6,006 research outputs found

    Allocation and Ex Ante Cost Efficiency of a Swedish Subsidy for Environmental Sustainability: The Local Investment Program

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    We evaluate the allocation rationality and ex ante cost efficiency of a major Swedish investment subsidy program, the “Local Investment Program” (LIP). The LIP, effective between 1998-2002, had dual purposes: to step up the pace at which Sweden transforms into an ecologically sustainable society and to reduce unemployment. During the program period, more than 6.2 billion Swedish kronor (approximately Euro 670 million) were granted to different municipal projects. By using data on the projects’ subsidies and anticipated environmental and employment effects, we find that these effects to a high degree explain the magnitude of the subsidy granted. We find that the marginal LIP subsidy for carbon dioxide (CO2) reductions does not vary significantly over the projects, implying that the LIP was cost efficient for such reductions. Furthermore, for a majority of the projects, the marginal subsidy for CO2 reductions was lower than the, at the time, prevailing CO2 tax. Assuming successful project fulfillment, we conclude that the LIP was a low cost, cost efficient environmental policy for reducing CO2 emissions provided that the projects generate spillover effects large enough to justify the subsidy.Environmental policy; evaluation; greenhouse gas; spillover effect; subsidy

    Yleisimmät keuhkosairaudet kliinisen fysiologian näkökulmasta : perehdytysmateriaali

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    Kliininen fysiologia on lääketieteen erikoisala, joka tutkii ja mittaa elimistön toimintoja sekä niiden häiriöitä hyödyntäen uusinta lääketieteellistä teknologiaa. Tutkittavia kohteita ovat esimerkiksi sydän- ja verenkiertohäiriöt, tuki- ja liikuntaelimistö, hengityselimistö sekä ruoansulatuselimistö. Kliinisen fysiologian tutkimuksia hyödynnetään sairauksien diagnosoimisessa, seurannassa ja hoidon tehokkuuden arvioinnissa. Lisäksi niitä hyödynnetään arvioitaessa työkykyä tai leikkauskelpoisuutta. Tutkimuksien avulla tutkitaan elimistön aineenvaihduntaa sekä mekaanista ja sähköistä toimintaa ja ne suoritetaan joko levossa tai altistusten ja kuormitusten yhteydessä. Kliinisen fysiologian tutkimuksia voidaan suorittaa joko kertamittauksina tai vuorokausiseurantoina tutkimuksesta riippuen. Opinnäytetyön aihe saatiin toimeksiantajalta, Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin Kuvantamiskeskus- ja apteekkiliikelaitoksen (AKU) kliinisen fysiologian osastolta. Opinnäytetyössämme selvitettiin keuhkoihin liittyviä sairauksia kliinisen fysiologian kannalta, miksi tutkitaan ja miten tuloksia hyödynnetään potilaan hoidossa. Opinnäytetyössämme keskityttiin laajemmin spirometria- ja diffuusiokapasiteettitutkimuksiin. Työelämän edustajalta saatiin ehdotus, mihin yleisimpiin keuhkosairauksiin perehdyttiin syvemmin. Näitä olivat esimerkiksi keuhkoahtaumatauti, sarkoidoosi ja astma. Tavoitteena oli koota sähköisessä muodossa oleva perehdytysopas osastolle, jota henkilökunta ja opiskelijat voisivat hyödyntää työssään. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena, jolloin opinnäyte koostui raporttiosasta ja tuotoksesta. Opinnäytetyön raporttiosuudessa käsiteltiin keuhkofunktiotutkimuksia, keuhkosairauksia, keuhkojen anatomiaa ja fysiologiaa sekä perehdytysopasta Opinnäytetyön tuotos oli perehdytysmateriaali, joka sisältää tietoa keuhkofunktiotutkimuksista ja keuhkosairauksista. Mahdollisena jatkotutkimuksena voisi olla perehtyminen yhteen tiettyyn sairauteen kliinisen fysiologian näkökulmasta.Clinical physiology is a special medical field which studies and measures the functions and ailments of the body, using the newest medical technology. The studies specialise in the functions of the heart, blood vessels, joints and spine, lungs, and the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical physiology is used to diagnose and monitor illnesses and to determine the efficiency of patient care plans. Research also focuses on the body’s metabolism and its mechanical functions. Examinations are performed either during rest or under external stressors. Clinical physiology tests may be carried out during a single session or during a twenty-four hour monitoring. The subject of the study was requested by Clinical Physiology Department of Pirkanmaa Hospital District’s Imaging and Pharmaceutical Unit. Our studies focused on lung diseases from the perspective of clinical physiology; reasons for examinations and ways to utilise the results in patient care. The studies focused further on spirometry and diffusion capacity tests. A representative from the field gave us suggestions as to the most common lung diseases to target. Among those were COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), sarcoidosis, and asthma. The goal was to compile an electronic manual for the hospital unit for their use. This thesis consists of a theoretical report and a practical product, the outcome of the study being functional. The report covers lung function tests, the anatomy and physiology of lungs, as well as the orientation material. The orientation material presents information of lung function tests and lung diseases

    Financial implications of relationship breakdown: Does marriage matter?

