153 research outputs found

    How situational perceptions relate to mate preferences

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    openLots of research on mate preferences often relies on a small list of traits chosen by researchers (Buss & Schmitt, 2019), and we aimed to take a broader perspective so we created an expanded list of 71 characteristics that can be important while looking for a long-term or a short-term mate. Moreover, most research on mate preferences focuses on personality, and many specifically on how maladaptive personality traits influence what individuals look for in a partner, but no one has ever done a study on situational affordances and their potential influence on mating choices.The goal of this study was to understand how our mate preferences can be influenced by the way we see the world and are those preferences differ between sexes. Given the newness of situational affordances research in mate preference, we attempted an exploratory study of all of the relationships between situational affordances and mate preferences. It seems intuitive that how people see the world may influence their mate preferencesLots of research on mate preferences often relies on a small list of traits chosen by researchers (Buss & Schmitt, 2019), and we aimed to take a broader perspective so we created an expanded list of 71 characteristics that can be important while looking for a long-term or a short-term mate. Moreover, most research on mate preferences focuses on personality, and many specifically on how maladaptive personality traits influence what individuals look for in a partner, but no one has ever done a study on situational affordances and their potential influence on mating choices.The goal of this study was to understand how our mate preferences can be influenced by the way we see the world and are those preferences differ between sexes. Given the newness of situational affordances research in mate preference, we attempted an exploratory study of all of the relationships between situational affordances and mate preferences. It seems intuitive that how people see the world may influence their mate preference

    Characterization of Lipschitz Normally Embedded complex curves

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    The main result of the paper states that a connected complex affine algebraic curve is Lipschitz normally embedded (shortened to LNE afterwards) in Cn\mathbb{C}^n if and only if its germ at any singular point is a finite union of non-singular complex curve germs which are pairwise transverse, and its projective closure is in general position with the hyperplane at infinity. To this aim, we completely characterize complex analytic curves of a compact complex manifold which are LNE (regardless of the given Riemannian structure), and therefore we can relate when a projective algebraic curve is LNE in CPn\mathbb{CP}^n with the property of its general affine traces being LNE in Cn\mathbb{C}^n. This allows us to deduce that Lipschitz classification of LNE curves is topological. We describe a complete invariant for the (outer and inner) Lipschitz equivalence of affine LNE curves and show that most such curves cannot be bi-Lipschitz homeomorphic to a plane one.Comment: The article will be pubslished in the Bulletin des Sciences Math\'ematique

    Analysis of faecal bacteria isolated from air and seawater samples following an emergency sewage discharge into the Gulf of Gdansk in 2018 — preliminary study

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    Background: Knowing the numbers of bacteria in coastal atmospheric air as well as in coastal waters significantly contributes to a better understanding of the processes affecting the health of people who stay temporarily or permanently in areas where the synergistic effect of the atmospheric conditions and the aquatic environment on a human body is particularly strong. Materials and methods: Seawater and air samples were collected from 22 May to 22 July 2018 in the seaside towns of Hel, Puck, Gdynia, Sopot, Gdansk-Brzezno, all located along the Gulf of Gdansk. The number of psychrophilic, mesophilic as well as coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli was determined in both the water and the ambient air samples. In total, 232 seawater and coastal air samples were collected for the study purposes. Results: The study showed a deterioration of coastal waters and atmospheric air in the Gulf of Gdansk which may have resulted from an increase of potentially pathogenic mesophilic bacteria following the emergency discharge of raw sewage from the Gdansk-Wschod wastewater plant. Conclusions: An increase in the number of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in the seawater and in the air across the Gulf of Gdansk is related to the emergency sewage discharge

    One point compactification and Lipschitz normally embedded definable subsets

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    A closed subset of Rq\mathbb{R}^q, definable in some given o-minimal structure, is Lipschitz normally embedded in Rq\mathbb{R}^q if and only if its one-point compactification is Lipschitz normally embedded in the unit sphere Sq{\bf S}^q(=Rq{} = \mathbb{R}^q \cup \{\infty \}), i.e. the closure of its image by the inverse of the stereographic projection is Lipschitz normally embedded in Sq{\bf S}^q

    Real Nullstellensatz and sums of squares

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    In this paper we highlight the foundational principles of sums of squares in the study of Real Algebraic Geometry. To this aim the article is designed as mainly a self-contained presentation of a variation of the standard proof of Real Nullstellensatz, the only relevant omission being the (long) proof of the Tarski-Seidenberg theorem. On the way we see how the theory follows closely developments in algebra and model theory due to Artin and Schreier. This allows us to present on the way Artin’s solution to Hilbert’s 17th Problem: whether positive polynomials are sums of squares. These notes are intended to be accessible to math students of any level

    Bioaerosols on Tri-city (Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia) beaches

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    Bioaerosol formation is an important process of mass and energy exchange between the sea and the atmosphere by means of droplets of marine dust. Studies of marine aerosol activity developed in the last decades of the 20th century. Those studies revealed that concentrations of bacteria in aerosol droplets were hundreds of times higher than were those measured in superficial marine waters. Moreover, it was determined that aerosol activity at sea can influence the sanitary condition of the air, especially in seaside areas. Examinations of air composition in coastal regions were performed on the beaches of the Tri-city, Sobieszewo, and Komary. Airborne microorganisms were also investigated in the marine zone at the Vistula river mouth. The air samples were collected by a filtration method using Sartorius apparatus. The exposed filters were then placed onto agar media in Petri dishes and incubated. All measurements are expressed in CFU/m3, i.e. colony forming units per cubic metre of examined air. Meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed and direction were also measured. The obtained results revealed statistically significant trends between the total number of bacteria and fungal spores, and the sampling season. The greatest number of microorganisms was noted in spring and autumn. Correlation analysis showed that a statistically significant relationship exists between the microbial abundance and the wind direction, wind speed, and the sampling site location. The maximum number of fungal spores was detected in the areas of Gdynia and Gdansk Brzeźno when south-west winds were blowing from the land. The highest number of bacteria was observed at the sampling stations located closest to the Vistula river mouth (Sobieszewo and Komary). Int Marit Health 2010; 61, 1: 41-4

    Systematic Design Space Exploration of Dynamic Dataflow Programs for Multi-core Platforms

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    The limitations of clock frequency and power dissipation of deep sub-micron CMOS technology have led to the development of massively parallel computing platforms. They consist of dozens or hundreds of processing units and offer a high degree of parallelism. Taking advantage of that parallelism and transforming it into high program performances requires the usage of appropriate parallel programming models and paradigms. Currently, a common practice is to develop parallel applications using methods evolving directly from sequential programming models. However, they lack the abstractions to properly express the concurrency of the processes. An alternative approach is to implement dataflow applications, where the algorithms are described in terms of streams and operators thus their parallelism is directly exposed. Since algorithms are described in an abstract way, they can be easily ported to different types of platforms. Several dataflow models of computation (MoCs) have been formalized so far. They differ in terms of their expressiveness (ability to handle dynamic behavior) and complexity of analysis. So far, most of the research efforts have focused on the simpler cases of static dataflow MoCs, where many analyses are possible at compile-time and several optimization problems are greatly simplified. At the same time, for the most expressive and the most difficult to analyze dynamic dataflow (DDF), there is still a dearth of tools supporting a systematic and automated analysis minimizing the programming efforts of the designer. The objective of this Thesis is to provide a complete framework to analyze, evaluate and refactor DDF applications expressed using the RVC-CAL language. The methodology relies on a systematic design space exploration (DSE) examining different design alternatives in order to optimize the chosen objective function while satisfying the constraints. The research contributions start from a rigorous DSE problem formulation. This provides a basis for the definition of a complete and novel analysis methodology enabling systematic performance improvements of DDF applications. Different stages of the methodology include exploration heuristics, performance estimation and identification of refactoring directions. All of the stages are implemented as appropriate software tools. The contributions are substantiated by several experiments performed with complex dynamic applications on different types of physical platforms

    Uniwersalna Klasyfikacja Dziesiętna w projekcie PASSIM

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    In 2010 Polish National Library embarked on the SYNAT project (Science and Technology System). Within this project, the National Library performs a research task called PASSIM. The activities carried out by consortium members aim at creating and implementing a universal, open hosting and communication repository platform of web-based knowledge resources for researchers, students and others wanting to expand their knowledge. The National Library’s Information and Reference Department is involved in the task of identifying, systematizing and listing web-based information resources, both Polish and foreign, in the field of humanities, economics and social sciences. The article describes the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), a system of broad application and long tradition. The authors analyzed its characteristics and pointed out its potential to present data sources. The article discusses classification methods in the PASSIM project. Selected search options were presented with the use of UDC numbers and their word equivalents.W 2010 r. Biblioteka Narodowa przystąpiła do projektu SYNAT. W ramach tego projektu zajmowała się częścią zadania badawczego o nazwie PASSIM. Celem działań licznego konsorcjum było stworzenie oraz wdrożenie uniwersalnej, otwartej, repozytoryjnej platformy hostingowej i komunikacyjnej dla sieciowych zasobów wiedzy wykorzystywanych przede wszystkim przez badaczy, pracowników nauki, studentów oraz wszystkich tych, którzy dążą do poszerzania wiedzy. Zakład Informacji Naukowej Biblioteki Narodowej odpowiadał za identyfikację, systematyzację i ewidencję cyfrowych zasobów informacyjnych zarówno polskich, jak i zagranicznych w zakresie nauk humanistycznych, ekonomicznych i społecznych. W artykule poddano analizie zasady praktycznego użycia w PASSIM Uniwersalnej Klasyfikacji Dziesiętnej (UKD). Zanalizowano jego cechy charakterystyczne, wskazujące na możliwość wykorzystania UKD do opisania treściowego źródeł danych. Omówiono metodę klasyfikowania dokumentów w projekcie PASSIM. Przedstawiono wybrane opcje wyszukiwawcze, tj. wyszukiwanie przez symbol UKD i odpowiedniki słowne do symbolu