3,900 research outputs found

    El bloc de Eva Gil: ¡Ha llegado un cambio de concepto tenológico!

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    Artículo de caracter divulgativo sobre cómo la inteligencia ambiental y el diseño para todos es una plataforma para mejorar la calidad de vida de los usuarios con diversidad funcional


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    In recent years, consumer concerns on environmental and health issues related to food products have increased and, as a result, the demand for organically grown production has grown. Higher costs of production and retailer margins generate a gap between real prices and those that consumers are willing to pay for organic food. In this article, consumer willingness to pay for organic food in two Spanish regions is analyzed. Markets in both regions are segmented considering consumers lifestyles. Results indicate that consumers concerned about healthy diet and environmental degradation are the most likely to buy organic food, and are willing to pay a high premium. Organic attributes are easily identified in perishable products as the premium consumers would pay for organic meat, fruits, and vegetables is higher.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Confidence in the Beef Production System as a Key Factor to Mitigate the Impact of BSE on Beef Consumption

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    Recent food scares in the food market has caused a reduction in consumer's confidence in the food system that it has induced a significant reduction in consumption in a sector, the beef sector that was already characterized by a saturated trend in quantity terms. In this context, all participants in the beef production system are facing to a great challenge, to retrieve consumer's confidence in the food chain and to mitigate the reduction in beef consumption. The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of consumer's confidence in the food system as well as other factors on the explanation of food consumption reduction. A structural modelling approach has been used to analyse factors affecting the reduction in beef consumption in two different regions characterised by different production systems and different marketing strategies (PGI beef label). Results indicate that main factor explaining the reduction in beef consumption is the confidence in the beef and a positive relation has been found. Moreover, confidence in a product is directly related to the perceived quality offered by farmers and other decision makers on the beef chain, and to the consumer involvement with the product. Therefore, the main implication is that participants in the food chain has to develop adequate communication strategies such as quality labelling in order to increase consumers perceive quality because, higher quality perception will recover consumers' confidence in beef, and therefore, it will mitigate beef consumption reduction.food confidence, consumer behaviour, structural equation modelling, beef sector, quality label, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    The inside story of adenosine

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    Several physiological functions of adenosine (Ado) appear to be mediated by four G protein-coupled Ado receptors. Ado is produced extracellularly from the catabolism of the excreted ATP, or intracellularly from AMP, and then released through its transporter. High level of intracellular Ado occurs only at low energy charge, as an intermediate of ATP breakdown, leading to hypoxanthine production. AMP, the direct precursor of Ado, is now considered as an important stress signal inside cell triggering metabolic regulation through activation of a specific AMP-dependent protein kinase. Intracellular Ado produced from AMP by allosterically regulated nucleotidases can be regarded as a stress signal as well. To study the receptor-independent effects of Ado, several experimental approaches have been proposed, such as inhibition or silencing of key enzymes of Ado metabolism, knockdown of Ado receptors in animals, the use of antagonists, or cell treatment with deoxyadenosine, which is substrate of the enzymes acting on Ado, but is unable to interact with Ado receptors. In this way, it was demonstrated that, among other functions, intracellular Ado modulates angiogenesis by regulating promoter methylation, induces hypothermia, promotes apoptosis in sympathetic neurons, and, in the case of oxygen and glucose deprivation, exerts a cytoprotective effect by replenishing the ATP pool

    Nuclear Lipids in the Nervous System: What they do in Health and Disease

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    In the last 20 years it has been widely demonstrated that cell nucleus contains neutral and polar lipids localized in nuclear membranes, nucleoli, nuclear matrix and chromatin. Nuclear lipids may show specific organization forming nuclear lipid microdomains and have both structural and functional roles. Depending on their localization, nuclear lipids play different roles such as the regulation of nuclear membrane and nuclear matrix fluidity but they also can act as platforms for vitamin and hormone function, for active chromatin anchoring, and for the regulation of gene expression, DNA duplication and transcription. Crosstalk among different kinds of lipid signalling pathways influence the physiopathology of numerous cell types. In neural cells the nuclear lipids are involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, inflammation, migration and apoptosis. Abnormal metabolism of nuclear lipids might be closely associated with tumorigenesis and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease among others

    Consumo de alcool e praticas sexuais de risco: o padrao dos estudantes de enfermagem de uma universidade espanhola

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    OBJETIVO: determinar la prevalencia del consumo de sustancias tóxicas y de prácticas sexuales sin protección y analizar la relación entre ellas en los estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad de Sevilla. MÉTODO: abordaje metodológico cuantitativo con diseño descriptivo y transversal. La población la constituyo el alumnado de Enfermería de 1º de Grado de la Universidad de Sevilla durante el curso académico 2010-2011 (N=510), con muestreo oportunista y consecutivo conformado por el alumnado que acudió a clase el día programado (n=291). RESULTADOS: mostraron alta prevalencia del consumo de alcohol y aumento de la probabilidad de no utilizar medidas de protección en prácticas sexuales cuando se había consumido alcohol. CONCLUSIÓN: estos hallazgos concuerdan con los obtenidos en la misma población en Brasil y ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de fortalecer en el currículo de enfermería, un eje transversal relacionado con la prevención del consumo de sustancias tóxicas, especialmente con el alcohol.OBJETIVO: determinar a prevalência de abuso de substâncias e práticas sexuais inseguras e analisar a relação entre elas em estudantes de enfermagem da Universidade de Sevilha, Espanha. MÉTODO: abordagem metodológica quantitativa, com um delineamento transversal descritivo. A população foi constituída por estudantes do primeiro ano de enfermagem da Universidade de Sevilha, durante o ano lectivo de 2010-2011 (N=510), com amostragem oportunista consecutiva, formada por estudantes que assistiam às aulas na data prevista (n=291). RESULTADOS: alta prevalência de consumo de álcool e aumento da probabilidade de não de não serem utilizadas medidas de proteção durante as práticas sexuais, quando se consumia álcool. CONCLUSÃO: esses resultados são consistentes com aqueles obtidos em uma mesma população no Brasil e se destaca a necessidade de reforçar, no currículo de enfermagem, um eixo transversal relacionado à prevenção de abuso de substâncias, principalmente o álcool.OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of substance abuse and unsafe sexual practices and to analyze the relationship between them, in nursing students at the University of Seville. METHOD: quantitative methodological approach with a descriptive cross-sectional design. The population was composed of first year nursing students in the University of Seville, during the academic year 2010-2011 (N=510), with consecutive opportunistic sampling composed of students who attended class on the scheduled day (n=291). RESULTS: a high prevalence of alcohol consumption, and increased likelihood of not using protective measures during sexual practices when alcohol had been consumed, was present. CONCLUSION: these findings are consistent with those obtained in the same population in Brazil, and highlight the need to strengthen in the nursing curriculum, the transverse axis related to the prevention of substance abuse, especially alcohol

    In-situ growing of MnS and FeS nanoclusters at the interlayer of Al-pillared bentonite

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    Introduction Since formation of metal nanoclusters is thermodynamically unstable and difficult to control, in this work it has been explored the in-situ growing of either MnS or FeS nanoclusters in the interlayer space of a bentonite by means of a pretty short process taking only around 12 h. The interlayered polynuclear sulfidized metal clusters were prepared by cationic exchange of either Mn 2+ or Fe 2+ on the bentonite previously interlayered/pillared with aluminium under different conditions. These metal sulfidized nanomaterials have attracted substantial interests due to their unique optical and electrical properties and wide variety of potential applications in electroluminescence 1 and nonlinear optical devices 2. Since the main physical and optical properties of such metal sulfides primarily depend on their shape and size, the immobilization of metal sulfide nanoparticles in a spatially confined environment is a way to control the photo-physical and photo-chemical properties which result in very interesting strategy of morphological control

    Plataforma de control de mensajeria instantanea bajo sistemas AACS CHATAACS

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    Existe en el mercado una variedad de tecnologías de apoyo para mejorar la funcionalidad social de los SAACs, como por ejemplo los sistemas de gestión de pictogramas para la comunicación, o los dispositivos alternativos para la interacción con la máquina. Los usuarios con diversidad funcional que utilizan los SAACs quieren mejorar sus posibilidades de acción en diferentes áreas relacionadas con las Nuevas Tecnologías. Sin embargo, tienen importantes dificultades para encontrar plataformas estables y actuales, que permitan ir resolviendo diferentes necesidades integrando nuevas funcionalidades, que se adapten a la diversidad funcional del colectivo y que no impliquen costes desproporcionados. Desde la UPM presentamos >, plataforma de control de un chat gratuito bajo SAACs, permitiendo a usuarios con diversidad funcional (parálisis cerebral) el acceso y disfrute de las nuevas tecnologías. Desde el punto de vista tecnológico, se ofrecerá una mayor portabilidad en tecnologías punteras fomentando la accesibilidad mediante dispositivos de acceso alternativos. Se logrará una estructura de símbolos dinámica para que el sistema no se ralentice. Desde el punto de vista del usuario conseguiremos que el sistema sea amigable y fácil de usar, que se pueda utilizar esta plataforma con distintos sistemas de comunicación bajo criterios de usabilidad universal

    Enhanced lignin synthesis and ecotypic variation in defense-related gene expression in response to shade in Norway spruce

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    During the growth season, northern forests in Sweden daily receive more hours of far-red (FR)-enriched light or twilight (shade) as compared to southern forests. Norway spruce (shade-tolerant) are adapted to latitudinal variation in twilight characterized by a northward increase in FR requirement to maintain growth. Shade is a stressful condition that affects plant growth and increases plant's susceptibility to pathogen attack. Lignin plays a central role in plant defense and its metabolism is regulated by light wavelength composition (light quality). In the current work, we studied regulation of lignin synthesis and defense-related genes (growth-defense trade-offs) in response to shade in Norway spruce. In most angiosperms, light promotes lignin synthesis, whereas shade decreases lignin production leading to weaker stem, which may make plants more disease susceptible. In contrast, enhanced lignin synthesis was detected in response to shade in Norway spruce. We detected a higher number of immunity/defense-related genes up-regulated in northern populations as compared to south ones in response to shade. Enhanced lignin synthesis coupled with higher defense-related gene expression can be interpreted as an adaptive strategy for better survival in northern populations. Findings will contribute to ensuring deployment of well-adapted genetic material and identifying tree families with enhanced disease resistance