19 research outputs found

    Case of the month: woman with hematuria and depressed mental status

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    Biomarker Discovery in Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma : A Study Based on Tissue Microarrays and Immunohistochemistry

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    The incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma has increased dramatically in Caucasians the last few decades, an increase that is partly explained by altered sun exposure habits. For the individual patient, with a localized disease, the tumor thickness of the excised lesion is the most important prognostic factor. However, there is a need to identify characteristics that can place patients in certain risk groups. In this study, the protein expression of multiple proteins in malignant melanoma tumors was studied, with the aim of identifying potential new candidate biomarkers. Representative samples from melanoma tissues were assembled in a tissue microarray format and protein expression was detected using immunohistochemistry. Multiple cohorts were used and for a subset of proteins the expression was also analyzed in melanocytes in normal skin and in benign nevi. The immunohistochemical staining was evaluated manually and for part of the proteins also with an automated algorithm. The protein expression of STX7 was described for the first time in tumors of the melanocytic lineage. Stronger expression of STX7 and SOX10 was seen in superficial spreading melanomas compared with nodular malignant melanomas. An inverse relationship between STX7 expression and T-stage was seen and between SOX10 expression and T-stage and Ki-67, respectively. In a population-based cohort the expression of MITF was analyzed and found to be associated with prognosis. Twenty-one potential biomarkers were analyzed using bioinformatics tools and a protein signature was identified which had a prognostic value independent of T-stage. The protein driving this signature was RBM3, a protein not previously described in malignant melanoma. Other markers included in the signature were MITF, SOX10 and Ki-67. In conclusion, the protein expression of numerous potential biomarkers was extensively studied and a new prognostic protein panel was identified which can be of value for risk stratification

    Ráðgefandi álit EFTA-dómstólsins. Eru álit EFTA-dómstólsins í raun ráðgefandi?

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    Í þessari ritgerð verður litið til þess réttarúrræðis sem kallast ráðgefandi álit EFTA-dómstólsins, og þá einkum hver séu raunveruleg réttaráhrif þeirra og hvort þau séu ekki í raun meira bindandi en nafnið gefur til kynna. Þá er litið til þess framkvæmdar að óska eftir ráðgefandi áliti og svo hvað kemur í kjölfar þess, þá sérstaklega afleiðingar við að fylgja því ekki. Þá seinast verður litið til hvaða fordæmisgildi það hefur sem og að líta til hvernig og hvort ráðgefandi álit samræmist íslensku stjórnarskránni

    Teen girls and their culture. Clothing, image and bullying

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    Rannsóknir sýna að tilvera unglingsstúlkna einkennist oft af hindrunum sen verða á vegi þeirra og áhrifaþáttum sem móta sjálfsmynd þeirra. Þessi tími er sá tími sem þær eiga í sem mestum vanda með sjálfsmynd sína. Markmið þessarar ritgerðar er að varpa ljósi á hin erfiðu ár sem margar unglingsstúlkur ganga í gegnum Farið er yfir kenningar um hegðun og vald innan samfélaga og hvernig þær kenningar tengjast athöfnum og gjörðum unglingsstúlkna gagnvart kynsystrum sínum. Fjallað er um regluverk klæðaburðar þar sem menntastofnanir krefjast þess að ungu stúlkurnar klæði sig af háttvísi svo þær trufli ekki nám drengjanna. Síðan eru hugmyndir unglingsstúlkna um tísku viðraðar auk þess hvernig fjölmiðlar hafa áhrif á líkamsímynd þeirra en svo virðist sem stúlkurnar leggja gjarnan meiri áherslu á útlit en gáfur eða persónuleika. Umræðan um einelti á meðal unglingsstúlkna er tekið fyrir og þá sérstaklega hvernig það hefur þróast með tilkomu Internetsins. Fjallað er um birtingamyndir eineltis og afleiðingar þess og varpað er fram vangaveltum um hvernig hægt sé að stemma stigum við einelti.

    Hópmeðferð við þunglyndi og kvíða : hugræn atferlismeðferð sniðin að framlínuþjónustu á geðheilbrigðissviði

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenTilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að meta árangur ósérhæfðrar hugrænnar atferlismeðferðar(HAM)í hópi fyrir sjúklinga meðmismunandi sjúkdómsgreiningar. Þátttakendur voru sjúklingar sem leituðu til bráðamóttöku geðsviðs Landspítala háskólasjúkrahúss (LSH). Alls tóku 48 sjúklingar þátt í fimm vikna meðferð, tvo tíma í senn, einu sinni í viku og fengu heimaverkefni í meðferðarhandbók. Árangur meðferðarinnar var metinn með því að leggja fimm sálfræðipróf fyrir þátttakendur í upphafi og við lok meðferðar. Niðurstöður benda til að meðferðin sé hagkvæm og árangursrík og því raunhæft meðferðarúrræði, sniðið að raunveruleika bráðaþjónustu á geðheilbrigðissviði

    Hópmeðferð við þunglyndi og kvíða : hugræn atferlismeðferð sniðin að framlínuþjónustu á geðheilbrigðissviði

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenTilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að meta árangur ósérhæfðrar hugrænnar atferlismeðferðar(HAM)í hópi fyrir sjúklinga meðmismunandi sjúkdómsgreiningar. Þátttakendur voru sjúklingar sem leituðu til bráðamóttöku geðsviðs Landspítala háskólasjúkrahúss (LSH). Alls tóku 48 sjúklingar þátt í fimm vikna meðferð, tvo tíma í senn, einu sinni í viku og fengu heimaverkefni í meðferðarhandbók. Árangur meðferðarinnar var metinn með því að leggja fimm sálfræðipróf fyrir þátttakendur í upphafi og við lok meðferðar. Niðurstöður benda til að meðferðin sé hagkvæm og árangursrík og því raunhæft meðferðarúrræði, sniðið að raunveruleika bráðaþjónustu á geðheilbrigðissviði

    Expression of CMV protein pp65 in cutaneous malignant melanoma

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    Human cytomegalovirus (CVM) has been detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in brain tumours; however, whether CMV antigen is seen in melanomas has not yet been elucidated. Applying IHC, melanoma tissue was assessed for the expression of pp65, a tegument protein of CMV. Two cohorts were available, cohort-I and II, the latter included also related metastasis. In addition to IHC, in situ hybridisation (ISH) was carried out to assess whether CMV related genetic sequences were detectable in a subset of cases. Seventy per cent of the 142 cases in cohort-I and 50% of the 37 cases in cohort-II displayed immunoreactivity (IR). In both cohorts, the IHC outcome correlated with T-stage (Cohort I: Spearman 0.22, p = 0.01, Cohort II: Fisher exact text 0.04). In 30 of cohort-II cases, when IHC staining was carried out on both the primary tumour and the corresponding metastasis, no change in IR was noted in 53%; in 20%, the IR was lower and in 27% higher in the metastasis when compared with the primary tumour. These results were significant (Fisher exact test 0.03). Applying ISH technique on four tumour cases with detectable pp65 protein, CMV related genetic sequence was not detected. Here, we demonstrate, congruent with observations published for brain tumours, that the protein pp65 is indeed observed in substantial number of melanoma cases with IHC; however, no signal was detected with ISH technique. These findings are in line with previously reported studies, demonstrating that the role of CMV in tumours is still debatable

    The impact of standardized care pathway on reporting time for invasive melanoma : results from one pathology department in Sweden

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    Background: Standardized care pathway (SCP) was introduced by the Swedish health authorities to eliminate unwanted delay in the diagnostics of cancer patients; for melanoma, SCP started in 2016. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of SCP on reporting time for invasive melanomas. Materials and methods: Information on reporting time was collected on all samples handled according to the SCP and on all invasive melanomas diagnosed in 2016–2018 at the Department of Clinical Pathology, Akademiska University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden. Results: During the study period, 205 samples were handled according to the SCP, resulting in 53 cases (26%) diagnosed with invasive melanomas. A total of 301 invasive melanomas from 286 patients were diagnosed during the study period; 67 (22%) were submitted as SCP, 36 (12%) as a general priority case, and 198 (66%) as non-priority. The reporting time for the SCP cases was 8 days, for general priority cases 6 days, and for non-priority cases it was 24 days. The reporting time increased from 18 to 31 days for the non-priority cases and from 15 to 25 days for all cases with invasive melanomas during the study period. Conclusion: This study demonstrates prolonged reporting times for invasive melanomas since the implementation of SCP. This is probably caused by the crowd-out effect of the SCP samples, limited personnel resources, and inaccuracy of the clinical diagnosis. SCP might therefore be a suboptimal method to shorten reporting times for invasive melanomas

    Case of the month: woman with hematuria and depressed mental status

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