158 research outputs found

    Comparison of upper body strength gains between men and women after 10 weeks of resistance training

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    Resistance training (RT) offers benefits to both men and women. However, the studies about the differences between men and women in response to an RT program are not conclusive and few data are available about upper body strength response. The aim of this study was to compare elbow flexor strength gains in men and women after 10 weeks of RT. Forty-four college-aged men (22.63 +/- 2.34 years) and forty-seven college-aged women (21.62 +/- 2.96 years) participated in the study. The RT program was performed two days a week for 10 weeks. Before and after the training period, peak torque (PT) of the elbow flexors was measured with an isokinetic dynamometer. PT values were higher in men in comparison to women in pre-and post-tests (p 0.05). Effect sizes were 0.57 and 0.56 for men and women, respectively. In conclusion, the present study suggests that men and women have a similar upper body strength response to RT

    Die Konstruktion der Liebe

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    Liebe ist, aus Sicht des Konstruktivismus, ein Konstrukt wie jede andere Wirklichkeit. Liebe ist keine immanente Wahrheit. Sie war und ist einer historisch-kulturellen Verände-rung unterworfen. Basis jeder Wirklichkeitskonstruktion ist Kommunikation, gleichzeitig findet Kommunikation immer vor dem Hintergrund unserer Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen statt. Wissenschaften sind heute mehr denn je Produzenten von Wirklichkeiten. Durch ihre Einbettung in die gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit, stehen sie mit der Gesellschaft in einem Wechselverhältnis der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung. Ihre Liebeskonstruktionen stehen re-präsentativ für gesellschaftlich gültige Vorstellungen von Liebe. Die Konstruktionen der Liebe scheinen heute immer weniger lebbar. Dies liegt zum Teil daran, dass die Konstruktionen nicht mehr zeitgemäß sind, zum Teil daran, dass sie sich in sich und gegenseitig widersprechen. Die disziplinären Konstrukte speisen sich aus den Weltbildern dreier Epochen: Romantik, Modernismus, Postmodernismus. In der biologischen Konstruktion ist Liebe ein emotionales Bindemittel. Die Bindung soll die Chancen des Nachwuchses erhöhen. Liebe ist somit auf Arterhaltung ausgerichteter Mechanismus. Hauptkriterium für erfolgreiche Liebe ist die Wahl der/des richtigen Part-ners/in. Aus psychoanalytischer Perspektive ist Liebe die Krönung der persönlichen Ent-wicklung. Sie ist die Antwort auf das menschliche Dilemma der Einsamkeit. Liebe ist da-bei eine aktive Handlung und muss, in Analogie zur Kunst, durch harte Arbeit erlernt wer-den. Aus soziologischer Sicht ist Liebe Schauplatz gesellschaftlicher Kämpfe um Ge-schlechtergleichstellung und individueller Freiheit. Gleichzeitig wird Liebe ist religiösen Utopie geworden, wird überfrachtet mit Illusionen und Heilsversprechen. Die gemeinsamen Hauptaspekte aller Konstrukte sind Vereinigung, je nach Disziplin auf sexueller, emotionaler oder spiritueller Ebene, und Bindung in Form von Partnerschaft oder Ehe. Die größten Widersprüche finden sich bei der Gewichtung und Bedeutung der einzelnen Aspekte, sowie bei den Gründen für Liebe. Zu den meisten Konflikten führen scheinbar die Aspekte Freiheit, vor allem in Verbindung mit Liebe als passive Erfahrung, und die Geschlechter, denen unterschiedliche Wünsche, Bedürfnisse und Vorstellungen von Liebe zugeschrieben werden. Liebe könnte sich aus ihrer Problemstellung befreien, wenn wir unseren Blickwinkel än-dern. Der Konstruktivismus bietet uns die Chance Liebe als schöpferischen Akt zu sehen und kreative Lösungen für die Probleme der Liebe zu finden.Love is, from the point of Constructivism, a construct like any other reality. Love is no immanent truth. It was and is subordinate to historical and cultural changes. The basis of every construction of reality is communication, coinstantaneous communication always happens against the background of our constructions of reality. Today sciences are more than ever producers of realities. Because of their embedment in the social construction of reality, they are standing in alternating relation to reciprocal in-fluence with the society. Their love constructions are representative for social valid percep-tions of love. The constructions of love seem to lose their practicability today. On the one hand the con-structions are no longer up to date, on the other hand, the constructions are contradictory within and alternating. The disciplinary constructs are established by the world views of three epochs: Romantic, Modernism, Postmodernism. In the biologic construction love is an emotional binding material. The relationship shall increase the changes of the procreation. Hence love is a mechanism, inline with the sur-vival of the species. The most important criterion for successful love is the choice of the right partner. From the perspective of Psychoanalysis, love is the peak of personal growth. It is the answer to the human dilemma of loneliness. Love is thereby an action and has to be learned by hard work, in analogy to art. From the sociologic perspective love is a setting for social conflicts of gender equalization and individual freedom. At the same time love became a religious utopia, overshadowed by illusions and salutary promises. The common aspects of all constructs are the fusion, according to the discipline on sexual, emotional or spiritual level, and binding in form of partnership or marriage. The greatest contradictions are to be found within the emphasis and meaning of the single aspects, and in the reasons of love. The most conflicts are caused by the aspects of freedom, especially in combination with love as a passive experience, and the sexes, which get ascribed differ-ent wishes, needs and pictures of love. Love could liberate from its problematic position, if we change our perspective. The Con-structivism gives us the chance to see love as a constructive act and to find creative solu-tions for the problems of love

    Grouped is the only way. The solidarity and autonomous experience of the chacay mamil cooperative

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    Son escasos los antecedentes de estudios sobre cooperativismo agrario en Patagonia, y más aún en la región sur. Es por ello que el presente trabajo se propone analizar la conformación y trayectoria de la cooperativa “Chacay Mamil” –ubicada en el departamento Tehuelches en la provincia de Chubut, Argentina–, como una estrategia de acción colectiva de un grupo de pequeños ganaderos. La cooperativa inició sus actividades en el año 2007 y en la actualidad participan activamente 35 asociados. La metodología utilizada en el análisis y desarrollo de este trabajo es de carácter cualitativo, y el instrumento para la recolección de datos fue la entrevista en profundidad, realizada a diferentes socios, a quienes ocuparon y ocupan cargos directivos y a técnicos que fueron parte de la gestión inicial. Asimismo, se analizaron fuentes documentales –libro de actas, memorias e informes de proyectos–. Del análisis de la trayectoria de la Cooperativa se desprende la importancia de los saberes previos y la experiencia acumulada de sus asociados a lo largo del proceso, como así también el grado de independencia y autogestión alcanzada. También queda en evidencia que la puesta en práctica de los valores cooperativos les permitió dar respuesta a necesidades históricas. El trabajo posibilita además, reflexionar acerca del rol de las políticas públicas en el apoyo a iniciativas socio-organizativas en el ámbito rural.There are few studies on the history of agricultural cooperatives in Patagonia, and even more in the southern region. That is why the present work aims to analyze the conformation and trajectory of the cooperative “Chacay Mamil” –located in the department of Tehuelches in the province of Chubut, Argentina–, as a strategy of collective action of a group of small farmers. The cooperative began its activities in 2007 and currently 35 associates actively participate. The methodology used in the analysis and development of this work is of a qualitative nature, and the instrument for data collection was the in-depth interview, carried out with different partners, those who held and hold management positions and technicians who were part of the management initial. Likewise, documentary sources - minute book, memoirs and project reports - were analyzed. From the analysis of the trajectory of the Cooperative, the importance of previous knowledge and the accumulated experience of its associates throughout the process, as well as the degree of independence and self-management achieved, can be seen. It is also clear that the implementation of cooperative values allowed them to respond to historical needs. The work also makes it possible to reflect on the role of public policies in supporting socio-organizational initiatives in rural areasEEA EsquelFil: Luque, Natalia Romina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agroforestal Esquel; ArgentinaFil: Bottaro, Hugo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agroforestal Esquel; ArgentinaFil: Preda, Graciela Maria. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro Regional Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar; Argentin


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    It aims to analyze teamwork at Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS, in Portuguese), founded on teamwork conceptualization and typology in the health area, trying theme problematization under the context of the Psychiatric Reform, in the light of marxist dialetics on the work process category as the theoretical-methodological landmark.We consider that poor working conditions disrupt the daily routine of the team that intends to work in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation.We conclude that the work of the team in CAPS is complicated and creates a great challenge which is increased by the poor working conditions in the public health service, especially in mental health services.La finalidad fue analizar el trabajo en equipo en los Centros de Atención Psicosocial (CAPS), a partir de la conceptuación y tipología de trabajo en equipo en el área de salud, buscando enfatizar el tema en el contexto de la Reforma Psiquiátrica, a la luz de un proceso de trabajo dentro del referencial teórico – metodológico de la dialéctica marxista. Se consideraron las malas condiciones de trabajo y sus consecuencias en las prácticas de equipos que pretenden trabajar en la lógica de la rehabilitación psicosocial. Se concluyó que la complejidad del trabajo en equipos CAPS constituye un gran desafío que se incrementa a las dificultades impuestas por la carencia de trabajo en los servicios públicos de salud, específicamente en los servicios de salud mental.Objetiva-se analisar o trabalho em equipe nos Centros deAtenção Psicossocial (CAPS), a partir da conceituação e tipologia de trabalho em equipe na área da saúde, buscando problematizar o tema no contexto da Reforma Psiquiátrica, à luz da categoria processo de trabalho do referencial teórico-metodológico da dialética marxista. Consideramos as condições deficientes de trabalho e suas conseqüências nas práticas das equipes que pretendem trabalhar na lógica da reabilitação psicossocial e concluímos que a complexidade do trabalho das equipes dos CAPS constitui um grande desafio que é acrescido das dificuldades impostas pela precarização do trabalho nos serviços públicos de saúde, especificamente nos serviços de saúde mental

    Epidemiology, management, and outcome of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae bloodstream infections in hospitals within the same endemic metropolitan area

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    In the last decade, carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-Kp) has become endemic in several countries, including Italy. In the present study, we assessed the differences in epidemiology, management, and mortality of CR-Kp bloodstream infection (BSI) in the three main adult acute-care hospitals of the metropolitan area of Genoa, Italy.From January 2013 to December 2014, all patients with CR-Kp BSI were identified through the computerized microbiology laboratory databases of the three hospitals. The primary endpoints of the study were incidence and characteristics of CR-Kp BSI in hospitals within the same endemic metropolitan area. Secondary endpoints were characteristics of CR-Kp BSI in hospitals with and without internal infectious diseases consultants (IDCs) and 15-day mortality.During the study period, the incidence of healthcare-associated CR-Kp BSI in the entire study population was 1.35 episodes per 10,000 patient-days, with substantial differences between the three hospitals. Patients admitted to the two hospital with internal IDCs were more likely to receive post-susceptibility test combined therapy including carbapenems (77% vs. 26%, p <. 0.001), adequate post-susceptibility test therapies (86% vs. 52%, p <. 0.001), and post-susceptibility therapies prescribed by an infectious diseases specialist (84% vs. 14%, p <. 0.001). Overall, the crude 15-days mortality was 26%. In the final multivariable model, only septic shock at BSI presentation was unfavorably and independently associated with 15-days mortality (odds ratio [OR] 6.7, 95% confidence intervals [CI] 2.6-17.6, p <. 0.001), while a protective effect was observed for post-susceptibility test combined therapies including a carbapenem (OR 0.11, 95% CI 0.03-0.43, p = 0.002).Mortality of CR-Kp remains high. Differences in the incidence of CR-Kp BSI were detected between acute-care centers within the same endemic metropolitan area. Efforts should be made to improve the collaboration and coordination between centers, to prevent further diffusion of CR-Kp

    X Jornada debate cátedra libre de estudios agrarios Ing. Agr. Horacio Giberti

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    La relevancia que tiene en la economía argentina el sector agropecuario en tanto proveedor de divisas vía exportaciones y fijador de precios de bienes salario, requiere contar con buenos diagnósticos para el diseño de políticas. Los Censos Agropecuarios constituyen una fuente invalorable de información para elaborar esos diagnósticos ya que permiten dar cuenta de la cantidad y superficie de las explotaciones agropecuarias y forestales, de las formas de tenencia de la tierra, de su distribución, de las existencias ganaderas y tipo de cultivos, de la dotación de bienes de capital y la cantidad de trabajadores empleados, entre otras variables que resultan significativas al momento de abordar el análisis de la estructura agraria. En Argentina esos censos, se han realizado en forma discontinua y no siempre con resultados incuestionables, de allí la necesidad de recurrir, en ciertos casos, a otras fuentes de información. Del último censo, realizado en 2018, sólo se cuentan con resultados preliminares. La Cátedra ha convocado a un grupo de colegas de diferentes provincias para analizar y comparar los datos censales de 2002 y 2018. En este número presentamos los informes realizados para las provincias de Chubut y Tierra del Fuego.The relevance the agricultural and livestock sector has in the Argentine economy as a provider of foreign exchange through exports as well as being price setters of wage goods, requires having good diagnoses for the design of policies. The Agricultural and Livestock Censuses are a valuable source of information for the elaboration of these diagnoses, since they make it possible to account for the quantity and area of agricultural and forestry holdings, for forms of land tenure, its distribution, of livestock stocks and types of crops, the provision of capital goods and the number of workers employed, among other variables that are significant when considering the analysis of the agrarian structure. in Argentina these censuses have been carried out discontinuously and not always with unquestionable results, hence the need to rely on other sources of information in certain cases. Of the last census, carried out in 2018, only preliminary results are available. The professorship has summoned a group of colleagues from different provinces to analyze and compare the census data from 2002 and 2018. in this issue we present the reports made for the provinces of Chubut and Tierra del Fuego.EEA EsquelFil: Bottaro, Hugo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Esquel; ArgentinaFil: Bottaro, Hugo. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Ejarque, Mercedes. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar (CIPAF Patagonia); ArgentinaFil: Ejarque, Mercedes. Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Sociología Rural; ArgentinaFil: Pérez Centeno, Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar (CIPAF Patagonia); ArgentinaFil: Preda, Graciela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar (CIPAF Patagonia); ArgentinaFil: Livraghi, Enrique. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro Regional Patagonia Sur. Agencia de Extensión Rural Usuahia; ArgentinaFil: Spontón, Emiliano Andrés. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro Regional Patagonia Sur. Agencia de Extensión Rural Usuahia; Argentin


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    El trabajo con grupos, en el PSF, puede se constituir como tecnología asistencial y posibilidad de poder de pacientes y de la comunidad para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía. Objetivo: analizar en que medida el trabajo con grupos se constitui en espacio generador o potencialisador de participación de la comunidad y control social del servicio. Métodos: investigación exploratorio descriptiva en 8 USF de Cuiabá. Resultados: los enfermeros realizan grupos con los recortes programáticos vigentes en la práctica de la sanidad pública tradicional. Los grupos se reducen a la información colectiva sobre enfermedades y tratamiento y se consolidan como estrategia asistencial mientras la dimensión de posibilidad de poder para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía es reducida.O trabalho com grupos, no Programa Saúde da Família (PSF), pode se constituir como tecnologia assistencial e de empoderamento de pacientes e da comunidade para o exercício da cidadania. Objetivo: analisar se o trabalho com grupos, nesse contexto, se constitui como espaços geradores ou potencializadores de participação da comunidade e controle social do serviço. Métodos: pesquisa exploratório-descritiva em oito Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) de Cuiabá. Resultados: os enfermeiros realizam grupos com os recortes programáticos vigentes na prática da saúde pública tradicional. Os grupos se reduzem à informação coletiva sobre doenças e tratamento e se consolidam como estratégia assistencial enquanto a dimensão de empoderamento para o exercício da cidadania é reduzida.The work with groups, in the Family Health Program, can be considered as a technology of assistance and empowerment of patients and community for the exercise of citizenship. Aim: to analyze in which way the work with groups can generate or strengthen spaces of community participation and social control. Methods: exploratory-descriptive research in 8 Family Health Units from Cuiabá/ Brazil. Results: nurses work with groups in current programs in the practice of traditional public health. The groups only work with collective information about diseases and treatment and consolidate such assistance strategy while the empowerment dimension for the exercise of citizenship is reduced

