82 research outputs found

    The Phenomena of Organizational Structure Change as Change Factor of Financial Consultant’s Motivation

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    Life insurance has developed into an attractive industry and has an important role in supporting businesses, families and communities. It grew into a business commodity that attracted many people. Competition in the life insurance industry is increasingly complex and competitive due to the number of life insurance companies made a lot of customers have many choices that requires every company to be more responsive to acquire customers, to support the organizational change, motivation and performance of employees. According to the first interview with top management, obtained information that there is a distance between superiors and subordinate in Allianz Life Indonesia’s new system, where Business Partner (leader) only served to control Business Executive and give freedom to the actions carried out by subordinates so that the relationship between them is less synergy. The purpose of research is to describe implementation strategies and the impact of OSC to Financial Consultant’s motivation. This study uses a qualitative research method. Research results obtained implementation strategy of OSC, which influenced by factors such as the driver of an effective and efficient work system, increasing of industry competition, and maintaining customer trust. There are two impact to Financial Consultant’s motivation include intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.Keywords: Insurance, Organizational Structure Change, Motivation, Financial Consultan

    Prophetic, Associative, Activist, Straight and Dynamic Leadership, A Phenomenology Study at University of Muhammadiyah Malang Indonesia

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    This study aimed at encompassing the Executive Board’s understanding and interpreting the leadership styles as well as its strategic implementation that could contribute beneficially to both internal and external stakeholders. The variety of leadership styles emerged as a strategy shifting the university from a market follower to a market leader. This study used qualitative approach with Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy reviewing that the thought pattern of subjectivism does not only regard the visible phenomena but also tries to interpret them thoroughly. The success of an Islamic University, in this case University of Muhammadiyah Malang is a visible phenomenon while the leaders’ interpretation of leadership styles emerged as an object in this study. Several findings on the implementation of leadership styles in this study were: 1) prophetic leadership style with the characteristics of Sidiq, Tabbliqh, Amanah, and Fatonah; 2) associative leadership style with the cultural, collective, and collegial approaches; 3) activist leadership style through an organization mover. The interpretation of activist leadership became a wedge bridging one leadership style and others. This activist leadership style was characterized by massive ideal goals developed through a series of discussions and subsequently be implemented through a series of vigorous movements; 4) straight and dynamic leadership style characterized by progressive, flexible, and rationale movements. This straight leadership style was interpreted as a gradual change from standard movements to more progressive ones. It was mainly due to the impact of standardization determined by either the government or the institution proper. Keywords: leadership, prophetic, phenomenolog

    The Effect of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance as Mediated by Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    This study aimed to determine the role of leader-member exchanges and organizational citizenship behavior as mediating variables in the relationship between servant leadership and employee performance. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study demonstrated that servant leadership, leadermember exchange and organizational citizenship behavior had positive and significant effects on employee performance. Also, servant leadership positively and significantly affected leader-member exchange. Additionally, servant leadership had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. The indirect impact of servant leadership on employee performance through leader-member exchange was significant. Lastly, the indirect effect of servant leadership on employee performance through organizational citizenship behavior was significant. Keywords: Servant Leadership, Leader Member Exchange, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Employee performance, PT. Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk

    Strategies to Improve Entrepreneurial Behavior in Online Selling Through Advances in Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Intellectual Agility and Business Environment

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    This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurial characteristics, intellectual agility and business environment on entrepreneurial behaviours in selling online. This study used a quantitative approach. The population in this study were embroidery entrepreneurs in Pasuruan, East Java, who do business online. The sample used in this study was 180 respondents, and the sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data was obtained through a questionnaire. The results showed that entrepreneurship, intellectual agility and the business environment significantly affected entrepreneurial behaviour in selling online. The business environment weakens but does not significantly influence the effects of entrepreneurial characteristics and intellectual agility on entrepreneurial behaviour. Intellectual agility can partially mediate the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics in selling online. The implication of this research is, that for embroidery business actors, it is hoped that they will be able to carry out entrepreneurial behavior through maximizing their entrepreneurial characteristics and intellectual agility Keywords: entrepreneurial characteristics, intellectual agility, business environment, online entrepreneurial behaviou

