2,768 research outputs found

    On the lower semicontinuous envelope of functionals defined on polyhedral chains

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    In this note we prove an explicit formula for the lower semicontinuous envelope of some functionals defined on real polyhedral chains. More precisely, denoting by H ⁣:R[0,)H \colon \mathbb{R} \to \left[ 0,\infty \right) an even, subadditive, and lower semicontinuous function with H(0)=0H(0)=0, and by ΦH\Phi_H the functional induced by HH on polyhedral mm-chains, namely \Phi_{H}(P) := \sum_{i=1}^{N} H(\theta_{i}) \mathcal{H}^{m}(\sigma_{i}), \quad\mbox{for every }P=\sum_{i=1}^{N} \theta_{i} [[ \sigma_{i} ]] \in\mathbf{P}_m(\mathbb{R}^n), we prove that the lower semicontinuous envelope of ΦH\Phi_H coincides on rectifiable mm-currents with the HH-mass \mathbb{M}_{H}(R) := \int_E H(\theta(x)) \, d\mathcal{H}^m(x) \quad \mbox{ for every } R= [[ E,\tau,\theta ]] \in \mathbf{R}_{m}(\mathbb{R}^{n}). Comment: 14 page

    The use of human adipose-derived stem cells in the treatment of physiological and pathological vulvar dystrophies

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    “Vulvar dystrophy” is characterized by chronic alterations of vulvar trophism, occurring in both physiological (menopause) and pathological (lichen sclerosus, vulvar graft-versus-host disease) conditions. Associated symptoms are itching, burning, dyspareunia and vaginal dryness. Current treatments often do not imply a complete remission of symptoms. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) injection represents a valid alternative therapy to enhance trophism and tone of dystrophic tissues. We evaluated efficacy of ADSCs-based therapy in the dystrophic areas. From February to April 2013 we enrolled 8 patients with vulvar dystrophy. A biopsy specimen was performed before and after treatment. Digital photographs were taken at baseline and during the follow-up. Pain was detected with Visual Analogue Scale and sexual function was evaluated with Female Sexual Function Index. All patients received 2 treatments in 3 months. Follow-up was at 1 week , 1 and 3 months, and 1 and 2 years. We obtained a significant vulvar trophism enhancement in all patients, who reported pain reduction and sexual function improvement. Objective exam with speculum was easy to perform after treatment. We believe ADSCs-based therapy finds its application in the treatment of vulvar dystrophies, since ADSCs could induce increased vascularization due to their angiogenic properties and tissue trophism improvement thanks to their eutrophic effect

    Improvement of mouth functional disability in systemic sclerosis patients over one year in a trial of fat transplantation versus adipose-derived stromal cells

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    Background. Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multisystem disease characterized by cutaneous and visceral fibrosis. Face and mouth changes include telangiectasia, sicca syndrome, and thinning and reduction of mouth width (microcheilia) and opening (microstomia). We applied autologous fat transplantation compared with autologous adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) injection to evaluate the clinical improvement of mouth opening. Methods. From February to May 2013 ten consecutive SSc patients were enrolled from the outpatient clinic of Plastic Surgery Department of Sapienza University of Rome. Patients were divided into two groups as follows: 5 patients were treated with fat transplantation and 5 patients received infiltration of ADSCs produced by cell factory of our institution. To value mouth opening, we use the Italian version of Mouth Handicap in Systemic Sclerosis Scale (IvMHISS). Mouth opening was assessed in centimetres (Maximal Mouth Opening, MMO). In order to evaluate compliance and physician and patient satisfaction, we employed a Questionnaire of Satisfaction and the Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) performed before starting study and 1 year after the last treatment. Results and Conclusion. We noticed that both procedures obtained significant results but neither one emerged as a first-choice technique. The present clinical experimentation should be regarded as a starting point for further experimental research and clinical trials

    Avaliando a interrupção da conectividade longitudinal em assembleias de macroinvertebrados em um rio semi-árido

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    Aim: Our aim in this study was evaluate the effects of flow regulation for irrigation on the macroinvertebrate assemblages in a semiarid river. Methods:We sampled two reaches in Dulce River; one placed upstream a weir that diverts flow into a network of irrigation channels and the other downstream that weir, in the assessment of the fluvial discontinuity. We assess the differences among reaches and sites, environmental variables, invertebrate density, richness and Shannon-Wiener index applying non-parametric analyses of variance Kruskal Wallis. The similarity percentage analysis (SIMPER) was used to identify which species contributed to the dissimilarities on macroinvertebrate assemblage structure. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was performed with the total set of samples to explore macroinvertebrate distribution in reaches and associations of the assemblages with habitat variables. Results .The density, richness and Shannon index values did not show differences between the reaches located upstream and downstream. Beta diversity (Whittaker) was 0.72 among upstream sites, 0.56 among downstream sites and higher species turnover (0.73) was obtained between both reaches. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis explained 46.71% of the variance differentiating upstream sites explained by higher values of organic matter of bottom sediments and discharge, high density of Nais communis, Bothrioneurum americanum, Pelomus, Stephensoniana trivandrana, Pristina menoni, P. jenkinae, P.longidentata, P. americana, Dero obtusa, Endotribelos, Heleobia and Turbellaria. The downstream sites were associated to coarser substratum and higher density of Lopescladius, Polypedilum, Cricotopus, Thienamaniella, Cryptochironomus, Baetidae, Nematoda and Corbicula fluminea. Conclusions: The low-flow disturbance had effects on the composition of the benthic invertebrate assemblages, but attributes (such as density and richness) showed a lower variability probably because of taxa replacement.Objetivo: Nosso objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da regulação do fluxo de um rio semi-árido utilizado para irrigação sobre as assembleias de macroinvertebrados. Métodos: Nós amostramos duas seções no rio Dulce River, um trecho localizado a montante da barragem de desvio em Los Quiroga e outro a justante, para avaliação da descontinuidade fluvial. Nós avaliamos as diferenças entre os trechos e sítios de amostragem com relação às variáveis ambientais, a densidade de invertebrados, a riqueza e o índice de Shannon aplicando análise de variância não-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis. A Análise de Porcentagem de Similaridade (SIMPER) foi usada para identificar quais espécies contribuiram para as dissimilaridades da estrutura das assembleias de macroinvertebrados. A Análise de Correspondência Canônica (CCA) foi executada com o conjunto total de amostras para explorar a distribuição dos macroinvertebrados nos trechos e as associações das assembleias com as variáveis do habitat. Resultados: Os valores da densidade, da riqueza e do índice de Shannon não mostraram diferenças entre os trechos a montante e a jusante da barragem de desvio. A diversidade beta (Whittaker) foi de 0,72 entre os locais à montante, 0,56 entre os locais a justante e a maior taxa de reposição de espécies (0,73) foi obtida ente ambos os trechos. A Análise de Correspondência Canônica explicou 46,71% da variância diferindo os locais a montante explicados pelos altos valores de matéria orgânica do sedimento e descarga, altas densidades de Nais communis, Bothrioneurum americanum, Pelomus, Stephensoniana trivandrana, Pristina menoni, P. jenkinae, P.longidentata, P. americana, Dero obtusa, Endotribelos, Heleobia e Turbellaria. Os sítios de amostragem a jusante estiveram associadas a substrato mais grosseiro e densidade maior de Lopescladius, Polypedilum, Cricotopus, Thienamaniella, Cryptochironomus, Baetidae, Nematoda e Corbicula fluminea. Conclusão: O distúrbio de baixo fluxo teve efeitos sobre a composição das assembleias de invertebrados bentônicos, mas também atributos (tais como densidade e riqueza) apresentaram menor variabilidade provavelmente devido à reposição de táxons.Fil: Leiva, Marta Elisabeth. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Cs.forestales. Instituto de Protección Forestal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Marchese Garello, Mercedes Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Diodato, Maria Estela Liliana. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Cs.forestales. Instituto de Protección Forestal; ArgentinaFil: Tévez, Héctor. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales; Argentin

    Large baseline optical imaging assisted by single photons and linear quantum optics

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    In this work, we show that by combining quantum metrology and networking tools, it is possible to extend the baseline of an interferometric optical telescope and thus improve diffraction-limited imaging of point source positions. The quantum interferometer is based on single-photon sources, linear optical circuits, and efficient photon number counters. Surprisingly, with thermal (stellar) sources of low photon number per mode and high transmission losses across the baseline, the detected photon probability distribution still retains a large amount of Fisher information about the source position, allowing for a significant improvement in the resolution of positioning point sources, on the order of 10 {\mu}as. Our proposal can be implemented with current technology. In particular, our proposal does not require experimental optical quantum memories.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Acknowledging connections between Reading and Translation Studies: a bibliographical review