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    In raw data in the UK, the income loss on separation for women who were cohabiting is less than the loss for those who were married. Cohabitants lose less even after controlling for observable characteristics including age and the number of children. This difference is not explained by differences in access to benefits or labor supply responses after separation. In contrast, there is no difference in the change in household income experienced by cohabiting and married men who do better on average than both groups of women. We show that the difference for women arises because of differences in the use of family support networks: cohabitants’ standard of living falls by less because they are more likely to live with other adults, particularly their family, following separation, even after controlling for age and children. Divorced women do not return to living with their extended families. The greater legal protection offered by marriage does not appear to translate into economic protection.Fisher acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP150101718) and Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (CE140100027). The Centre is administered by the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland, with nodes at The University of Western Australia, The University of Melbourne and The University of Sydney. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the Australian Research Council. Low thanks funding from the ESRC as a Research Fellow, grant number RES-063-27-0211.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11150-015-9292-

    Secure Food in the Field : A Study on Food Safety at Norrbotten Air Force Wing

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    EU-förordning 178/2002 beskriver att livsmedel inte får släppas ut på marknaden om de inte är säkra för konsumenten. I Försvarsmakten är det delar av den egna personalen som har ansvaret att leverera mat till soldater i fält, vilket kräver noggrann hantering och förberedelse för att säkerställa hög livsmedelssäkerhet. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka och kartlägga eventuella problemområden inom livsmedelssäkerhet när förplägnadstroppen vid Norrbottens flygflottilj levererar mat i en fältmiljö. Av tidsbegränsande skäl gjordes avgränsningar till att fokusera på områden rörande personlig hygien, kontaminering samt utbildning och kunskap. Metoden som nyttjades för datainsamling var en semistrukturerad intervju med kockar som arbetar vid flottiljen, där materialet sedan transkriberades och analyserades tematiskt utifrån den matrisbaserade Framework-metoden. Resultatet visade att det främst finns brister i utbildning och kunskap hos förbandet i stort snarare än hos kockarna. Förplägnadstroppen har en grundförståelse för livsmedelssäkerhet, även om kunskapen är fragmentarisk och ger uppfattningen att utbildningen är mer praktisk än teoretisk. Däremot framkom det att övriga delar av förbandet har tydliga brister när det gäller grundläggande kunskap om livsmedelssäkerhet och hygien. Det framkom även att förplägnadstroppen upplever att andra delar av förbandet inte delar troppens syn på vikten av en god livsmedelssäkerhet. Vidare framkom i resultatet att förplägnadstroppen har goda förutsättningar för personlig hygien och har etablerat goda arbetsmetoder och rutiner för att minska risken för kontaminering vid fältgrupperingar. Trots detta finns det utmaningar med yttre kontaminering och korskontaminering, särskilt när utomstående personal hjälper till med exempelvis diskning utan adekvat utbildning. I diskussionen föreslås åtgärder för att stärka livsmedelssäkerhetskulturen på Norrbottens flygflottilj, dels genom att utbilda all personal i grunderna kring livsmedelshygien. Att utse en förplägnadsansvarig med mandat att driva frågan för och utbilda inom livsmedelssäkerhet föreslås som en annan åtgärd. Det föreslås även att bredda denna studie genom att inkludera fler perspektiv, exempelvis genom att intervjua fler personer inom förbandet men även undersöka fler förband för att kunna dra bredare slutsatser kring livsmedelssäkerhet inom Försvarsmakten.In the European Regulation 178/2002, it is stated that food should not be placed on the market if it is not safe for consumers. In the Swedish Armed Forces, parts of the own personnel are responsible for delivering food to soldiers in the field, which requires appropriate handling and preparation to ensure high food safety. This study aimes to investigate and identify potential areas of concern regarding food safety when the cooks at Norrbotten Air Force Wing deliver food in a field environment. Due to time constraints, the focus was narrowed down to areas related to personal hygiene, contamination, and education and knowledge. The data collection method employed was semi-structured interviews with the cooks working at the wing, followed by transcription and thematic analysis using the Framework method. The results indicated that the main deficiencies lie in the education and knowledge of the overall unit rather than the cooks themselves. The cooks have a basic understanding of food safety, although the knowledge is fragmented, suggesting that the training is more practical than theoretical. However, it was evident that other parts of the unit have poor knowledge of food safety and hygiene. It was also revealed that the cooks perceive a lack of understanding among other parts of the unit regarding the importance of good food safety practices. Furthermore, the results showed that the cooks have favorable conditions for personal hygiene and have established good working methods and routines to minimize the risk of contamination during field operations. However, challenges remain in terms of external contamination and cross-contamination, particularly when external personnel assist with tasks such as dishwashing without adequate training. The discussion suggests measures to strengthen the food safety culture at Norrbotten Air Force Wing, including providing basic training in food hygiene to all personnel. The appointment of a designated person responsible for sustenance services, with the authority to act for and provide education on food safety, is also proposed. Additionally, it is recommended to broaden this study by including more perspectives, such as interviewing additional personnel within the unit and investigating other units within the Swedish Armed Forces, enabling broader conclusions regarding food safety practices

