143 research outputs found

    From the el jardin cinema-theatre to the el monumental cinema

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    [SPA] La aparición y difusión del cinematógrafo durante el siglo XX supuso el desarrollo de una nueva tipología edificatoria acorde a las necesidades de esta moderna manifestación cultural, en cierta forma partiendo y adaptando los modelos existentes de teatro. Lorenzo Ros y Costa, arquitecto por la Escuela de Barcelona en 1914, proyectó durante las dos primeras décadas de ejercicio profesional tres interesantes obras de este tipo, el teatro-cine El Jardín en Figueras, el Gran Cine Sport en Cartagena y el Cine Monumental en Melilla. Estos edificios tuvieron una importante repercusión sobre la escena urbana y la actividad social de estas ciudades, enriqueciendo su vida con un uso lúdico propio de núcleos de cierta entidad, al tiempo que se hacían eco de las corrientes estéticas del momento. Apreciados en su época por su importante carga decorativa y presencia, ocupan una posición acorde en la trama urbana. Las referidas edificaciones, junto con los dibujos y planos realizados en su día por Lorenzo Ros, permiten apreciar el paso de una arquitectura modernista a otra art decó, con formas más geometrizantes, muestra de la evolución formal del arquitecto [ENG] The break out and spread of cinema in the 20th century favoured the development and improvement of a new building typology according to the needs of this modern cultural manifestation, in some way based on the existing theatres. Lorenzo Ros y Costa, architect of the school of Barcelona in 1914, during his two first decades of professional work designed three interesting examples of this type: the El Jardin theatre-cinema in Figueras, the Gran Cine Sport in Cartagena and the El Monumental cinema in Melilla. These buildings had quite an impact on the urban scene and social activity of these cities, enriching life with entertainment, appropriate to big nuclei, at the same time achieving an aesthetic that followed the trends of the moment. Appreciated at the time for their presence and ornamental fineness, they occupy a consistent position in the urban fabric. The buildings concerned, together with the drawings and plans carried out by Lorenzo Ros, show the transition from Art Nouveau to Art Deco, with more geometrical shapes, sample of the formal evolution of the architect

    Serrat house of Lorenzo Ros in Cartagena

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    [SPA] A principios de los años veinte del pasado siglo, Lorenzo Ros Costa proyectó un notable edificio para la familia de don Vicente Serrat, empresario vinculado a la Compañía Cartagenera de Navegación. La edificación, situada en la calle Mayor, una de las principales vías de la ciudad, ocupa un solar de forma irregular que dispone acceso, además de por la fachada principal, por la parte posterior, calle Bodegones. El inmueble consta de tres plantas y su alzado es simétrico, resuelto con gran armonía y equilibrio. Emplea distintos tipos de huecos, entre ellos miradores cerrados con obra de fábrica, y abundante y variada ornamentación de carácter modernista, primando los motivos vegetales, diferentes en cada plata. Durante la realización del proyecto se efectuaron numerosos estudios gráficos de la construcción, tanto de conjunto como detalle. Exponer las características del Edificio Serrat es el objeto de la presente comunicación. ENG] In the early twenties of the last century, Lorenzo Ros Costa designed a remarkable building for Vicente Serrat, businessman linked to the “Compañía Cartagenera de Navegación”. The building, on Mayor street, one of the main streets of the city, occupies a site of irregular shape which provides access through the main facade and, on the back, across Bodegones street. The building consists of three floors and a symmetrical facade of great harmony and balance. It has different types of windows, including bow windows with masonry work, with plenty and diverse Art Nouveau ornamentation, prioritizing vegetation motives, different on each floor. During the phase of designing many graphic studies were drawn of the building in general and in detail. Exposing the features of the Serrat House is the object of the present communication

    Microbiota Characterization of Compost Using Omics Approaches Opens New Perspectives for Phytophthora Root Rot Control

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    Phytophthora root rot caused by Phytophthora nicotianae is an economically important disease in pepper crops. The use of suppressive composts is a low environmental impact method for its control. Although attempts have been made to reveal the relationship between microbiota and compost suppressiveness, little is known about the microorganisms associated with disease suppression. Here, an Ion Torrent platform was used to assess the microbial composition of composts made of different agro-industrial waste and with different levels of suppressiveness against P. nicotianae. Both bacterial and fungal populations responded differently depending on the chemical heterogeneity of materials used during the composting process. High proportions (67–75%) of vineyard pruning waste were used in the most suppressive composts, COM-A and COM-B. This material may have promoted the presence of higher relative abundance of Ascomycota as well as higher microbial activity, which have proved to be essential for controlling the disease. Although no unique fungi or bacteria have been detected in neither suppressive nor conducive composts, relatively high abundance of Fusarium and Zopfiella were found in compost COM-B and COM-A, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that studies compost metabolome. Surprisingly, composts and peat clustered together in principal component analysis of the metabolic data according to their levels of suppressiveness achieved. This study demonstrated the need for combining the information provided by different techniques, including metagenomics and metametabolomics, to better understand the ability of compost to control plant diseases.This work was supported by LIFE project AGROWASTE (LIFE10/ENV/ES/469) http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/

    Conformational Analysis, Molecular Structure and Solid State Simulation of the Antiviral Drug Acyclovir (Zovirax) Using Density Functional Theory Methods

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    The five tautomers of the drug acyclovir (ACV) were determined and optimised at the MP2 and B3LYP quantum chemical levels of theory. The stability of the tautomers was correlated with different parameters. On the most stable tautomer N1 was carried out a comprehensive conformational analysis, and the whole conformational parameters (R, β, Φ, φ1, φ2, φ3, φ4, φ5) were studied as well as the NBO Natural atomic charges. The calculations were carried out with full relaxation of all geometrical parameters. The search located at least 78 stable structures within 8.5 kcal/mol electronic energy range of the global minimum, and classified in two groups according to the positive or negative value of the torsional angle j1. In the nitrogen atoms and in the O2' and O5' oxygen atoms of the most stable conformer appear a higher reactivity than in the natural nucleoside deoxyguanosine. The solid state was simulated through a dimer and tetramer forms and the structural parameters were compared with the X-ray crystal data available. Several general conclusions were emphasized

    Application of directly brewed compost extract improves yield and quality in baby leaf lettuce grown hydroponically

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    The aim of this work was to study whether the application of a directly brewed compost extract (added in the nutrient solution or by microsprinkler) could be used to improve the yield and quality of baby leaf red lettuce growing in a floating system, and to control the incidence of Pythium irregulare. Its e_ect on the quality of fresh-cut red lettuce was also studied. For this, two experiments were carried out over two growing cycles (winter–spring and autumn). The results showed that the use of compost extract added to the nutrient solution improved baby leaf lettuce growth and quality, reducing the nitrate content and enhancing the content of potentially health-promoting compounds such as phenols and flavonoids and the antioxidant capacity. Microbial quality was maintained during storage and the compost extract had no negative e_ect on the microbial load of the final product. In addition, application of the compost decreased the population of P. irregulare in the water. It is concluded that the application of directly brewed compost extract is of potential use in a sustainable soilless production system for baby leaf red lettuce, since it improves the yield and quality of the product and is able to control the incidence of P. irregulare.This work was supported by projects AGL2017-84085-C3-3-R and AGL2017-84085-C3-1-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain

    Effect of soil disinfection on baby-leaf spinach (Spinacia oleracea) cultivation

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    [SPA] La radiación solar más la adición de compost es un uso práctico para la desinfección del suelo que podría tener efectos sobre el cultivo establecido posteriormente, en nuestro caso las espinacas. Se ha comparado la calidad de las hojas de espinaca después de dos tipos de desinfección del suelo: suelo no enmendado (SNE) y suelo enmendado con compost (SEC) para intentar encontrar biomarcadores de ambos tipos de desinfección. Estas prácticas no mostraron diferencias significativas en los niveles N total y COT (carbono orgánico total con respecto al suelo control (CS). Sin embargo, la cantidad de antinutrientes como el NO2-y NO3- fue significativamente menor en CAS y NAS que en CS. Ambos tipos de suelos desinfectados produjeron concentraciones más altas de flavonoides individuales en hojas de espinaca. El análisis de Cromatografía líquida de alta resolución-espectrometría de masas precisa de alta resolución (HPLC-HRAMS) mostró que cuatro compuestos podrían identificarse como marcadores de espinacas cultivadas en SEC, y, además, mejoraron la calidad de la hoja de espinaca. [ENG] Solar radiation plus the addition of compost is a practical use for soil disinfection that could have effects on the crop established later, in our case spinach. The quality of spinach leaves after two types of soil disinfection has been compared: non amended soil (SNE) and soil amended with compost (SEC) to try to find biomarkers of both types of disinfection. These practices did not show significant differences in the total N and COT (total organic carbon) levels with respect to the control soil (SC). However, the amount of antinutrients such as NO2- and NO3- was significantly lower in CAS and NAS than in CS. Both types of disinfected soils produced higher concentrations of individual flavonoids in spinach leaves. Analysis of high performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution accurate mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRAMS) showed that four compounds could be identified as markers of SEC-grown spinach, and, in addition, they improved spinach leaf quality.Al Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad por la financiación recibida para llevar a cabo el proyecto AGL 2017-84085-C3-1-R

    Effects of solarisation combined with compost on soil pathogens and the microbial community in a spinach cropping system

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    This study compares the effects of solarization combined with compost (72% vineyard prunings and 28% leek residues) (CAS) versus solarization (NAS) in soils used for intensive spinach cultivation in the Mediterranean area. The objective was to study the beneficial effects of the compost on the soil microbial community, soil fertility and soil functionality related to C and N cycling during solarization, during the spinach crop growth period and after harvesting. CAS did increase soil fertility and microbial activity, in addition, CAS increased the microbial alpha diversity in the soil to a greater extent than NAS, and the Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) of the beta diversity in the soil revealed changes in the bacterial and fungal community at the different sampling times, except after the plastic was lifted. During solarization and after harvesting, different beneficial bacteria and fungi related to C and N cycling were more abundant in CAS than in NAS, in the same way as the genera involved in plant defense and plant growth (Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas, Bacillus, Thermomyces, Streptomyces, NMD1 or Nitrospira). CAS also had a notable effect on the abundance of predictive genes involved in the C and N cycles. The functional genes showed their lowest activity level a week after covering the soil with plastic, but they increased after lifting the plastic and after harvesting. Compared to NAS, CAS also showed higher N2-fixation and greater conversion of N2O to N2. Moreover, the abundance of several predictive genes involved in hemicellulose, lignin and cellulose degradation suggested that CAS produced an increase in nutritional availability. From this study, it can be concluded that the combination of solarization and compost increased soil fertility, microbial activity, microbial diversity and functionality. Compost could provide added value by stimulating the microbiological community in the soil until harvest.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF, “Una manera de hacer Europa”) in the framework of the project “Compoleaf” (Compost as biofertilizer, resistance inductor against plant pathogens and healthy property promoter under a crop intensive sustainable production). Project (AGL2017–84085-C3–1-R, C3–2-R and C3–3-R) and grant (PRE2018–085802). Thanks to Ansley Evans for having made the corrections of this work in English

    Spraying agro-industrial compost tea on baby spinach crops: Evaluation of yield, plant quality and soil health in field experiments

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    Compost tea is a liquid fraction extracted from composts, and it is of great interest in sustainable agriculture because it reduces the unsustainable use of chemical-based pesticides and fertilizers. In this study, during two spinach field cycles, we evaluated the potential beneficial e_ect of the foliar application of a compost tea made from onion and vineyard composts either by itself (CT) or implemented with the beneficial microorganism Trichoderma harzianum T78 (CT + Th) on the “healthy quality” and yield of baby spinach. Results showed that both the CT and CT + Th treatments produced a higher spinach yield than the control, but these treatments did not result in an increase in soil dehydrogenase activity (DHA) or soil nutrient content. Furthermore, CT + Th treatment showed the highest yield, phenolic content, antioxidant capacity and flavonoid levels. Nitrate levels were below legal amounts, and they were significantly (p _ 0.05) lower in the CT and CT + Th treatments than in the control. Data suggest that compost tea extracts from onion waste and vineyard compost and/or enriched with T. harzianum can be used in a sustainable agriculture to increase yield and quality of baby spinach.This work was supported by projects AGL-2014-52732-C2–1-R and AGL-2014-52732-C2-2-R from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain