155 research outputs found


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    This study portrays the historical context of the human body, favoring reflections on the treatment offered to it in different social moments, with the aim of realizing how the body theme can be addressed in the school context through the analyze on textbooks of the National Textbook Program (2020). Floating reading was used to analyze the online Science Guide prepared for the choice of didactic material, where the selected work was entitled: “Science, Life and Universe,” the copy presents relevant studies under the prepositions of the Common National Curricular Base (2018), in which the human body is represented in the Thematic Unit 'Life and Evolution' through questions inherent to living beings, in the final grades of elementary school, with a noticeable absence of sexuality dialogue with the themes: gender, identity and orientation sexual, in which these issues are closely connected to the human being as a whole.Ese estudio representa el contexto histórico del cuerpo humano, favoreciendo reflexiones acerca del tratamiento ofrecido al mismo en distintos ratos sociales, con objetivo de percibir como la temática corporal puede ser enfocada en el contexto escolar por medio de análisis en libros didácticos del Programa Nacional del Libro Didáctico (2020). Se utilizó la lectura fluctuante para análisis del Guía online de Ciencias elaborado para elegir el material didáctico, donde la obra seleccionada fue titulada: “Ciencia, Vida y Universo”, el ejemplar presenta estudios pertinentes bajo las preposiciones de la Base Nacional Común Evolución’ a través de cuestiones inherentes a los seres vivos, en series finales de la Enseñanza Fundamental, siendo perceptible la ausencia del diálogo de la sexualidad con temas: género, identidad y orientación sexual, la cual esas cuestiones están íntimamente conectadas al ser humano como un todo.Este estudo retrata o contexto histórico do corpo humano, favorecendo reflexões acerca do tratamento ofertado ao mesmo em diferentes momentos sociais, com o objetivo de perceber como a temática corporal pode ser abordada no contexto escolar através da análise nos livros didáticos do Programa Nacional do Livro didático (2020). Utilizou-se a leitura flutuante para análise do Guia online de Ciências elaborado para a escolha do material didático, onde a obra selecionada foi intitulada: “Ciência, Vida e Universo,” o exemplar apresenta estudos pertinentes sob as preposições da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (2018), em que o corpo humano é representado na Unidade Temática ‘Vida e Evolução’ através de questões inerentes aos seres vivos, em séries finais do Ensino Fundamental, sendo perceptível a ausência do diálogo da sexualidade com os temas: gênero, identidade e orientação sexual, no qual essas questões estão intimamente conectadas ao ser humano como um todo

    Maconha e Representações Sociais em Matérias de Jornal

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    Marijuana is a controversial and polysemic social object in Brazil, which is constantly discussed in the media. This study aimed to analyze the construction of social representations of marijuana from 489 articles of the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo (2010-2012). The data were treated with the software ALCESTE and analyzed based on six lexical fields organized in two thematic axes: police repression to drug trafficking and normative tensions of the medicinal and recreational use. The discourses raise individual and collective dimensions related to the legal status of the object, its uses and forms of social control - coercive and normative - that symbolically inscribe marijuana in social disputes of identities, practices and institutions.A maconha é um objeto social polêmico e polissêmico no contexto brasileiro, sendo constantemente debatida em produções midiáticas. A pesquisa objetivou analisar a construção de representações sociais da maconha a partir de 489 matérias do jornal Folha de S. Paulo (2010-2012). Os dados foram tratados com o software ALCESTE e analisados a partir de seis campos léxicos organizados em dois eixos temáticos: repressão policial ao tráfico de drogas e tensões normativas do uso medicinal e recreativo. Os discursos suscitam dimensões individuais e coletivas relacionadas ao status legal do objeto, seus usos e formas de controle social - coercivas e normativas -, que inscrevem simbolicamente a maconha em disputas sociais de identidades, práticas e instituições

    Género y plan de estudios: reviendo concepciones, saberes y prácticas en la escuela

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    The research discusses gender conceptions in the curriculum, highlighting the importance of teacher education, reviewing conceptions, knowledge teaching practices and their position on gender sexuality, masculinities and femininities in school. Gender, polysemic word, a concept/category of analysis, understood in this study as something that instead of separating, unites interconnects and builds social relations, a constitutive element of social relations founded on the noticed differences between the sexes, therefore, a social and historical construction of the sexes (LOURO, 1998, SCOTT, 1995) and curriculum is an instrument of articulation of educational practices, it is place/space/territory power relation, an identity document (SILVA, 2010). As it appears to be, school still mantains curricular practices that legitimaze conceptions and knowledge that do not allow progress in in the comprehension of gender, masculinities and femininities, domination/power issues and demonstrates little confidence in the teacher training ignoring the importance of the education and the performance of these subjects in the development of interdisciplinary curricular conceptions.A pesquisa discute concepções de gênero no currículo, destacando a importância da formação do professor, revendo concepções, saberes, práticas docentes e seus posicionamentos sobre gênero e sexualidades, masculinidades e feminilidades, na escola. Gênero, termo polissêmico, um conceito/categoria de análise, aqui entendido como algo que ao invés de separar, une, interconecta e constrói relações sociais, um elemento constitutivo de relações sociais fundadas sobre as diferenças percebidas entre os sexos, uma construção social e histórica dos sexos (LOURO, 1998; SCOTT, 1995) e currículo é um instrumento de articulação de práticas educativas, lugar/espaço/território/relação de poder, um documento de identidade (SILVA, 2010). Ao que tudo indica, as escolas ainda mantem práticas curriculares que legitimam concepções e saberes que não permitem avançar na compreensão de gênero, masculinidades e feminilidades, dominação/poder, demonstra pouca confiança na formação do professor, ignorando a importância da formação e desempenho desse sujeito no desenvolvimento de concepções curriculares interdisciplinares. La investigación discute concepciones de género en el plan de estudios del profesor, destacando la importancia de la formación del profesor, reviendo concepciones, saberes, prácticas instructoras y sus posicionamientos sobre género y sexualidades, masculinidades y femineidades, en la escuela. Género, término polisémico, un concepto o categoría de análisis; por tanto, algo que al en vez de separar, une, haz interconexiones y construye relaciones sociales, un elemento constitutivo de relaciones sociales fundados sobre las diferencias entre los sexos, por tanto, una construcción social e histórica de los sexos (LOURO, 1998; SCOTT, 1995). Plan de estudios es un instrumento de articulación de prácticas educativas, sitio/espacio/territorio/relación de poder, un documento de identidad (SILVA, 2010). Al que todo indica, las escuelas todavía mantienen prácticas de plan de estudios que comprueban concepciones y saberes que no permiten avanzar en la comprensión de género, masculinidades y femineidades, dominación/ poder y demuestra poca confianza en la formación del profesor, rechazando la importancia de la formación de continuación y el rendimiento de esos sujetos en el desarrollo de concepciones de plan de estudios interdisciplinarios

    As atividades realizadas pelo PET no desenvolvimento do curso de ciência da computação / The activities carried out by PET in the development of the computer science course

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    Undergraduate in the country is going through a crisis that goes from the high dropout rate to the low level of schooling of the students, passing through the low income level of the graduates. In this context, the Tutorial Education Program (PET) brings in its guidelines the search for improvements in teaching-learning in graduate courses in the country. In this sense, the objective of this work is to present the initiatives of PET Computer Science in the fight against these adversities. As a result, it can be seen that the actions promoted, besides developing the PET members both academically and as citizens, it is observed that these activities have also played an important role in divulgation and promoting the course with the community.

    Biseugenol Exhibited Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Asthmatic Effects in an Asthma Mouse Model of Mixed-Granulocytic Asthma

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    In the present work, the anti-inflammatory and antiasthmatic potential of biseugenol, isolated as the main component from n-hexane extract from leaves of Nectandra leucantha and chemically prepared using oxidative coupling from eugenol, was evaluated in an experimental model of mixed-granulocytic asthma. Initially, in silico studies of biseugenol showed good predictions for drug-likeness, with adherence to Lipinski’s rules of five (RO5), good Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion (ADME) properties and no alerts for Pan-Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS), indicating adequate adherence to perform in vivo assays. Biseugenol (20 mg·kg−1) was thus administered intraperitoneally (four days of treatment) and resulted in a significant reduction in both eosinophils and neutrophils of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in ovalbumin-sensitized mice with no statistical difference from dexamethasone (5 mg·kg−1). As for lung function parameters, biseugenol (20 mg·kg−1) significantly reduced airway and tissue damping in comparison to ovalbumin group, with similar efficacy to positive control dexamethasone. Airway hyperresponsiveness to intravenous methacholine was reduced with biseugenol but was inferior to dexamethasone in higher doses. In conclusion, biseugenol displayed antiasthmatic effects, as observed through the reduction of inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness, with similar effects to dexamethasone, on mixed-granulocytic ovalbumin-sensitized miceFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP: 2018/06088-

    Coxsackievirus A6 strains causing an outbreak of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Northeastern Brazil in 2018

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    Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) is a highly contagious viral disease commonly associated to Enteroviruses (EV). During 2018, Brazil faced massive HFMD outbreaks spread across the country. This study aimed to characterize the EV responsible for the HFMD outbreak that occurred in Paraiba State, Brazilian Northeastern region, in 2018, followed by a phylogenetic analysis to detail information on its genetic diversity. A total of 49 serum samples (one from each patient) collected from children ≤ 15 years old, clinically diagnosed with HFMD were tested for EV using conventional RT-PCR and RT-qPCR. EV infection was confirmed in 71.4% (35/49) of samples. The mean and median ages were 1.83 years and one year old, respectively. Twenty-two EV-positive samples were successfully sequenced and classified as EV-A species; 13 samples were also identified with the CV-A6 genotype. The phylogenetic analysis (VP1 region) of three samples revealed that the detected CV-A6 strains belonged to sub-lineage D3. The CV-A6 strains detected here clustered with strains from South America, Europe and West Asia strains that were also involved in HFMD cases during the 2017-2018 seasons, in addition to the previously detected Brazilian CV-A6 strains from 2012 to 2017, suggesting a global co-circulation of a set of different CV-A6 strains introduced in the country at different times. The growing circulation of the emerging CV-A6 associated with HFMD, together with the detection of more severe cases worldwide, suggests the need for a more intense surveillance system of HFMD in Brazil. In addition, this investigation was performed exclusively on serum samples, and the analysis of whole blood samples should be considered and could have shown advantages when employed in the diagnosis of enteroviral HFMD outbreaks