656 research outputs found

    Teachers' perceptions of how attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder may influence learners' career choices

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    This article reports on teachers’ perceptions of how ADHD may influence learners’ career choices. Purposive selection was used to identify six high school teachers who cater specifically for learners with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). An exploratory case study design and a qualitative approach were adopted. Data was gathered using an audio-recorded semi-structured focus group interview, and analysed and interpreted using inductive thematic analysis. Findings suggest teachers believe that ADHD affects parents, schooling, and the school environment from an early age, that taking medication for ADHD from an early age may positively and negatively influence affect learners’ career choices, and that intervention to address the longer-term impact of ADHD on learners’ career choices is essential. Moreover, teachers believe that parents play a powerful role in the career choice of learners with ADHD. Future research should include early childhood carers, teachers and other health professionals, and include larger and more diverse groups of participants

    Efficacy of using life design-based counselling for an emerging adult who had suffered parental neglect

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    This article reports on the value of life design-based counselling for an emerging adult who had experienced parental (emotional) neglect and was now ready to embark on a career. Purposive sampling was used to select an emerging adult who had experienced parental neglect and had entered the workplace stage. Such research in South African education contexts is limited. A QUAL + quan design was used to gather and analyse the data. An intrinsic, descriptive, exploratory intervention case study involving a single individual was the basis of the research. Thematic data analysis (in combination with ATLAS.ti) was conducted to analyse the data, that is, look for themes and subthemes in the data. The intervention enhanced the participant’s career resilience and career adaptability. Exploring her life story for themes and patterns helped her gain new insight into the meaning of her experiences. The intervention enabled her to enter a new chapter in her life from a position of strength and an improved sense of self. Longitudinal studies on the long-term effects of life design-based interventions on groups of emerging adults who had experienced different kinds of parental neglect are needed to determine the longer-term value of the kind of intervention described in this article

    Life design counselling with a learner from a vocational school setting

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    This article reports on the usefulness of life design counselling for a learner from a vocational school (learner with intellectual impairment) when making post school decisions. Vocational and/or career research and reporting on people with intellectual disability/impairment, especially in the South African education context, is limited and infrequent. A purposively sampled, single, intervention case study was utilised. Data generation and analysis were approached simultaneously. The intervention uncovered career/vocational themes significant to the participant. These themes highlighted the meaning he attributed to work and his role and purpose in the world of work. The intervention also proved effective in cultivating his self- and career-efficacy and adaptability. Post intervention, the participant more confidently pursued his passion and was able to identify and utilise resources more definitely. Further, longitudinal research with groups of people with different kinds of impairment from vocational school settings is needed to further examine the value of the intervention described here

    Life-design counselling for survivors of family violence in resource-constrained areas

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    The purpose of this study was to explore and assess the feasibility of counselling based on life-design principles in enhancing the career resilience of children who are exposed to family violence. The research project involved a QUALITATIVE–quantitative mode of inquiry with 6 participants chosen based on certain characteristics. Life-designrelated intervention strategies, together with various (postmodern) qualitative and quantitative techniques, were used to gather data, while data analysis was done using thematic content analysis. Quantitative data were collected from parents as well as the participants before and after the intervention. Certain themes, sub-themes and sub-sub-themes that all contributed to participants’ career resilience were identified. Following the intervention, findings obtained from a qualitative perspective indicated that the outcomes of the life-design-related counselling intervention were substantial. The findings showed that various narrative techniques could be used to enhance the career resilience of children exposed to family violence. Future research could assess the value of life-design counselling in enhancing the career resilience of survivors of family violence in diverse group contexts. A greater focus could be placed on the (unforeseen) external trauma that had an impact onparticipants’ ability to (re-)construct their career-life narratives to enhance their future selves and careers. Keywords: adaptability; career resilience; careers; children; family violence; life-design; narrative; resilience; traum

    Real-valued evolutionary multi-modal multi-objective optimization by hill-valley clustering

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    In model-based evolutionary algorithms (EAs), the underlying search distribution is adapted to the problem at hand, for example based on dependencies between decision variables. Hill-valley clustering is an adaptive niching method in which a set of solutions is clustered such that each cluster corresponds to a single mode in the fitness landscape. This can be used to adapt the search distribution of an EA to the number of modes, exploring each mode separately. Especially in a black-box setting, where the number of modes is a priori unknown, an adaptive approach is essential for good performance. In this work, we introduce multi-objective hill-valley clustering and combine it with MAMaLGaM, a multi-objective EA, into the multi-objective hill-valley EA (MO-HillVallEA). We empirically show that MO-HillVallEA outperforms MAMaLGaM and other well-known multi-objective optimization algorithms on a set of benchmark functions. Furthermore, and perhaps most important, we show that MO-HillVallEA is capable of obtaining and maintaining multiple approximation sets simultaneously over time

    Clinicians' Perspectives of a Novel Home-based Multidisciplinary Telehealth Service for Patients with Chronic Spinal Pain

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    Chronic spinal pain conditions can often be successfully managed by a non-surgical, multidisciplinary approach, however many individuals are unable to access such specialised services within their local community. A possible solution may be the delivery of care via telerehabilitation. This study aimed to evaluate clinicians’ perspectives on providing clinical care via telerehabilitation during the early implementation of a novel spinal telerehabilitation service.  Eight clinicians’ were recruited, completing surveys at four separate time points. Confidence in providing treatment via telerehabilitation significantly improved with time (?2(3)=16.22, p=0.001). Clinicians became significantly more accepting of telerehabilitation being a time- (?2(3)=11.237, p=0.011), and cost-effective (?2(3)=9.466, p=0.024) platform in which they could deliver care. Overall satisfaction was high, with technology becoming easier to use (p=0.026) and ability to establish rapport significantly improved with experience (p=0.043). Understanding clinicians’ perspectives throughout the early implementation phase of a new telerehabilitation service is a critical component in determining long-term sustainability.

    Micronutrient supplement use and diet quality in university students

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    Many national and international public health organisations recommend achieving nutrient adequacy through consumption of a wide variety of nutritious foods. Despite this, dietary supplement sales continue to increase. Understanding the characteristics of micronutrient supplement users and the relationship with diet quality can help develop effective public health interventions to reduce unnecessary consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements. Participants (n = 1306) were a convenience sample of students studying first year food and nutrition. Data was collected via a Food and Diet Questionnaire (FDQ) and a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Supplement users were defined as participants who indicated consuming any listed supplement as frequently as once a month or more. Diet quality was assessed using a Dietary Guideline Index (DGI) score. Prevalence of supplement use was high in this study population with 56% of participants reporting supplement use; the most popular supplements consumed were multivitamins (28%) and vitamin C (28%). A higher DGI score was significantly associated with an increased likelihood of supplement use (mean: 105 ± 18 vs. 109 ± 17, p = 0.001). Micronutrient supplement use was associated with a higher DGI score, suggesting that supplements are more likely to be used by those who are less likely to require them

    Bone marrow lesions and magnetic resonanceImaging–detected structural abnormalities in patients with midfoot pain and osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study

