7 research outputs found

    Projecto para implementação de uma exploração de asininos (Equus asinus) com o objectivo de produzir leite de burra

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica - Produção Animal - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / Faculdade de Medicina VeterináriaThe present work is a project of a donkey (Equus asinus) farm to produce milk for commercialization, after transformation and conservation processes. The final product will be jennies lyophilized milk. At the beginning of the project the main focus was the study of the breed Asinina of Miranda because those were the animals chosen as milk producers. Then it was also important to study this type of milk once jenny milk has many interesting properties, such as the fact that is a hypoallergenic milk and also because its constitution is similar to human milk. This type of milk is gaining the attention of specialists and producers for these reasons. The project was developed in a 46,675ha area of land in Beja (Alentejo). The animals were divided in separate facilities according to the production cycle. The production plan was conceived in order to reach the desired final product. After characterization and organization of the farm, financial analysis of the project was elaborated. If the producer adopts the market price for the final product (up to 300€/kg of lyophilized milk) the project will be viabl

    Fractionated extraction of polyphenols from mate tea leaves using a combination of hydrophobic/ hydrophilic NADES

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsA new methodology for the selective extraction of antioxidants from mate tea leaves (and decaffeinated mate tea leaves), using different natural deep eutectic systems (NADES), is reported in this paper. A fractionated extraction was carried out and the optimization of the extraction conditions such as solid/liquid ratio, temperature, time, stirring and the use of ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) technology was performed. The results demonstrate that a sequential extraction using, in a first step, an hydrophobic system Men:Lau (2:1) and, in a second step, an hydrophilic lactic acid-based NADES, leads to two distinct extracts: the first one rich in pigments and the second one rich in polyphenols. NADES systems were able to extract 30% more of the polyphenolic components of the mate tea leaves matrices, when compared with traditional solvents/techniques. Moreover, it has been shown that the incorporation of the extract in the NADES, compared to the same extract in aqueous medium was beneficial for the stabilization of the antioxidants. It maintains their functionality at least for three months, reaching 41% more versus the extracts obtained by traditional solvents/techniques. The absence of caffeine in the extracts did not shown to have any effects on the stability results.publishersversionpublishe

    O caçador e a caça: um estudo comparativo do comportamento predatório de violadores e abusadores sexuais de menores

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    Tese de doutoramento em Psicologia (área de conhecimento em Psicologia da Justiça)Research on sex offenders’ modus operandi, geographic decision-making and hunting behavior has increased over the past few years. However, much of this work presents limitations of two general types, one concerned with the dimensions and variables studied, and the other with the type of offender in question. Most of the studies still tend to overlook the geographic dimension of the offending process, thus impairing our understanding of the criminal event as a whole. Criminal motivation and its internal causes are still emphasized and sought out, whereas the role of situational and environmental factors is often neglected. Furthermore, the majority of these studies have been conducted using samples comprised either of rapists or child molesters alone, and those studies resorting to mixed samples have neglected to conduct comparative analysis between both types of offenders. Because the focus of the studies on rapists has proven consistently diverse from that of those on child molesters, the real depth of the distinction between rapists and child molesters is not clear to us, even more so as we come across versatile sex offenders, crossover or polymorphous, who target victims from various age groups. Hence, it is necessary at this point to study both types of offenders with resort to the same variables and the same theoretical constructs, so that accurate comparisons can be made and the similarities and differences between these two types can be explored. Thus, and in order to better understand the nature and the dynamic of the offending process of sexual aggression, this study explores the question from a different theoretical perspective and also from different analytical frameworks, using a sample of 216 incarcerated offenders convicted for sexual offenses involving direct physical contact with their victims. First, hunting behavior and modus operandi characteristics that constitute accurate predictors of the type of offender (rapists versus child molesters) were identified. Second, hunting behavior patterns were identified in this mixed sample of rapists and child molesters, and tested to establish which hunting behavior patterns were associated with each type of offender. Finally, the relationships between modus operandi characteristics and geographic decision making process and the emerging hunting behavior patterns were examined. Results demonstrate that there are clear differences between rapists and child molesters, as to their hunting behavior, their modus operandi characteristics and their geographic decision-making. Three predictive models were developed, and three types of offender were identified: (1) manipulative, (2) opportunist, and (3) coercive. The manipulative offender is typically a child molester, and the coercive is typically a rapist, whereas the opportunist type is comprised of both rapists and child molesters. This finding emphasizes the relevance of the polymorphous, crossover or versatile sex offenders and their role in bringing about new ways of conceptualizing sex offenders, in blurring prototypical lines and shifting research focuses.A investigação acerca do modus operandi, da tomada de decisão geográfica e do comportamento predatório dos ofensores sexuais tem vindo a aumentar ao longo dos últimos anos. Contudo, muito deste trabalho apresenta limitações de dois tipos gerais, um dos quais diz respeito às dimensões e variáveis estudadas, e o outro ao tipo de ofensor em questão. A maioria dos estudos ainda tende a ignorar a dimensão geográfica do processo criminal, limitando assim a nossa compreensão do evento criminal como um todo. A motivação criminal e as suas causas internas ainda são enfatizadas e procuradas, enquanto o papel dos factores situacionais e ambientais é frequentemente negligenciado. Para além disso, a maioria destes estudos foram realizados utilizado amostras compostas exclusivamente de violadores ou abusadores de menores, e aqueles estudos que recorreram a amostras mistas negligenciaram a realização de análises comparativas entre os dois tipos de ofensores. Dado que o enfoque dos estudos acerca dos violadores tem sido consistentemente diverso daquele dos estudos sobre abusadores de menores, a real profundidade da distinção entre violadores e abusadores de menores não é clara para nós, tanto mais quando nos deparamos com ofensores sexuais versáteis, crossover ou polimorfos, que procuram vítimas de diversos grupos etários. Assim, é necessário estudar ambos os tipos de ofensores com recurso às mesmas variáveis e aos mesmos constructos teóricos, para que comparações precisas possam ser feitas e as semelhanças e diferenças entre estes dois tipos possam ser exploradas. Por conseguinte, e com vista a uma melhor compreensão da natureza e da dinâmica do processo criminal da agressão sexual, este estudo explora a questão partindo de uma perspectiva teórica diferente e recorrendo a modelos analíticos também diferentes, utilizando uma amostra de 216 reclusos condenados por crimes sexuais envolvendo contacto físico directo com as vítimas. Em primeiro lugar, foram identificadas as características de comportamento predatório e de modus operandi que constituem preditores precisos do tipo de ofensor (violadores versus abusadores de menores). Em segundo lugar, foram identificados padrões de comportamento predatório nesta amostra mista de violadores e abusadores de menores, e estes foram testados com vista a determinar quais os padrões associados a cada tipo de ofensor. Finalmente, foram examinadas as relações entre as características do modus operandi e o processo de tomada de decisão geográfica e os padrões de comportamento predatório emergentes. Os resultados demonstram a existência de diferenças claras entre violadores e abusadores de menores, no que concerne ao seu comportamento predatório, às suas características de modus operandi e à sua tomada de decisão geográfica. Foram desenvolvidos três modelos preditivos, e foram identificados três tipos de ofensor: (1) manipulador, (2) oportunista, e (3) coercivo. O ofensor manipulador é tipicamente um abusador de menores, e o coercivo é tipicamente um violador, enquanto o oportunista é composto tanto por violadores como por abusadores de menores. Este dado enfatiza a relevância dos ofensores sexuais polimorfos, crossover ou versáteis e o seu contributo para o surgimento de novas formas de conceptualizar os ofensores sexuais, para o esbater das linhas prototípicas, e para a mudança de enfoque da investigação.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH / BD / 30487 / 200

    Россия. Сибирь. Томск : учебное пособие по французскому языку

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    Dutch Abstract: Auteur en een groot aantal alumni-collega\u27s van de Universiteit van Maastricht, hebben gekeken welke risicotaxatie-instrumenten SPV-en gebruiken om het risico van recidive in te schatten bij clienten uit de forensische psychiatrie. Met behulp van START kan volgens hen het risico voor anderen, het risico op victimisatie, risico op zelfbeschadigend gedrag, suïcidegevaar, ongeoorloofde afwezigheid, middelenmisbruik en zelfverwaarlozing bij deze forensische groep vastgesteld worden. English Abstract: The author and colleagues from the University of Maastricht investigated the use of structured risk assessment instruments in forensic psychiatry. Using instruments such as the START may aid in the assessment of violence, victimization, self-harm, suicide, unauthorized leave, substance use, and self-neglect risk among forensic populations

    La práctica de la evaluación del riesgo de violencia en España

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    La valoración del riesgo de violencia es un requisito fundamental en la toma de decisiones profesionales que implican prevenir, intervenir o informar sobre la conducta de las personas. El uso de herramientas estructuradas mejora la precisión de las evaluaciones basadas en el juicio clínico en contextos psiquiátricos, penitenciarios y jurídicos. Este estudio presenta resultados de la primera encuesta sobre el uso de herramientas de evaluación del riesgo de violencia y sobre su utilidad percibida en España. Las escalas de psicopatía (PCL-R y PCL:SV) y el HCR-20 encabezaron la lista de las herramientas más usadas tanto por elección personal como por requisito institucional. Se ofrecen datos novedosos sobre las prácticas profesionales de evaluación del riesgo de violencia que pueden orientar a los profesionales que desempeñan su tarea en contextos sanitarios, correccionales y forenses, donde los instrumentos estructurados son frecuentemente usados para asistirlos en la toma de decisiones

    International Perspectives on the Practical Application of Violence Risk Assessment: A Global Survey of 44 Countries

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    Mental health professionals are routinely called upon to assess the risk of violence presented by their patients. Prior surveys of risk assessment methods have been largely circumscribed to individual countries and have not compared the practices of different professional disciplines. Therefore, a Web-based survey was developed to examine methods of violence risk assessment across six continents, and to compare the perceived utility of these methods by psychologists, psychiatrists, and nurses. The survey was translated into nine languages and distributed to members of 59 national and international organizations. Surveys were completed by 2135 respondents from 44 countries. Respondents in all six continents reported using instruments to assess, manage, and monitor violence risk, with over half of risk assessments in the past 12 months conducted using such an instrument. Respondents in Asia and South America reported conducting fewer structured assessments, and psychologists reported using instruments more than psychiatrists or nurses. Feedback regarding outcomes was not common: respondents who conducted structured risk assessments reported receiving feedback on accuracy in under 40% of cases, and those who used instruments to develop management plans reported feedback on whether plans were implemented in under 50% of cases. When information on the latter was obtained, risk management plans were not implemented in over a third of cases. Results suggest that violence risk assessment is a global phenomenon, as is the use of instruments to assist in this task. Improved feedback following risk assessments and the development of risk management plans could improve the efficacy of health services. © 2014 Copyright International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services.Fil: Singh, Jay P.. Global Institute Of Forensic Research; . Universitat Konstanz; Alemania. Molde University College; NoruegaFil: Desmarais, Sarah L.. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Hurducas, Cristina. University Of South Florida Tampa; Estados UnidosFil: Arbach, Karin. Universidad de Barcelona; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Condemarin, Carolina. Ministerio de Justicia; ChileFil: Dean, Kimberlie. University of New South Wales; Australia. Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network; AustraliaFil: Doyle, Michael. University of Manchester; Reino UnidoFil: Folino, Jorge Oscar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Godoy Cervera, Verónica. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan; MéxicoFil: Grann, Martin. Karolinska Huddinge Hospital. Karolinska Institutet; SueciaFil: Ho, Robyn Mei Yee. Castle Peak Hospital Hong Kong; ChinaFil: Large, Matthew M.. University of New South Wales; AustraliaFil: Nielsen, Louise Hjort. University of Southern Denmark; DinamarcaFil: Pham, Thierry H.. Umons; Bélgica. Centre de Recherche En Défense Sociale; BélgicaFil: Rebocho, Maria Francisca. Universidade Fernando Pessoa; PortugalFil: Reeves, Kim A.. University Fraser Simon; CanadáFil: Rettenberger, Martin. University Mainz. Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg; AlemaniaFil: de Ruiter, Corine. Maastricht University; Países BajosFil: Seewald, Katharina. Universitat Konstanz; AlemaniaFil: Otto, Randy K.. University of South Florida Tampa; Estados Unido

    Risk assessment in clinical practice—Results of the International Risk Survey (IRiS) from Germany

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    Forensic psychologists routinely assess the violence risk of their clients and patients. Nevertheless, there is only little knowledge about which risk assessment methods are regularly used in the field. The present study provides the first insight into the clinical practice of risk assessment in Germany. Data were collected from 2,135 respondents from 44 countries as part of the International Risk Survey (IRiS). In Germany, 97 psychologists and members of other professional disciplines were surveyed about their clinical risk assessment practices. The data indicated that a majority of the respondents regularly use standardized risk assessment instruments inclinical practice. The instruments were not only perceived as useful tools for risk assessment purposes of future violence risk alone but also for developing and evaluating risk management plans.Fil: Rettenberger, Martin. Kriminologische Zentralstelle (krimz); AlemaniaFil: Eher, Reinhard. Kriminologische Zentralstelle (krimz); AlemaniaFil: Desmarais, Sarah L.. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Hurducas, Cristina. University Of South Florida; Estados UnidosFil: Arbach, Karin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudio sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Psicología - Grupo Vinculado CIPSI; ArgentinaFil: Condemarin, Carolina. Ministerio de Justicia; ChileFil: Dean, Kimberlie. University of New South Wales; AustraliaFil: Doyle, Michael. University of Manchester; Reino UnidoFil: Folino, Jorge Oscar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Godoy-Cervera, Verónica. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan; MéxicoFil: Grann, Martin. Karolinska Institute; SueciaFil: Ho, Robyn Mei Yee. Castle Peak Hospital; Hong KongFil: Large, Matthew M.. University of New South Wales; AustraliaFil: Pham, Thierry H.. Centre de Recherche En Defense Sociale; BélgicaFil: Nielsen, Louise Hjort. Department Of Psychology, Univ Of Southern Denmark; DinamarcaFil: Rebocho, Maria Francisca. University Fernando Pessoa; PortugalFil: Reeves, Kim A.. University Fraser Simon; CanadáFil: De Ruiter, Corine. University Of Maastricht; Países BajosFil: Seewald, Katharina. University Of Konstanz; AlemaniaFil: Singh, Jay P.. Global Institute Of Forensic Research; Estados Unido