    Storage and on-demand release of microwaves using superconducting resonators with tunable coupling

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    We present a system which allows to tune the coupling between a superconducting resonator and a transmission line. This storage resonator is addressed through a second, coupling resonator, which is frequency-tunable and controlled by a magnetic flux applied to a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). We experimentally demonstrate that the lifetime of the storage resonator can be tuned by more than three orders of magnitude. A field can be stored for 18 {\mu}s when the coupling resonator is tuned off resonance and it can be released in 14 ns when the coupling resonator is tuned on resonance. The device allows capture, storage, and on-demand release of microwaves at a tunable rate.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Resonant and off-resonant microwave signal manipulation in coupled superconducting resonators

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    We present an experimental demonstration as well as a theoretical model of an integrated circuit designed for the manipulation of a microwave field down to the single-photon level. The device is made of a superconducting resonator coupled to a transmission line via a second frequency-tunable resonator. The tunable resonator can be used as a tunable coupler between the fixed resonator and the transmission line. Moreover, the manipulation of the microwave field between the two resonators is possible. In particular, we demonstrate the swapping of the field from one resonator to the other by pulsing the frequency detuning between the two resonators. The behavior of the system, which determines how the device can be operated, is analyzed as a function of one key parameter of the system, the damping ratio of the coupled resonators. We show a good agreement between experiments and simulations, realized by solving a set of coupled differential equations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    A method for determination of absorption isotherms at high relative humidity levels: measurements on lime-silica brick and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)

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    The relationship between the relative humidity and the moisture content of a material for relative humidity levels close to 100% can be studied using the pressure plate technique. However, this method is designed for desorption experiments and modifications are necessary in order to perform absorption experiments. This paper presents a method to condition samples to a uniform moisture content by absorption with the pressure plate technique. The specimens were suspended in magnetic clamps until the ceramic plate had equilibrated with the applied pressure and modifications were made so that water could circulate through the pressure plate cell

    Fire and grazing controlling a tropical tree line: Effects of long-term grazing exclusion in Bale Mountains, Ethiopia

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    Aims Tropical tree lines are often associated with abrupt shifts in vegetation, soils and disturbance regimes, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We analysed the role of grazing, fuels and fire in maintaining a sharp tree line with flammable heathland above non-flammable forest. Location Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Methods The study used grazing exclosures, repeated vegetation sampling, soil analyses and burning and sowing experiments along an altitudinal gradient withHagenia abyssinicaforest,Erica trimeraforest andEricaheathland; all were heavily grazed, the Erica heathland also burnt on short rotation. Results Contrary to expectation, livestock exclusion did not increase flammability in the forest, but instead resulted in a dense carpet of non-flammable herbs. In the heathland, livestock exclusion led to somewhat faster post-fire fuel recovery, but no major change in vegetation. Seeding of tree species resulted in some seedling establishment, but notablyHageniagrew poorly in the heathland, even when protected from livestock. A bioassay, as well as observations of outpost trees on atypical soil above the tree line, suggests that this poor growth is caused by the acidic soils, rather than harsh climate. Despite frequent fires, heathland soils had lower pH and higher organic matter content than forest soils. Below the tree line, tree seedling establishment was successful only in forest gaps, and if livestock was excluded. In both forest and heathland rapid vegetative regeneration in the ground flora after disturbance restricted major species shifts. Conclusions These results suggest that the contrasting fire potential between heathland and forest, and thus the sharp tree line would be maintained, or possibly even accentuated, in the absence of livestock grazing, and thatHageniacolonization upwards into the heathland is restricted not only by fire and grazing, but also the acidic soils, which is a legacy of centuries of dominance byErica