    The Role of Organizational Commitment as Mediator of Organizational Culture and Employees’ Competencies on Employees’ Performances (A Study on Irrigation Area Management in Southeast Sulawesi)

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    This study aims to analyze and explain the role of organizational commitment and organizational culture as mediator of employees’ competencies on employees’ performances of Irrigation Area Management in Southeast Sulawesi. The analysis in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the results of this study is on the relationship between the variables which does not affect significantly. The employees’ competencies on employees’ performances means that the employees’ competencies of Irrigation Area Management in Southeast Sulawesi province does not have an impact on employees’ performance improvement, so in order to increase employees’ performances, it is needed an improvement on organizational commitment. The study also considers at organizational commitment as mediation is able to strengthen organizational culture on performance improvement

    Analisis Faktor–faktor yang Dipertimbangkan Konsumen Kosmetika dalam Keputusan Pembelian Produk Pemutih Wajah

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    The women's desire to be more beautiful in their appearance with clean and clear and white skin, thus it is supported by the emerged of facial whitening series. As many as these facial whitening series, the customers were facing certain directions I order to making decision of facial whitening series products. Purposes of this study are: first, to know what kind of factors that are related to customer's consideration on buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. Second, to know the relationship among social groups, references group, family, attitude, motivation, and perception toward the decision of buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. Third, to know the dominant factor, this mostly has influenced customer on buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. The survey was done on August 2, 2002 until October 15, 2002. The respondents were university students who have used the cosmetics product of facial whitening series as far as nowadays. The data was collected by using purposive sampling methods and accidental sampling. Data were taken by using questionnaire. This paper using factors analysis and double regression analysis. There are 18 variables, they are: social level, income level, taste level, college friend experiences, neighbour experience, best friend experience, mother roles, womb sister, relatives, new brand, same brand, safety, trend or mode, trust, beauty, packaging, quality, and price. It is concluded that (1) there are 6 factors, which were considered by university students on buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. Those six factors are family and attitude, including safety, new brand, mother roles and womb sister; motivation, including mode and trust; references group, including taste level and social level; beauty factor, including safety and old brand. (2) The result of double regression showed that those six factors, they are family and attitude perception, motivation, references group, social level, and beauty factors simultaneously influenced the decision of buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series. (3) Partially, the influenced factor toward the decision of buying the cosmetics product of facial whitening series is attitude and family (F), perception (F2), motivation (F3), and social level (F4). From those four factors, the dominant one is perception, and operationally it was shown by packaging (X16), quality (X17), and price (X18). Reminding how bigger the proportion or contribution of independent variables to dependent variable for 84.80% and still 15.20% independent variables which are not surveyed, thus for the future research, it is suggested to develop the variables widely, such as included the skin sensitivity or skin health, and so on


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    The development of technology has not only changed the way people communicate, but also their trading methods. Where many e-commerce sites have begun to appear which are useful for becoming a place for buying and selling goods online that can be used by entrepreneurs. This opportunity was not missed by the SMEs, where this marketplace can be utilized by the creative industries. The reason is that the obstacle always faced is marketing. Now with e-commerce like a fresh breeze for them because by using the marketplace their market will likely be wider and promotions are much cheaper . E-commerce or marketplace for SMEs is actually the same as a mall or shopping place which distinguishes it online. Like a shopping center, selling on e-commerce services also requires promotion in cyberspace. Seeing how much activity is spent using the marketplace as meeting daily needs, this is what makes this marketplace hunted. Not only by users but also entrepreneurs . Enthusiastic community increased because it was supported by adequate infrastructure and easy access. The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) revealed the value of investment in the digital market sector in 2017 reached USD 5 billion. This makes the marketplace the most sought after economic sector (Outletz.ID, 2018)

    Pelatihan Strategi Bisnis Berkelanjutan di Era Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Start-Up Business

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    Pandemi Covid-19 membawa dampak besar bagi bisnis dan industri dalam dua tahun. Hal ini berdampak pada semua sektor industri tidak peduli kapitalisasi kecil atau besar. Bahkan, tidak sedikit supermarket besar menutup bisnis mereka dan melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja terhadap karyawan. Industri menghadapi kondisi yang sama seperti 1) kurangnya pengetahuan tentang bagaimana menggunakan strategi pemasaran yang efektif untuk berhubungan dengan konsumen di tengah persaingan yang ketat dan kondisi ekonomi yang merosot, 2) Dampak dari pandemi menyebabkan banyak pegawai yang dirumahkan dan beralih menjadi penjual dadakan sehingga hal ini meningkatkan persaingan usaha 3) Adanya persaingan yang ketat menuntut untuk melakukan inovasi. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dialami, alternatif solusi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan mengadakan pelatihan berkelanjutan terkait strategi bisnis dalam bisnis start-up bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya. Pelatihan ini untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa agar mampu bertahan di dunia bisnis yang tidak menentu terlebih pada kondisi pandemi Covid-19. Dari hasil pelatihan yang diberikan, para peserta kegiatan memiliki wawasan dan pandangan baru untuk terus berinovasi dalam memaksimalkan pemasaran digital dan fokus pada segmenting, targeting, dan positioning bisnis. Kata kunci— Strategi Bisnis Berkelanjutan, Start-up, Wirausaha Muda, pandemic Covid-19 Abstract Pandemic Covid-19 brings a significant impact on business and industry for two years. It impacts all of the industry sectors, both small and large capitalization. Surprisingly, the huge supermarket closed its business and cut off the employee. The industry faces the same condition, such as 1) a lack of knowledge about how to use effective marketing strategy to engage with the consumer amid intense competition and slumping economic condition, 2) a pandemic brings impact an employee become a seller that makes new competition 3) The existence of intense competition requires innovation. Based on the problems experienced, the alternative solution to the problem is to carry out ongoing training related to business strategies in start-up businesses for students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya. This training prepares students to survive in the uncertain business world first in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. From the training results provided, the activity participants have new insights and views to continue to innovate in maximizing digital marketing and focus on segmenting, targeting, and positioning business. Keywords— Sustainable Business Strategy, Start-ups, Young Entrepreneurs, Covid-19 pandemi

    The Islamic Ethical Leadership and Employees’ Ethical Behavior: The Moderating Role of Ethical Sensitivity

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    Previous literatures have described the influence of ethical leadership on employees’ outcomes. However, many researchers have not yet revealed the mechanism of this effect. Previous research has found that cultural and social factors influence leader-ship styles; therefore, studying ethical leadership styles in different cultural and social environments is important in order to uncover the effectiveness of ethical leadership styles. The purpose of this study was to examine how the mechanism of Islamic ethical leadership influences the behavior of professional nurses who work at the Islamic Hos-pital. There were 212 professional nurses used as the respondents in this study. The data were collected using questionnaires and processed quantitatively using Struc-tural Equation Model (SEM) - WarpPLS 5.0. The results showed that all the hypoth-eses proposed were accepted. Islamic ethical leadership is proven to have a significant influence on ethical behavior of nurses. Besides, ethical sensitivity is proven to have a significant positive effect on ethical behavior. This study also proves that ethical sensitivity moderates the influence of Islamic ethical leadership on nurses' ethical be-havior. It can be implied that ethical sensitivity is an important factor for developing employees’ ethical behavior in the workplace

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan

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    S The study perceives the effectiveness of leadership from the effect of leader`s style that orientation task and employee on the employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction. The study aims at : (1) finding out significantly effects of the leader`s style that orientation task and employee on employee`s job performance, (2) finding out significantly effects of the leader`s style that orientation task and employee on employee`s job satisfaction, and (3) ) finding out significantly effects of the leader`s style that orientation task and employee on employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction directly and indirectly. This is a survey research involving the employees of PT. Semen Gresik , at the analysis unit, with sample of 68 from 212 employees a quastionaire was used. Hipothesis testing was done by path analysis. The result of study showed that : (1) leader`s style that orientation task and employee are significantly affected the employee`s job performance, (2) leader`s style that orientation task and employee are significantly affected the employee`s job satisfaction, and (3) leader`s style that orientation task and employee are significantly effected the employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction. Based on the finding, therefore, it is suggested that the leder`s style on orientation task is basically dominant variable in influencing the employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction. We also suggested that the organization pay more attention to their employee`s need to get their goals
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