1,773 research outputs found

    El museu del gas

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    Citas caballerescas apócrifas en el “Quijote”

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    La citazione di personaggi e avventure cavalleresche è indispensabile, nel Quijote, per ricreare il genere letterario che l'opera intende parodiare. Lungi dal sottomettersi alla disciplina dell'ipotesto, solitamente Cervantes affida alla memoria cioè al ricordo delle sue letture, la rappresentazione del mondo della cavalleria: accanto a citazioni precise e puntuali, dunque, ce ne sono altre scorrette e imprecise, qualcuna nascosta e qualcuna apocrifa, in un delizioso gioco intertestuale che prolunga o riscrive il materiale ereditato dalla tradizione per la gioia dei lettori contemporanei e degli appassionati di cavalleria. L'articolo analizza le citazioni apocrife relative alla tradizione arturiana (Artù, Lancillotto e Ginevra, gli apocrifi arturiani) e ai libri cavallereschi spagnoli (Amadigi e famiglia), mostrando come Cervantes, per via parodica, riesca a creare un nuovo ipertesto.The citation of characters and adventures of chivalry romances in the Quixote is essential to recreate the parody of this literary genre. Far from being subject to the discipline of the hypotext, Cervantes trusts his memory – that is his ability to remember what he had read – to represent the world of chivalry. By so doing, along with accurate quotations, Cervantes inserts incorrect and imprecise, hidden or apocryphal citations, in which he continues or rewrites the inherited material in delicious plays on texts. These games are especially appreciated by chivalry lovers. The present article analyses these apocryphal quotations related to the Arthurian tradition (Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere, the apocryphal Arthurian chivalry) and to the Castilian romances of chivalry tradition (Amadís and family). With these apocryphal citations, some of them full of parody, Cervantes creates a new hypertext

    The Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands: A regional project for libraries cooperation.

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    Virtual Health Sciences Library of the Balearic Islands (Bibliosalut) is a regional project carried out in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Protection and the Health Service of the Balearic Islands (Ib-salut), through the Balearic Islands Biomedical Documentation Service. The Virtual Library Mission is to facilitate the most important scientific information to the public health professionals of the Balearic Islands, by using the new information and communication technologies, in order to contribute to the improvement of medical care quality, teaching, research and health managemen

    New Eliahou Semigroups and Verification of the Wilf Conjecture for Genus up to 65

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    We give a graphical reinterpretation of the seeds algorithm to explore the tree of numerical semigroups. We then exploit the seeds algorithm to find all the Eliahou semigroups of genus up to 65. Since all these semigroups satisfy the Wilf conjecture, this shows that the Wilf conjecture holds up to genus 65

    Towards a unified treatment of Spanish copulas

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    This paper sets the basis for a uniform account of the alternation between the two Spanish copulas (ser and estar) in adjectival and passive clauses. While the copular contrast has been attributed to the different properties of adjectives (e.g. individual vs. stage level) and to an eventive vs. resultative stative dichotomy in passives, this work shows that they all behave alike regarding their temporal interpretation. We derive such uniformity from the syntactic properties of the copulas themselves: estar, includes an additional component ser lack that makes everything it merges with stative, with particular temporoaspectual properties

    “Víctimas invisibles”. Menores víctimas de violencia de género. Análisis empírico sobre las visitas con el victimario

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    Trabajo fin de máster en "Criminalidad e intervención social con menores" de la Facultad de DerechoRealización de un estudio empírico en colaboración con la Asociación Deméter por la Igualdad, sobre el desarrollo del régimen de visitas entre progenitores e hijos en casos de violencia de género en la provincia de Málaga. Durante la investigación han sido encuestados veinte menores que estaban siendo atendidos por el servicio que ofrece dicha asociación. Al mismo tiempo, han sido entrevistadas sus madres para tener una visión más completa de la realidad de estas familias. El objeto de este trabajo es dar a conocer un fenómeno poco analizado desde el punto de vista criminológico, se trata de proveer información sobre el régimen de visitas y comunicaciones en casos de violencia de género, así como de conocer qué papel juega el interés superior del menor en la adopción y aplicación de éste, teniendo en cuenta las consecuencias negativas para el menor que pueden derivarse de la continuación de la relación entre éste y, en este caso, el maltratador