    Muscle fatigue between isokinetic exercises sets in young women

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de dois Intervalos de Recuperação (IR) no pico de torque (PT) e no trabalho total (TT) isocinético em mulheres jovens. MÉTODOS: 17 mulheres, destreinadas, (27,2 ± 4,1 anos; 56,8 ± 6,9 kg; 162,6 ± 7,0 cm) realizaram três séries de 10 extensões isocinéticas do joelho a 60° e 180°/s, com um e dois minutos de IR. A análise estatística foi a ANOVA dois x três [IR (um e dois minutos) x série (1ª, 2ª e 3ª)] com α < 0.05. RESULTADOS: Um minuto de IR não foi suficiente para manter o PT e o TT ao longo das séries (p<0,05) a 60º (redução de 15,7% no PT e 19,8% no TT) e 180º/s (redução de 3,6% no PT e de 5,6% no TT). Dois minutos foram suficientes apenas a 180º/s. Contudo, a 60°/s, dois minutos de IR possibilitou um maior PT na segunda e na terceira série em relação a um minuto (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Dois minutos são suficientes para manutenção do PT em um protocolo de treinamento isocinético a 180º/s, mas não a 60º/s em mulheres jovens.OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of two rest interval (RI) on isokinetic Peak Torque (PT) and total work (TW) produced by young women. METHODS: 17 untrained women (27.2 ± 4.1 yrs; 56.8 ± 6.9 kg; 162.6 ± 7.0 cm) performed three sets of 10 unilateral isokinetic knee extension repetitions at 60° and 180°/s with one and two minutes of RI. Statistical evaluation was performed using a two x three ANOVA [RI (one and two minutes) x set (1st, 2nd, 3rd)] with α < 0.05. RESULTS: One minute was not enough to keep PT and TW between sets (p<0.05) at 60º (reduction of 15.7% in PT and 19.8% in TW) and 180º/s (reduction of 3.6% in PT and 5.6% in TT). Two minutes was enough only at 180º/s. However, two minutes of RI was greater (p<0.05) than one minutes at 60°/s for PT during the 2nd and 3rd sets. CONCLUSION: Two minutes is sufficient to keep PT within typical isokinetic resistance training protocols at 180º/s, but not at 60º/s in young women

    The Application of the Extended Poincaré Plot in the Analysis of Physiological Variabilities

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    The Poincaré plot is a geometrical technique used to visualize and quantify the correlation between two consecutive data points in a time-series. Since the dynamics of fluctuations in physiological rhythms exhibit long-term correlation and memory, this study aimed to extend the Poincaré plot by calculating the correlation between sequential data points in a time-series, rather than between two consecutive points. By incorporating this so-called lag, we hope to integrate a temporal aspect into quantifying the correlation, to depict whether a physiological system holds prolonged association between events separated by time. In doing so, it attempts to instantaneously characterize the intrinsic behavior of a complex system. We tested this hypothesis on three different physiological time-series: heart rate variability in patients with liver cirrhosis, respiratory rhythm in asthma and body temperature fluctuation in patients with cirrhosis, to evaluate the potential application of the extended Poincaré method in clinical practice. When studying the cardiac inter-beat intervals, the extended Poincaré plot revealed a stronger autocorrelation for patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis compared to less severe cases using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. In addition, long-term variability (known as SD2 in the extended Poincaré plot) appeared as an independent prognostic variable. This holds significance by acting as a non-invasive tool to evaluate patients with chronic liver disease and potentially facilitate transplant selection as an adjuvant to traditional criteria. For asthmatics, employing the extended Poincaré plot allowed for a non-invasive tool to differentially diagnose various classifications of respiratory disease. In the respiratory inter-breath interval analysis, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve provided evidence that the extension of the Poincaré plot holds a greater advantage in the classification of asthmatic patients, over the traditional Poincaré plot. Lastly, the analysis of body temperature from patients using the extended Poincaré plot helped identify inpatients from outpatients with cirrhosis. Through these analyses, the extended Poincaré plot provided unique and additional information which could potentially make a difference in clinical practice. Conclusively, the potential use of our work lies in its possible application of predicting mortality for the organ allocation procedure in patients with cirrhosis and non-invasively distinguish between atopic and non-atopic asthma