200 research outputs found

    Comparison of benthic diatoms from Mediterranean and Atlantic Spanish streams: Community changes in relation to environmental factors

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    Water and benthic diatom samples were collected in different climatic and geological areas of Spain. Seventy-two sites were sampled in Atlantic Galicia (NW mainland) and 47 sites in the Mediterranean Balearic Islands (NE) in spring season during 2004 and 2006 to identify the most important environmental factors influencing water composition. Furthermore, spring samples were explored to assess differences among diatom assemblages. Streams were selected to cover a wide range of environmental variability. Overall, the Atlantic streams had higher discharge and the Mediterranean streams had higher conductivity. In second instance, in both areas water chemistry was most importantly influenced by diffuse agriculture and local point source organic inputs, leading to high contents of nitrate, ammonium and phosphate. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) produced five diatom groups with different species composition in each study area. The unpolluted streams in the Balearic Islands were characterized by the presence of Cymbella microchepala and Cymbella vulgata, while in Galicia Eunotia subarcuatoides, E. intermedia and Surirella roba characterized minimally disturbed streams. Achnanthidium minutissimum sensu lato appeared in high abundance in both studied areas. Taxa inhabiting organic polluted Mediterranean streams were Cocconeis euglypta, Navicula veneta, Nitzschia inconspicua and Planothidium frequentissimum, while organic loading led to a dominance of Cocconeis euglypta and Eolimna minima in Atlantic streams. The first two CCA axes explained 82 and 69% of total variance in diatom distribution in Galicia and the Balearic Islands, respectively. In spite of the presence of different diatom communities across Mediterranean–Atlantic streams in undisturbed conditions predictable changes in diatom assemblages do occur in response to organic and nutrient loading gradients

    A multimetric diatom index to assess the ecological status of coastal Galician rivers (NW Spain)

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    There are many rivers in northwest Spain as a consequence of the mountainous landscape and the granitic geology subjected to Atlantic influences. Water and epilithic diatoms samples were collected at 72 sites in Galicia flowing into the Atlantic Ocean and Cantabrian Sea in summer 2002–2003 and spring 2004. These sites included minimally disturbed sites, defined as reference sites, and impacted sites which were influenced by different human pressures. We used the diatom assemblages to calculate diatom indices using the Omnidia software, but we also developed new metrics based on the similarity of species composition in reference sites. The response of the metrics was tested in relation to physicochemical variables. We developed a diatom multimetric index (MDIAT) as a combination of metric values. The sensitivity of the MDIAT to organic and nutrient stressors supports the use of this index to classify the ecological status of Galician rivers. The MDIAT showed higher correlations with some variables and nutrients than the individual metrics. According to the MDIAT, 69% of the sites sampled in Galician coastal rivers achieve good ecological status. The MDIAT has been developed specifically for Galician granitic rivers (NW Spain), and has been intercalibrated at the European level in the Central Baltic Rivers GIG. Our study validates the application of this multimetric index to evaluate the water quality in coastal Galician river

    Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for the Cape Gooseberry Physalis peruviana

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    Physalis peruviana, commonly known as Cape gooseberry, is an Andean Solanaceae fruit with high nutritional value and interesting medicinal properties. In the present study we report the development and characterization of microsatellite loci from a P. peruviana commercial Colombian genotype. We identified 932 imperfect and 201 perfect Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) loci in untranslated regions (UTRs) and 304 imperfect and 83 perfect SSR loci in coding regions from the assembled Physalis peruviana leaf transcriptome. The UTR SSR loci were used for the development of 162 primers for amplification. The efficiency of these primers was tested via PCR in a panel of seven P. peruviana accessions including Colombia, Kenya and Ecuador ecotypes and one closely related species Physalis floridana. We obtained an amplification rate of 83% and a polymorphic rate of 22%. Here we report the first P. peruviana specific microsatellite set, a valuable tool for a wide variety of applications, including functional diversity, conservation and improvement of the species

    Expresión de genes del sistema inmune innato del lenguado (Solea senegalensis) alimentados con Ulva ohnoi durante la infección con P. damselae subsp. piscicida

