98 research outputs found

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus Seroprevalence among Inmates of the Penitentiary Complex of the Region of Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Six hundred and ninety three male inmates from three penitentiaries, two (A and B) maximum-security systems and one (C) minimum-security facility, located in Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil were studied for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies, using a cross-sectional design. The search for anti-HIV antibodies in 693 samples of sera collected was carried out by two serological tests: (a) the Microparticle enzyme immunoassay-HIV-1 and HIV-2 (MEIA) (Abbott Laboratories) and (b) the Western Blot-HIV-1 (WB) (Cambridge Biotech Corporation) to confirm positive results with MEIA. Sera reactivity for HIV antibodies was 14.4%. The highest frequency of anti-HIV antibodies was found in the A and B maximum-security prisons: 17% and 21.5%, respectively. In prison C, the frequency of reagents was 10.9%. Seventy three inmates, initially negative in the MEIA test, were checked again five and seven months later. Three of them, all from the maximum-security facilities, became reactive in the MEIA test, with confirmation in the WB, suggesting that serological conversion had occurred after imprisonment.47948

    Transparency in the Management of Spanish Public University Libraries Through the Internet

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    Transparency in the management of 50 Spanish public university libraries was analysed using information available on their websites. The method consisted of checking the websites to identify a set of 18 evaluation indicators associated with the specific case of libraries and the Spanish Transparency Act, notably the chapter on active publishing. The indicators have been used in previous studies with the same objective. The results of the analysis revealed shortcomings, although there were also examples of good practises for each indicator, identified with libraries that have introduced quality systems for management. The indicators that were found most frequently in the sample were regulations, specific regulations for some services and service charters. However, the sample lacked some indicators that are vital to understand the reasons behind the development and management of information resources, such as the policy or programme of collection management. We found a need to review the quantity and quality of information that can be consulted on libraries' websites, and the presentation and format of some types of information so that they can be reused

    Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Boost in Patients With Cervical Cancer Ineligible for Brachytherapy

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    Background: Standard treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer is external beam radiotherapy followed by brachytherapy (BT). Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is a possible option for treating patients ineligible for BT. Patients and methods: From October 2012 to July 2020, nine women with cervical cancer received SBRT to high-risk volumes. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the rates of overall and disease-free survival. Results: The median age was 52 years; 88% of patients had squamous carcinoma. Reasons for forgoing BT were cervical canal stenosis, treatment refusal and hematological disease. The median boost dose was 18 Gy and the median dose per fraction was 6 Gy. Median follow-up was 16 months. The median survival was 24 months, the actuarial 2-year OS rate was 70%, and median disease-free survival was 11 months. One grade 3 late vaginal toxicity was reported. No acute nor late grade 4 toxicities were observed. Conclusion: SBRT boost in patients with cervical cancer ineligible for BT led to acceptable survival outcomes and a safe toxicity profile

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process ( Ahp) Dan Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (Topsis) Dalam Penentuan Penerima Bantuan Pkh

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    PKH is a program launched in 2007. The main aim of PKH is to work on the nature of human resources, especially in the fields of education and welfare for low-income families. . Distribution of PKH aid has also been distributed to North Central Timor Regency. Guarantees for social assistance recipients still use manual techniques which only carry out assessments without estimates so that aid is not distributed on track. Therefore, a system that facilitates the process for receiving PKH benefits is very important. Next, the researcher designed a system that supports making decisions using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) with predetermined steps. These two approaches will be compared to determine the best method for PKH beneficiaries in the hope that this can help determine which beneficiary is more suitable and appropriate. This analysis was carried out by involving the degree of accuracy of each method in dealing with cases as a reference source. The similarity level effect of the AHP strategy is equivalent to TOPSIS so that both methodologies can be utilized in dealing with the problem of determining PKH recipients. Keywords: Analysis, PKH, AHP, TOPSIS, WebsitePKH merupakan program yang diluncurkan pada tahun 2007. Tujuan utama PKH adalah untuk menggarap hakikat SDM, khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesejahteraan bagi keluarga berpenghasilan rendah. . Penyaluran bantuan PKH juga sudah tersalurkan di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Penjaminan penerima bantuan sosial masih menggunakan teknik manual yang hanya melakukan penilaian tanpa perkiraan sehingga bantuan tidak tersalurkan pada jalurnya. Oleh karena itu, sistem yang memudahkan proses penerima manfaat PKH sangatlah penting. Selanjutnya peneliti merencang suatu sistem yang mendukung dalam memberikan keputusan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) dengan langkah-langkah yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Kedua pendekatan ini akan dibandingkan untuk menentukan metode terbaik bagi penerima manfaat PKH dengan harapan dapat membantu dalam menentukan penerima manfaat mana yang lebih cocok dan tepat. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan melibatkan derajat ketepatan masing-masing metode dalam menanggulangi kasus sebagai sumber acuan. Efek tingkat kesamaan strategi AHP setara dengan TOPSIS sehingga kedua metodologi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dalam menangani permasalahan penetapan penerima PKH.   Kata kunci: Analisis, PKH, AHP ,TOPSIS, Websit

    Residual Site Radiotherapy After Immunochemotherapy in Primary Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma: A Monoinstitutional Retrospective Study

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    Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of residual site radiation therapy (RSRT) on local control (LC), progressionfree (PFS) and overall (OS) survival in patients with primary mediastinal lymphoma (PMBCL), following rituximab and chemotherapy treatment (ICHT). Patients and Methods: The study included 34 patients with PMBCL treated between 2006 and 2014 with ICHT with/without autologous stem cell transplantation and RSRT. Between the end of ICHT/stem cell transplantation and RSRT, patients were evaluated with F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography. The gross tumor volume included morphological mediastinal residual disease after ICHT/SCT. The percentage of LC, PFS and OS were assessed. Results: All patients received RSRT with a median dose of 30 Gy. Median follow-up was 82 months. One patient out of 34 (3%) showed progressive disease 9 months from diagnosis. The 10-year PFS and OS were 97% and 97% respectively. Conclusion: RSRT in patients with PMBCL treated with ICHT did not impact unfavorably on LC and patient survival

    Efficacy of residual site radiation therapy (ISRT) in patients with primary mediastinal lymphoma with Deauville Score 4 following R-CHT: results of a retrospective mono institutional study

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    Background: In order to evaluate the efficacy of residual site radiation therapy (RSRT) in terms of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients with primary mediastinal lymphoma (PMBCL) with Deauville Score 4 (DS 4) following rituximab and chemotherapy treatment (R-ICHT). Methods: Thirty-one patients with PMBCL were recruited. After completion of R-ICHT, patients were staged with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography, showing DS 4, and were treated with adjuvant RSRT. The chosen techniques for RT delivery were intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) or three-dimensional conformal RT (3D-CRT). Most patients underwent the first one using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). All patients were evaluated every 3 months for the first 2 years and every 6 months afterwards for a period of at least 5 years, with clinical and radiological procedures as required. Results: All patients received RSRT with a dose of 30 Gy in 15 fractions. The median follow-up time of 52.7 months (IQR: 26–64.1 months). The 5-year OS rate was 100%. The 2-year and 5-year PFS rates were 96.7% and 92.5%, respectively. Patients with relapsed disease had been treated with high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) and autologous stem cell transplantation (auto-SCT). Conclusion: RSRT in patients with PMBCL treated with ICHT and DS 4 did not impact unfavorably on patient survival

    Enfermagem de Reabilitação no Brasil frente à situação de pandemia: Estudo de Caso

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    Rehabilitation nursing in Brazil is established, primarily, within the Specialized Rehabilitation Center, where nurses develop care actions to reach the maximum health potential of the user. In this context, the pandemic scenario causes multiple changes in the care process, influencing new ways of thinking about the nurse's work in this context. Therefore, the study aims to understand how rehabilitation nurses are experiencing the world pandemic scenario, answering the question "How is the reality of rehabilitation nursing in the state of Santa Catarina - Brazil facing the pandemic scenario?". For this, the research has a qualitative approach, outlined by the method of multiple case studies, showing the reality of five rehabilitation nurses in four rehabilitation centers in the state of Santa Catarina. From the data, three categories emerged, which describe how the preparations were made for the closure of services, how nursing reinvented itself in times of pandemic, what were the challenges and potential found in this trajectory and what is expected of the future. It is concluded that in view of the changes experienced by the rehabilitation nurses, each institution assumed a position that directly impacted the nurses' work process, being necessary to reinvent the way of caring and create mechanisms to share preventive measures in the midst of social isolation.La enfermería de rehabilitación en Brasil se establece, principalmente, dentro del Centro de Rehabilitación Especializada, donde las enfermeras desarrollan acciones de atención para alcanzar el máximo potencial de salud del usuario. En este contexto, el escenario de la pandemia provoca múltiples cambios en el proceso de atención, influyendo en nuevas formas de pensar sobre el trabajo de la enfermera en este contexto. Por lo tanto, el estudio tiene como objetivo comprender cómo las enfermeras de rehabilitación están experimentando el escenario de la pandemia mundial respondiendo a la pregunta "¿Cómo se enfrenta la realidad de la enfermería rehabilitadora en el estado de Santa Catarina - Brasil al escenario pandémico?". Para esto, la investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, delineado por el método de estudios de casos múltiples, que muestra la realidad de cinco enfermeras de rehabilitación en cuatro centros de rehabilitación en el estado de Santa Catarina. A partir de los datos, surgieron tres categorías, que describen cómo se hicieron los preparativos para el cierre de los servicios, cómo la enfermería se reinventó en tiempos de pandemia, cuáles fueron los desafíos y el potencial encontrados en esta trayectoria y qué se espera del futuro. Se concluye que en vista de los cambios experimentados por las enfermeras de rehabilitación, cada institución asumió una posición que impactó directamente el proceso de trabajo de las enfermeras, siendo necesario reinventar la forma de cuidar y crear mecanismos para compartir medidas preventivas en medio del aislamiento social.A enfermagem de reabilitação no Brasil é estabelecida, prioritariamente, dentro de Centro Especializados de Reabilitação, onde enfermeiros desenvolvem ações de cuidado para alcançar o potencial máximo de saúde do usuário. Nesse contexto, o cenário de pandemia provoca múltiplas alterações no processo de cuidar, influenciando novas maneiras de pensar o trabalho do enfermeiro. Logo, o estudo objetiva compreender como os enfermeiros de reabilitação estão vivenciando o cenário de pandemia mundial, respondendo à questão “Como está a realidade da enfermagem de reabilitação no estado de Santa Catarina - Brasil frente ao cenário de pandemia?”. Para isso a pesquisa possui abordagem qualitativa, delineada pelo método de estudos de casos múltiplos, evidenciando a realidade de cinco enfermeiros de reabilitação em quatro centros de reabilitação do estado de Santa Catarina. A partir dos dados emergiram três categorias, as quais descrevem como foram os preparos para o fechamento dos serviços, como a enfermagem se reinventou em tempos de pandemia, quais foram os desafios e potencialidades encontradas nessa trajetória e o que se espera do futuro. Conclui-se que diante às mudanças vivenciadas pelos enfermeiros de reabilitação, cada instituição assumiu um posicionamento que impactou diretamente o processo de trabalho dos enfermeiros, sendo necessário reinventar a forma de cuidar e criar mecanismos para compartilhar medidas de prevenção em meio ao isolamento social

    Beyond BRCA1 and BRCA2: deleterious variants in DNA repair pathway genes in italian families with breast/ovarian and pancreatic cancers

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    The 5-10% of breast/ovarian cancers (BC and OC) are inherited, and germline pathogenic (P) variants in DNA damage repair (DDR) genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 explain only 10-20% of these cases. Currently, new DDR genes have been related to BC/OC and to pancreatic (PC) cancers, but the prevalence of P variants remains to be explored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the spectrum and the prevalence of pathogenic variants in DDR pathway genes other than BRCA1/2 and to correlate the genotype with the clinical phenotype. A cohort of 113 non-BRCA patients was analyzed by next-generation sequencing using a multigene panel of the 25 DDR pathways genes related to BC, OC, and PC. We found 43 unique variants in 18 of 25 analyzed genes, 14 classified as P/likely pathogenic (LP) and 28 as variants of uncertain significance (VUS). Deleterious variants were identified in 14% of index cases, whereas a VUS was identified in 20% of the probands. We observed a high incidence of deleterious variants in the CHEK2 gene, and a new pathogenic variant was detected in the RECQL gene. These results supported the clinical utility of multigene panel to increase the detection of P/LP carriers and to identify new actionable pathogenic gene variants useful for preventive and therapeutic approaches

    La citta\u300 metropolitana: sfide, rischi e opportunita\u300

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    Basta interrogare anche per pochi minuti la Rete per rendersi conto dell\u2019insieme di sfide, rischi ed opportunit\ue0 che sono connesse alla realizzazione delle Citt\ue0 metropolitane