515 research outputs found

    Genes for asparagine metabolism in Lotus japonicus : differential expression and interconnection with photorespiration

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    Background: Asparagine is a very important nitrogen transport and storage compound in plants due to its high nitrogen/carbon ratio and stability. Asparagine intracellu lar concentration depends on a balance between asparagine biosynthesis and degradation. The main enzymes involved in asparagine metabolism are as paragine synthetase (ASN), asparaginase (NSE) and serine-glyoxylate aminotransfera se (SGAT). The study of the genes encoding for these enzymes in the model legume Lotus japonicus is of particular interest since it has been proposed that asparagine is the principal molecule used to transport reduced nitrogen within the plant in most temperate legumes. Results: A differential expression of genes encoding for seve ral enzymes involved in asparagine metabolism was detected in L. japonicus . ASN is encoded by three genes, LjASN1 was the most highly expressed in mature leaves while LjASN2 expression was negligible and LjASN3 showed a low expression in this organ, suggesting that LjASN1 is the main gene responsible for asparagine synthesis in mature leaves. In young leaves, LjASN3 was the only ASN gene expressed although at low levels, while all the three genes encoding for NSE were highly expressed, especially LjNSE1 .Innodules, LjASN2 and LjNSE2 were the most highly expressed genes, suggesting an important role for these genes in this organ. Several lines of evidence support the connection between asparagine metabolic genes and photorespiration in L. japonicus : a) a mutant plant deficient in LjNSE1 showed a dramatic decrease in the expression of the two genes encoding for SGAT; b) expression of the genes involved in asparagine metabolism is altered in a photorespiratory mutant lacking plastidic glutamine synthetase; c) a clustering analysis indicated a similar pattern of expression among several genes involved in photorespiratory and asparagine metabolism, indicating a clear link between LjASN1 and LjSGAT genes and photorespiration. Conclusions: The results obtained in this paper indicate the exis tence of a differential expression of asparagine metabolic genes in L. japonicus and point out the crucial relevance of particular genes in different organs. Moreover, the data presented establish clear links betw een asparagine and photorespiratory metabolic genes in this plant.Junta de Andalucía (P10-CVI- 6368)FEDER-Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (AGL 2014 – 54413-R

    Fluorescent in situ hybridization and flow cytometry as tools to evaluate the treatments for the control of slime-forming enterobacteria in paper mills

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    Slime formation is a serious problem nowadays in the paper industry. Some enterobacteria are associated with the formation of slime deposits in paper and board mills. Detection and characterization of slime forming bacteria, belonging to the genus Enterobacter, Raoultella, and Klebsiella have been achieved by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), using one probe based on the enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence and other two rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probes. The effects of three kinds of antimicrobiological products (biocides, dispersants, and enzymes) on these enterobacterial cells were analyzed by flow cytometry (FC). Biocides Butrol 1009 and 1072 were the most effective microbiocides against all enterobacterial cells analyzed, reaching 90% of dead bacteria after 24 h. However, the enzymatic treatment (Buzyme) was not equally efficient on enterobacteria and its microbiocide capacity varied depending on the type of microorganism. FISH and FC were effective tools to detect important slime forming enterobacteria and to select specific treatments to control microbial problems in the paper industry

    Evolución histórica de la formación de licenciados en Enfermería en Pinar del Río 1982-2017

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    Introduction: nursing arises with the origin of humanity and it has developed to be considered as the Science of care. Because of the social and human importance of the training of professionals in this sector, the society is provided with a graduate who responds to its demands.Objective: to analyze the historical evolution of the training of the Graduates in Nursing Care in Pinar del Río province from 1982 to 2017.Methods: a descriptive research was carried out. The target group consisted of 797 subjects, distributed in 434 professors and 363 graduates. A probability sample of 180 people was established, made up of 100 professors and 80 graduates. Non-standardized interviews and questionnaires elaborated by the authors were applied. The variables addressed were: training models, total of graduates, school attributes, curricula, schools and professors.  The descriptive statistical method was applied.Development: during the period analyzed, three training models with different characteristics were implemented in the curricula that allowed the dizzying development of the profession, graduating from the Regular Day Course 2537, from the Course for workers 1650 graduates and the New Pedagogical Model reached 1814 graduates.Conclusions: there have been intense transformations in the historical evolution of the training of Bachelors in Nursing Care in Pinar del Río, reaching 6001 graduates, with a broad profile, committed to preserving, improving and restoring the health of the human being, the family and the community as well.      Introducción: la Enfermería surge con el origen de la humanidad y ella se ha desarrollado hasta llegar a ser considerada como la Ciencia del cuidado. Por la importancia social y humana que tiene la formación de los profesionales de este sector, para entregar a la sociedad un egresado que responda a sus exigencias. Objetivo: analizar la evolución histórica de la formación de Licenciados en Enfermería en Pinar del Río desde 1982 hasta el 2017. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva. El universo estuvo constituido por 797 sujetos, distribuidos en 434 profesores y 363 graduados. Se utilizó un muestreo probabilístico de 180 personas constituido por 100 profesores y 80 graduados. Se aplicaron entrevistas no estandarizadas y cuestionarios elaborados por las autoras. Se abordaron las variables: modelos de formación, total de graduados, atributos escolares, planes de estudios; centros docentes y profesores.  Se aplicó el método estadístico descriptivo.Desarrollo: durante la etapa analizada se han implementado tres modelos formativos con diferentes características en los planes de estudio que permitió el desarrollo vertiginoso de la profesión, graduando del Curso Regular Diurno 2537, del Curso para trabajadores 1650 y del Nuevo Modelo Pedagògico1814 egresados. Conclusiones: han ocurrido profundas transformaciones en la evolución histórica de la formación de Licenciados en Enfermería en Pinar del Río, logrando alcanzar 6001 egresados, con un perfil amplio, comprometido en preservar, mejorar y restablecer la salud del ser humano, la familia y la comunidad.

    Estrategia formativa en seguridad alimentaria y nutricional para decisores políticos. Una concepción desde la pedagogía cubana

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es fundamentar una estrategia para la formación de decidores de políticas como gestores de proyectos locales integrados en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN), sustentada en una concepción pedagógica, a partir de la relación entre los componentes de la SAN, las funciones del funcionario gubernamental (FG) y la gestión de proyectos locales integrados como modo de actuación de este sujeto. El objetivo de la estrategia es lograr que los decisores políticos (FG) en la provincia de Pinar del Río, se apropien de los conocimientos, habilidades y valores que posibiliten su preparación integral relacionados con la SAN, puedan gestionar las potencialidades existentes en las comunidades, desarrollen proyectos locales en SAN que complementen la política emanada del nivel superior del estado y permita un desempeño pertinente que impacte en la localidad, necesidad impostergable para Cuba y específicamente esta provincia, una de las más vulnerables a los cambios medioambientales que tanto influyen en la SAN

    Reassimilation of photorespiratory ammonium in Lotus japonicus plants deficient in plastidic glutamine synthetase

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    It is well established that the plastidic isoform of glutamine synthetase (GS2) is the enzyme in charge of photorespiratory ammonium reassimilation in plants. The metabolic events associated to photorespiratory NH4+ accumulation were analyzed in a Lotus japonicus photorespiratory mutant lacking GS2. The mutant plants accumulated high levels of NH4+when photorespiration was active, followed by a sudden drop in the levels of this compound. In this paper it was examined the possible existence of enzymatic pathways alternative to GS2 that could account for this decline in the photorespiratory ammonium. Induction of genes encoding for cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and asparagine synthetase (ASN) was observed in the mutant in correspondence with the diminishment of NH4+. Measurements of gene expression, polypeptide levels, enzyme activity and metabolite levels were carried out in leaf samples from WT and mutant plants after different periods of time under active photorespiratory conditions. In the case of asparagine synthetase it was not possible to determine enzyme activity and polypeptide content; however, an increased asparagine content in parallel with the induction of ASN gene expression was detected in the mutant plants. This increase in asparagine levels took place concomitantly with an increase in glutamine due to the induction of cytosolic GS1 in the mutant, thus revealing a major role of cytosolic GS1 in the reassimilation and detoxification of photorespiratory NH4+ when the plastidic GS2 isoform is lacking. Moreover, a diminishment in glutamate levels was observed, that may be explained by the induction of NAD (H)-dependent GDH activityJunta de Andalucía P1OCVI- 6368 y BIO-163Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2014-54413-

    Representative Bacillus sp. AM1 from Gut Microbiota Harbor Versatile Molecular Pathways for Bisphenol A Biodegradation

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    Human gut microbiota harbors numerous microbial species with molecular enzymatic potential that impact on the eubiosis/dysbiosis and health/disease balances. Microbiota species isolation and description of their specific molecular features remain largely unexplored. In the present study, we focused on the cultivation and selection of species able to tolerate or biodegrade the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA), a xenobiotic extensively found in food plastic containers. Chemical xenobiotic addition methods for the directed isolation, culturing, Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), phylogenomic identification, and specific gene-encoding searches have been applied to isolate microorganisms, assess their BPA metabolization potential, and describe encoded catabolic pathways. BPA-tolerant strains were isolated from 30% of infant fecal microbial culture libraries analyzed. Most isolated strains were phylogenetically related to the operational taxonomic group Bacillus amyloliquefaciens spp. Importantly, WGS analysis of microbial representative strain, Bacillus sp. AM1 identified the four complete molecular pathways involved on BPA degradation indicating its versatility and high potential to degrade BPA. Pathways for Exopolysaccharide (EPS) and Polyhydroxyalkanates (PHA) biopolymer synthesis were also identified and phenotypically confirmed by transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). These microbial biopolymers could generally contribute to capture and/or deposit xenobiotics.GP/EFSA/ENCO/380 2018/03/G04: OBEMIRISK: Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of Bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkersFEDERInfrastructure: IE_2019-198APC was funded by EIN-2019-10308

    The controversies of international organizations in a modern world

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    Hoy las Organizaciones Internacionales cumplen un papel importante a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, existen diferentes opiniones, doctrinas, teorías y regulaciones respecto a sus diferentes aspectos. En nuestro trabajo nosotros resumimos y concluimos sobre las diferentes controversias de las Organizaciones Internacionales. Algunas de las problemáticas que abordamos son: Concepto de Organización Internacional, Organizaciones Internacionales como sujetos de Derecho Internacional, Personalidad legal de Organizaciones Internacionales, Responsabilidad de Organizaciones Internacionales, Privilegios e Inmunidades de Organizaciones Internacionales, Condiciones de admisión a Organizaciones Internacionales, Contribución de Organizaciones Internacionales en la creación del Derecho Internacional y Modo pacífico de resolución de conflictos internacionales de las Organizaciones Internacionales.Today International Organizations don t have a unique regime there are different opinions, doctrines, theories and regulations of their different aspects. In our work we summarize and conclude about the different controversies that International Organizations face today such as: concept of International Organizations, International Organizations as subjects of international law, legal personality of International Organizations, responsibility of International Organizations, privileges and immunities of International Organizations, conditions of admission to International Organizations, contribution of International Organizations in the creation of International law, and peaceful dispute settlement of International Organizations.Abogado (a)Pregrad

    Procedimiento para favorecer la toma de decisiones ante situaciones de desastres

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    This study was developed based on determining the need to fully prepare governments at the municipal level in an effective decision-making regarding food access in situations of natural disasters, corresponding to the changes and transformations that take place in the economic environment and social in Cuba. Taking into account this situation, the objective of this study was to design a procedure for decision making by municipal governments regarding food access in situations of natural disasters that contribute to the development of their response capacity. Analysis techniques have been used to process the existing information related to the subject both in the governmental sphere research work carried out. The main results obtained to date show that there are potentialities in the territory that can be used in terms of increasing the capacity of response at the municipal level to guarantee food access to disaster situations, as well as a group of works that contribute to favor these processesEste estudio se desarrolló a partir de la determinar la necesidad de preparar integralmente a los gobiernos a nivel municipal en una toma de decisiones eficaz relativa al acceso alimentario ante situaciones de desastres naturales, que corresponda con los cambios y transformaciones que se desarrollan en el entorno económico y social en Cuba. Teniendo en cuenta esta situación se planteó como objetivo de este estudio diseñar un procedimiento para la toma de decisiones de los gobiernos municipales relativas al acceso alimentario ante situaciones de desastres naturales que contribuya al desarrollo de su capacidad de respuesta. Se han utilizado técnicas de análisis para procesar las informaciones existentes, relacionadas con el tema tanto en la esfera gubernamental como los trabajos investigativos realizados. Los principales resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha muestran que existen potencialidades en el territorio que pueden ser utilizadas en función de aumentar la capacidad de respuesta a nivel municipal para garantizar el acceso alimentario ante situaciones de desastres, así como se han realizado un grupo de trabajos que contribuyen a favorecer estos procesos