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    Las algas son fuente de proteínas y numerosas sustancias biológicamente activas. En el caso del género Ulva, son muy escasos los estudios sobre los efectos en el sistema inmune. En el presente trabajo se ha evaluado la respuesta a la infección por P. damselae subsp. piscicida de genes del sistema inmune innato en lenguados (Solea senegalensis) alimentados con una dieta suplementada con Ulva ohnoi. Los ejemplares de lenguado con un peso inicial de 10,7g se alimentaron durante 3 meses con una dieta control y otra conteniendo 5% de polvo seco de U. ohnoi. Transcurrido este periodo, los peces (54,17 g) se sometieron a infección frente a P. damselae subsp. piscicida y se determinó la expresión relativa de los genes que codifican para componentes del sistema del complemento, y citoquinas inflamatorias en hígado y riñón de los lenguados infectados. Los resultados obtenidos muestran, tras la infección, un incremento en la expresión de los genes que codifican para los componentes C1q4, C3, C4/1 y C9 así como TNF en el hígado de los peces que recibieron el alga. Por el contrario, se observaron niveles inferiores de expresión de los genes que codifican para las citoquinas IL1beta, IL6 e IL8b en el hígado de los ejemplares que recibieron el alga. A nivel del riñón, los lenguados alimentados con la dieta conteniendo Ulva sólo presentaron diferencias respecto al grupo control en la expresión de los genes que codifican para IL8b y C9. La activación del sistema del complemento da como resultado la formación del complejo de ataque de membrana, que tiene un papel esencial en la eliminación de microorganismos patógenos. Por otro lado, una respuesta inflamatoria controlada puede contribuir a limitar el daño derivado de la infección por P. damselae subsp. piscicida, en peces alimentados con la dieta conteniendo Ulva.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia de Innovación y FEDER (Ref. RTA2014 00023 C02

    Position Statement on the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Response Evaluation to Systemic Therapies of Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors, With a Special Focus on Radioligand Therapy

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    Neoadjuvant therapy; Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy; ProgressionTeràpia neoadjuvant; Teràpia amb radionúclids del receptor de pèptids; ProgressióTerapia neoadyuvante; Terapia con radionúclidos del receptor de péptidos; ProgresiónBackground The aim of this study was to provide a guidance for the management of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) in clinical practice. Material and Methods Nominal group and Delphi techniques were used. A steering committee of 8 experts reviewed the current management of NETs, identified controversies and gaps, critically analyzed the available evidence, and formulated several guiding statements for clinicians. Subsequently, a panel of 26 experts, was selected to test agreement with the statements through 2 Delphi rounds. Items were scored on a 4-point Likert scale from 1 = totally agree to 4 = totally disagree. The agreement was considered if ≥75% of answers pertained to Categories 1 and 2 (consensus with the agreement) or Categories 3 and 4 (consensus with the disagreement). Results Overall, 132 statements were proposed, which incorporated the following areas: (1) overarching principles; (2) progression and treatment response criteria; (3) advanced gastro-enteric NETs; (4) advanced pancreatic NETs; (5) advanced NETs in other locations; (6) re-treatment with radioligand therapy (RLT); (7) neoadjuvant therapy. After 2 Delphi rounds, only 4 statements lacked a clear consensus. RLT was not only recommended in the sequencing of different NETs but also as neoadjuvant treatment, while several indications for retreatment with RLT were also established. Conclusion This document sought to pull together the experts’ attitudes when dealing with different clinical scenarios of patients suffering from NETs, with RLT having a specific role where evidence-based data are limited.This project was funded by Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis company

    Perfil profesional por competencias y la empleabilidad en la formación docente de estudiantes universitarios

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    El estudio se propuso analizar y comprobar la relación existente entre el perfil profesional por competencias, y la empleabilidad con la formación docente, variables gravitantes en los cambios operados en la realidad educativa, la calidad de la formación y sus expectativas en el desarrollo y la economía del país. La muestra, estudiantes del X ciclo de la Facultad de educación de la UNMSM. Se aplicó un diseño, descriptivo, analítico, mediante una encuesta y, 2 cuestionarios y una lista de cotejo. Se procesaron los datos con el Software SPSS. Aporta al conocimiento de esta problemática por la implementación de las competencias al perfil profesional, las posibilidades de empleo desde las demandas del mercado en la formación profesional, en el proceso de implementación del enfoque con una visión integral y contextualización de sus elementos. Conclusiones: Existe relación entre el perfil profesional por competencia y la empleabilidad en la formación docente. Los estudiantes no definen con claridad el perfil profesional por competencias y su relación con el empleo, la calidad de la formación docente es dispersa, pero de tendencia positiva. Tienen claras las funciones en la investigación, gestión y evaluación y las TIC. Lo más definido son las expectativas sobre el título profesional