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    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre pesquisas orientadas a processos cognitivos em tradução, tendo como foco a intersecção das áreas de Estudos da Tradução (ET) e Leitura. O objetivo do estudo é identificar os pontos de contato entre os campos em termos de aspectos teóricos e metodológicos.Desenvolve-se uma apresentação mais ampla da pesquisa em processos em Estudos da Tradução (ET) FERREIRA; SCHWIETER 2014; HURTADO ALBIR et al. 2015 entre outros), seguida de uma revisão sobre leitura e tradução (SHREVE et al. 1993, e outros). De modo geral, os achados indicam que fatores como propósito da tarefa e experiênciados tradutores influenciam a leitura na tradução; todavia, tradução, leitura e leitura durante a tradução compreendem processos paralelos de naturezas diferentes que são associados quando se lê durante a tradução.This article presents a bibliographical review of cognitive process-oriented research in translation, focusing on the intersection of the areas of Translation Studies (TS) and Reading. The objective of the study is to identify points of contact between the fields in terms of theoretical and methodological aspects. A broader account of process-oriented research in TS is carried out (Ferreira; Schwieter, 2014; Hurtado Albir et al.; 2015 among others), followed by a review of reading and translation (Shreve  et al.,1993, and others). Overall, findings indicate that task purpose and translators’ experience influence reading in translation, yet reading, translation, and reading during translation entail parallel processes of a different nature that are associated in reading during translation

    Optomechanics-based quantum estimation theory for collapse models

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    We make use of the powerful formalism of quantum parameter estimation to assess the characteristic rates of a Continuous Spontaneous Localisation (CSL) model affecting the motion of a massive mechanical system. We show that a study performed in non-equilibrium conditions unveils the advantages provided by the use of genuinely quantum resources -- such as quantum correlations -- in estimating the CSL-induced diffusion rate. In stationary conditions, instead, the gap between quantum performance and a classical scheme disappears. Our investigation contributes to the ongoing effort aimed at identifying suitable conditions for the experimental assessment of collapse models.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    A pediatric case of Chlamydia psittaci caused severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Italy

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    Background This case of psittacosis in children, is the first described in literature, in Italy. This respiratory infection can be transmitted to humans from the inhalation of respiratory secretions, feces and plumage aerosol of infected birds (and other animals). Usually it can have an asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic course, and the onset is often flu-like, but in this case the child risked his life for a severe respiratory failure. This report is unique because in children psittacosis is rare, and always misdiagnosed, or could cause a delayed diagnosis because of lack of awareness among the paediatricians and physicians. Furthermore, psittacosis enters a differential diagnosis with SARS-COV2 infection because both diseases may determine dyspnea and atypical pneumonia, up to acute respiratory failure.Case presentation This clinical case talks about a three-and-a-half-year-old male child affected by psittacosis (or ornithosis), with severe dyspnea and systemic symptoms who required oro-tracheal intubation for acute respiratory failure. The child had slept in a room at home, with some recently bought parrots affected by psittacosis. Initially the child was treated with empiric antibiotic therapy (i.v.ceftriaxone and teicoplanin), but after having isolated the DNA of the germ "Chlamydia psittaci" in both serological and through bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), he was treated with targeted antibiotic therapy: tetracyclines (doxicillin).Conclusions Psittacosis is an extremely contagious disease, caused by an intracellular germ, called "Chlamydia psittaci", a Gram-negative bacterium, transmitted to humans in particular by infected birds, responsible for atypical pneumonia, with acute and chronic respiratory symptoms, sometimes with multi-organ failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Even if it is a rare respiratory disease among children, a good doctor must think about psittacosis as cause of respiratory symptoms (and not only flu or SARS-COV2), above all through a correct medical history, in order to provide a targeted antibiotic therapy. An interesting case of psittacosis in a child is being reported here, which has been treated successfully with doxycillin

