119 research outputs found

    Unemployment, Labour Marginalisation, and Deprivation (in English)

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    The increase in long-term unemployment and the prolongation of periods of unemployment signals the establishment of a marginalized labor force in the Czech Republic. This paper considers the emerging marginalized groups in the Czech labor market, and their social, mental, and material deprivation. A major determinant of the incidence of unemployment in a person's work career is human capital, indicated by completed education. Material deprivation is most severe in unemployed-affected households with dependents in which the breadwinner's income has been lost. It is also severe in single-parent households. Overall, it is particularly those in the non-qualified labor force who find themselves in a state of permanent material deprivation with respect to a high risk of unemployment. The effects of labor market marginalization on labor market performance are mostly negative due to a diminished employability, and, as a result, declining effective labor supply. A policy response should involve employment tax and benefit reform and the extension of activating measures, mainly of those supporting employability and human capital.wage curve, wage flexibility, unemployment, panel data

    Ankety pro žáky, učitele a rodiče

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    Příspěvek představuje zkušenosti s tvorbou a praktickým využíváním třech navazujících variant autoevaluačních nástrojů vzniklých na základě potřeb škol v projektu Cesta ke kvalitě. Bude představena strukturu nástrojů, postup vzniku a výzkumného ověřování evaluačních nástrojů, praktické výsledky, limity a další doporučení k nástroji. Evaluační nástroje jsou školám k dispozici v elektronické podobě na portále evaluačních nástrojů. Cílem anket je zjištění názorů žáků, učitelů i rodičů na určité aspekty činnosti školy nebo získání doporučení před určitým konkrétním rozhodnutím v dalším rozvoji školy. Ankety jsou určeny pro široké spektrum typů škol (druhého stupně základních škol, základních uměleckých škol, středních odborných učilišť a integrovaných středních škol i středních odborných škol, gymnázií a konzervatoří). Potřebám jednotlivých typů škol vychází vstříc nabídka specifických verzí anket s možností doplňovat vlastní otázky.Paper presents experience in the design and practical use of three interconnected variants of self-evaluation tools created based on the needs of schools in the project The path to the quality. Will the introduced structure tools, the process of research evaluation and validation of tools, , limits and other recommendations to work with tools. Evaluation tools are available to schools in electronic form on the website of evaluation tools. Surveys goal is identifying the views of pupils, teachers and parents on certain aspects of the school or get recommendations before particular decision in the further development of the school. Surveys are for a wide range of types of schools (secondary school, primary art schools, secondary vocational schools and integrated secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, secondary schools and conservatories) needs of individual types of schools offer caters to specific versions polls

    Hodnota práce u české veřejnosti v letech 1991‒2008

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    Tato stať se na základě dat z European Values Study (výběrové reprezentativní soubory 1991, 1999 a 2008) zabývá hodnotou práce v české společnosti v současné době i posunem, kterým hodnota práce a jejich aspektů prošly od roku 1991, kdy se Česká republika poprvé ocitla mezi evropskými společnostmi zkoumanými v rámci tohoto longitudinálního výzkumu, až k datu poslední vlny v roce 2008. Ukazuje, jak je populace České republiky segmentována z hlediska hodnoty, kterou přisuzuje práci s ohledem na hodnotu dalších sfér života (volný čas, sociální sítě, náboženství či politika), a z hlediska důležitosti, jaká je přisuzována jednotlivým aspektům práce (a s ohledem na vybrané sociálně demografické charakteristiky jednotlivých segmentů)

    Sociální vyloučení (exkluze) a sociální začlenování (inkluze) – koncepty, diskurz, agenda

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    EU programme documents designed to influence the social policies of the member states are filled with concepts of social exclusion and social inclusion. This paper aims to clarify these concepts as they are employed in academic and public policy discourse and to discuss the societal function of this discourse and the impact of the European agenda of social inclusion. The authors show that although concepts of social exclusion and social inclusion are far from straightforward in meaning, their influence on public policy discourse and agenda is evident. The reason is that they redirect social policy towards a multidimensional approach, towards balancing rights and obligations, and towards more complex but also local and individualised policies, though the corresponding discourse bears the normative features of a social ‘vision’. The EU’s social policy agenda exhibits aspirations towards and some potential for achieving real policy change. On the other hand, there are reservations about its true impact. In this respect, the specifi c societal and political context of its implementation plays a crucial role

    Segmenty zaměstnaných a nezaměstnaných v České republice v letech 1998 až 2004

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    The article focuses on the development of the labor market in the Czech Republic from the perspective of employment & unemployment between 1998 & 2004. Using data from the Czech Statistical Office, & within a reference framework of EU countries, the authors discuss & analyze the factors that determine unemployment & employment in Czech society. The authors use latent logistic regression to verify the assumption that the odds of unemployment are not evenly distributed across the entire Czech population & to identify three segments of the labor market in the Czech Republic. In each of these three segments the employment & unemployment odds differ, & the factors that determine these odds function differently in each segment

    Software sensors for biomass concentration estimation in filamentous microorganism cultivation process

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    In this study, the potential of two software sensors for on-line estimation of biomass concentration during cultivation of filamentous microorganisms is examined. The first sensor is based on common bioreactor off-gas analyses, and uses the assumption of the biomass concentration linear dependence on the square root of cumulative O-2, consumption. Parameters of the semi-empirical data-driven software sensor based on off-gas analysis were calculated from experimental cultivation data using linear regression. The second sensor is based on biocalorimetry, i.e., the on-line calculation of metabolic heat flux from general enthalpy balance of the bioreactor. The software sensor based on biocalorimetry thus essentially represents a model-driven approach, making use of a fundamental process model based on the enthalpy balance around the bioreactor. This approach has been combined with the experimental identification of the specific biomass heat production, which represents the main process-specific parameter of the software sensor based on biocalorimetry. For this sensor, the accuracy requirements on the process variable on-line measurements were also analysed. The experimental data from the pilot-scale antibiotics Nystatin production by a bacterium Streptomyces noursei were used to calculate the specific bioprocess heat production value using linear regression. The achieved results enabled us to propose a new on-line indicator calculated as the ratio of the outputs of both sensors, which can serve as a timely warning of the risk of undesired nutritional conditions of a culture characterized as underfeeding.Technology Agency of the Czech Republic [TA03010165

    The Analytical and Numerical Stress Analysis of Various Domes for Composite Pressure Vessels

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    The paper describes analytical and numerical solutions for five selected domes (a spherical shell, a geodesicisotensoid shell, a shell with zero transversal strain, a shell with zero transversal stress, and a shell with identical strain) for composite pressure vessels manufactured by means of filament (helical) winding. The stresses and strains in the domes were evaluated analytically from known equations with the use of MATLAB script for numerical evaluation and via finite element analysis (FEA) with Abaqus software and results were compared with each other. Two failure criteria, interactive and non-interactive, were chosen for the evaluation of critical areas of the shells. Moreover, the best dome shape for a given material and polar hole/equator ratio was selected for various types of failure, i.e., a loss of tightness/leakage or the failure of the fibers

    Koncová dna kompozitových tlakových nádob navržená pomocí minimalizace pevnostních kritérií

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    V této práci byla navržena a následně analyzována koncová dna kompozitových válcových tlakových nádob vyrobených metodou přesného navíjení. Jednotlivé meridiánové tvary koncových den byly získány pomocí minimalizace vybraných pevnostních kritérií. Bylo uvažováno Tsai-Hillovo a Hoffmanovo pevnostní kritérium. U navržených koncových den byla stanovena napjatost a následně byla jednotlivá dna navzájem porovnána.Tato studie vznikla za podpory Studentské Grantové Soutěže Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze pod grantem číslo SGS21/151/OHK2/3T/12

    Determination of the Strength of Adhesion between Lipid Vesicles

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    A commonly used method to determine the strength of adhesion between adhering lipid vesicles is measuring their effective contact angle from experimental images. The aim of this paper is to estimate the interobserver variations in vesicles effective contact angle measurements and to propose a new method for estimating the strength of membrane vesicle adhesion. Theoretical model shows for the old and for the new measure a monotonic dependence on the strength of adhesion. Results obtained by both measuring techniques show statistically significant correlation and high interobserver reliability for both methods. Therefore the conventional method of measuring the effective contact angle gives qualitatively relevant results as the measure of the lipid vesicle adhesion. However, the new measuring technique provides a lower variation of the measured values than the conventional measures using the effective contact angle. Moreover, obtaining the adhesion angle can be automatized more easily than obtaining the effective contact angle