9 research outputs found

    Chikungunya fever: current status in Mexico

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    Chikungunya fever is a tropical vector-borne disease that has been spreading rapidly around the world during the last 10 years, and which has been usually misdiagnosed as dengue. Nowadays, this disease is increasing in Mexico, mainly in the southern and central zones of the country, being significantly more common in women, children and young adults (28% in < 20 years of age). The classical presentation includes fever, arthralgia, polyarthritis, back-pain, and skin rashes. Although symptoms and treatment are similar to those for dengue, there are key clinical features to differentiate these two diseases

    The epidemiology and clinical characteristics of respiratory syncytial virus infection in children at a public pediatric referral hospital in Mexico

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    SummaryObjectivesThe aim of this study was to determine the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of children with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) treated at a public referral children's hospital in Mexico.MethodsWe reviewed RSV infection in patients aged 0–18 years who were treated at Hospital Infantil from January 2004 to December 2008.ResultsDuring the 5 years, 2797 samples were tested for respiratory viruses; 356 samples were positive for any virus, including 266 (74.7%) positive for RSV. Complete clinical information was available for 205 RSV patients. The mean age was 22 months, and 33.7% of the infections were nosocomially acquired. Hospitalization occurred in 187 children. Of 14 deaths, nine were directly attributed to RSV infection. During the study, RSV infections were seen throughout the year, predominating in the colder months. Of the 205 patients, 79.0% (162/205) had an underlying disease. Congenital heart disease was found in 30.2% (49/162), including three children (33.3%) who died of RSV. Thirty-three patients (16.1%) with RSV required mechanical ventilation. None of the children with RSV received palivizumab or ribavirin.ConclusionsRSV caused high hospitalization rates and admission to intensive care units, especially among those with underlying illnesses and young infants. The data presented here will be useful for strategies to improve outcomes in children at risk of complications

    Enfrentando el bioterrorismo: aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y preventivos de la viruela Confronting bioterrorism: epidemiologic, clinical, and preventive aspects of smallpox

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    Uno de los grandes logros de la salud pública mundial, la erradicación de la viruela, puede verse mermado por el posible riesgo de bioterrorismo. El debate acerca de la destrucción de los restos del virus en los dos laboratorios de referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha cambiado diametralmente debido a los eventos terroristas y a la dispersión intencional de Bacillus anthracis ocurridos en poblaciones civiles en Estados Unidos de América en el año 2001. La liberación del virus Variola con fines terroristas constituye un riesgo mínimo no cuantificable, pero desafortunadamente real. El impacto podría ser devastador debido a la elevada morbimortalidad de la enfermedad aunada al pánico y a la desestabilización social que podría ocasionar. Es por ello que el establecimiento de un plan de respuesta, sumado a disponibilidad de vacuna para ser utilizada pos-exposición, es importante dentro de los planes de contingencia contra el bioterrorismo. El reiniciar un programa limitado de vacunación contra la viruela, como parte de dicho plan, ha sido recientemente recomendado por el Comité Asesor de Vacunación, del Centro para el Control de las Enfermedades, pero la vacuna disponible puede causar complicaciones graves e incluso la muerte, por lo que dicha recomendación no ha sido universalmente aceptada. No obstante, el personal médico y de salud pública requiere de información actualizada sobre la viruela y su prevención, ya que ellos son la primera línea de defensa en caso de un posible brote a consecuencia de un ataque bioterrorista. El presente artículo presenta una revisión dirigida a proporcionar al personal de salud un enfoque clínico, epidemiológico y preventivo sobre la viruela.The worldwide eradication of smallpox, a major achievement in public health, is currently threatened by the risk of bioterrorism. The debate on the destruction of the Variola virus in the two reference laboratories of the World Health Organization has dramatically switched to the preservation of the remaining virus after the September 2001 terrorist events in the U.S. along with the intentional release of Bacillus anthracis in the U.S. The risk of intentional release of Variola virus constitutes a minimal, yet possible risk. A smallpox epidemic could have a devastating impact due to its elevated morbidity and mortality that would inflict in non-immune human population, in addition to the ensuing panic and social unrest. Therefore, the development of national preparedness and response plans along with the availability of smallpox vaccine to be used in the post-exposure phase represent a fundamental part of the preventive efforts to cope with bioterrorism. Reestablishing a preventive vaccination program was recently recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). However, the vaccine currently available has historically been associated with serious adverse reactions, even death. Thus, this recommendation has not been universally accepted. To counter an epidemic of smallpox, medical personnel in the frontline need to be prepared with updated smallpox infor mation to identify, diagnose, isolate, and treat cases if a bioterrorist attack should occur. Herein we present an in-depth review for health care personnel with relevant epidemiologic, clinical, and preventive information on smallpox

    Síndrome agudo respiratorio severo: un panorama mundial de la epidemia

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    A principios de febrero de 2003 la Organización Mundial de la Salud comenzó a recibir reportes de pacientes con un síndrome caracterizado por neumonía atípica, con rápida progresión hacia insuficiencia respiratoria sin una causa identificada. Los casos aparentemente se iniciaron en el sur de China y se han diseminado a otras regiones en Asia, Europa, Sudáfrica, Norte América y Sur América. La causa de este síndrome es una nueva variedad de Coronavirus, aislado en secreciones respiratorias y en otras. El síndrome ha sido definido en inglés como SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se caracteriza por un periodo de incubación de 1 a 10 días (promedio de cinco días), una fase febril prodrómica que aparece entre los días 1 a 3. Posteriormente, aparecen síntomas respiratorios como tos, disnea, y signos como hipoxemia, que en 10 a 40% de los casos requieren de ventilación mecánica. La tasa de letalidad ha variado de 3% hasta 16%. Los hallazgos de laboratorio incluyen trombocitopenia, leucopenia, elevación de creatinin-fosfokinasa, y, en ocasiones, de transaminasas hepáticas y deshidrogenasa láctica. El tratamiento incluye medidas de apoyo; la utilización empírica del antiviral ribavirina es controvertida, debido a que hasta el momento no existe un tratamiento específico. Se recomienda el aislamiento respiratorio de los pacientes, la utilización de máscaras protectoras y el lavado estricto de manos como principales medidas de prevención. Desde el inicio de esta epidemia México estableció un sistema de vigilancia, así como recomendaciones al personal de salud para la identificación, prevención de casos secundarios y manejo clínico de casos sospechosos. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en: http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.htm

    Síndrome agudo respiratorio severo: un panorama mundial de la epidemia Severe acute respiratory syndrome: a global view of the epidemic

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    A principios de febrero de 2003 la Organización Mundial de la Salud comenzó a recibir reportes de pacientes con un síndrome caracterizado por neumonía atípica, con rápida progresión hacia insuficiencia respiratoria sin una causa identificada. Los casos aparentemente se iniciaron en el sur de China y se han diseminado a otras regiones en Asia, Europa, Sudáfrica, Norte América y Sur América. La causa de este síndrome es una nueva variedad de Coronavirus, aislado en secreciones respiratorias y en otras. El síndrome ha sido definido en inglés como SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se caracteriza por un periodo de incubación de 1 a 10 días (promedio de cinco días), una fase febril prodrómica que aparece entre los días 1 a 3. Posteriormente, aparecen síntomas respiratorios como tos, disnea, y signos como hipoxemia, que en 10 a 40% de los casos requieren de ventilación mecánica. La tasa de letalidad ha variado de 3% hasta 16%. Los hallazgos de laboratorio incluyen trombocitopenia, leucopenia, elevación de creatinin-fosfokinasa, y, en ocasiones, de transaminasas hepáticas y deshidrogenasa láctica. El tratamiento incluye medidas de apoyo; la utilización empírica del antiviral ribavirina es controvertida, debido a que hasta el momento no existe un tratamiento específico. Se recomienda el aislamiento respiratorio de los pacientes, la utilización de máscaras protectoras y el lavado estricto de manos como principales medidas de prevención. Desde el inicio de esta epidemia México estableció un sistema de vigilancia, así como recomendaciones al personal de salud para la identificación, prevención de casos secundarios y manejo clínico de casos sospechosos.In early February 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) began receiving reports of patients with a syndrome characterized by an atypical pneumonia with rapid progression to respiratory failure without an identified cause despite extensive diagnostic workups. Most of these reports pointed out that the outbreak started in Southern China, specifically in the Guandong Province. The initial outbreak in South East Asia has already spread to other Regions in Asia, Europe, North and South America, and South Africa. Many of these cases can be linked through chains of transmission to an index case from the Guandong Province who visited Hong Kong. Although the exact mode of transmission has not been clearly established, the etiology of this syndrome has already been identified. A novel Coronavirus has been identified by electron microscopy and molecular assays in multiple laboratories from respiratory specimens throughout the world. The syndrome has been defined as SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) by WHO, and is characterized by an incubation period between 1 and 10 days (average 5 days) and by a febrile phase that usually lasts approximately 3 days. During the respiratory phase that begins around day 3, patients start developing a dry cough, shortness of breath and hypoxemia. Mechanical ventilatory support is required in about 10 to 40% of cases and the case-fatality rate ranges between 3 and 16%. The laboratory findings in SARS cases include leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and a rise in transaminases and lactic dehydrogenase levels. Treatment of SARS includes supportive measures and the empiric use of ribavirin. Respiratory isolation, use of respiratory masks, and compulsory hand hygiene constitute the principal preventive measures. The confirmation of a case can be performed at reference laboratories by serologic and molecular assays. From the onset of this epidemic Mexico established a surveillance system as well as clinical guidelines and recommendations for the identification, prevention of secondary spread, and medical management of suspicious and probable cases by health care personnel

    Disseminated Tuberculosis and Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis in a Patient with a Gain-of-Function Mutation in Signal Transduction and Activator of Transcription 1

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    In humans, recessive loss-of-function mutations in STAT1 are associated with mycobacterial and viral infections, whereas gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in STAT1 are associated with a type of primary immunodeficiency related mainly, but not exclusively, to chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC). We studied and established a molecular diagnosis in a pediatric patient with mycobacterial infections, associated with CMC. The patient, daughter of a non-consanguineous mestizo Mexican family, had axillary adenitis secondary to BCG vaccination and was cured with resection of the abscess at 1-year old. At the age of 4 years, she had a supraclavicular abscess with acid-fast-staining bacilli identified in the soft tissue and bone, with clinical signs of disseminated infection and a positive Gene-X-pert test, which responded to anti-mycobacterial drugs. Laboratory tests of the IL-12/interferon gamma (IFN-γ) circuit showed a higher production of IL-12p70 in the whole blood from the patient compared to healthy controls, when stimulated with BCG and BCG + IFN-γ. The whole blood of the patient produced 35% less IFN-γ compared to controls assessed by ELISA and flow cytometry, but IL-17 producing T cells from patient were almost absent in PBMC stimulated with PMA plus ionomycin. Signal transduction and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) was hyperphosphorylated at tyrosine 701 in response to IFN-γ and -α, as demonstrated by flow cytometry and Western blotting in fresh blood mononuclear cells and in Epstein-Barr virus lymphoblastoid cell lines (EBV-LCLs); phosphorylation of STAT1 in EBV-LCLs from the patient was resistant to inhibition by staurosporine but sensitive to ruxolitinib, a Jak phosphorylation inhibitor. Genomic DNA sequencing showed a de novo mutation in STAT1 in cells from the patient, absent in her parents and brother; a known T385M missense mutation in the DNA-binding domain of the transcription factor was identified, and it is a GOF mutation. Therefore, GOF mutations in STAT1 can induce susceptibility not only to fungal but also to mycobacterial infections by mechanisms to be determined