυτή γίνεται μελέτη της εξέλιξης της έννοιας του ορίου, μιας έννοιας βασικής για τη θεμελίωση και ανάπτυξη του απειροστικού λογισμού. Στο αρχικό της στάδιο η έννοια ενυπάρχει μέσω της ενόρασης και της διαίσθησης, κυρίως ως γεωμετρική έννοια στους υπολογισμούς των προσεγγιστικών τιμών της , στα παράδοξα του Ζήνωνα και στο έργο του Αρχιμήδη (μεθόδου της εξάντλησης). Μετά την Αναγέννηση, αλλά και κατά τη διάρκειά της, γίνονται αξιόλογες προσπάθειες σημαντικών μαθηματικών για να καθορίσουν την έννοια του ορίου, αλλά και αυτοί καταφεύγουν στη συνδρομή της διαίσθησης. Η ίδια αδυναμία παρατηρείται όμως και από τους επινοητές του απειροστικού λογισμού Newton και Leibniz, που παρά τα επιτεύγματά τους, δεν καταφέρνουν να δώσουν πειστικές εξηγήσεις για τις θεμελιώδεις έννοιες των μεθόδων τους (θεωρία ροών (fluxions), διαφορικό) οι οποίες υποκρύπτουν την έννοια του ορίου. Ο Γάλλος μαθηματικός Augustin Louis Cauchy στις αρχές του 19ου αιώνα δίνει ένα καθαρό ορισμό του ορίου, αλλά και αυτός στηρίχθηκε στην απλή διαισθητική γεωμετρική έννοια του συνόλου των πραγματικών αριθμών. Την τρίτη δεκαετία του 19ου αιώνα, με την κατασκευή των πραγματικών αριθμών, γίνεται το πρώτο βήμα για την αριθμοποίηση του απειροστικού λογισμού και ανοίγεται ο δρόμος στον Karl Weierstrass να δώσει την αριθμητική έννοια του ορίου.This paper is concerned with theevolution of the concept of limit, a basic concept for establishing and developing infinitesimal calculus. At its primary stage, this concept was only present through insight and intuition, basically as a geometrical concept in calculating the approximate valuesof , in Zeno’s paradoxes and Archimedes’ work (method of exhaustion). During and after Renaissance, important efforts took place by significant mathematicians to define the concept of limit, but they also needed intuition to achieve it. The same problem emergedwhen,despite their achievements, the inventors of infinitesimal calculus,Newton and Leibniz,were unable to offer believable explanations for the basic concepts of their methods (theory of fluxions, differential), which envelop the concept of limit. At the beginning of the 19th century, the French mathematician AugustinLouisCauchy offered a clear definition of limit, but he relied upon the simple intuitive geometrical concept of the total real numbers too. At the third decade of 19th century, with the emergence of real numbers, the first step is made for numerisationof infinitesimal calculus and KarlWeierstrasswas ready to give the numerical concept of limit

    Intertextuality and literary reading: a cognitive poetic approach

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    The goal of this thesis is to propose a cognitive approach to intertextuality. Intertextuality has attracted the attention of a number of literary scholars interested in discussing the interrelations between literary texts without, however, focusing on how readers create these connections. On the other hand, despite its reader-oriented approach, cognitive poetics has largely neglected the concept. This project employs recent developments in the field of cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology and proposes a multi-layered approach to intertextuality in the light of the principles of cognitive poetics. The main part of the thesis draws on the cognitive notion of frames defined as online processing domains. I propose that readers create intertextual links by combining their background knowledge with textual elements in intertextual frames. Three types of frames are identified: semantic, topical and stylistic. The term 'semantic frame' refers to the more impressionistic links that emerge from the identification of a single lexical item, while the term 'topical frame' refers to more complex constructions built by readers through the identification of multiple textual elements. The term 'stylistic frame' refers to links based on quotation identification or genre similarities. A variety of literary texts will be discussed in order to illustrate how these frames may be created. The final part of the thesis is dedicated to the investigation of the relationship between intertextuality and the emotional engagement of readers with literary texts reflecting recent directions in cognitive poetics. This is accompanied with a mixed methods study designed to present empirical data on how readers construct intertextual links and on the effects these have on the reading experience. The overall aim of this project is to provide the foundations and the theoretical point-of-entry for further related research

    On the Determinants of Social Capital in Greece Compared to Countries of the European Union

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    Multi-objective optimisation for multi-residential building retrofit: A method and an application

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    © 2020 Maria PanagiotidouThe building sector has been at the centre of the environmental protection policies of the European Union (EU). This is mainly due to its high energy consumption (40% of the total) among the EU Members. Residential buildings are responsible for two-thirds of that amount. Recently, the European Commission set radical targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 (50-55% reduction compared with 1990 levels) and 2050 (climate neutrality) and the building sector, especially the existing building stock, is expected to play a critical role in achieving those goals. Special consideration should be given to multi-residential buildings. Compared to other building types, they have limited suitable space for the installation of renewable energy systems and are governed by a complex legal framework, imposing additional challenges on decision-making. Targeting multi-residential buildings, this study developed a method for the identification of optimal retrofit sets. It is a multi-objective simulation-based optimisation method for the performance assessment of ‘whole building’ retrofit interventions under two objectives: the minimisation of the operating GHG emissions and the life-cycle cost. The innovation in the method is the integrated approach, considering energy supply, energy demand-side technologies and energy-saving measures. A dynamic building systems’ modelling process was also introduced, based on part-load performances, to address the accuracy limitations of existing, monthly quasi-steady state methods. The functionality of the method was illustrated through an application. The case study building is a 6-storey multi-family building, constructed before 1980. The performance of several retrofit sets of measures was compared to the ‘base case’ building, which is a comparable version of the case study building. To identify the way that various parameters of the building environment affect the method application and the obtained results, four locations were considered, one for each Greek climate zone. It was found that for all Greek climate zones, the cost-optimal retrofit set consists of the roof and basement ceiling insulation, the installation of air-to-air heat pumps (HP) for heating and cooling and solar thermal panels for domestic hot water (DHW). This way, the operating GHG emissions could be decreased from 59% to 67%, compared to ‘base case’, depending on the building location. To achieve a retrofit that minimises the GHG emittions (almost 90% less operating GHG emissions compared to ‘base case’), the obtained solution sets included wall, roof, basement ceiling insulation and window replacement with double or triple-glazed windows, central biomass boilers (locations without natural gas) or gas condensing boilers (locations with natural gas) for heating, air-to-air HPs for cooling and photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) panels for DHW and electricity production. Net-zero carbon retrofit solutions could not be achieved for any location. The findings of the study are in line with the observed market trends (envelope insulation, installation of double-glazed windows and air-to-air HPs, condensing gas boilers or biomass boilers). Gas absorption HPs and air-to-water HPs will be competitive alternatives when their purchase costs decrease. Similarly, solar thermal collectors for DHW are the common practice, however, when solutions that minimise GHG emissions are required, PV/T panels have great potential but limited market penetration. The results obtained are specific to the financial situation, fuel, renewable energy sources and systems availability of the considered locations. They can be used as a guide for retrofitting similar buildings and construction types in urban areas of the Mediterranean climate, assisting policymakers and homeowners

    Workplace interpersonal conflicts among healthcare professionals: A survey on conflict solution approach at a General Hospital

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    We investigated the factors that shape the working environment and workload, as these are reflected by the presence of conflicts among employees of a General Hospital in Greece. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a 20-part questionnaire, which was administered to 200 health care professionals. 24,5% of the participants referred that they want to quit their profession soon and nurses showed the majority and the doctors the lowest percentage (60%vs 7%). The willingness to change the working environment did not appear to depend on gender, marital status, work position and work schedule. The majority of the respondents reported that conflicts occur at their workplace, with the medical staff showing the greatest average number of conflicts in relation to both the other two professional groups. In particular, it was found that those who did not have a managerial position were 3.9 times more likely to choose to compromise in a conflict

    Genoa: The Language of Landscapes 1

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    Abstract This article engages with intertextuality and proposes a cognitively oriented approach partially based on Evans' LCCM Theory. After presenting the traditional views on the concept from literary theory and linguistics, it introduces the notion of intertextual frames as the online construction that regulates the creation of intertextual links. Then it focuses on one particular type, the semantic intertextual frames, explaining how they are created and their role in the construction of intertextual links. In the final part of the article, a concept that will enable us to assess the quality of intertextual connections is proposed

    Χωροθέτηση αιολικών πάρκων στα Δωδεκάνησα: Μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο περιβαλλοντικής προστασίας

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Περιβάλλον και Ανάπτυξη

    Spatial Inequalities and Wind Farm Development in the Dodecanese Islands—Legislative Framework and Planning: A Review

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    Islands present sustainable energy growth challenges due to a number of reasons such as remoteness, limited energy resources, vulnerability to external events and strong dependence on international trade agreements. In particular, the Dodecanese Islands of the Aegean Sea cover their electricity needs mostly on the basis of autonomous conventional stations, consuming significant quantities of imported oil annually. Renewable energy sources (RES) penetration increase addresses the global requirements towards a carbon neutral environment, and wind farms (WFs) are among the most well-known green electricity-production alternatives. The study explores wind power installation potential of the Dodecanese Islands and the storage or interconnection options, based on the national and European legislative framework and the international scientific literature. The major finding is that, due to the high wind potential of the area, the National policy and targets focus on the installation of great RES power at Greek islands. Hence, private interests, who are willing to carry out the electrical interconnection of islands to the mainland, serve the same objective. Both scientific and business proposals overcome the local wind power installation capacity and neglect local specifics and needs