2,241 research outputs found

    A Sketch of Deleuze’s Hermeneutical Spin

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    The aim of this article is to sketch the procedural nature of the modus in which Deleuze reads the other philosophers. The hermeneutical problem indicated by the indecision to consider his books on different authors as an authorized interpretation or as fantasist utilization may be scattered if we understand his hermeneutical attempts both as interpretation and construction. In addition, this indecision affects the guild of Deleuzian exegetes in respect to the directory idea which could point out the general strategy of his philosophy

    Impact of global economic crisis on international and national turism

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    The economic crisis is one of the most important events of the last period and it was felt in every economic sector of each country. Tourism, as an important sector of the economies, was affected too. Lack bugets made hole in the economy, population has dropped resigned and expensive trips or long vacations. Such revenues began to decline. We present in paper a top job of countries that have experienced crisis in the tourism sector, making the current fall in income to foreign tourists, but also a ranking of countries remaining interest news, such as France or Italy, which recorded continuously an explosive number of tourists. As for Romania, we could only appreciate how expensive it is a brand of tourism, lack of promotion originialitate and inadequate, making a comparison with the beauty of the country, which leaves the impression that there really are unique travels, wild places and experiences full satisfaction. We tried to outline all aspects of tourism attributes on global economic crisis, hoping to make it available ontourism, global crisis, decrease, country, economic

    Induction, minimization and collection for Δ n+1 (T)–formulas

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    For a theory T, we study relationships among IΔ n +1 (T), LΔ n+1 (T) and B * Δ n+1 (T). These theories are obtained restricting the schemes of induction, minimization and (a version of) collection to Δ n+1 (T) formulas. We obtain conditions on T (T is an extension of B * Δ n+1 (T) or Δ n+1 (T) is closed (in T) under bounded quantification) under which IΔ n+1 (T) and LΔ n+1 (T) are equivalent. These conditions depend on Th Πn +2 (T), the Π n+2 –consequences of T. The first condition is connected with descriptions of Th Πn +2 (T) as IΣ n plus a class of nondecreasing total Π n –functions, and the second one is related with the equivalence between Δ n+1 (T)–formulas and bounded formulas (of a language extending the language of Arithmetic). This last property is closely tied to a general version of a well known theorem of R. Parikh. Using what we call Π n –envelopes we give uniform descriptions of the previous classes of nondecreasing total Π n –functions. Π n –envelopes are a generalization of envelopes (see [10]) and are closely related to indicators (see [12]). Finally, we study the hierarchy of theories IΔ n+1 (IΣ m ), m≥n, and prove a hierarchy theorem.Ministerio de Educación y Cultura DGES PB96-134

    Notes per a una lectura del "Primer llibre de Bloomsbury" de Miquel Martí i Pol

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    Roberto Juarroz: La palabra en una casa de espejos

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    How is it possible to demystify the political Kant?

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    Review to: Pauline Kleingeld, Kant and Cosmopolitanism. The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2012, 215 p

    Un caso anómalo de luxación congénita de la cadera

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    Improving Application Lifecycle Management at Swedbank: A Case Study

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    Antud töö annab üldise ülevaate rakenduse elutsükli haldamisest (Application Lifecycle Management, ALM). ALM on iteratiivne tsükkel, mida kasutatakse rakenduste haldamiseks. Esitatakse ning kirjeldatakse detailselt ALM’i mõiste, elutsükli haldamise tähtsust ja ALM lahenduse kolme aspekti. Viiakse läbi juhtumiuuring ALM’i vaatlemiseks Swedbank’i vaatepunktist. Juhtumiuuringu eesmärgiks on tuvastada riskid ja probleemid, millega puutub Swedbank kokku ALM protsessides ja välja pakkuda lahendused nendele. Uuring näitas vajadust uue meetodi integratsiooni järgi, mis aitab Swedbank’i rakenduste informatsiooni hallata. Tulemusena soovitatakse uut lähenemisviisi ja antakse selle detailne kirjeldus.This paper gives an overall understanding of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). ALM is an iterative cycle which is used for managing applications. The concept, importance of ALM as well as the description of the three aspects of ALM solution are introduced and described in detail. The research work conducts a case study where ALM is examined from the Swedbank viewpoint which has expertise in managing applications. The study aims to reveal the issues and risks Swedbank is facing during the ALM process and find solutions for improving their ALM. The study revealed a need for integrating a new method which will allow to manage the information about Swedbank applications. As a result, a new approach was suggested and a detailed description of the flow was presented

    Samuel Beckett: poética y traducción

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    Una de las primeras aproximaciones de carácter teórico que realiza Samuel Beckett sobre el tema de la traducción es una carta, escrita en alemán, del 9 de julio de 1937 dirigida a Axel Kaun . El destinatario había pedido a Beckett la traducción al inglés de poemas de Joachim Ringelnatz, poeta y artista plástico alemán. Por otra parte, es interesante que cuando decide cambiar el inglés por el francés (más allá de las traducciones posteriores) esto producirá un camino hacia un minimalismo en la expresión, que obviamente responde al hecho de no estar atado a la retórica de su lengua madre, tal como lo afi rma en esa misma carta. La relación idiomática de Beckett con la palabra poética es bastante compleja en tanto que supone una reflexión acerca de la naturaleza misma del lenguaje en tanto posible referencialidad y capacidad de dar cuenta de un mundo interior o de la nada que hay detrás de las palabras. Cuando Beckett traduce su propia obra entra e n juego la originalidad de la escritura más allá de la cronología en la composición de los poemas. Por otra parte, sus traducciones de otros poetas remite a un doble camino, por un lado, el de la apropiación cuando se produce dentro de su propia creación p oética, por el otro, el de la modificación que responde a la figura de un lector - crítico lo que supone dos concepciones diferentes de la “traslatio” que se influyen entre sí. Cuando, en la obra de Beckett, el mundo interior se traslada hacia el exterior, s ufre una modificación hacia la imposible inteligibilidad; cuando la operación permanece en el expacio exterior, la palabra poética se extiende hacia los extremos de la relación entre la palabra y la cosa, alentando la posible traslación de un campo semánti co a otro. Como decía la voz de Bam en una de sus últimas dramatículas, What Where [1983], “Make sense who may”, lo que nos permitiría pensar que toda traslación de un texto a otro es sólo un intento que proyecta dar un sentido potencial a quien pueda hace rlo.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech