4,724 research outputs found

    Taste panel quality evaluation of 'Hayward' kiwifruit of different origins

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    In Portugal, the regions of Entre-Douro e Minho and Beira Litoral have exceptional conditions for the production of good quality kiwifruit. However, demand exceeds local supply resulting in importation of kiwifruit from Italy, Chile and New Zealand. Taste panels were run in December, May and June to study the preferences of Portuguese consumers for 'Hayward' kiwifruit. In December, a comparison was made between kiwifruit from Portugal and Italy, in May between kiwifruit from Portugal and Chile and in June between kiwifruit from Portugal, Chile and New Zealand. Attributes assessed by panellists were: appearance, texture, flavour, sweetness and acidity. The same samples were analyzed for: weight, equatorial and longitudinal diameter, firmness, soluble solids (as measured by refractometer) and titratable acidity. In May, panellists preferred Portuguese kiwifruit, but in December and June the preference was not so clear. In December, Portuguese kiwifruit were not at the eating ripe stage and in June they were at the end of their storage life (bad appearance but better flavour, sweetness and texture)

    Academic Achievement in Physics-Chemistry: The Predictive Effect of Attitudes and Reasoning Abilities

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    Science education plays a critical role as political priority due to its fundamental importance in engaging students to pursue technological careers considered essential in modern societies, in order to face scientific development challenges. High-level achievement on science education and positive attitudes toward science constitutes a crucial challenge for formal education. Several studies indicate close relationships between students’ attitudes, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of student’s attitudes toward the school discipline of Physics and Chemistry and their reasoning abilities on academic achievement on that school subject, among Portuguese 9th grade students using the data collected during the Project Academic Performance and Development: a longitudinal study on the effects of school transitions in Portuguese students (PTDC/CPE-CED/104884/2008). The participants were 470 students (267 girls – 56.8% and 203 boys – 43.2%), aged 14–16 years old (m D 14.3 0.58). The attitude data were collected using the Attitude toward Physics-Chemistry Questionnaire (ATPCQ) and, the Reasoning Test Battery (RTB) was used to assess the students reasoning abilities. Achievement was measured using the students’ quarterly (9-week) grades in the physics and chemistry subject. The relationships between the attitude dimensions toward Physics-chemistry and the reasoning dimensions and achievement in each of the three school terms were assessed by multiple regression stepwise analyses and standardized regression coefficients (b), calculated with IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. Both variables studied proved to be significant predictor variables of school achievement. The models obtained from the use of both variables were always stronger accounting for higher proportions of student’s grade variations. The results show that ATPCQ and RTB had a significantly positive relationship with student’s achievement in Physics-chemistry, indicating that both attitudinal and cognitive variables should be taken into account on science education as well as in educative intervention

    Assessment of the effectiveness of steel fibre reinforcement for the punching resistance of flat slabs by experimental research and design approach

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    The present paper deals with the experimental assessment of the effectiveness of steel fibre reinforcement in terms of punching resistance of centrically loaded flat slabs, and to the development of an analytical model capable of predicting the punching behaviour of this type of structures. For this purpose, eight slabs of 2550 x 2550 x 150 mm3 dimensions were tested up to failure, by investigating the influence of the content of steel fibres (0, 60, 75 and 90 kg/m3) and concrete strength class (50 and 70 MPa). Two reference slabs without fibre reinforcement, one for each concrete strength class, and one slab for each fibre content and each strength class compose the experimental program. All slabs were flexurally reinforced with a grid of ribbed steel bars in a percentage to assure punching failure mode for the reference slabs. Hooked ends steel fibres provided the unique shear reinforcement. The results have revealed that steel fibres are very effective in converting brittle punching failure into ductile flexural failure, by increasing both the ultimate load and deflection, as long as adequate fibre reinforcement is assured. An analytical model was developed based on the most recent concepts proposed by the fib Mode Code 2010 for predicting the punching resistance of flat slabs and for the characterization of the behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete. The most refined version of this model was capable of predicting the punching resistance of the tested slabs with excellent accuracy and coefficient of variation of about 5%.The study presented in this paper is a part of the research project titled "SlabSys-HFRC - Flat slabs for multi-storey buildings using hybrid reinforced self-compacting concrete: an innovative structural system", with reference number of PTDC/ECM/120394/2010. The second author acknowledges the support provided by the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) grant, and the grant provided by the project SlabSys. The authors would acknowledge the collaboration of Casais Company on the preparation of the moulds and flexural reinforcement, CiviTest on the design of the SFRSCC for the slabs, and Maccaferri, Secil (Unibetao), and Sika companies for the supplying of steel fibres, concrete and superplasticizers, respectively

    Training proposal for community health agents in hearing health

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    TEMA: capacitação de agentes comunitários de saúde na área de saúde auditiva. OBJETIVO: verificar a efetividade de um programa de capacitação de agentes comunitários de saúde do Programa de Saúde da Família, na área de saúde auditiva infantil. MÉTODO: a casuística constou de dois grupos: grupo A foi constituído por 31 agentes comunitários de saúde da cidade de Bauru e, grupo B, formado por 75 agentes comunitários de saúde de Sorocaba, ambos municípios do Estado de São Paulo. A capacitação foi realizada por meio de aulas expositivas para os dois grupos, contudo para o grupo A foi utilizado uma apostila adaptada da World Health Organization (2006), para que os agentes comunitários de saúde pudessem acompanhar as atividades realizadas de forma interativa. A capacitação abordou os temas: audição e deficiência auditiva, tipos, prevenção e causas da deficiência auditiva, técnicas de identificação e diagnóstico da deficiência auditiva e aspectos gerais da deficiência auditiva. Para validar a capacitação foi aplicado um questionário pré e pós-capacitação com perguntas sobre os assuntos que foram abordados no decorrer do curso, a fim de analisar a assimilação do conteúdo ministrado. RESULTADOS: a capacitação foi efetiva, com aumento no escore total obtido nos questionários pré e pós-capacitação. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados comprovam a eficácia do programa de capacitação com utilização de material e abordagem interativa proposto para os agentes comunitários de saúde dos Programas de Saúde da Família.BACKGROUND: training of community health agents in hearing health. AIM: to verify the effectiveness of a training program regarding the hearing health of children for Community Health Agents of a Family Health Program. METHOD: research sample consisted of two groups: Group A, constituted by 31 community health agents, from Bauru, SP, and Group B, constituted by 75 community health agents, from Sorocaba, SP. Training was provided through classes for both groups. For Group A, a text adapted from the material organized by the World Health Organization (2006) was used so that the community health agents could follow the activities in an interactive way. Training focused on the following topics: normal and impaired hearing; types, prevention and causes of hearing loss; procedures to identify and diagnose the hearing impairment and rehabilitation. Pre and post training questionnaires were used to assess the assimilation of the presented content. RESULTS: training demonstrated to be effective, since there was an increase in the overall score when comparing the scores obtained in the pre and post training questionnaires CONCLUSION: the results indicate the effectiveness of the training program for community health agents of a Family Health Program with the use of texts and with an interactive approach.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    In vitro binding and survival assays of Leishmania parasites to peripherical blood monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from dogs naturally and experimentally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are a few works considering the characterization of canine monocyte-derived macrophages as well as a standardized procedure for isolation, culture, and infection of these cells with <it>Leishmania</it>. We have performed several modifications in order to improve the canine monocyte-derived macrophage cultures. In addition, we have done a comparative study between monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages from dogs naturally and experimentally infected with <it>L. chagasi</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the presence of exogenous serum, opsonized <it>Leishmania </it>promastigotes binds better to monocytes/macrophages than without serum. Otherwise, this binding occurs due to the strict correlation between the opsonized biologic particles with the third receptor of the complement (CR3-CD11b/CD18). In fact, our assays with CD11b confirmed the importance of this receptor for canine cells and the <it>L. chagasi </it>experimental system. Moreover, monocytes obtained from naturally infected dogs have shown a higher number of monocytes bounded to promastigotes. The experimental results regarding survival have shown that promastigote forms of opsonized <it>L. chagasi </it>were more infective, because we found higher numbers of promastigotes bound to the different cells. As a consequence, after forty-eight hours of binding, higher numbers of amastigotes appeared inside monocyte-macrophages.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These studies have given support to continue comparative studies involving canine monocytes, monocyte-derived macrophages and peritoneal macrophages. Since we have standardized the canine cell culture, we are looking forward to determining the phenotypic properties of these cells before and after <it>L. chagasi </it>infection using flow cytometry.</p

    Hiperfosfatasemia transitória benigna na infância

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    Benign transient hyperphosphatasemia of childhood (BTHC) is a rather unknown condition that is associated with a benign state and a good prognosis. BTHC is defined by a sudden and transitory elevation of serum concentration of alkaline phosphatase in healthy children. The etiology of this disorder remains unclear, however the impaired clearance of the enzyme in the circulation seems to be a possible mechanism. To make the current knowledge about BTHC well known , the most relevant papers published since the first description of this condition, in 1954, were selected in Medline database. The diagnostic criteria of BTHC are: being younger than five years, absence of symptoms or presence of symptoms associated with unrelated diseases, without clinic or biochemical evidence of bone or liver diseases. Alkaline phosphatase elevation ranges from 3 to 50 times the upper normal value for age. The isoenzyme analysis shows an elevation in bone and/or liver fractions. Serum alkaline phosphatase levels return to normal in four months. Elevation in serum levels of alkaline phosphatase has also been found in disorders such as asymptomatic and symptomatic persistent familial hyperphosphatasemia and persistent nonfamilial hyperphosphatasemia. Taking into consideration the BTHC is essential in the distinct diagnosis of serum alkaline phosphatase elevation in children when no reasonable cause is detected, thus avoiding unnecessary and expensive procedures during the diagnostic investigation.A hiperfosfatasemia transitória benigna na infância (HTBI) é uma condição pouco conhecida, que se traduz por um estado benigno e de bom prognóstico. A HTBI resulta do aumento súbito e transitório na concentração sérica da fosfatase alcalina (FA) em crianças sadias. A sua etiopatogenia é ainda incerta, porém a diminuição do clearance da enzima na circulação tem sido considerada o mecanismo mais provável. Para divulgar os conhecimentos atuais acerca do diagnóstico da HTBI, foram selecionados, no Medline, os artigos de periódicos médicos internacionais mais relevantes desde a descrição inicial desta condição, em 1954. Os critérios para diagnóstico de HTBI são: acometer crianças com idade inferior a cinco anos, ausência de sintomas ou presença de sintomas associados a doenças não relacionadas, sem evidência clínica ou laboratorial de doença óssea ou hepática. A elevação da fosfatase alcalina varia entre 3 e 50 vezes o limite superior do valor para a idade. A análise das isoenzimas mostra elevação das formas óssea e hepática. Os níveis séricos da fosfatase alcalina retornam ao normal em quatro meses. A elevação sérica da fosfatase alcalina foi relatada em patologias como hiperfosfatasemia familiar persistente assintomática e sintomática e hiperfosfatasemia persistente não-familiar. É indispensável que a HTBI seja considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de um aumento considerável dos níveis séricos de fosfatase alcalina em crianças, sem que seja detectada uma causa óbvia, o que evitará procedimentos desnecessários e dispendiosos durante a investigação diagnóstica

    Co-infecção pelo vírus dengue 3 e 4 em pacientes da Amazônia brasileira

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    The natural co-infection with dengue virus can occur in highly endemic areas where different serotypes have been observed for many years. We report here four cases of DENV-3/DENV-4 co-infection detected by serological and molecular tests among 674 patients with acute undifferentiated fever from the tropical medicine reference center of Manaus City, Brazil, between 2005 and 2010. Analysis of the sequences obtained indicated the presence of genotype 3 and 1 for DENV-3 and DENV-4 respectively.A co-infecção natural com os vírus dengue pode ocorre em áreas altamente endêmicas onde diferentes sorotipos têm sido transmitidos por muitos anos. Relatamos aqui quatro casos de co-infecção com DENV-3/DENV-4 detectados por testes sorológicos e moleculares entre 674 pacientes com febre indiferenciada aguda, atendidos em um centro de medicina tropical de referência da cidade de Manaus, Brasil, entre 2005 e 2010. As análises das sequências obtidas indicaram a presença dos genotipos 3 e 1 para DENV-3 e DENV-4 respectivamente

    Co-infection of Dengue virus by serotypes 3 and 4 in patients from Amazonas, Brazil

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    A co-infecção natural com os vírus dengue pode ocorre em áreas altamente endêmicas onde diferentes sorotipos têm sido transmitidos por muitos anos. Relatamos aqui quatro casos de co-infecção com DENV-3/DENV-4 detectados por testes sorológicos e moleculares entre 674 pacientes com febre indiferenciada aguda, atendidos em um centro de medicina tropical de referência da cidade de Manaus, Brasil, entre 2005 e 2010. As análises das sequências obtidas indicaram a presença dos genotipos 3 e 1 para DENV-3 e DENV-4 respectivamente.The natural co-infection with dengue virus can occur in highly endemic areas where different serotypes have been observed for many years. We report here four cases of DENV-3/DENV-4 co-infection detected by serological and molecular tests among 674 patients with acute undifferentiated fever from the tropical medicine reference center of Manaus City, Brazil, between 2005 and 2010. Analysis of the sequences obtained indicated the presence of genotype 3 and 1 for DENV-3 and DENV-4 respectively

    Vulnerability and the bioethics through the experiences of illness

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    Background: Vulnerable people are relatively or absolutely incapable of protecting their own interests. Vulnerability is an anthropological attribute of human beings due to the simple fact of being alive. Brazilian society has long been established as a matter through the eyes of social scientists. In the name of it, the vulnerability in the doctor-patient context is now being a much-discussed issue. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the current studies regarding the insertion of vulnerability in the health issue, reflexively dealing with the ethical matters involved, as well as with the narratives’ insertion in this process. Methods: This article is based on data extracted from Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and on secondary data from textbooks about vulnerability, ethics, physician-patient relationship and narratives. Results and discussion: Doctors are faced with dilemmas in clinical practice: moral, ethical, legal, social, religious and economic. On these occasions, question their own values. By listening carefully to the stories of patients, health professionals broaden their perspectives, organize and integrate complex situations, which assists in conducting these difficult situations. Conclusion: Reflect the concept of vulnerability raises (re) think health practices, particularly in bringing to light the social experience of illness and hospitalization of the patient

    Lipophosphoglycans from \u3cem\u3eLeishmania amazonensis\u3c/em\u3e Strains Display Immunomodulatory Properties via TLR4 and Do Not Affect Sand Fly Infection

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    The immunomodulatory properties of lipophosphoglycans (LPG) from New World species of Leishmania have been assessed in Leishmania infantum and Leishmania braziliensis, the causative agents of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. This glycoconjugate is highly polymorphic among species with variation in sugars that branch off the conserved Gal(β1,4)Man(α1)-PO4 backbone of repeat units. Here, the immunomodulatory activity of LPGs from Leishmania amazonensis, the causative agent of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, was evaluated in two strains from Brazil. One strain (PH8) was originally isolated from the sand fly and the other (Josefa) was isolated from a human case. The ability of purified LPGs from both strains was investigated during in vitro interaction with peritoneal murine macrophages and CHO cells and in vivo infection with Lutzomyia migonei. In peritoneal murine macrophages, the LPGs from both strains activated TLR4. Both LPGs equally activate MAPKs and the NF-κB inhibitor p-IκBα, but were not able to translocate NF-κB. In vivo experiments with sand flies showed that both stains were able to sustain infection in L. migonei. A preliminary biochemical analysis indicates intraspecies variation in the LPG sugar moieties. However, they did not result in different activation profiles of the innate immune system. Also those polymorphisms did not affect infectivity to the sand fly
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