94 research outputs found

    A Modelling Approach for Assessing the Hydrogeological Equilibrium of the Karst, Coastal Aquifer of the Salento Peninsula (Southeastern Italy): Evaluating the Effects of a MAR Facility for Wastewater Reuse

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    The Salento Peninsula is characterized by poor surface water resources, due to the karstic nature of its territory. On the other hand, important groundwater resources are located in the deep, karst, coastal aquifer, which is of strategic importance for the economic and social development of the area. The increasing water demand, however, if not properly managed may pose serious problems to the hydrogeological equilibrium of this aquifer, which is highly susceptible to natural and anthropogenic changes and to saltwater intrusion. Taking steps from the previous works, the present paper focuses on the characterization of the deep aquifer of the Adriatic portion of the Salento Peninsula from a quantitative point of view by means of modelling tools for the simulation of groundwater dynamics. Conclusions about the extent of the saltwater intrusion phenomenon are consequently inferred. As a result of the implementation of a density-dependent flow model, the lateral extent of such phenomenon and the vertical depth of the transition zone between freshwater and saltwater were inferred, highlighting also the role of major faults which characterize the hydraulic behaviour of the karst system under exam. The model was also applied to design a Managed Aquifer Recharge facility for management and protection of the hydrogeological equilibrium of the deep aquifer. Its positive effects on the advancement of the saline front were highlighted. Model results also allowed identifying areas where the lack of data prevents a proper comprehension of the hydrogeological processes investigated, thus representing a supporting tool for planning further monitoring campaigns

    Structural Dynamic Behavior of Frame 9E GTG Module for LNG Plant

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    LectureLecture 9: The traditional onshore installation of heavy duty gas turbine generator trains, especially for power >80MW, is stick built on heavy and rigid concrete block foundation. The challenge of modularization is that vibrations have to be transferred to concrete through structural steel, nevertheless implementing vibrations’ acceptance criteria that were developed for direct concrete foundations. This novel concept of modularization needs a deeper dynamic analysis at system level to ensure that flexible structure modes are not excited at any operating condition; with respect to this subject, the Appendix A to this lecture is a dynamic analysis tutorial for turbomachinery modules, having the aim to describe the process and the tools to be used for purpose, based on author’s experiences and lessons learnt also during the experiment described herein. The results of the dynamic analysis made on a complete system including module, foundation and sub foundation in “Full Speed No Load Test” (FSNL) configuration have been for the 1st time compared with field measurements

    La morfologia carsica della provincia di Lecce e la sua influenza sulla idrografia superficiale e profonda (studio preliminare)

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    ItIl censimento delle cavità carsiche epigee presenti nell’ambito del territorio della provincia di Lecce e la loro tipicizzazione in relazione alla costituzione del substrato, hanno permesso di valutare l’incidenza della locale morfologia carsica nel deflusso delle acque in superficie e nella alimentazione delle falde nel sottosuolo. Le differenti situazioni riscontrate sono state comparate con una mappa della piovosità ottenuta tramite l’analisi statistica dei dati esistenti, nonché con un quadro sinoptico delle opere di canalizzazione e di recapito delle acque superficiali, con lo scopo di portare un preliminare contributo alla soluzione dei problemi connessi sia con lo smaltimento delle acque meteoriche e dei reflui urbani sia con i possibili processi di desertificazione.EnInvestigation concerned in karst holes which are present in the territory of Salento and their relationship with the characteristics of the substratum, has allowed to appreciate the incidence of the local karstic morphology in the outflow of the waters on surface and in the feeding in the groundwater. The different situations have been comparative with a map of the rains got through the statistic analysis of the existing data, as well as with a picture of the works of canalization of superficial waters. The purpose is to bring a preliminary contribution to the problem connected with the disposal of the meteoric waters and the urban refluis and with the possible processes of desertification. The integration of all the geological, stratigraphical, hydrogeological, geomorfological and climatic data in elaboration will allow us to effect a verify of the actual state of the territory. A first analysis of all the elaborate data has put in evidence that: - in the oriental zone, among Otranto, Minervino and Presicce, in the EST and Manduria in the WEST, characterized by the maximum precipitations, the meteoric waters quickly are absorbed in the subsoil for the nature of the permeable calcareous substratum for fractures and particularly for karst; here the outflows are also very scarce because of the planar morphology. - in the western zone, that is among Taviano, Nardò and Copertino, in the EST and Gallipoli and Manduria in the WEST, where are weak precipitations, the geological and particularly morphological character condition the outflow of the waters determining the formation of hydrographic networks which are more diffused in comparison to the east zone and mainly developed along the borders of the watershed (Fig. 1); on the contrary, where coverages of clayey grounds are present and morphologies are planar, superficial stagnations are verified

    A photosensitizing fusion protein with targeting capabilities

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    Abstract The photodynamic treatment for antimicrobial applications or anticancer therapy relies on reactive oxygen species generated by photosensitizing molecules after absorption of visible or near-infrared light. If the photosensitizing molecule is in close vicinity of the microorganism or the malignant cell, a photocytotoxic action is exerted. Therefore, the effectiveness of photosensitizing compounds strongly depends on their capability to target microbial or cancer-specific proteins. In this study, we report on the preparation and preliminary characterization of human recombinant myoglobin fused to the vasoactive intestinal peptide to target vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor (VPAC) receptors. Fe-protoporphyrin IX was replaced by the photosensitizing compound Zn-protoporphyrin IX. Taking advantage of the fluorescence emission by Zn-protoporphyrin IX, we show that the construct can bind prostate cancer cells where the VPAC receptors are expressed

    Valutazione del grado di carsificazione di un\'area a nord ovest di Lecce mediante indagini integrate geologiche e geofisiche

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    ItIn un’area posta a NW di Lecce e ad W di Salice Salentino, sono state condotte indagini integrate geologiche e geofisiche finalizzate ad un riconoscimento di primo approccio dell’andamento del reticolo carsico sommerso. La scelta dell’area è scaturita da osservazioni di campagna che evidenziavano la presenza di più forme carsiche quali doline e vore, racchiuse in ristretti ambiti territoriali superficiali intensamente modificati dall’uomo e potenzialmente soggetti ad inquinamento oppure alla captazione di acqua dalla falda.EnIn an area located N-W of Lecce, near Salice Salentino, geological and geophysical integrated investigations have been conducted to determine the underground course of the karstic network, whose knowledge would be of fundamental importance both for its protection and for a rational exploitation of the territory. The choice of the area has been (in this sense) favoured by the presence of numerous karstic forms as dolines and sinkholes, and from the evidence of potential sources of pollution, as anthropic settlement, widely cultivated areas, particularly vineyards, as well as wells for water supply

    Il Bacino di Acquatina (Frigole, Lecce), opportunitĂ  di ricerca sui sinkhole e implicazioni ecologiche

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    Lo sviluppo di doline da crollo nelle aree carsiche costiere ha un impatto significativo sull’ambiente naturale ed antropico determinando non solo cambiamenti nelle morfologie ma anche danni ingenti alle cose ed alle persone. Il Salento (Puglia meridionale) è un territorio che, in quanto costituito da rocce prevalentemente carbonatiche, è da sempre interessato da fenomeni di sprofondamento (sinkhole) i quali si manifestano solitamente con cedimenti improvvisi. Tra le zone più colpite vi è sicuramente quella adriatica leccese, compresa tra l’area delle Cesine a Sud e Casalabate a Nord: una fascia costiera estesa circa 35 km, caratterizzata da spiagge sabbiose di limitata estensione, delimitate lateralmente da piccoli promontori rocciosi e, nell’entroterra, da un sistema di dune, ampiamente erose dall’azione del mare e dalle attività antropiche. Questi sistemi di dune separano l’ambiente della spiaggia da vaste zone umide che occupano bassi morfologici più o meno stretti, allungati circa parallelamente alla linea di costa ed impostati in corrispondenza di depressioni tettoniche del substrato roccioso. Le aree umide sono state oggetto di interventi di bonifica svolti nella prima metà del secolo scorso e aventi l’obiettivo di debellare la malaria e restituire suolo utile per l’agricoltura. Negli anni 1960, e soprattutto nei decenni 1970 e 1980, queste aree, come tutte quelle costiere, sono state oggetto di un incontrollato sviluppo edilizio che ha portato a mascherare praticamente quasi del tutto le originarie depressioni. Il paesaggio originario è stato quindi frammentato e testimonianze delle aree umide presenti nei primi anni del 1900 si ritrovano esclusivamente in lembi variamenti estesi delle Cesine, di Acquatina e del Parco Regionale “Bosco e Paludi di Rauccio”. Le aree colmate sono invece sedi di allagamenti e dissesti che interessano anche l’edificato, con particolare riferimento a Casalabate, Torre Rinalda, Spiaggiabella e Torre Chianca. In questo lavoro si riportano i risultati preliminari di uno studio in atto sul bacino di Acquatina di Frigole (IT9150003), un sito di importanza comunitaria (SIC) dove negli ultimi 15 anni si sono formate numerose depressioni, il cui processo evolutivo è ancora in atto. Il bacino di Acquatina costituisce quindi un eccezionale laboratorio dove monitorare tali fenomeni e sviluppare modelli utili alla comprensione di ciò che avviene anche in altre aree, laddove le coperture antropiche rendono molto difficile fare studi di dettaglio

    The Energy Landscape of Human Serine Racemase

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    Human serine racemase is a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent dimeric enzyme that catalyzes the reversible racemization of L-serine and D-serine and their dehydration to pyruvate and ammonia. As D-serine is the co-agonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors for glutamate, the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, the structure, dynamics, function, regulation and cellular localization of serine racemase have been investigated in detail. Serine racemase belongs to the fold-type II of the PLP-dependent enzyme family and structural models from several orthologs are available. The comparison of structures of serine racemase co-crystallized with or without ligands indicates the presence of at least one open and one closed conformation, suggesting that conformational flexibility plays a relevant role in enzyme regulation. ATP, Mg2+, Ca2+, anions, NADH and protein interactors, as well as the post-translational modifications nitrosylation and phosphorylation, finely tune the racemase and dehydratase activities and their relative reaction rates. Further information on serine racemase structure and dynamics resulted from the search for inhibitors with potential therapeutic applications. The cumulative knowledge on human serine racemase allowed obtaining insights into its conformational landscape and into the mechanisms of cross-talk between the effector binding sites and the active site

    Response-Adapted Postinduction Strategy in Patients With Advanced-Stage Follicular Lymphoma: The FOLL12 Study

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    Purpose: We compared 2 years of rituximab maintenance (RM) with a response-adapted postinduction approach in patients with follicular lymphoma who responded to induction immunochemotherapy. Methods: We randomly assigned treatment-naĂŻve, advanced-stage, high-tumor burden follicular lymphoma patients to receive standard RM or a response-adapted postinduction approach on the basis of metabolic response and molecular assessment of minimal residual disease (MRD). The experimental arm used three types of postinduction therapies: for complete metabolic response (CMR) and MRD-negative patients, observation; for CMR and MRD-positive (end of induction or follow-up) patients, four doses of rituximab (one per week, maximum three courses) until MRD-negative; and for non-CMR patients, one dose of ibritumomab tiuxetan followed by standard RM. The study was designed as noninferiority trial with progression-free survival (PFS) as the primary end point. Results: Overall, 807 patients were randomly assigned. After a median follow-up of 53 months (range 1-92 months), patients in the standard arm had a significantly better PFS than those in the experimental arm (3-year PFS 86% v 72%; P < .001). The better PFS of the standard vs experimental arm was confirmed in all the study subgroups except non-CMR patients (n = 65; P = .274). The 3-year overall survival was 98% (95% CI, 96 to 99) and 97% (95% CI, 95 to 99) in the reference and experimental arms, respectively (P = .238). Conclusion: A metabolic and molecular response-adapted therapy as assessed in the FOLL12 study was associated with significantly inferior PFS compared with 2-year RM. The better efficacy of standard RM was confirmed in the subgroup analysis and particularly for patients achieving both CMR and MRD-negative
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