444 research outputs found

    The influence of absorptive capacity, sources of information and technological acquisition in the technological innovation breadth of manufacturing companies

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    This article is an approach to new definitions of materiality as applied to corporate performance and disclosure practices. Over time, the materiality lens will have implications for multiple operating areas. They will range from; risk and compliance to strategy setting, corporate policy and governance, management practices including stakeholder engagement, and even human resource management. In the second part there is a presentation of the definitions, scope and perspectives of materiality according to six relevant standard-setters in the field of sustainability reporting. Finally there is the presentation of how materiality is reported according to the six biggest groups of quoted companies in Spain.Este art?culo es un acercamiento a las nuevas definiciones de materialidad aplicadas al desempe?o corporativo y las pr?cticas de divulgaci?n. Con el tiempo, la lente de materialidad tendr? implicaciones para m?ltiples ?reas operativas. Van desde; riesgo y cumplimiento de la configuraci?n de la estrategia, la pol?tica corporativa y la gobernanza, las pr?cticas de gesti?n, incluida la participaci?n de las partes interesadas, e incluso la gesti?n de recursos humanos. En la segunda parte, se presentan las definiciones, el alcance y las perspectivas de materialidad de acuerdo con seis emisores de normas relevantes en el campo de los informes de sostenibilidad. Finalmente est? la presentaci?n de c?mo se informa la materialidad seg?n los seis grupos m?s grandes de empresas cotizadas en Espa?a

    Etiology of burning mouth syndrome : a review and update

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    Introduction: Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is characterized by an oral burning sensation in the absence of any organic disorders of the oral cavity. Although the cause of BMS is not known, a complex association of biological and psychological factors has been identified, suggesting the existence of a multifactorial etiology. Material and Method: A PubMed/Medline search was used to identify articles describing the different hypotheses regarding the etiology of BMS, as well as the psychological and anatomical data upon which such hypotheses are fundamented. Results: A review and update was made of the different hypotheses relating to the etiology of BMS (psychogenic factors, hormone disorders, neuropathic alterations, oral phantom pain, neuroplasticity and neuroinflammation), with a view to globally establishing possible relationships among them. Conclusions: In-depth investigation is needed to clarify the etiopathogenic mechanisms of BMS and its triggering factors, in order to develop effective and individualized management strategies that can be extended to patients in each different BMS subgroup

    Is measurement of the gingival biotype reliable? Agreement among different assessment methods

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    To determine agreement among the most commonly used methods for assessing the gingival biotype. An electronic survey was sent to a sample of dentists practicing in Spain. The questionnaire was based on the evaluation of 5 cases involving different gingival biotype assessment methods. Dentists were required to classify the cases as having a ?thin?, ?thick? or ?not able to classify? biotype. Each case was assessed using a frontal intraoral photo of the anterior teeth; an enlarged photo of the buccal aspect of the tooth with a periodontal probe inserted inside the sulcus; and the real thickness measured in mm with a calibrated needle. Agreement among the classifications was assessed using Cohen?s kappa coefficient. A total of 104 surveys were analyzed. The most commonly used assessment method was visual evaluation of the morphology of the gingiva and the teeth (62.5%). Concordance among the three different methods was weak (kappa = 0.278). Agreement among the classification methods was greater in extreme cases (thinner and thicker gingival thickness). The most commonly used methods for assessing gingival biotype are not reliable. The three tested methods show poor to weak agreement, which leads to non-reliable estimation of the gingival biotype

    A post-placement side-effect removal algorithm

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    Side-effects are widely believed to impede program comprehension and have a detrimental effect upon software maintenance. This paper introduces an algorithm for side-effect removal which splits the side-effects into their pure expression meaning and their state-changing meaning. Symbolic execution is used to determine the expression meaning, while transformation is used to place the state-changing part in a suitable location in a transformed version of the program. This creates a program which is semantically equivalent to the original but guaranteed to be free from side-effects. The paper also reports the results of an empirical study which demonstrates that the application of the algorithm causes a significant improvement in program comprehension

    La visión de Google News desde la academia: scoping review

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    Google News es un servicio de noticias en línea que recopila diariamente titulares de varias fuentes informativas y los presenta en la página principal como si fuera un periódico. Este servicio es gratuito y redistribuye información de diferentes medios de comunicación acreditados y seleccionados, lo que lo convierte en una gran fuente de lectores para estos medios. En la investigación académica, Google News ha sido objeto de estudio en diversos artículos que analizan sus efectos y su relevancia. Bajo esta premisa nace esta investigación que lleva a cabo una revisión sistemática exploratoria, también conocida como "scoping review" con la motivación de examinar el corpus de artículos académicos publicados sobre Google News. Los objetivos específicos fueron determinar las ideas clave y conceptos principales relacionados con Google News, incluyendo las metodologías más utilizadas, y ofrecer aportes basados en evidencias sobre Google News y sus efectos presentes y futuros. Los resultados de esta investigación proporcionan una visión general de los estudios científicos sobre Google News y sus resultados más significativos

    Participación en las redes sociales del alumnado de Educación Secundaria

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    This study explores the participation in social networks of Year 3 and Year 4 Compulsory Secondary School students with regard to frequency of access and use, gender, ethnicity and special educational needs. The study adopted a mixed-method research design, surveying 2734 students from    15 Secondary Schools in the Region of Murcia (Spain) who were asked        to complete a questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. Data collection was complemented with the application of the “Phillips 66” technique to 157 focus students selected depending on their frequency of use of these technologies. The results reveal a widespread use of social networks, though foreign and special needs students use them to a lesser extent. Student engagement with social networks is not solely oriented to meeting personal interests, but socio- affective and relational needs such as entertainment, being in touch with friends and meeting new people. These students do not hold the perception that social networks might negatively impact their academic performance, leisure time and personal relationships. Statistically significant differences were reported for students’ perceptions about the usefulness of social networks when it comes to improving existing friendships. In this respect, students with special needs feel less positive, while foreign students use social networks mainly for meeting new people. As for gender, women spend more time on social networks with a view to keeping in touch with people they   do not normally see. They also report having problems with relatives and friends regarding their use of social networks, and they feel more anxious at the thought of not having access to them.En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada con la finalidad de valorar la participación en las redes sociales del alumnado de 3º y 4º de Educación Secundaria (ESO). El objetivo ha sido conocer el acceso y uso que efectúan en su vida cotidiana y las diferencias que se aprecian en función del género, origen (autóctono-extranjero) y necesidad específica de apoyo educativo (NEAE). El diseño metodológico ha sido mixto aplicando un cuestionario tipo Likert, con cinco opciones de respuesta, a 2734 alumnos de 15 centros en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y complementada con la aplicación de la técnica “Phillips 66”. Los resultados indican que el acceso a las redes sociales es mayoritario, aunque menor en el alumnado extranjero y con necesidad específica de apoyo educativo (NEAE). La participación no está orientada únicamente a intereses personales, sino a necesidades sociales afectivas y relacionales, destacando el entretenimiento, la presencia de amigos y la necesidad de conocer gente nueva. No existe una percepción negativa sobre su consumo que influya desfavorablemente en las tareas de estudio, ocio y relación personal. Se aprecian diferencias significativas entre el alumnado relacionadas con la percepción que tienen sobre la mejora de las relaciones con los amigos debido al uso de las redes sociales, donde se identifica un sentimiento más negativo del alumnado con NEAE, mientras que el alumnado extranjero las utiliza, principalmente, para conocer gente nueva. En cuanto al género, son ellas las que llevan más tiempo participando con la finalidad primordial de contactar con quienes no ven, manifestando tener discusiones con amigos y familia por su uso, y reconociendo tener más preocupación ante la posibilidad de no utilizarlas

    On-Line Monitoring of Blind Fastener Installation Process

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    Blind fasteners are of special interest for aircraft construction since they allow working on joints where only one side is accessible, as is the case in many common aerospace box-type structures, such as stabilizers and flaps. This paper aims to deliver an online monitoring method for the detection of incorrect installed blind fasteners. In this type of fastener, the back side of the assembly is not accessible, so monitoring the process installation is suitable as a system to assess the formed head at the back side with no access. The solution proposed consists of an on-line monitoring system that is based on sensor signals acquired during the installation. The signals are conveniently analyzed in order to provide an evaluation outcome on how the fastener was installed. This new method will help production to decrease/eliminate time and cost-intensive inspections and fasteners over installation in structures. The decrease of the number of installed fasteners will also contribute to weight savings and will reduce the use of resources.This research is part of the BLINDFAST: INNOVATIVE BLIND FASTENER MONITORING TECHNOLOGY FOR QUALITY CONTROL project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement 686827

    Análisis bibliométrico y temático de la producción científica existente en la base de datos bibliográfica MEDLINE sobre medicamentos peligrosos en las Unidades de Hospitalización a Domicilio

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    Objective: Analyze and characterize, through bibliometric technique, the scientific documentation related to hazardous drugs in home care services based in the hospital, indexed in the MEDLINE bibliographic databaseMethods: Cross-sectional descriptive study. The data was obtained from the MEDLINE database, through PubMed, by interrogating the study terms in the descriptor, title and summary fields. Search date was May 2018.Results: A total of 74 references were analyzed. The number of originals was 32 (43.2%), identifying 56 institutions, with a Cooperation Index of 1.4 ± 0.1 authors / article. The predominant language was Japanese with 36 (48.6%) articles. The obsolescence, according to the Burton-Kebler Index, was 15 years and the Price Index was 9.5%. The core of Bradford included 1 journal. The most widely used descriptor was “Home Care Services, Hospital-Based” on 52 (70.3%) occasions and the most represented theme area Health Care Category, 134 (34.4%) times.Conclusions: The scientific production on hazardous drugs in home care services based in the hospital is a declining and not uniform thematic area, with a great fragmentation, without large reference groups or a solid base from which further studies can be continued. Japanese is the majority language. The descriptors and the thematic areas are in accordance with the studied area, although it would be convenient, given the increasing awareness with handling hazardous drugs, the development of a specific MeSH descriptor, indexed in the MEDLINE database. The thematic classification fully corresponds to the subject matter investigated.Objetivo: Analizar y caracterizar, mediante técnica bibliométrica, la documentación científica relacionada con los medicamentos peligrosos en las Unidades de Hospitalización a Domicilio indizada en la base de datos bibliográfica MEDLINE.Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Los datos se obtuvieron de la base de datos MEDLINE, a través de PubMed, interrogando los términos a estudio en los campos de descriptores, título y resumen; fecha de búsqueda mayo 2018.Resultados: Se analizaron 74 referencias. El número de originales fue de 32 (43,2%), identificando 56 instituciones, con Índice de Cooperación de 1,4 ± 0,1 autores/artículo. El idioma predominante fue el japonés con 36 (48,6%) artículos. La obsolescencia, según el Índice de Burton-Kebler fue de 15 años y el Índice de Price del 9,5%. El núcleo de Bradford lo constituyó 1 revista. El descriptor más utilizado fue Home Care Services, Hospital-Based (n=52; 70,3%) y el área temática más representada Health Care Category, (n=134; 34,4%).Conclusiones: Los estudios sobre medicamentos peligrosos en el hospital a domicilio son un área temática en decrecimiento, con una gran fragmentación y poco uniforme, sin grandes grupos de referencia ni una base sólida desde la que se puedan continuar estudios posteriores. El japonés es el idioma mayoritario. Los descriptores y las áreas temáticas son acordes al área estudiada, aunque sería conveniente, dada la creciente sensibilización con la manipulación de los MP, el desarrollo de un descriptor MeSH específico