2,320 research outputs found

    <3D> NLTE line formation in the atmospheres of red supergiants

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    Red supergiants with their enormous brightness at J-band are ideal probes of cosmic chemical composition. It is therefore crucial to have realistic models of radiative transfer in their atmospheres, which will permit determination of abundances accurate to 0.15 dex, the precision attainable with future telescope facilities in galaxies as distant as tens of Mpc. Here, we study the effects of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) on the formation of iron, titanium, and silicon lines, which dominate J-band spectra of red supergiants. It is shown that the NLTE radiative transfer models enable accurate derivation of metallicity and effective temperature in the J-band. We also discuss consequences for RSG spectrum synthesis in different spectral windows, including the heavily TiO-blanketed optical region, and atmospheric structure. We then touch upon challenges of NLTE integration with new generation of 3D hydrodynamical RSG models and present the first calculations of NLTE spectra with the mean 3D model of Betelgeuse.Comment: 7 pages, proceedings of the Betelgeuse Workshop, Paris, 201

    Artificial intelligence applied to marketing management: Trends and projections according to specialists

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    Marketing Management is one of the areas that has been progressively integrating artificial intelligence systems, and the pace of the development of intelligent software that is very useful for marketing seems not to slow down. In fact, the growth and sophistication of technological systems promise to increase even more, which will inevitably affect operations as well as management and planning. In an attempt to assess and measure the expected impacts of AI on marketing departments in the short / medium term, a Delphi was carried out. Thereby, a panel of 21 marketing specialists (13 Portuguese and 8 international) was gathered, which was asked to evaluate on a Likert scale a series of statements, and to comment and debate among them. In this case it was a Real Time Delphi since the study was conducted using an online platform, which allowed all comments to be immediately available and visible to all participants. With this exploratory study, it was possible to conclude that the areas that are expected to be helped by intelligent systems to a greater extent – this is, the areas that will assist the automation of more operations - are customer recognition , market segmentation, sales forecasting and programmatic communication. On the other hand, the two most controversial statements among experts - thus risky to draw lessons - were statements regarding the autonomous operation of website adjustments and developments, as well as the adoption of intelligent systems to support strategic and strategic decision-making.A Gestão de Marketing é uma das áreas que tem vindo progressivamente a integrar sistemas de inteligência artificial, e a cadência do desenvolvimento de softwares inteligentes com grande utilidade para parece não abrandam. Na verdade, o crescimento e o grau de sofisticação dos sistemas tecnológicos prometem aumentar cada vez mais, o que promete afetar a vários níveis as operações e até a definição de estratégias de marketing e de gestão. Na tentativa de avaliar e medir os impactos da inteligência artificial nos departamentos de marketing no curto/médio prazo, procedeu-se à realização de um Delphi. Para isso reuniu-se um painel de 21 especialistas na área do marketing e da inteligência artificial (13 portugueses e 8 internacionais), ao qual foi colocada uma série de afirmações para que fossem avaliadas numa escala de Likert, comentadas e debatidas. Neste caso tratou-se de um Real Time Delphi uma vez que o estudo foi realizado recorrendo a uma plataforma online, o que permitiu que todos comentários ficassem imediatamente disponíveis e visíveis a todos os participantes. Com este estudo, de cariz marcadamente exploratório, concluiu-se que as áreas que se esperam vir a ser auxiliadas por sistemas inteligentes em maior medida – ou seja, as áreas que assistirão à automatização de um maior número de operações – são o reconhecimento do cliente, segmentação de mercado, previsão de vendas e comunicação programática. Por outro lado, os temas que mais controvérsia geraram entre os especialistas – sendo pouco seguro retirar ilações – referem-se à operação autónoma de ajustes e desenvolvimentos de websites, bem como à adoção de sistemas inteligentes para servirem de apoio à tomada de decisões estratégicas e de planeamento