    The User Value of Speech Recognition at Home

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    Humans have interacted using speech for thousands of years. Since the middle of last century, humans have been able to interact with computers using speech. Recent investments in speech recognition have resulted in the technology making its way into the homes of mainstream consumers. However, little is known about the user value of this target group using speech recognition in the home environment. The user value is relevant to IKEA for determining how, or if, the technology can deliver to their vision of creating a better everyday life for the many people. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the user value for the broader audience using speech recognition in the home environment. Further, the aim is to understand if, and how, speech recognition is relevant to IKEA. To reach the purpose, an exploratory, mixed method design, combining qualitative and quantitative strategies has been used. The primary approach of this study is a market research approach for identifying user value called means-end chain. Derived values are triangulated with feedback from experts and compared to existing literature. Aspects of implementation, such as product design and business have been excluded from the thesis. Four user values of speech recognition in the home environment are concluded; facilitate daily life, everyday efficiency, comfort and increased calmness. All four values refer to tasks complementing, not replacing, already existing interfaces. Moreover, a scepticism towards the new technology of speech recognition is identified. Speech recognition is also concluded to, entirely or partly, fulfil the IKEA product development criteria for smart products, namely; convenience, easy to understand, clear use case and solving a user need. Therefore, speech recognition can contribute to the IKEA vision of creating a better life for the many people.Människan har interagerat genom att använda sin röst i årtusenden. I mitten av förra seklet började datorer förstå människans röst. På senare år har stora investeringar för röststyrning i hemmet gjort att teknologin börjat nå en bred konsumentmarknad. Användarvärdet för röststyrning i hemmiljö för denna målgrupp är varken välkänt eller väldokumenterat. Användarvärdet är intressant för IKEA för att avgöra hur, eller om, teknologin kan bidra till deras vision om att en bättre vardag för de många människorna. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska användarvärdet av röststyrning i IKEA-kundens hemmiljö. Utifrån detta avgörs om röststyrning är relevant för IKEA. Syftet uppnås med en explorativ ansats som utgår från en flerstegsmetod vilken kombinerar kvalitativa och kvantitativa data. Uppsatsens primära ansats utgörs av en marknadsanalysmetod för att förstå användarvärde som kallas means-end chain. De framtagna värdena trianguleras med feedback från experter och jämförs med befintlig litteratur. Aspekter som har med implementering att göra, såsom marknadsstrategi, affärsstrategi och funktionalitet ingår inte i denna uppsats. Fyra användarvärden identifieras för röststyrning i hemmiljö; underlätta vardagen, vardagseffektivitet, bekvämlighet och ökad avkoppling. Samtliga värden syftar på aktiviteter som kompletterar, inte ersätter, redan existerande gränssnitt. Det framkommer även en viss skepsis mot den nya teknologi som röststyrning representerar. Utöver detta dras slutsatsen att röststyrning, helt eller delvis, uppfyller IKEAs kriterier för utveckling av smarta produkter, nämligen; bekvämlighet, lätt att förstå, tydligt användningsfall, och lösa ett användarproblem. Därmed anses röststyrning kunna bidra till syftet att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna

    Tracking Gendered Streams

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    One of the most prominent features of digital music services is the provision of personalized music recommendations that come about through the profiling of users and audiences. Based on a range of “bot experiments,” this article investigates if, and how, gendered patterns in music recommendations are provided by the streaming service Spotify. While our experiments did not give any strong indications that Spotify assigns different taste profiles to male and female users, the study showed that male artists were highly overrepresented in Spotify’s music recommendations; an issue which we argue prompts users to cite hegemonic masculine norms within the music industries. Although the results should be approached as historically and contextually contingent, we argue that they point to how gender and gendered tastes may be constituted through the interplay between users and algorithmic knowledge-making processes, and how digital content delivery may maintain and challenge gender relations and gendered power differentials within the music industries. Seen through the lens of critical research on software, music and gender performativity, the experiments thus provide insights into how gender is shaped and attributed meaning as it materializes in contemporary music streams