4 research outputs found

    Bronchopulmonary Lophomoniasis, Infection by Endocommensal Protozoa of Intradomiciliary Cockroaches: Presentation of a Case in an Immunocompromised Patient from Querétaro, Mexico

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    Infection in humans by the intestinal protozoan of cockroaches and termites called Lophomonas blattarum has been diagnosed in respiratory infections of children aged 2–5 years contaminated orally or by air, with cysts or trophozoites contained in the feces of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. In respiratory infections of adults, it is difficult to diagnose since the cyst or trophozoite is not recognized as a human pathogen and is only related to immunosuppressed patients, transplant patients with severe lung disease and those living in poor and unhealthy sanitary conditions. Normally, its presence is manifested with fevers of 38–39°C, cough with thick expectoration, respiratory insufficiency and pulmonary abscesses. The laboratory diagnosis is mainly based on bronchoscopic cytologies and bronchoalveolar lavage biopsies. The case in question is about a 60-year-old male. Single, he lives alone, with a diagnosis of 9 baths behind non-Hodgkin lymphoma, undergoing treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. For edema after treatment, thoracentesis and pericardiocentesis were performed, as well as gastrostomy, which he maintained for 1 year. He started with throat discomfort, followed by production of productive cough without blood, general weakness, and difficulty breathing, with apparent diagnosis of possible respiratory failure due to mycobacteria. It was possible to visualize the protozoan, in fresh preparations of bronchial aspirate and expectoration in wet assembly with saline solution and stained with Pap smears, Harris Hematoxylin and Eosin (H/E), and Giemsa

    Purification of a Fe-SOD excreted by Leishmania braziliensis for specific antibodies detection in Mexican human sera: Cutting-edge the knowledge

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    Clinical diagnosis of leishmaniasis is highly complex, presenting a wide range of clinical manifestations, sometimes non-specific, and thus the epidemiological study and diagnostic need specific molecular markers for each Leishmania species. Leishmania spp. posses different Fe-SOD isoforms, one of which is excreted into the external milieu and, presenting immunogenic characteristics, is a very reliable molecular marker. Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are antioxidant metal-enzymes responsible for the dismutation of superoxide ion into hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen, and it is considered an important virulence factor. In this manuscript we have purified the iron(Fe)-SOD excreted by Leishmania braziliensis using ion-exchange and molecular-sieve chromatography and we have studied it as an antigen in serodiagnostic analyses in ELISA and Western blot techniques, testing 213 human sera from Mexico. Indeed, L. braziliensis Fe-SODe has been purified 123.26 times with a specific activity of about 893.66 U/mg of protein. Applying the purified enzymes in serological tests we found 17.84% sera positive. We have demonstrated that the purified enzyme is more sensitive than the non-purified ones and we also demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of antibodies against L. braziliensis, not the main species in the country, in human population from Hidalgo and Nuevo Leon States

    Clinical and genetic characteristics of late-onset Huntington's disease

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    Background: The frequency of late-onset Huntington's disease (>59 years) is assumed to be low and the clinical course milder. However, previous literature on late-onset disease is scarce and inconclusive. Objective: Our aim is to study clinical characteristics of late-onset compared to common-onset HD patients in a large cohort of HD patients from the Registry database. Methods: Participants with late- and common-onset (30–50 years)were compared for first clinical symptoms, disease progression, CAG repeat size and family history. Participants with a missing CAG repeat size, a repeat size of ≤35 or a UHDRS motor score of ≤5 were excluded. Results: Of 6007 eligible participants, 687 had late-onset (11.4%) and 3216 (53.5%) common-onset HD. Late-onset (n = 577) had significantly more gait and balance problems as first symptom compared to common-onset (n = 2408) (P <.001). Overall motor and cognitive performance (P <.001) were worse, however only disease motor progression was slower (coefficient, −0.58; SE 0.16; P <.001) compared to the common-onset group. Repeat size was significantly lower in the late-onset (n = 40.8; SD 1.6) compared to common-onset (n = 44.4; SD 2.8) (P <.001). Fewer late-onset patients (n = 451) had a positive family history compared to common-onset (n = 2940) (P <.001). Conclusions: Late-onset patients present more frequently with gait and balance problems as first symptom, and disease progression is not milder compared to common-onset HD patients apart from motor progression. The family history is likely to be negative, which might make diagnosing HD more difficult in this population. However, the balance and gait problems might be helpful in diagnosing HD in elderly patients