63 research outputs found

    Article Operational Ship Monitoring System Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing

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    Abstract: This paper presents a Ship Monitoring System (SIMONS) working with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. It is able to infer ship detection and classification information, and merge the results with other input channels, such as polls from the Automatic Identification System (AIS). Two main stages can be identified, namely: SAR processing and data dissemination. The former has three independent modules, which are related to Coastline Detection (CD), Ship Detection (SD) and Ship Classification (SC). The later is solved via an advanced web interface, which is compliant with the OpenSource standards fixed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). SIMONS has been designed to be a modular, unsupervised and reliable system that meets Near-Real Time (NRT) delivery requirements. From data ingestion to product delivery, the processing chain is fully automatic accepting ERS and ENVISAT formats. SIMONS has been developed by GMV Aerospace, S.A. with three main goals, namely: 1) To limit the dependence on the ancillary information provided by systems such as AIS. 2) To achieve the maximum level of automatism and restrict human manipulation. 3) To limit the error sources and their propagation

    Fabricación y ensayo de probetas de fábrica de ladrillo

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    Material docente elaborado a partir laboratorio realizado en la asignatura “Estructuras de Ladrillo” durante el curso académico 2018-19, se divide en dos sesiones prácticas: en una primera sesión los estudiantes, organizados en pequeños grupos, construyen con sus propias manos unas probetas de ladrillo. Para ello se les facilitan los materiales; ladrillos, mortero, agua, y herramientas. Transcurridos 28 días, en una segunda sesión, se ensayan a compresión las probetas de fábrica, estimando previamente cada grupo la resistencia “esperada” de sus probetas. Para realizar este ensayo, cada grupo es responsable de la instrumentación de su probeta, enseñándoles la base de la medición con bandas extensométricas, sus fundamentos teóricos y las técnicas de colocación.Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas, Ingeniería del Terreno y Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructura

    GIS Framework for Rapid Seismic Loss Assessment: Case Study of Granada Metropolitan Area

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    Traditional vulnerability methodologies rely on collecting building data through time consuming surveys and visual screening. Geospatial infrastructure systems have rapidly evolved and today we can access massive geospatial data. Digital cadastral databases combine location, attributes, and temporal information for building stock. This paper proposes a GIS-based framework to estimate seismic vulnerability and losses from cadastral data only. The framework is rooted on wellknown displacement-based procedures and uses probabilistic models of the building structural capacity. A featured application to 287,503 housing units in metropolitan area of Granada is presented to showcase outputs for decisionmaking: performance displacement, damage level and repair cost.FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Conserjería de Economía y Conocimiento, grant number B-TEP-306-UGR18Grant PID2020-120135RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033Ministry of Education for ‘Colaboración’ gran

    Inflammatory biomarkers and brain health indicators in children with overweight and obesity: The ActiveBrains project

