14,720 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Disturbances Caused by Intraocular Forced Convection Mechanism Failure

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    In this chapter, we show the refractive error treatment result of a patient, the first author, who restarted in 2000, after a 4-year break, at the study start. According to previous publications, the treatment consists of rehydration and elimination of agglutinated, dehydrated and deposited metabolic residues in the cornea, the trabecular meshwork, the crystalline lens and the retina, as a consequence of the failure in the mechanism of intraocular mass transfer by forced convection. However, the forced movement of the metabolic mass to rehydrate one region can cause dehydration in another region. Therefore, the patient developed posterior and capsular cataract in their respective eyes, right and left. This dehydration, during the treatment, increases the difficulties for the success of the treatment. The first part is a chronological record of the most important components of the treatment. Then, the research method and the material used are discussed. The main symptoms and signs are analyzed and correlated with the failure of the mass transfer process and the accumulation of metabolic residues. The anatomy of binocular vision is analyzed as a part of the forced convection mechanism, and in conclusion, the report shows the main oculomotor functions, topographic mapping of corneas over an interval of 17 months

    Intraocular Forced Convection Mechanism Defect as Probable Cause of Normal-Tension Glaucoma

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    This paper describes several pathologies associated with pathological movements that can cause physical effort on the optic nerve and damage to vision. The accumulation of intraocular metabolic residues increases ocular globe mass and can change its position in the orbit, as well as increase the cornea and crystalline, accommodation resistance, in addition to being able to increase the aqueous humor output resistance. A series of discreet pathologies may result in optic nerve impairment: cyclotorsion and saccadic movement, position in the orbit, and increased intraocular pressure. The cyclotorsion movements can be stimulated by the superior visual field restriction, due to the metabolic residue accumulation in the light transmission regions of this visual field, preventing correct fusion of the images

    Condutas agressivas, bullying e integração social em crianças em idade escolar

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    Nos últimos anos, quer os comportamentos agressivos, quer o bullying têm vindo a constituir uma crescente preocupação para a comunidade educativa. Tem havido muita investigação sobre este fenómeno mas a maioria tem incidido em escolas situadas em contextos urbanos. Os objetivos da investigação que se apresenta foram: Obter dados que permitam conhecer o tipo e a frequência de bullying em crianças, bem como identificar quais os locais mais frequentes onde ocorre numa escola situada numa zona rural. Conhecer qual a relação entre a integração social no grupo de pares (através do estatuto sociométrico) e os vários padrões de comportamento social, nomeadamente comportamentos pró-sociais, liderança, isolamento social e, em particular, agressão e vitimação (quer na perspetiva do próprio, quer na perspetiva dos pares). Deste modo, dois questionários foram aplicados a 87 crianças: uma adaptação do questionário de autorrelato sobre agressividade entre alunos na escola (QAEANE) de Pereira (1994) (composto por 10 perguntas, relativas às ocorrências de bullying, na perspetiva da vítima e do agressor, bem como sobre os locais em que ocorre); e um questionário de heterorrelato, isto é, de nomeação de pares (QNP), composto por duas partes: a primeira com 4 perguntas que estuda a sociometria (índices de preferências e rejeições) e a segunda com 5 perguntas permitindo estudar os atributos percebidos pelos colegas (agressão; isolamento social; liderança; conduta pró-social e vitimação). Os resultados permitiram concluir que o bullying também ocorre em zonas rurais mas de forma bastante menos frequente quando se compara com os dados de Pereira (2008) obtidos em zonas urbanas e que o local mais frequente onde ocorre é o recreio. Verificou-se ainda que quer os agressores, quer as vítimas são mais rejeitados pelos pares do que os não envolvidos. Discutem-se algumas formas de prevenção destes comportamentos no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico

    Aggressive conducts, bullying and social adjustment of children

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    En los últimos años, tanto la conducta agresiva como el acoso escolar, han llegado a ser un problema creciente en la comunidad educativa. Se han realizado muchas investigaciones sobre este fenómeno pero la mayoría han incidido sobre escuelas situadas en contextos urbanos. Los objetivos de la investigación que se presenta han sido: Obtener datos que permitan conocer el tipo y la frecuencia del acoso en niños, así como identificar los lugares dónde ocurre con más frecuencia dentro de la escuela rural (a través del estudio sociométrico) y de varios patrones de comportamiento social, normalmente comportamientos pro-sociales, liderazgo, aislamiento social y, en particular, agresión y victimización. De este modo se aplicaron dos cuestionarios a 87 niños: una adaptación del cuestionario de auto-relato sobre agresividad entre los alumnos de la escuela (QAEANE) de Pereira (1994) compuesto por 10 preguntas relativas a los sucesos de bulling, desde la perspectiva de la víctima y del agresor, así como sobre los lugares en que éste ocurre. Un cuestionario de hetero-relato, basado en la selección de iguales (QNP) consistente en dos partes: la primera de ellas con 4 cuestiones, estudios de sociometría (índice de preferencias y rechazos) y el segundo, con 5 preguntas, que estudia los atributos percibidos por sus compañeros (agresividad, aislamiento social, liderazgo, comportamiento prosocial y la victimización). Los resultados permitieron concluir que el acoso también se produce en contextos rurales, pero con menor frecuencia en comparación con los datos de Pereira (2008), obtenidos en las zonas urbanas, donde el lugar más recurrente para la intimidación es el patio de recreo. También se ha encontrado que tanto los agresores como las víctimas son más rechazados por sus compañeros que los que no participan.In recent years, either aggressive behaviour or bullying has come to be a growing concern for the educational community. There has been much research on this phenomenon but most have focused on schools in urban contexts. This investigation sought to: Obtain data that allow knowing the type and frequency of bullying on children, as well as identify the places where it occurs most often in a rural school. Know the relation between the social adjustment in the peer group (through the sociometric status) and the several patterns of social behaviour, namely prosocial behaviours, leadership, social isolation and particularly, aggression and victimization (either in the self perspective or the peer perspective). Thereby, two questionnaires were administered to 87 children: An adaptation of the self-report about aggressiveness between students in school (QAEANE) by Pereira (1994), consisting of 10 questions about bullying occurrences from the victim and aggressor’s perspective and the places where it occurs; A questionnaire for the peers based on peer selection (QNP), consisting of two parts: the first one, with 4 questions, studies the sociometry (index of preferences and rejections) and the second one, with 5 questions, studies the attributes perceived by peers (aggression, social isolation, leadership; prosocial behaviour and victimization). The results allowed to conclude that bullying also occurs in rural contexts but less frequently when compared with Pereira’s data (2008), obtained in urban areas, where the most recurrent place for bullying is the playground. It has also been found that both bullies and victims are more rejected by peers than those not involved.Nos últimos anos, quer os comportamentos agressivos, quer o bullying têm vindo a constituir uma crescente preocupação para a comunidade educativa. Tem havido muita investigação sobre este fenómeno mas a maioria tem incidido em escolas situadas em contextos urbanos. Os objetivos da investigação que se apresenta foram: Obter dados que permitam conhecer o tipo e a frequência de bullying em crianças, bem como identificar quais os locais mais frequentes onde ocorre numa escola situada numa zona rural. Conhecer qual a relação entre a integração social no grupo de pares (através do estatuto sociométrico) e os vários padrões de comportamento social, nomeadamente comportamentos pró-sociais, liderança, isolamento social e, em particular, agressão e vitimação (quer na perspetiva do próprio, quer na perspetiva dos pares). Deste modo, dois questionários foram aplicados a 87 crianças: uma adaptação do questionário de autorrelato sobre agressividade entre alunos na escola (QAEANE) de Pereira (1994) (composto por 10 perguntas, relativas às ocorrências de bullying, na perspetiva da vítima e do agressor, bem como sobre os locais em que ocorre); e um questionário de heterorrelato, isto é, de nomeação de pares (QNP), composto por duas partes: a primeira com 4 perguntas que estuda a sociometria (índices de preferências e rejeições) e a segunda com 5 perguntas permitindo estudar os atributos percebidos pelos colegas (agressão; isolamento social; liderança; conduta pró-social e vitimação). Os resultados permitiram concluir que o bullying também ocorre em zonas rurais mas de forma bastante menos frequente quando se compara com os dados de Pereira (2008) obtidos em zonas urbanas e que o local mais frequente onde ocorre é o recreio. Verificou-se ainda que quer os agressores, quer as vítimas são mais rejeitados pelos pares do que os não envolvidos. Discutem-se algumas formas de prevenção destes comportamentos no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico.peerReviewe

    Decentralization And Education Performance: A First View To The Brazilian Process

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    This paper analyses the impact of the decentralization in educational system that is taking place in Brazil inthe last decade, as a result of several laws that encourage municipalities to invest in fundamental education.The proficiency tests undertaken by the government allows to follow some public schools in two points intime. Therefore we were able to create an experimental group with the schools that were under state system inthe SAEB exam and have migrated to the municipality system by the time of Prova Brasil and a control groupwith the schools that were under the state system between the two exams and compare the difference in theirresults using a fixed effect panel data analysis. The difference in difference estimator indicates that there is nosignificant change in the performance of the students.

    The Effect of Adverse Oil Price Shocks on Monetary Policy and Output Using a Dynamic Small Open Economy General Equilibrium Model With Staggered Price for Brazil

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    The aim of the present research is to use a model economy built for Brazil, based on an optimizing dynamic general equilibrium model, in order to perform numerical simulations to derive the ability of the artificial economy to explain the impact of monetary policy interventions on Brazilian short run economic performance in terms of the inflation rate, output gap, interest rate and level of economic activity in the face of an adverse oil shock. It is an extension of Bugarin et al. (2005) concentrating on the consequence of energy price increases, facing different monetary policy rules. Following Hall (1988 e 1990) and Finn (2000) it is considered that an increase in energy prices acts like a negative productivity shock. The model provides an accessible description of an artificial economy with a tractable micro-founded dynamic setting with forward looking rational agents in a small open economy with a staggered pricing mechanism that generates inflation inertia and recessionary disinflations. Alternative specification of monetary reaction functions are introduced into the model economy in order to perform a sensitivity analysis of derived impulse responses to those interventions facing the negative productivity shock. The preliminary results suggest that the introduction of habit persistence into the consumption hypothesis does not make much difference. However the introduction of different monetary reaction functions does alter the impulse response of output, inflation rate, and nominal interest rate. A common result is the decline in potential output for all models. Additionally, the only case where a reduction in the output gap is observed is when using the Taylor rule that takes into consideration the output gap and past interest rates with high persistence.

    Antimicrobial peptide combinations against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus

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    Today, we are facing a major challenge regarding the development of new strategies and the discovery of new compounds with effective antimicrobial outcomes. The emergence of resistance is a preoccupant health threat and conventional antibiotics are being rendered ineffective. Researchers are now focusing in alternatives, such as the discovery of new antimicrobials with different modes of action, and the combination of agents potentiating their efficacy. AMPs are an example of new antimicrobials with promising applications, since they have different and sometimes unspecific mechanisms of action compared to traditional antibiotics, reducing the chance of acquired resistance. This work analyses AMP combinations against major pathogenic bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, currently great contributors for resistance development and responsible for chronic infections, such as cystic fibrosis pneumonia. We present a screening of combinations of colistin with temporin A, citropin 1.1, tachyplesin I, lactoferricin B, magainin II and G10KHc, against these pathogens, including references and clinical isolate strains. Results show that most combinations have synergetic activities, which means that AMP combinations should be a viable way for the development of new antimicrobial treatments, thus reducing their toxicity and side effects, while maintaining efficacy. Some of the best combinations will be tested on biofilms of these bacteria, in order to test their prophylactic and therapeutic action against this different and more resilient mode of growth

    A trans10-18:1 enriched fraction from beef fed a barley grain-based diet induces lipogenic gene expression and reduces viability of HepG2 cells.

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    Beef fat is a natural source of trans (t) fatty acids, and is typically enriched with either t10-18:1 or t11-18:1. Little is known about the bioactivity of individual t-18:1 isomers, and the present study compared the effects of t9-18:1, cis (c)9-18:1 and trans (t)-18:1 fractions isolated from beef fat enriched with either t10-18:1 (HT10) or t11-18:1 (HT11). All 18:1 isomers resulted in reduced human liver (HepG2) cell viability relative to control. Both c9-18:1 and HT11were the least toxic, t9-18:1had dose response increased toxicity, and HT10 had the greatest toxicity (P<0.05). Incorporation of t18:1 isomers was 1.8-2.5 fold greater in triacylglycerol (TG) than phospholipids (PL), whereas Δ9 desaturation products were selectively incorporated into PL. Culturing HepG2 cells with t9-18:1 and HT10 increased (P<0.05) the Δ9 desaturation index (c9-16:1/16:0) compared to other fatty acid treatments. HT10 and t9-18:1 also increased expression of lipogenic genes (FAS, SCD1, HMGCR and SREBP2) compared to control (P<0.05), whereas c9-18:1 and HT11 did not affect the expression of these genes. Our results suggest effects of HT11 and c9-18:1 were similar to BSA control, whereas HT10 and t-9 18:1 (i.e. the predominant trans fatty acid isomer found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) were more cytotoxic and led to greater expression of lipogenic genes


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    A autora aborda considerações da OMS para introduzir e justificar seu trabalho, mostrando a importância e a necessidade de se incentivar ainda mais a integração da educação sanitária no currículo das escolas de enfermagem. Em seguida, tece considerações acerca do conceito, meios e vantagens de um programa realmente integrado, como quer ser o da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. Conta como é feita a integração naquela Escola e dá sugestões para um aperfeiçoamento de programa de educação sanitária adaptado às novas exigências do currículo da mesma escola. Termina com conclusões a respeito da função educativa da enfermeira no ensino da educação sanitária nas escoIas de enfermagem

    Evidence of widespread retinal dysfunction in patients with stargardt disease and morphologically unaffected carrier relatives

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    PURPOSE: To characterize contrast sensitivity (CS) across the visual field for two achromatic spatial-temporal frequencies in 21 families with Stargardt disease (STGD) and to correlate psychophysical impairment with patterns of change in multifocal electroretinography (mfERG). METHODS: Twenty-seven eyes from patients with STGD, 16 eyes from asymptomatic relatives, and 44 age-matched control eyes were included. Chromatic CS function was assessed by comparing protan, deutan, and tritan (Cambridge Color Test; Cambridge Research Systems Ltd., Rochester, UK) and anomaloscope measures (IF-2; Roland Consult, Wiesbaden, Germany). Achromatic CS measures were obtained with custom-made software in nine locations by using randomly interleaved staircases. The first task-low spatial frequency (LSF)-matched the known frequency-doubling method that is believed to activate the magnocellular pathway preferentially. The second included an intermediate spatial frequency (ISF, 3.5 cyc/deg). mfERGs (RETIscan; Roland Consult) were also obtained. Relatives were screened for ABCA4 mutations by ABCR400 microarray and direct sequencing. RESULTS: Central impairment of achromatic and chromatic CS (along the three isolation axes) was observed in STGD. LSF and ISF tasks revealed significant and widespread dysfunction in patients and their morphologically unaffected relatives, 80% of whom were found to be ABCA4 mutation carriers. Significant reduction of P1 amplitudes was also observed in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: CS function is impaired in patients with STGD at distinct spatial-temporal frequencies, which, in addition to the color vision deficits, suggests dual impairment of the magno- parvocellular pathways. STGD morphologically unaffected carriers may show patterns of psychophysical dysfunction that are mirrored by abnormal mfERG response