    Contributions to the Characterization of Chromogenic Dyes in Color Slides

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    Funding: This research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES), Portugal, through doctoral program CORES-PD/00253/2012, PhD grant SFRH/BD/52317/2013, and Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV financed by national funds (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020). This work was also funded through RNEM (Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network) (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022125–IST).Chromogenic reversal films (or color slides) are first-generation positive transparencies. These were used for various purposes, namely as an artistic medium, especially from the 1960s onwards. However, these materials are intrinsically vulnerable to chemical degradation and have poor long-term stability. Although over time significant improvements have been achieved in the stability of chromogenic products, chromogenic dyes are highly susceptible to oxidation and hydrolysis, both induced by light and/or relative humidity and temperature, leading to the fading and shift in the original color balance of the images. During the present investigation, a gap of knowledge regarding chromogenic materials in general, and chromogenic reversal films specifically, was detected. Today, there is still no methodology to identify the dyes present in a specific work and, therefore, to study their chemical mechanism of degradation. From this premise and focused on case studies from the Portuguese artist Ângelo de Sousa (1938–2011), a research study was carried out seeking the characterization of chromogenic dyes. Based on the isolation of the different dyes composing a chromogenic material, several procedures were tested to describe the dyes found in chromogenic reversal films, such as Raman spectroscopy, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), infrared spectroscopy, high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS). Promising results were achieved with this approach, opening new paths for the understanding of these materials.publishersversionpublishe

    Amending Contracts for Choreographies

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    Distributed interactions can be suitably designed in terms of choreographies. Such abstractions can be thought of as global descriptions of the coordination of several distributed parties. Global assertions define contracts for choreographies by annotating multiparty session types with logical formulae to validate the content of the exchanged messages. The introduction of such constraints is a critical design issue as it may be hard to specify contracts that allow each party to be able to progress without violating the contract. In this paper, we propose three methods that automatically correct inconsistent global assertions. The methods are compared by discussing their applicability and the relationships between the amended global assertions and the original (inconsistent) ones.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2011, arXiv:1108.014

    Étude de la réponse structurelle d’un bâtiment de grande hauteur à partir d’enregistrements accéléromètriques et de la modélisation par éléments finis

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    International audienceThe Nice prefecture is equipped by 24 accelerometric sensors, located at different levels, which continuously record the building response. A finite element model of the building is created based in design plans and information about materials provided during the conception project. Such model is used to obtain the natural frequencies of the structure, the modal shapes and the seismic response acceleration time histories. Modal frequencies of the building obtained from the data analysis are used to calibrate the numerical model. The response of the building to earthquakes, in the form of acceleration time histories at different storeys, is evaluated using the finite element model. Signals recorded during the recent Barcelonnette earthquake (April 2014, Mw = 4.9) are used as excitation at the base of the building. The imposition of a single or multiple signals at the base of the structure shows the importance of taking into account the rocking effects in the building response modelling. The numerical results are in agreement, in amplitude and phase, with accelerometric records filtered at different frequency bands.La préfecture de Nice est équipée d’un ensemble de 24 capteurs accélérométriques, répartis sur différents étages, qui enregistrent en continu les vibrations du bâtiment. Un modèle par éléments finis du bâtiment est créé à partir des plans de construction et des données sur les matériaux, issues du projet de dimensionnement d’origine. Ce modèle est utilisé pour obtenir les fréquences propres de vibration de la structure, les déformées modales et la réponse sismique dans le temps. Les fréquences modales du bâtiment obtenues par l’analyse des enregistrements sont utilisées pour calibrer le modèle numérique. La réponse du bâtiment aux séismes, en terme de séries temporelles d’accélération aux étages, est évaluée par le modèle d’éléments finis. Les signaux enregistrés lors du récent séisme de Barcelonnette (avril 2014, Mw = 4.9) sont utilisés comme sollicitations appliquées à la base du bâtiment. L’imposition d’une seule ou plusieurs excitations à la base de la structure mon- tre l’importance de la prise en compte des effets de «rocking» du bâtiment pour mieux comprendre sa réponse aux séismes. Les signaux numériques sont en accord dans différentes bandes de fréquence, en amplitude et en phase, avec les enregistrements