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic inflammation plays an important role on the pathogenesis of several cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, as well as on brain function and behaviour. The aim of the present study was to examine the associations between inflammatory biomarkers and a wide range of brain health indicators (i.e., academic performance, executive function, behavioural and emotional functioning, and brain volume) in children with overweight/obesity. METHODS: A total of 107 children (10.0 ± 1.1 years, 41% girls) from the ActiveBrains project were included in the analysis. Five inflammatory biomarkers were analysed in plasma: white blood cell (WBC) count, interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1beta, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and C-reactive protein (CRP). Academic performance was assessed by Woodcock-Munoz Tests of Achievement. Executive function was assessed through the Design Fluency Test for cognitive flexibility, the Stroop test for cognitive inhibition, and the Delayed Non-Match-to-Sample task for working memory. Behavioural and emotional functioning was evaluated through the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) questionnaire. Total and regional brain volume was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS: IL-6 was inversely associated with adaptive skills (beta = -0.228; p = 0.030), while TNF-alpha was related to mathematics (beta = -0.198; p = 0.034). In addition, CRP was positively associated with externalizing (beta = 0.246; p = 0.046) and internalizing problems (beta = 0.234; p = 0.039), as well as the behavioural symptoms index (beta = 0.236; p = 0.047). However, these significant associations disappeared after multiple comparisons correction. Inflammatory biomarkers were not associated with executive function and total brain volumes. Regarding regional brain analyses, WBC was positively associated with gray matter volume in the left middle temporal gyrus (beta = 0.387; p < 0.001, k = 44), and CRP was positively associated with gray matter volume in the right superior temporal gyrus (beta = 0.439; p < 0.001, k = 29). Additionally, when adjusting by total brain volume, CRP was positively associated with gray matter volume in the right supplementary motor cortex (beta = 0.453; p < 0.001, k = 51). Moreover, both, IL-6 (beta = 0.366; p < 0.001, k = 81) and TNF-alpha (beta = 0.368; p < 0.001, k = 62) were positively associated with white matter volume around the right inferior frontal gyrus pars opercularis, while CRP was inversely associated with white matter volume around the left superior frontal gyrus (beta = -0.482; p < 0.001, k = 82). After adjusting by total brain volume, CRP was also inversely associated with white matter volume in 3 additional clusters (beta ranging from -0.473 to -0.404; p < 0.001, k = 87). CONCLUSIONS: Inflammation was slightly associated with brain health (i.e., academic performance, behavioural and emotional functioning and regional brain volume) in children with overweight or obesity. Further larger longitudinal and interventional studies are warranted to elucidate the short-term and long-term effect of systemic low-grade inflammation on children's brain health

    Assessment of machine learning algorithm-based grading of Populus x euramericana I-214 structural sawn timber

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    The efficiency of visual grading standards applied to structural timber is often inappropriate, and timber properties are either under or over-graded. Although not included in the current UNE 56544 visual grading standard, machine learning algorithms represent a promising alternative to grade structural timber. The general aim of this research was to compare the performance of machine learning algorithms based on visual defects, non-destructive techniques and sawing systems (“cut type”) with UNE 56544:1997 visual grading in order to predict the qualifying efficiency of Populus x euramericana I-214 structural timber. Visual evaluation, ultrasound and vibrational non-destructive testing, and sawing systems register (radial, tangential and mixed) were applied to characterize 945 beams. In addition, in order to retrieve actual physical-mechanical values, density and static bending destructive testing (EN-408:2011 + A1:2012) was also carried out. Several machine learning algorithms were then used to grade the beams, and their predictive accuracy was compared with that of visual grading. To do so, three scenarios were considered: a first scenario in which only visual variables were used; a second scenario in which “cut type” variables were also included; and a third scenario in which additional non-destructive variables were considered. Results showed a poor level of performance of UNE 56544:1997, with an apparent mismatch between the strength values assigned for each visual grade (established by the EN 338 standard) and the actual values. On the opposite, all algorithms performed better than visual grading and may thus be deemed as promising timber strength grading tools.Junta de Castilla y León (project VA047A08

    Mortality comparison between the first and second/third waves among 3,795 critical COVID-19 patients with pneumonia admitted to the ICU : A multicentre retrospective cohort study

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    It is unclear whether the changes in critical care throughout the pandemic have improved the outcomes in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients admitted to the intensive care units (ICUs). We conducted a retrospective cohort study in adults with COVID-19 pneumonia admitted to 73 ICUs from Spain, Andorra and Ireland between February 2020 and March 2021. The first wave corresponded with the period from February 2020 to June 2020, whereas the second/third waves occurred from July 2020 to March 2021. The primary outcome was ICU mortality between study periods. Mortality predictors and differences in mortality between COVID-19 waves were identified using logistic regression. As of March 2021, the participating ICUs had included 3795 COVID-19 pneumonia patients, 2479 (65·3%) and 1316 (34·7%) belonging to the first and second/third waves, respectively. Illness severity scores predicting mortality were lower in the second/third waves compared with the first wave according with the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation system (median APACHE II score 12 [IQR 9-16] vs 14 [IQR 10-19]) and the organ failure assessment score (median SOFA 4 [3-6] vs 5 [3-7], p <0·001). The need of invasive mechanical ventilation was high (76·1%) during the whole study period. However, a significant increase in the use of high flow nasal cannula (48·7% vs 18·2%, p <0·001) was found in the second/third waves compared with the first surge. Significant changes on treatments prescribed were also observed, highlighting the remarkable increase on the use of corticosteroids to up to 95.9% in the second/third waves. A significant reduction on the use of tocilizumab was found during the study (first wave 28·9% vs second/third waves 6·2%, p <0·001), and a negligible administration of lopinavir/ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, and interferon during the second/third waves compared with the first wave. Overall ICU mortality was 30·7% (n = 1166), without significant differences between study periods (first wave 31·7% vs second/third waves 28·8%, p = 0·06). No significant differences were found in ICU mortality between waves according to age subsets except for the subgroup of 61-75 years of age, in whom a reduced unadjusted ICU mortality was observed in the second/third waves (first 38·7% vs second/third 34·0%, p = 0·048). Non-survivors were older, with higher severity of the disease, had more comorbidities, and developed more complications. After adjusting for confounding factors through a multivariable analysis, no significant association was found between the COVID-19 waves and mortality (OR 0·81, 95% CI 0·64-1·03; p = 0·09). Ventilator-associated pneumonia rate increased significantly during the second/third waves and it was independently associated with ICU mortality (OR 1·48, 95% CI 1·19-1·85, p <0·001). Nevertheless, a significant reduction both in the ICU and hospital length of stay in survivors was observed during the second/third waves. Despite substantial changes on supportive care and management, we did not find significant improvement on case-fatality rates among critical COVID-19 pneumonia patients. Ricardo Barri Casanovas Foundation (RBCF2020) and SEMICYU

    Impacto de la COVID-19 en los servicios de cirugía cardiovascular en España: Análisis de los grupos relacionados con el diagnóstico (Estudio SECCE-COVID-19 fase 2)

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    Introducción y objetivos La pandemia por COVID-19 causada por infección del virus SARS-CoV-2 ha saturado al sistema sanitario español, afectándose la atención de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Queremos cuantificar el impacto de la pandemia en el número de las intervenciones quirúrgicas cardíacas analizando los grupos relacionados con el diagnóstico (GRD) más prevalentes de nuestra especialidad. Métodos A instancias de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Cardiovascular y Endovascular, se solicitó a todos los centros nacionales que quisieron participar, los datos de los códigos de GRD números 162 (cirugía sobre válvulas cardíacas con infarto o diagnóstico complejo), 163 (cirugía sobre válvulas cardíacas sin infarto o diagnóstico complejo), 165 (bypass coronario con infarto o diagnóstico complejo), 166 (bypass coronario sin infarto o diagnóstico complejo) y 167 (otros procedimientos cardiotorácicos o vasculares torácicos) entre el 1 de marzo de 2020 y el 30 de septiembre de 2020 (siete meses), y como período control las mismas fechas de 2019. Resultados Se recibieron los datos de 24 hospitales, 22 públicos y dos privados. Existió un descenso global en el número de intervenciones del 30% (rango -19 a -42%, p < 0,001) de 4.648 en 2019 a 3.262 en 2020 (-1.386 de diferencia), siendo +7% para el GRD 162 (p = 0,500), -37% para el 163 (p = 0,001), -9% para el 165 (p = 0,304), -32% para el 166 (p = 0,001), y -16% para el 167 (p = 0,062). Conclusiones Existió un descenso global de cirugías estadísticamente significativo en 2020 del 30% respecto del 2019 entre el 1 de marzo y el 30 de septiembre