    Molecular characterization in autism-epilepsy endophenotype

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    Analytical Summary Title of PhD Thesis: Molecular characterization in autism-epilepsy endophenotype PhD STUDENT: Marchese Maria The identification of the pathological underpinnings of complex neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and epilepsy is becoming more complex due to the evolving diagnostic criteria and the ever expanding genetic landscape. However, information derived by study of genomic copy number variations (CNVs) and single gene disorders in both ASD and epilepsies has proposed attention to biologic processes related to brain development and neuronal activities. Defects in potassium spatial buffering in the brain determined by alterations in different K+ channels have been associated with both autism and epilepsy, and their endophenotype (AEP). The high degree of clinical and physiological overlap has also led to propose the terms of channelASD and channelepsy as conditions sharing similar pathomechanisms. Sicca and co-workers have recently demonstrated that alterations in Kir channels can be involved in the comorbid condition of ASD and epilepsy, and have defined some of the biological basis of the clinically relevant AEP endophenotype. Our work hypothesis was to disentangle the complexity of AEP endophenotype looking at the dysregulated tripartite synapse. To test our hypothesis, we initially tested the relative frequency of variants in genes encoding Kir channels, and described an even stronger genetic association between changes in KCNJ10 and autism/epilepsy with intellectual disability. Our results suggested that the molecular mechanism contributing to disease status likely related to an increase in either surface expression or conductance of Kir4.1 channels, or both. At the same time we studied in vitro a new genetic variant in KCNJ2, the gene coding for Kir2.1 channels. Both electrophysiological investigations and biochemical analyses in human and murine astrocytes demonstrated that Kir2.1 in AEP works stabilizing the plasma membrane, and influencing protein degradation. Therefore, a more detailed investigation of the physiological and pathological role of Kir channels is emerging and require a further assessment using tools in vivo. By adopting the easy-to-handle zebrafish model, we observed that kcnj10a morphant could not be complemented by the R18Q variant, a relatively frequent mutation in KCNJ10 associated with AEP. Neurons are not the single contributor to defective brain mechanisms in ASD and epilepsy. Similarly, astrocytes might represent a crucial target for the pharmacological control of abnormal electrical discharge and synaptic function, at least in certain clinical conditions. Although we did not find clear pathogenic links between genetic variants in the astrocytic GLIALCAM gene and AEP-macrocephaly comorbidity, we might have miss small effect size because of a limited study; however, we corroborated the notion that variants in PTEN might contribute to AEP. We then decided to overcome the difficulties and labor-intensive single gene studies and defined a set of potential genes collaborating and coregulated with Kir channels in silico and analyzed their coding regions adopting massive parallel sequencing. We detected a group of rare variants segregating with the comorbid AEP and macrocephaly endophenotype located in proteins involved in glutamate transport and metabolism as well as in potassium conductance. However, further work will be required to functionally relate these variants with dysfunctional astrocyte metabolism and to analyze the larger number of common predictably deleterious changes observed in our study. One interesting finding was identification of a new variant in STXBP1, and the generation of a stable knock-out strain in zebrafish. Initial analyses in the homozygous stxbp1as3000 strain suggest that STXBP1 contributes to disruption of development plan in zebrafish and to larval behavior, whereas heterozygous loss of gene function impairs larval movement under stress conditions. The mechanicistic results obtained in our study will offer solid ground to more complete behavioural phenotyping in mouse models and would permit high-throughput screening for molecules and drugs able to offer new therapeutic perspectives in ASD and epilepsy. Riassunto Analitico Titolo tesi: Molecular characterization in autism-epilepsy endophenotype Dottorando: Marchese Maria Identificare la relazione di disturbi complessi come i disturbi dello spettro autistico (ASD) e l'epilessia sta diventando sempre più complesso a causa dei mutati criteri diagnostici e delle numerose