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    To compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)–detected structural abnormalities in patients withsymptomatic midfoot osteoarthritis (OA), patients with persistent midfoot pain, and asymptomatic controls, and toexplore the association between MRI features, pain, and foot-related disability. One hundred seven adults consisting of 50 patients with symptomatic and radiographically confirmedmidfoot OA, 22 adults with persistent midfoot pain but absence of radiographic OA, and 35 asymptomatic adultsunderwent 3T MRI of the midfoot and clinical assessment. MRIs were read for the presence and severity of abnormal-ities (bone marrow lesions [BMLs], subchondral cysts, osteophytes, joint space narrowing [JSN], effusion-synovitis,tenosynovitis, and enthesopathy) using the Foot Osteoarthritis MRI Score. Pain and foot-related disability wereassessed with the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index. The severity sum score of BMLs in the midfoot was greater in patients with midfoot pain and no signs ofOA on radiography compared to controls (P= 0.007), with a pattern of involvement in the cuneiform–metatarsal jointssimilar to that in patients with midfoot OA. In univariable models, BMLs (ρ= 0.307), JSN (ρ= 0.423), and subchondralcysts (ρ= 0.302) were positively associated with pain (P< 0.01). In multivariable models, MRI abnormalities were notassociated with pain and disability when adjusted for covariates. In individuals with persistent midfoot pain but no signs of OA on radiography, MRIfindings suggestedan underrecognized prevalence of OA, particularly in the second and third cuneiform–metatarsal joints, where BMLpatterns were consistent with previously recognized sites of elevated mechanical loading. Joint abnormalities werenot strongly associated with pain or foot-related disability

    Agreement between telehealth and in-person assessment of patients with chronic musculoskeletal conditions presenting to an advanced-practice physiotherapy screening clinic

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    Objective: To determine the level of agreement between a telehealth and in-person assessment of a representative sample of patients with chronic musculoskeletal conditions referred to an advanced-practice physiotherapy screening clinic. Design: Repeated-measures study design. Participants: 42 patients referred to the Neurosurgical & Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Screening Clinic (Queensland, Australia) for assessment of their chronic lumbar spine, knee or shoulder condition. Intervention: Participants underwent two consecutive assessments by different physiotherapists within a single clinic session. In-person assessments were conducted as per standard clinical practice. Telehealth assessments took place remotely via videoconferencing. Six Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists were paired together to perform both assessment types. Main outcome measures: Clinical management decisions including (i) recommended management pathways, (ii) referral to allied health professions, (iii) clinical diagnostics, and (iv) requirement for further investigations were compared using reliability and agreement statistics. Results: There was substantial agreement (83.3%; 35/42 cases) between in-person and telehealth assessments for recommended management pathways. Moderate to near perfect agreement (AC1 = 0.58–0.9) was reached for referral to individual allied health professionals. Diagnostic agreement was 83.3% between the two delivery mediums, whilst there was substantial agreement (81%; AC1 = 0.74) when requesting further investigations. Overall, participants were satisfied with the telehealth assessment. Conclusion: There is a high level of agreement between telehealth and in-person assessments with respect to clinical management decisions and diagnosis of patients with chronic musculoskeletal conditions managed in an advanced-practice physiotherapy screening clinic. Telehealth can be considered as a viable and effective medium to assess those patients who are unable to attend these services in person

    Temporal proteomic profiling of postnatal human cortical development.

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    Healthy cortical development depends on precise regulation of transcription and translation. However, the dynamics of how proteins are expressed, function and interact across postnatal human cortical development remain poorly understood. We surveyed the proteomic landscape of 69 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex samples across seven stages of postnatal life and integrated these data with paired transcriptome data. We detected 911 proteins by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and 83 were significantly associated with postnatal age (FDR < 5%). Network analysis identified three modules of co-regulated proteins correlated with age, including two modules with increasing expression involved in gliogenesis and NADH metabolism and one neurogenesis-related module with decreasing expression throughout development. Integration with paired transcriptome data revealed that these age-related protein modules overlapped with RNA modules and displayed collinear developmental trajectories. Importantly, RNA expression profiles that are dynamically regulated throughout cortical development display tighter correlations with their respective translated protein expression compared to those RNA profiles that are not. Moreover, the correspondence between RNA and protein expression significantly decreases as a function of cortical aging, especially for genes involved in myelination and cytoskeleton organization. Finally, we used this data resource to elucidate the functional impact of genetic risk loci for intellectual disability, converging on gliogenesis, myelination and ATP-metabolism modules in the proteome and transcriptome. We share all data in an interactive, searchable companion website. Collectively, our findings reveal dynamic aspects of protein regulation and provide new insights into brain development, maturation, and disease
