55 research outputs found

    Preparing Ethical Code for XZY Company

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    Diplomová práce analyzuje problémy, které se vyskytují v souvislosti s etickými aspekty podnikání v konkrétní společnosti. Jejím základem je vyhodnocení analýzy etického a sociálního prostředí ve společnosti. Na základě výsledků této analýzy je navrhnuto další doporučení pro společnost a znění etického kodexu společnosti, jehož vytvoření bylo hlavní náplní diplomové práce.This master’s thesis analysis problems, which are related to ethical aspects of doing business in particular company. The basic for this work is the evaluation of an ethical and social environment analysis. On the basic of this analysis is proposed further recommendation for the company and wording ethical code of the company, whose creating was the main content this master’s thesis.

    Methods to Increase the Protective Effectiveness of Add-on Armour made of Perforated Ultra-High-Strength Nanobainitic Steel Plates

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    The mechanical properties of industrially produced perforated steel plates are obtained by hardening and low-temperature tempering to produce a martensitic microstructure. Another morphological type of steel microstructure that allows for ultra-high strength and, at the same time, a level of ductility that qualifies it for use in armour is nanobainite. Research into nanobainitic steels has led to the development of plates manufacturing technology at a level that can be implemented in industrial production, and has confirmed the high potential of this material for use as additional armour in the form of perforated plates. This paper reports the results of research aimed at developing a technology for the production of perforated armour plates made of nanobainitic steel, with properties competitive with currently available perforated steel plates on the world market with the highest protective effectiveness under conditions of multi-hit firing tests with small and medium calibre ammunition. The tests were performed on 300 260 mm plates, with the nominal thicknesses of 8 mm, 6 mm and 4 mm, produced from industrially melted nanobainitic steel NANOS-BA. The protective effectiveness of nanobainitic perforated plates in a system with a solid armour steel backing plate of 500 HBW hardness was tested by multi-hit firing, according to the procedures set out in the STANAG 4569 and AEP-55 vol. 1 specifications (adapted to the format of tested plates), against selected projectile types assigned to protection levels 2 and 3. Based on the analysis of the results of the firing tests and the macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the perforated plates before and after firing, the optimum perforation method was selected and the most favourable geometrical and dimensional arrangements of the perforations were determined for different plate thicknesses

    dosimetry methods in boron neutron capture therapy

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    Dosimetry studies have been carried out at thermal and epithermal columns of LVR- 15 research reactor for investigating the spatial distribution of gamma dose, fast neutron dose and thermal neutron fluence. Two different dosimetry methods, both based on solid state detectors, have been studied and applied and the accuracy and consistency of the results have been inspected. One method is based on Fricke gel dosimeters that are dilute water solutions and have good tissue equivalence for neutrons and also for all the secondary radiations produced by neutron interactions in tissue or water phantoms. Fricke gel dosimeters give the possibility of separating the various dose contributions, i.e. the gamma dose, the fast neutron dose and the dose due to charged particles generated during thermal neutron reactions by isotopes having high cross section, like 10B. From this last dose, thermal neutron fluence can be obtained by means of the kerma factor. The second method is based on thermoluminescence dosimeters. In particular, the developed method draw advantage from the different heights of the peaks of the glow curve of such phosphors when irradiated with photons or with thermal neutrons. The results show that satisfactory results can be obtained with simple methods, in spite of the complexity of the subject. However, the more suitable dosimeters and principally their utilization and analysis modalities are different for the various neutron beams, mainly depending on the relative intensities of the three components of the neutron field, in particular are different for thermal and epithermal columns

    Comparison of Physicochemical, Mechanical, and (Micro-)Biological Properties of Sintered Scaffolds Based on Natural- and Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Supplemented with Selected Dopants

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    The specific combinations of materials and dopants presented in this work have not been previously described. The main goal of the presented work was to prepare and compare the different properties of newly developed composite materials manufactured by sintering. The synthetic-(SHAP) or natural- (NHAP) hydroxyapatite serves as a matrix and was doped with: (i) organic: multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), fullerenes C60, (ii) inorganic: Cu nanowires. Research undertaken was aimed at seeking novel candidates for bone replacement biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite—the main inorganic component of bone, because bone reconstructive surgery is currently mostly carried out with the use of autografts; titanium or other non-hydroxyapatite -based materials. The physicomechanical properties of the developed biomaterials were tested by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Dielectric Spectroscopy (BSD), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), as well as microhardness using Vickers method. The results showed that despite obtaining porous sinters. The highest microhardness was achieved for composite materials based on NHAP. Based on NMR spectroscopy, residue organic substances could be observed in NHAP composites, probably due to the organic structures that make up the tooth. Microbiology investigations showed that the selected samples exhibit bacteriostatic properties against Gram-positive reference bacterial strain S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228); however, the property was much less pronounced against Gram-negative reference strain E. coli (ATCC 25922). Both NHAP and SHAP, as well as their doped derivates, displayed in good general compatibility, with the exception of Cu-nanowire doped derivates

    Fuzzy přístup při určování příslušnosti obcí do venkovského a městského prostoru

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    Due to the ongoing changes in settlement, it is becoming increasingly difficult to properly define rural and urban areas in Czechia. This delimitation problem has been intensively studied in Europe, including Czechia, for decades, but only the “crisp” rules have been set for this purpose. This is no longer sufficient because of substantial population movements. Our research focused on applying the fuzzy set theory to the delimitation of rural and urban areas and on a subsequent visualization and statistical comparison. This paper focuses on an introduction of such approaches and aims to present the chances of using geocomputational methods in geographical research. The main result is a new methodology that applies the principles of fuzzy approach (fuzzy sets and numbers operations, fuzzy regulation) on socio-economic data to show the transitional character of municipalities. Two ways of fuzzy approach, the easy-to-obtain Łukasiewicz T-norm and the more complex fuzzy regulation, are used in order to demonstrate its advantage over the Boolean logic procedure in the delimitation of rural and urban areas.15618