informazioni che la genetica offre. Tuttavia, le informazioni derivate dallo studio dei riarrangiamenti genomici e del numero di copie di varianti (CNV) e quelle derivate da malattie monogeniche che si presentano con ASD oppure epilessia ha posto sempre più attenzione ai processi biologici che riguardano lo sviluppo del cervello. I difetti nella distribuzione spaziale del potassio nel cervello sono determinati da alterazioni in diversi canali del K+, associati sia all' autismo che all'epilessia. L'elevato grado di sovrapposizione clinica e fisiologica ha condotto ad una nuova terminologia (channelASD e channelepsy) per identificare condizioni che condividono meccanismi patogenetici simili. Ricercatori dell'IRCCS Stella Maris hanno recentemente dimostrato che alterazioni dei canali del potassio Kir possono essere coinvolti nella comorbidità dell'ASD e dell'epilessia, definendo alcune delle basi biologiche clinicamente rilevanti nell' endofenotipo autismo-epilessia (AEP). La nostra ipotesi di lavoro è stata quella di distinguere la complessità dell'endofenotipo AEP basandoci sullo studio dei meccanismi molecolari che coinvolgono la sinapsi tripartita. Per testare la nostra ipotesi, in primo luogo abbiamo analizzato la frequenza relativa di varianti nei geni che codificano per i canali Kir, ed abbiamo riportato una significativa associazione tra il gene KCNJ10 e autismo/epilessia con disabilità intellettiva. I nostri risultati suggeriscono che il meccanismo molecolare che contribuisce alla malattia potrebbe essere dovuto ad un provvisorio aumento sia dell'espressione di superfice che della conduttanza del canale Kir4.1, o di entrambi i meccanismi. Allo stesso tempo, abbiamo studiato in vitro una nuova variante genetica in KCNJ2, il gene codificante il canale Kir2.1. Indagini elettrofisiologiche e analisi biochimiche in astrociti hanno dimostrato che il canale Kir2.1 nell'AEP determina una maggiore stabilizzazione della membrana plasmatica, e influenza la degradazione delle proteine. Indagini più dettagliate sul ruolo fisiologico e patologico dei canali Kir hanno poi utilizzato il loro ruolo in vivo. Mediante l'adozione di modelli animali facili da manipolare (zebrafish) abbiamo offerto osservazioni preliminari in morfanti kcnj10a che dimostrano come la mutazione R18Q nel gene KCNJ10 umano (una causa relativamente frequente di AEP) non sia in grado di complementare il fenotipo animale ove la funzione del gene di zebrafish è temporaneamente spenta. Gli astrociti allo stesso modo dei neuroni, potrebbero rappresentare un obiettivo fondamentale per il controllo farmacologico della scarica elettrica anomala e funzione sinaptica, almeno in certe condizioni cliniche neuropsichiatriche come l'AEP. Infatti, gli stessi effetti osservati su modelli cellulari eterologhi di canali Kir mutati sono stati osservati in vitro in astrociti umani e murini. Anche se nel nostro studio non abbiamo trovato un chiaro collegamento patogenetico tra varianti nel gene GLIALCAM e l'endofenotipo AEP con macrocefalia, la casistica relativamente piccola potrebbe averci fatto sfuggire un effetto minimo. D'altra parte, abbiamo corroborato il ruolo di varianti in PTEN nello stesso endofenotipo. Per avere una visione più ampia sui determinanati molecolari di AEP oltre il test del singolo gene, abbiamo definito una serie di potenziali geni che collaborano con i canali Kir in silico e adottato metodi di sequenziamento massivo parallelo per poter rilevare e prioritizzare le varianti geniche prioritarie. Abbiamo scoperto che un gruppo di varianti rare, segreganti con la comorbidità del fenotipo AEP con macrocefalia appartengono alle proteine coinvolte nel trasporto e nel metabolismo del glutammato e nella conduttanza del potassio. Gli studi futuri dovranno dare valore funzionale a queste varianti così come al significato delle tantissime alterazioni genetiche osservate come comuni nella poplazione ma potenzialmente deleterie per la funzione astrocitaria. Un risultato interessante è stato anche l'identificazione di una nuova variante in STXBP1, e la generazione di un modello knock-out stabile in zebrafish. Dalle prime analisi della linea omozigote stxbp1as3000 possiamo ipotizzare che STXBP1 contribuisce alla rottura del piano di sviluppo in zebrafish e al comportamento larvale, mentre la perdita del gene in eterozigosi ostacola il movimento in condizioni di stress. I risultati ottenuti offriranno un terreno solido per una più completa fenotipizzazione comportamentale in un futuro modello murino, e potrebbero favorire un più rapido screening su larga scala di molecole e farmaci capaci di influenzare il modello animale e per sviluppare nuove prospettive terapeutiche in ASD e epilessia