510 research outputs found

    Introduction: food relocalisation and knowledge dynamics for sustainability in rural areas

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    The chapter presents the literature on local food and local knowledge and introduces the case studies analysed in the volum

    Reflexive Localism: Toward a Theoretical Foundation of an Integrative Food Politics

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    The article is an invited comment on the book Alternative Food Networks: Knowledge, Practice, and Politics by David Goodman, E. Melanie DuPuis and Michael K. Goodman, 2011. The comment analyze the complexity of the theoretical construction of reflexive localism and the application of the concept to Alternative Food Networks and to fair trade

    Orthorexia nervosa: relationship with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, disordered eating patterns and body uneasiness among Italian university students

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    Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between ORTO-15 score and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, disordered eating patterns and body uneasiness among female and male university students and to examine the predictive model of ORTO-15 in both groups. Methods: One hundred and twenty students participated in the present study (mean age 22.74 years, SD 7.31). The ORTO-15 test, the Maudsley Obsessive-Compulsive Questionnaire, the Eating Attitudes Test-26 and the Body Uneasiness Test were used for the present study. Results: Our results revealed no gender differences in ORTO-15 score. Our results show, rather unexpectedly, that in female students lower scores, corresponding to greater severity, were related to less pathological body image discomfort and obsessive-compulsive signs, while in male students, lower ORTO-15 scores were related to less pathological eating patterns, as behaviors and symptoms. Conclusion: Further studies regarding the relationship between ON and anorexia nervosa, as well as obsessive-compulsive symptoms, are needed to better understand the causality. Level of Evidence Level V, descriptive study

    Local food and civic food networks as a real utopias project

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    For scholars and activists alike, local food is linked to visions of a more equitable, ethical and sustainable agro-food system. Notwithstanding an apparent unity, local food is mobilized for very different aims including environmental sustainability, the revitalization of rural economies, the reconnection of consumers to agriculture and nature and the promotion of land entitlements for marginalized populations. At the same time, local food has become a crucial element in protectionist and neo-ruralist ideologies that support bounded, defensive spatial strategies. These contradictions point to the limited heuristic value of the ‘local food’ concept, particularly when decoupled from an explicit attention to the political and power dimensions of the local. Building upon these considerations, in this article we explicitly focus on the political and transformative dimensions of different local food projects and propose to read local food as a ‘real utopia’ project whose aim is the transformation of the food economy in the direction of sustainability, social emancipation and social justice. Utilizing the framework developed by E.O. Wright, we look at local food as a diagnosis and critique of the present; as the prefiguration of a more sustainable, just and democratic future; and as a set of transformative strategies that aim at changing the system in the desired direction. Our analysis suggests that, differently from the oppositional movements of the Fordist era, the local food movement is characterized by its use of interstitial (“ignore the state”) and symbiotic (“use the state”) strategies. These strategies either seek to establish new economic and social relations at the margins of the neoliberal food economy, or partner with local institutions to consolidate new experiences with food democracy and food justice. By mobilizing non-ruptural strategies in the service of a real utopian project, local food initiatives are opening up new, enlarged spaces for non-capitalist or post-capitalist economies that constitute the basis for social learning and experimentation of a global more sustainable and just food system. A further step ahead could be constituted by the promotion of a reflexive, more democratic, socially empowering system of governance, able to lead the innovative potential of the food movement to its full expression

    Gravidez e adolescência.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 198

    Agricoltura civica e filiera corta. Nuove pratiche, forme di impresa e relazioni tra produttori e consumatori

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    La crisi dell’economia e della società in atto è interpretata come una crisi sistemica che esige, per essere risolta, un profondo processo di innovazione sociale. Un sentiero di innovazione possibile passa per l’economia dei beni comuni e per la costruzione di una razionalità basata su valori collettivi. L’agricoltura civica raccoglie questa sfida, facendosi carico, oltre che della produzione di alimenti, dei problemi della collettività e dell’ambiente, producendo esternalità positive: sviluppo economico e sociale, inclusione e democrazia alimentare, sviluppo rurale, pratiche agro-ecologiche. Per questo diciamo che l’agricoltura locale e le filiere corte sono solo una faccia dell’agricoltura civica. Inteso come “bene comune”, il cibo è capace di esprimere non solo utilità economiche, ma anche utilità funzionali ad una migliore qualità della vita e alla realizzazione di diritti fondamentali. Le nuove pratiche delle imprese agricole basate sulla multifunzionalità e sulla co-produzione (agricoltura sociale, mercati degli agricoltori, agricoltura locale) si incontrano con le nuove pratiche di consumo critico (Gruppi di acquisto solidale) e possono potenzialmente costruire reti civiche di innovazione sociale portatrici di una nuova domanda di governance, basata sulla sussidiarietà orizzontale e il coinvolgimento della società civile. Il working paper analizza le nuove pratiche diffuse in Italia attorno alla produzione e al consumo di cibo e, tramite il concetto di agricoltura civica, cerca di ricondurre a unità le esperienze emergenti, interpretandole come una possibile risposta alla crisi in atto e la prefigurazione di un cambiamento diretto alla produzione e valorizzazione di beni collettivi

    Transition pathways in participatory plant breeding programs: a farm-level network analysis

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    According to the literature on regime transition, niches are sources of innovation that may lead to the transformation of the dominant regime, if processes at other level of the system – the landscape and the mainstream regime - are supportive. A focus on actors involved in the transition process and the analysis of their specific role in knowledge networks can help assessing the robustness of a specific niche and its growth potential. Knowledge systems, and in particular the dynamics of local and expert knowledge, have in fact a key role in innovation mod-els. Different trajectories characterize the transition process, leading to different results: from co-optation and gain in efficiency of the mainstream regime to its radical transformation. Our assumption is that leading actors in the farms' knowledge networks will influ-ence a specific transition trajectory, shaping its direc-tion and transformative potential

    The consumption of supplements by sportsmen: a systematic review of literature

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    A varied and energetically adequate diet is able to provide the appropriate amounts of all the essential nutrients. However, many sportsmen take food supplements without consulting a health professional and without the exact knowledge of its possible benefits. The purpose of this project is to present a systematic review of literature on the prevalence and main types of dietary supplements consumed by sportsmen and to understand the main sources of indication and reasons for the use of nutritional supplements. METHODS A bibliographical research was performed on the PubMed and Web of Science databases. In this context, all available publications were included between January 2007 and February 2018 that complied with the following inclusion criteria: (1) individual practitioners of any sport; (2) individuals between the age of 18 and 65 years old of both genders; (3) available studies in full text published in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Using these criteria, 14 articles of a total of 1054 were selected. RESULTS The prevalence of the use of supplements varied between 13.3% (Figueira & Cazal, 2017) and 100% (Peçanha, Navarro, & Maia, 2015), determining that the articles included in their samples merely professional athletes (n=6; 42.9%) the prevalence of the consumption of nutritional supplements varied from 46.2% (Ivković, 2016) to 90.9% (Stewart, Outram, & Smith, 2013). The most consumed supplements were protein supplements (n=9; 69.2%) (Tsitsimpikou et al., 2011; Silva & Marins, 2013; Assis, Silveira, & Barbosa, 2015; Peçanha, Navarro, & Maia, 2015; Gacek, 2016; Ivković, 2016; Korczak et al., 2016; Naves, Isizuka, Ruas, Ramada, & Nacif, 2016; Figueira & Cazal, 2017), amino acids (n=6; 46.2%) (Tsitsimpikou et al., 2011; Assis, Silveira, & Barbosa, 2015; Peçanha, Navarro, & Maia, 2015; Korczak et al., 2016; Naves, Isizuka, Ruas, Ramada, & Nacif, 2016; Figueira & Cazal, 2017), vitamins (n=5; 38.5%) (Dascombe, Karunaratna, Cartoon, Fergie, & Goodman, 2008; Tsitsimpikou et al., 2011; Stewart, Outram, & Smith, 2013; Gacek, 2016; Ivković, 2016) and minerals (n=4; 30.8%) (Dascombe, Karunaratna, Cartoon, Fergie, & Goodman, 2008; Stewart, Outram, & Smith, 2013; Ivković, 2016; Figueira & Cazal, 2017). Further, it was also found that sportsmen seek information about the consumption with nutritionists (n= 5; 62.5%) (Lima, Moraes, & Kirsten, 2010; Assis, Silveira, & Barbosa, 2015; Judge et al., 2015; Peçanha, Navarro, & Maia, 2015; Figueira & Cazal, 2017), self-prescription (n=5; 62.5%) (Lima, Moraes, & Kirsten, 2010; Tsitsimpikou et al., 2011; Silva & Marins, 2013; Ivković, 2016; Figueira & Cazal, 2017), friends (n=4; 50.0%) (Lima, Moraes, & Kirsten, 2010; Tsitsimpikou et al., 2011; Silva & Marins, 2013; Peçanha, Navarro, & Maia, 2015), coach (n=3; 37.5%) (Assis, Silveira, & Barbosa, 2015; Judge et al., 2015; Ivković, 2016) and personal trainer (n=3; 37.5%) (Lima, Moraes, & Kirsten, 2010; Tsitsimpikou et al., 2011; Silva & Marins, 2013). The main motifs for its ingestion were related to an enhanced performance in the sport (n=4; 57.1%) (Silva & Marins, 2013; Stewart, Outram, & Smith, 2013; Judge et al., 2015; Frączek, Warzecha, Tyrała, & Pięta, 2016) and maintain their health (n=3; 42.9%) (Dascombe, Karunaratna, Cartoon, Fergie, & Goodman, 2008; Stewart, Outram, & Smith, 2013; Figueira & Cazal, 2017). CONCLUSIONS The data reveals a broad range of variation is the use of supplements by sportsmen. It is considered crucial to promote nutritional education programs for sportsmen. The message about risks and benefits associated to the consumption of food supplements should be emphasized, as well as the advantages associated to a healthy and balanced diet.The authors thank to FCT-Portugal and the ERDF through the program PT2020, the funding granted to CIMO (UID /AGR/00690/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio