12 research outputs found

    An Investigation into the Effects of Martial Arts Training on Impulsive Consumer Behavior

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    Consumer impulsiveness is an enticing topic regarding consumer behavior, and methods of avoiding such impulsiveness (through nurturing self-control) have been considered virtuous, mainly to achieve better long-term goals. Past studies show that self-control has been developed not only through a systematic theoretical framework but also neurologically. Martial arts (MA) training involves mind and body coordination, which is beneficial for nurturing concentration and self-control. The present study investigated the influence of martial arts training on individual capacity to avoid impulsive consumer behavior. Sixty-seven students joined in the study, in three different groups: (1) practitioners of martial arts (MA Group); (2) non-practitioners of martial arts (Non-MA Group); and (3) lapsed practitioner of martial arts (Lapsed-MA Group). The scale consisted of two separate subscales: (1) Consumer Impulsiveness Sub-scale (CIS); and (2) (Lack of) Premeditation Sub-scale. The study used some correlation methods, the ANCOVA method, and a hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis. Results showed that all three groups were prudent in their thinking processes and abilities to resist temptation. In the martial arts and ex-martial arts groups, the more frequent individual training (current training for the MA Group and in the past for the Lapsed MA Group), and the higher the ranks they achieved, significantly predicted their lower propensity towards impulsiveness in their consumer habits

    The effects of Martial Arts training on attentional networks in typical adults

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    There is substantial evidence that training in Martial Arts is associated with improvements in cognitive function in children; but little has been studied in healthy adults. Here, we studied the impact of extensive training in Martial Arts on cognitive control in adults. To do so, we used the Attention Network Test (ANT) to test two different groups of participants: with at least 2 years of Martial Arts experience, and with no experience with the sport. Participants were screened from a wider sample of over 500 participants who volunteered to participate. 48 participants were selected: 21 in the Martial Arts group (mean age = 19.68) and 27 in the Non-Martial Arts group (mean age = 19.63). The two groups were matched on a number of demographic variables that included Age and BMI, following the results of a previous pilot study where these factors were found to significantly impact the ANT measures. An effect of Martial Arts experience was found on the Alert network, but not the Orienting or Executive ones. More specifically, Martial Artists showed improved performance when alert had to be sustained endogenously, performing more like the control group when an exogenous cue was provided. This result was further confirmed by a negative correlation between number of years of Martial Arts experience and the costs due to the lack of an exogenous cue suggesting that the longer a person takes part in the sport, the better their endogenous alert is. Results are interpreted in the context of the impact of training a particular attentional state in specific neurocognitive pathways

    An Investigation into the Effects of Martial Arts Training on Impulsive Consumer Behavior

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    Consumer impulsiveness is an enticing topic regarding consumer behavior, and methods of avoiding such impulsiveness (through nurturing self-control) have been considered virtuous, mainly to achieve better long-term goals. Past studies show that self-control has been developed not only through a systematic theoretical framework but also neurologically. Martial arts (MA) training involves mind and body coordination, which is beneficial for nurturing concentration and self-control. The present study investigated the influence of martial arts training on individual capacity to avoid impulsive consumer behavior. Sixty-seven students joined in the study, in three different groups: (1) practitioners of martial arts (MA Group); (2) non-practitioners of martial arts (Non-MA Group); and (3) lapsed practitioner of martial arts (Lapsed-MA Group). The scale consisted of two separate subscales: (1) Consumer Impulsiveness Sub-scale (CIS); and (2) (Lack of) Premeditation Sub-scale. The study used some correlation methods, the ANCOVA method, and a hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis. Results showed that all three groups were prudent in their thinking processes and abilities to resist temptation. In the martial arts and ex-martial arts groups, the more frequent individual training (current training for the MA Group and in the past for the Lapsed MA Group), and the higher the ranks they achieved, significantly predicted their lower propensity towards impulsiveness in their consumer habits

    Evidences for better recall of congruent items in episodic memory

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    A focus of recent research is to understand the role of our own response goals in the selection of information that will be encoded in episodic memory. For example, if we respond to a target in the presence of distractors, an important aspect under study is whether the distractor and the target share a common response (congruent) or not (incongruent). Some studies have found that congruent objects tend to be grouped together and stored in episodic memory, whereas other studies found that targets in the presence of incongruent distractors are remembered better. Our current research seems to support both views. We used a Tulving-based definition of episodic memory to differentiate memory from episodic and non-episodic traces. In this task, participants first had to classify a blue object as human or animal (target) which appeared in the presence of a green one (distractor) that could belong to the same category as the target (congruent); to the opposite one (incongruent); or to an irrelevant one (neutral). Later they had to report the identity (What), location (Where) and time (When) of both target objects (which had been previously responded to) and distractors (which had been ignored). Episodic memory was inferred when the three scene properties (identity, location and time) were correct. The measure of non-episodic memory consisted of those trials in which the identity was correctly remembered, but not the location or time. Our results show that episodic memory for congruent stimuli is significantly superior to that for incongruent ones. In sharp contrast, non-episodic measures found superior memory for targets in the presence of incongruent distractors. Our results demonstrate that response compatibility affects the encoding of episodic and non-episodic memory traces in different ways

    The implementation of expectancy-based strategic processes is delayed in normal aging

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    The present research examined if the time needed to implement expectancy-based strategic processes is different in younger and healthy older adults. In four experiments participants from both age groups performed different strategic priming tasks. These included a greater proportion of incongruent (or unrelated; 80%) than of congruent (or related; 20%) trials. With this procedure performance is worse for congruent (less frequent) than for incongruent (more frequent) trials, thus demonstrating that the relative frequency information can be used to predict the upcoming target. To explore the time course of these expectancy-based effects, the prime-target SOA was manipulated across experiments through a range of intervals: 400, 1000 and 2000 ms. Participants also performed a change localization and an antisaccade task to assess their working memory and attention control capacities. The results showed that increases in age were associated with (a) a slower processing-speed, (b) a decline in WM capacity, and (c) a decreased capacity for attentional control. The latter was evidenced by a disproportionate deterioration of performance in the antisaccade trials compared to the prosaccade ones in the older group. Results from the priming tasks showed a delay in the implementation of expectancies in older adults. Whereas younger participants showed strategic effects already at 1000 ms, older participants consistently failed to show expectancy-based priming during the same interval. Importantly, these effects appeared later at 2000 ms, being similar in magnitude to those by the younger participants and unaffected by task practice. The present findings demonstrate that the ability to implement expectancy-based strategies is slowed down in normal aging

    Cognitive versus emotional modulation within a Stroop paradigm in patients with schizophrenia

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    Background: Schizophrenia is a complex disorder involving deficits in both cognitive and emotional processes. Specifically, a marked deficit in cognitive control has been found, which seems to increase when dealing with emotional information. Aims: With the aim of exploring the possible common links behind cognitive and emotional deficits, two versions of the emotional Stroop task were administered. Method: In the cognitive-emotional task, participants had to name the ink colour (while ignoring the meaning) of emotional words. In contrast, the emotional-emotional task consisted of emotional words superimposed on emotional faces, and the participants had to indicate the emotional valence of the faces. Fifty-eight participants (29 in-patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 29 controls) took part in the study. Results: Patients and controls showed similar response times in the cognitive-emotional task; however, patients were significantly slower than controls in the emotional-emotional task. This result supports the idea that patients show a more pronounced impairment in conflict modulation with emotional content. Besides, no significant correlations between the tasks and positive or negative symptoms were found. This would indicate that deficits are relatively independent of the clinical status of patients. However, a significant correlation between the emotional-emotional task and cognitive symptoms was found. Conclusions: These findings suggest a restricted capacity of patients with schizophrenia to deal with the attentional demands arising from emotional stimuli.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades (PSI2018-098876-B-100Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16/00359)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19/00766)5.165 JCR (2021) Q2, 56/155 Psychiatry1.214 SJR (2021) Q1, 106/556 Psychiatry and Mental HealthNo data IDR 2021UE

    Emotional Processing Profile in Patients with First Episode Schizophrenia:The Influence of Neurocognition

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    This study sought to investigate the influence of neurocognition on the emotional processing profiles of patients with first-episode schizophrenia, using the 4-branch Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) (Perceiving Emotions; Facilitating Emotions; Understanding Emotions and Managing Emotions). A sample of 78 patients with first-episode schizophrenia and a group of 90 non-psychiatric control subjects were included in this work. The initial results showed that patients had lower scores than controls for the "Understanding Emotions" and "Managing Emotions" MSCEIT branches. However, after controlling for neurocognition, the only deficits were found on the "Managing Emotions" branch of the MSCEIT. This branch can be considered as measuring a more sophisticated level of emotional processing, which may constitute a deficit in itself. In conclusion, patients with first-episode schizophrenia present deficits in social cognition at the highest level that seem to be independent from neurocognition. These findings support the inclusion of the "Managing Emotions" branch of the MSCEIT as part of the MCCB.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16/00359)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19/00766)Comunidad de Madrid (S2017/BMD-3740)Ministry of Health (MOH-000013)4.242 JCR (2020) Q1, 39/167 Medicine, general & internal1.040 SJR (2021) Q1, 438/2489 Medicine (miscellaneous)No data IDR 2020UE