5,570 research outputs found
Avaliação de traduções: a vez e a voz do aprendiz
According to Education specialists, evaluation is a topic at once controversial and relevant due to its pedagogic, psychological, and socioeconomic implications. In their search for a fair and accurate evaluation, teachers tend to favor practices that are supposedly objective. This paper challenges this notion of objectivity and presents an alternative approach involvinginteraction andnegotiation. These are processes that take into account the inextricable subject/object relationship and the circumstances of each piece of work to be assessed.Segundo especialistas da área da educação, a avaliação constitui tema ao mesmo tempo polêmico e relevante, consideradas suas implicações pedagógicas, psicológicas e sócioeconômicas. Observa-se, entre professores, a tendência a realizarem, sem maior reflexão, práticas avaliatórias de natureza objetivizante na busca de uma avaliação exata e justa. Neste trabalho, faremos a crítica a esse paradigma, ao lado da qual apresentaremos algumas alternativas envolvendo interaçãoe negociação, processos que levam em conta os sujeitos e as circunstâncias implicadas na produção dos trabalhos avaliados
The Fine Structure Constant and the CMB Damping Scale
The recent measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies at
arcminute angular scales performed by the ACT and SPT experiments are probing
the damping regime of CMB fluctuations. The analysis of these datasets
unexpectedly suggests that the effective number of relativistic degrees of
freedom is larger than the standard value of Neff = 3.04, and inconsistent with
it at more than two standard deviations. In this paper we study the role of a
mechanism that could affect the shape of the CMB angular fluctuations at those
scales, namely a change in the recombination process through variations in the
fine structure constant. We show that the new CMB data significantly improve
the previous constraints on variations of {\alpha}, with {\alpha}/{\alpha}0 =
0.984 \pm 0.005, i.e. hinting also to a more than two standard deviation from
the current, local, value {\alpha}0. A significant degeneracy is present
between {\alpha} and Neff, and when variations in the latter are allowed the
constraints on {\alpha} are relaxed and again consistent with the standard
value. Deviations of either parameter from their standard values would imply
the presence of new, currently unknown physics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Experiências de Cyberbullying relatadas por estudantes do ensino superior politécnico
As TIC trouxeram múltiplos benefícios mas acarretam também riscos, nomeadamente o cyberbullying, ou seja, a prática de atos agressivos, intencionais e repetidos com recurso a dispositivos eletrónicos para, por exemplo, enviar mensagens insultuosas ou criar websites que difamam e hostilizam os outros. Este estudo teve
por objetivos conhecer a frequência e os tipos de cyberbullying praticados, sofridos e observados por estudantes do ensino superior politécnico; saber se se veriicam diferenças entre géneros e cursos; identiicar as emoções associadas aos diferentes papéis no cyberbullying; identiicar os motivos invocados pelos agressores para explicar este tipo de comportamento. Para o efeito construiu-se um questionário quantitativo que foi aplicado a 170 estudantes que frequentavam várias licenciaturas de uma instituição de ensino superior politécnico de Portugal. Os resultados revelaram que 30,6% dos estudantes já tinham sido vítimas de cyberbullying e 8,2% admitiu ter praticado cyberbullying, pelo menos algumas vezes. Um dos motivos mais evocados pelos agressores para esta prática foi a vingança relativamente a episódios ocorridos anteriormente. Não se veriicaram diferenças signiicativas entre sexos mas o fenómeno era mais frequente em cursos de engenharia comparativamente aos de educação e ciências humanas. Equaciona-se a prevenção do cyberbullying a partir da utilização dos próprios meios de comunicação social para promoção da
partilha de informação sobre como utilizar as TIC de forma ética e segura, bem como através da criação de programas e plataformas envolvendo estudantes de vários níveis de ensino com vista à prevenção deste fenómeno
Phenolic acids in the wild mushroom Ganoderma lucidum and synthesis of some possible metabolites.
Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most extensive!) studied mushrooms due to its
medicinal properties, p-Hydroxybenzoic acid was the most abundant phenolic acid found in this
mushroom. after HPLC-DAD-MS analysis. In the present work we describe the synthesis of
glucuronide and methyl derivatives of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, which arc two of the main
circulating metabolites found in humans. Their biological activity is going to be evaluated and
compared to the parent compound in order to understand the in vivo mechanism of action of
phenolic acids, considering their metabolis
Direct sequential based firefly algorithm for the α-pinene isomerization problem
Publicado em: "Computational science and its applications – ICCSA 2016: 16th International Conference, Beijing, China, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part I"The problem herein addressed is a parameter estimation
problem of the α-pinene process. The state variables of this bioengineering
process satisfy a set of differential equations and depend on a
set of unknown parameters. A dynamic system based parameter estimation
problem aiming to estimate the model parameter values in a way
that the predicted state variables best fit the experimentally observed
state values is used. A numerical direct method, known as direct sequential
procedure, is implemented giving rise to a finite bound constrained
nonlinear optimization problem, which is solved by the metaheuristic
firefly algorithm (FA). A Matlab programming environment is developed
with the mathematical model and the computational application
of the method. The results produced by FA, when compared to those of
the fmincon function and other metaheuristics, are competitive.COMPETE: POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-007043FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, within the projects UID/CEC/00319/2013 and UID/MAT/00013/201
Bioactivity of phenolic acids: Metabolites versus parent compounds: A review
Phenolic acids are present in our diet in different foods. In particular, mushrooms are a
good source of these molecules. Due to their bioactive properties, phenolic acids are
extensively studied and there is evidence of their role in disease prevention.
Nevertheless, in vivo, these compounds are metabolized and circulate in the organism as
glucuronated, sulfated and methylated metabolites, displaying higher or lower
bioactivity. To clarify the importance of the metabolism of phenolic acids, the
knowledge about the bioactivity of the metabolites is extremely important.
In this review, chemical features, biosynthesis and bioavailability of phenolic acids are
discussed as well as the chemical and enzymatic synthesis of their metabolites. Finally,
the metabolites bioactive properties are compared with that of the corresponding
parental compounds.The authors are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) and
FEDER-COMPETE/QREN/EU for the financial support through the research centres
(PEst-C/QUI/UI0686/2011 and PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011). S.A. Heleno
(BD/70304/2010) also thanks FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for her grant
Comparing immune-tumor growth models with drug therapy using optimal control
In this paper we compare the dynamics of three tumor growth models that include an immune system and a drug administration therapy using optimal control. The objective is to minimize a combined function of the total of tumor cells over time and a chemotherapeutic drug administration.The authors would like to thank the financial support from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal) in the scope of the projects: PEst-OE/MAT/UI0013/2014 and PEst-UID/CEC/00319/2013
An augmented lagrangian fish swarm based method for global optimization
This paper presents an augmented Lagrangian methodology with a stochastic
population based algorithm for solving nonlinear constrained global optimization
problems. The method approximately solves a sequence of simple bound
global optimization subproblems using a fish swarm intelligent algorithm. A
stochastic convergence analysis of the fish swarm iterative process is included.
Numerical results with a benchmark set of problems are shown, including a
comparison with other stochastic-type algorithms.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
Novel fish swarm heuristics for bound constrained global optimization problems
The heuristics herein presented are modified versions of the artificial fish swarm algorithm for global optimization. The new ideas aim to improve solution accuracy and reduce computational costs, in particular the number of function evaluations. The modifications also focus on special point movements, such as the random, search and the leap movements. A local search is applied to refine promising regions.
An extension to bound constrained problems is also presented. To assess the performance of the two proposed heuristics, we use the performance profiles as proposed by Dolan and More in 2002. A comparison with three stochastic methods from the literature is included.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
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