    Management of incidentally discovered appendiceal neuroendocrine tumors after an appendicectomy

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    Appendiceal neoplasms; Carcinoid tumor; Treatment outcomeNeoplasias apendiculares; Tumor carcinoide; Resultado del tratamientoNeoplàsies apendiculars; Tumor carcinoide; Resultat del tractamentAppendiceal neuroendocrine tumors (aNETs) are an uncommon neoplasm that is relatively indolent in most cases. They are typically diagnosed in younger patients than other neuroendocrine tumors and are often an incidental finding after an appendectomy. Although there are numerous clinical practice guidelines on management of aNETs, there is continues to be a dearth of evidence on optimal treatment. Management of these tumors is stratified according to risk of locoregional and distant metastasis. However, there is a lack of consensus regarding tumors that measure 1-2 cm. In these cases, some histopathological features such as size, tumor grade, presence of lymphovascular invasion, or mesoappendix infiltration must also be considered. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans are recommended for evaluating the presence of additional disease, except in the case of tumors smaller than 1 cm without additional risk factors. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy or positron emission tomography with computed tomography should be considered in cases with suspected residual or distant disease. The main point of controversy is the indication for performing a completion right hemicolectomy after an initial appendectomy, based on the risk of lymph node metastases. The main factor considered is tumor size and 2 cm is the most common threshold for indicating a colectomy. Other factors such as mesoappendix infiltration, lymphovascular invasion, or tumor grade may also be considered. On the other hand, potential complications, and decreased quality of life after a hemicolectomy as well as the lack of evidence on benefits in terms of survival must be taken into consideration. In this review, we present data regarding the current indications, outcomes, and benefits of a colectomy

    Respuesta inmune en mucosas de piel y branquias de Solea senegalensis tras la alimentación con una dieta conteniendo Ulva ohnoi (5%)

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    Abstract In the search of the improvement of the feeding of the fish in the aquaculture, macroalgae seem to be a promising source of nutrients and bioactive substances. In the case of the genus Ulva, the effect of its inclusion in feed on the growth, tissues composition and the stress response of some fish species has been evaluated. However, it is necessary to evaluate the effects on the immune system, as its inclusion could modify the resistance to pathogens. In the present work, we have studied the response of the immune system at lysozyme expression level, cellular immune response genes, and inflammatory response genes in mucous of skin and sole gills (Solea senegalensis) fed with a diet supplemented in Ulva ohnoi (5%). Results obtained indicate absence of significant changes in the expression of assayed immune genes. Resumen En la búsqueda de la mejora de la alimentación de los peces en la acuicultura, las algas se presentan como una prometedora fuente de nutrientes y sustancias bioactivas. En el caso del género Ulva, se ha publicado el efecto de su inclusión en piensos sobre el crecimiento, la composición de los tejidos y la respuesta al estrés de algunas especies de interés acuícola. Sin embargo, es necesario evaluar los efectos en el sistema inmune, puesto que su inclusión podría modificar la resistencia a patógenos. En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la respuesta del sistema inmune a nivel de expresión de lisozimas, genes de respuesta inmune celular, y genes de la respuesta inflamatoria en piel y branquias de lenguados (Solea senegalensis) alimentados con una dieta suplementada en Ulva ohnoi (5%). Los resultados indican que no se produce un cambio significativo en la expresión de estos grupos de genes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (INIA) y FEDER (Ref. RTA2014 00023 C0202

    Restructuring of the "Macaronesia" biogeografic unit: a marine multi-taxon biogeographical approach

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    The Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Islands and Cabo Verde are commonly united under the term “Macaronesia”. This study investigates the coherency and validity of Macaronesia as a biogeographic unit using six marine groups with very different dispersal abilities: coastal fishes, echinoderms, gastropod molluscs, brachyuran decapod crustaceans, polychaete annelids, and macroalgae. We found no support for the current concept of Macaronesia as a coherent marine biogeographic unit. All marine groups studied suggest the exclusion of Cabo Verde from the remaining Macaronesian archipelagos and thus, Cabo Verde should be given the status of a biogeographic subprovince within the West African Transition province. We propose to redefine the Lusitanian biogeographical province, in which we include four ecoregions: the South European Atlantic Shelf, the Saharan Upwelling, the Azores, and a new ecoregion herein named Webbnesia, which comprises the archipelagos of Madeira, Selvagens and the Canary Islandsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio